Why not a deep behind-the-scenes-analysis of The-Lance-Armstrong-of-competitive NS2?
Including interviews, video playbacks with Wob commentary etc. Could even (try to) do a Dr. Phil-esk interview with the man himself.
@Pelargir interview with Hugh about his personal experiences regarding all the insane hate he gets from (parts of) the NS2 community. So not work but feeeeelings.
IeptBarakatThe most difficult name to speak ingame.Join Date: 2009-07-10Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
edited February 2016
This is a speculation article right? Well anyways here's my feedback and questions on this.
All previous dlc (sans black armor/pax badge) will be marketable/tradeable right?
Therefore, there will be many unique and free items along from just paying for the Tundra Storm DLC. To make it fair but also to make it gainful for UWE, you should be able to acquire some items but not all of them.
I need some clarification on this, is this talking about the advertised contents of the dlc or is there more bonuses in store than what is publicly known? Are we paying to unlock the skins, or paying to wait for them to drop?
Will this mean further down the line we might see the current dlc packs expanded upon to include skins that weren't originally in them? Like a Kodiak Shotgun or a Tundra Grenade Launcher? Will the weapon skins have quality levels and rarities a la cs:go?
Other thing to note on that 'customization' topic.
Hypothesis: We can increase existing player retention by giving players more options for personalising their avatar.
Description: Release a new armour type for marines, called the 'Tundra Pack'
Giving players more customization options =/= more skins to choose from.
Actually giving more customization options would be modifying your avatar beyond just changing your skin, like armor colors, accessories, and ethnicity options. (Yes, I know the models aren't currently set up to support this.)
PelargirJoin Date: 2013-07-02Member: 185857Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, WC 2013 - Silver, Forum staff
@IeptBarakat: not all of it is speculation. So let me enlighten you with what is pretty sure. Everything that I'm going to add in this message will be added as "edit" in the article anyway, to make things a bit clearer.
Even if it might happen in a later date, the random drops will not be implemented yet. To be more specific, it might happen depending on how go the interest level in the new skins and the trading/marketplace ecosystem and then more random drops and items might pop up. Tundra patch should be released next week, hopefully.
As with any update, it can be delayed (so the time is far from being 100% certain) but should come up with B285 either way. This B285 will only include the Tundra patch therefore, no more other items and as for the Steamworks system, it's been implemented with the latest B284. So everything is settled to make it work soon.
The previous DLCs (Reaper, Kodiak and Reinforcement) will be removed from Steam store and you will only be able to trade/sell the items formerly included in those packs to other players. So basically, the only DLC that you could still purchase will be the brand new Tundra patch. In other words, no other way to purchase the former 3 DLCs but if you bought them before, their content will be tradable or salable. Everything you currently own will be marketable apparently.
However, there's still the question of the Black Armor. Although it won't be tradable or purchasable at the very beginning, the current dev team still considers this possibility and nothing is set in the stone yet. They also consider how to make it "special" in some way. This question launches a debate.
I hope previous skins will be avaible since it is completly a choice from the owner to sell them. If the owner would sell them (wich i daubt)
Will probely earn a lot of money on These skins so i do belive it's a good thing
However, there's still the question of the Black Armor. Although it won't be tradable or purchasable at the very beginning, the current dev team still considers this possibility and nothing is set in the stone yet. They also consider how to make it "special" in some way. This question launches a debate.
I hope this goes through an open discussion with the Alpha supporters at least before they determine what besides exclusivity would make it special.
The previous DLCs (Reaper, Kodiak and Reinforcement) will be removed from Steam store and you will only be able to trade/sell the items formerly included in those packs to other players. So basically, the only DLC that you could still purchase will be the brand new Tundra patch. In other words, no other way to purchase the former 3 DLCs but if you bought them before, their content will be tradable or salable. Everything you currently own will be marketable apparently.
However, there's still the question of the Black Armor. Although it won't be tradable or purchasable at the very beginning, the current dev team still considers this possibility and nothing is set in the stone yet. They also consider how to make it "special" in some way. This question launches a debate.
Hoping it answers some of your questions.
How long before we see the "legendary skin limited edition" ?? The so called rare items... or worse "one button win item" ? Who's gonna benefit from it ? The community ? The player base ? I doubt that.
(from the article) Team Fortress 2 or even CS:GO players are already used to this kind of system. NS2 will offer free items to regular and active players, that you can earn à la Rocket League. The more you play, the more you earn those items.
Poor black armor owners...
Whoever is in charge : If you want to sustain the game to decent player base level, start to make people feel comfortable in it. Primary & secondary key, one more tab for aliens. The skulk shouldn't be a brick. Make sure people can't use exploit etc. Improve tools for modder (although there is some progress in the area lately). People will pay for that. It's like children. If the candy taste bad, they spit it. Good candy... you know...
Agree that Customization is more than complete skins, but this is a step in the right direction.
Ideal world would have the different model types each with a "skin setup" where you can control various areas of the armor. (Alien Eyes, spikes, skin, belly; marine gloves, helmet, chest, legs, boots, etc) As well as the weapon skins.
I don't know how/if this will effect retention. Some completionists will want those unlocks and stick around. It will definitely drive revenue up (I may or may not have just grabbed the skin packs I didn't have in anticipation of them going away). And if Revenue going up means that more and better work can be done, I'm game.
I trust that the level of community involvement with the tundra skins will continue with the future ones. And I trust the PDT not to betray the game's setting by making crazier-colored creatures.
I hope previous skins will be avaible since it is completly a choice from the owner to sell them. If the owner would sell them (wich i daubt)
Will probely earn a lot of money on These skins so i do belive it's a good thing
I'm copypasting what Wasabi posted as comment on the article down here.
some corrections. Existing DLC is not going away, its being converted into the inventory system and will be available for purchase like the TUNDRA bundle etc.
I usually don't give false information. But unfortunately, no one from the team is able to say the exact same thing at this regard but I'd tend to follow Wasabi words here. So contrary to what I've been told by other PDT members, the current DLCs should remain as they are on Steam and be tradable.
I hope previous skins will be avaible since it is completly a choice from the owner to sell them. If the owner would sell them (wich i daubt)
Will probely earn a lot of money on These skins so i do belive it's a good thing
I'm copypasting what Wasabi posted as comment on the article down here.
some corrections. Existing DLC is not going away, its being converted into the inventory system and will be available for purchase like the TUNDRA bundle etc.
I usually don't give false information. But unfortunately, no one from the team is able to say the exact same thing at this regard but I'd tend to follow Wasabi words here. So contrary to what I've been told by other PDT members, the current DLCs should remain as they are on Steam and be tradable.
So I didnt' need to rush to the store to grab what might become a highly desirable but difficult to obtain commodity?
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
The shadow Onos looks great, but I prefer my current Reaper, so probably wouldn't buy it to use even if it was available (I know it is not). The Fade however, I would kill for that!!
Including interviews, video playbacks with Wob commentary etc. Could even (try to) do a Dr. Phil-esk interview with the man himself.
Would be interesting and it's news, aint it?
@CCTEE: it's on our To-Do list. No ETA however. Do you have any more ideas?
That's my corner, I am planning on doing some soon just finding the time with work, looking for new job, saving for mortgage blah blah blah
All previous dlc (sans black armor/pax badge) will be marketable/tradeable right?
I need some clarification on this, is this talking about the advertised contents of the dlc or is there more bonuses in store than what is publicly known? Are we paying to unlock the skins, or paying to wait for them to drop?
Will this mean further down the line we might see the current dlc packs expanded upon to include skins that weren't originally in them? Like a Kodiak Shotgun or a Tundra Grenade Launcher? Will the weapon skins have quality levels and rarities a la cs:go?
Other thing to note on that 'customization' topic.
Giving players more customization options =/= more skins to choose from.
Actually giving more customization options would be modifying your avatar beyond just changing your skin, like armor colors, accessories, and ethnicity options. (Yes, I know the models aren't currently set up to support this.)
Even if it might happen in a later date, the random drops will not be implemented yet. To be more specific, it might happen depending on how go the interest level in the new skins and the trading/marketplace ecosystem and then more random drops and items might pop up. Tundra patch should be released next week, hopefully.
As with any update, it can be delayed (so the time is far from being 100% certain) but should come up with B285 either way. This B285 will only include the Tundra patch therefore, no more other items and as for the Steamworks system, it's been implemented with the latest B284. So everything is settled to make it work soon.
The previous DLCs (Reaper, Kodiak and Reinforcement) will be removed from Steam store and you will only be able to trade/sell the items formerly included in those packs to other players. So basically, the only DLC that you could still purchase will be the brand new Tundra patch. In other words, no other way to purchase the former 3 DLCs but if you bought them before, their content will be tradable or salable. Everything you currently own will be marketable apparently.
However, there's still the question of the Black Armor. Although it won't be tradable or purchasable at the very beginning, the current dev team still considers this possibility and nothing is set in the stone yet. They also consider how to make it "special" in some way. This question launches a debate.
Hoping it answers some of your questions.
Will probely earn a lot of money on These skins so i do belive it's a good thing
Thanks, it does help a bit.
I hope this goes through an open discussion with the Alpha supporters at least before they determine what besides exclusivity would make it special.
Poor black armor owners...
Whoever is in charge : If you want to sustain the game to decent player base level, start to make people feel comfortable in it. Primary & secondary key, one more tab for aliens. The skulk shouldn't be a brick. Make sure people can't use exploit etc. Improve tools for modder (although there is some progress in the area lately). People will pay for that. It's like children. If the candy taste bad, they spit it. Good candy... you know...
Ideal world would have the different model types each with a "skin setup" where you can control various areas of the armor. (Alien Eyes, spikes, skin, belly; marine gloves, helmet, chest, legs, boots, etc) As well as the weapon skins.
I don't know how/if this will effect retention. Some completionists will want those unlocks and stick around. It will definitely drive revenue up (I may or may not have just grabbed the skin packs I didn't have in anticipation of them going away). And if Revenue going up means that more and better work can be done, I'm game.
I trust that the level of community involvement with the tundra skins will continue with the future ones. And I trust the PDT not to betray the game's setting by making crazier-colored creatures.
I'm copypasting what Wasabi posted as comment on the article down here.
I usually don't give false information. But unfortunately, no one from the team is able to say the exact same thing at this regard but I'd tend to follow Wasabi words here. So contrary to what I've been told by other PDT members, the current DLCs should remain as they are on Steam and be tradable.
To regret even more...
^7th = +Babbler
Its only attack is Devour. OM NOM NOM NOM
When are we getting our lemon trees?