There are quite a few valid reasons to use alt accounts, however I wouldn't really expect you to understand... I suggest if you wish to actually be meaningful in your discussion, that you don't attempt to blame 'pro' players for the problem, that horse has been beaten to death probably more than most.
I agree to the main point of this statement but please next time formulate it without attacking another community member directly
It’s good to see servers, communities and clans doing this sort of thing. I hope/heard that soon UWE will bend to the will of its players rather than UWE doing what they want and disregarding what’s actually happening.
How the hell was that an attack on someone directly? It was a request to not turn this into a us vs them debate..
This I agree with completely. While I stand by my comments, I want to underscore that most of the pro-players do not behave this way. It's the small few, that ruin the reputation of the whole. It's just life. An old wise tale goes like this, "1 rotten apple, spoils the whole bunch." This is the perception as a whole, while in the end, it's just the reality of a "few".
The attack was, that I wouldn't understand. I do. My disagreeing with that opinion, isn't a misunderstanding. Hope that clears up, and answers your question.
Looks like my topic has been hijacked. This topic is not about server player count. It's about Rookie Free/Rookie Only server(s) being offered as an alternative of pro players pub-stomping, and pro-stacking teams.
I will address the player count issue this one last time. Feel free to take it or leave it, makes no difference really.
@amoral writes, "I think most prefer numbers middling, 16 to 20... and as newer player like big servers and older players like middling to smaller servers, big servers win."
There is obvious contradiction here. Either most people like middling number servers, or they don't. Either newer players like big servers, or they don't. All that's hookie pookie fairy dust, really. How does one get to the correct answer? Easy. They look at the trend of the actual players themselves. Just as an example please: @amoral joined these forums 1/3/13, using his logic, he would be a newer player; as many of us have been around for much longer. In my case, 10 years, almost 11 years. During the NS1 days, we ran 30 game servers, all full, all day long, 24hrs a day. Every single one 24 players. You do the math. Currently, we have 7 NS2 servers running. We keep 7 servers full almost all day long. You do the math. At any given point in time during the USA playing day, we server about 40% of the player base. That's just us though. Take a look at the other servers running that are full. They all run 24 player count servers. If you total up the servers being offered that are less than 24 players, they are a very small handful. They are either empty, 1/2 full, and they come and they go.
The argument over player counts with balance, and other things is just noise really. It's very clear, and simple to see; MOST players prefer 24 player servers. That's just the facts. No "opinions", No "I think", or "I feel", it's just easy to observe facts. Feel free to do with them as you wish.
@james888 writes, "I do wonder how many of us veteran pubbers who prefer 20p or less out there exist?"
I hope I was able to answer your question.
I'm done with player count discussions. Can we please get back to what this topic was about, Rookie Only/Rookie Free servers.
i think you misunderstood my post. i was responding to a question, and without context the response changed qualitatively. i think most veteran players prefer 16-20 range for pubbing. i think most newer players prefer 20-24. i think this has to do with the relative stress and responsibility of having a larger role in the outcome of a game in smaller games. If you interpreted me as saying that most players in general prefer middling servers, i wasn't, and sorry for the ambiguity.
i think most veteran players prefer 16-20 and don't particularly mind 20-24, whereas most newer players, and by new i mean less than 200 hours ie) still learning the ropes, are more comfortable in 20-24. So as one group likes large servers, and the other group doesn't mind it, larger servers win in popularity. Incidentally, small servers aren't even a factor because they're too susceptible to fluctuations in player count.
What amoral said is true. The impact a single player has in larger player count servers drastically decreases as the player count increases. This is a lot more forgiving to newer players and is probably one of the largest factors that attracts them. High playercount servers help transition new pubbies from spam fests like COD and BF to NS2. Once a player gets better, they tend to lean toward the smaller servers which incorporate a much deeper level of teamwork. (Well... as much teamwork a pub can possibly have)
What amoral said is true. The impact a single player has in larger player count servers drastically decreases as the player count increases. This is a lot more forgiving to newer players and is probably one of the largest factors that attracts them. High playercount servers help transition new pubbies from spam fests like COD and BF to NS2. Once a player gets better, they tend to lean toward the smaller servers which incorporate a much deeper level of teamwork. (Well... as much teamwork a pub can possibly have)
hah, don't have to worry about 2 marines just being in a random hallway when you only have 6-7, to worry about. attacking where they're not is a lot more meaningful when you don't have them everywhere.
Nothing more fun than being killed by 6 marines in the hallway. They don't even need to aim. Just spray in your general direction and something is bound to kill you.
We have just implemented rookie free status on hives 1-3. Unless you have logged enough time on TheHive, you can't join a team. Hives 4-7, rookies can join, but can't command. There, they can earn hours on the Hive ranking system.
So, if you're looking for Rookie Free, we're the place to play.
dePARAJoin Date: 2011-04-29Member: 96321Members, Squad Five Blue
edited January 2014
We have quantity admins who think always full 24 slot and above servers are good servers.
And we have quality admins who thinks lower slot servers are the real good ones.
I dont need a server 24/7 with 24/7 horrible games. I want to play against players on my level.
And i dont care that my 18 slot server is "only" filled around 7-8 hrs per day during week.
Im sure many admins of lower slot servers thinking the same.
The US-players have no real choice cause 90% of the servers are 24 slot. Thats why they "always full"
Thank god we havnt this problem in the EU.
But back to topic:
Im using this plugin since 2 weeks also, so KKG isnt the only one.
Other servers using non- rookie mods or the Team-balancer.
*snip* I Need to be nicer and not attempt to threadshit as much.
i think most veteran players prefer 16-20 and don't particularly mind 20-24, whereas most newer players, and by new i mean less than 200 hours ie) still learning the ropes, are more comfortable in 20-24. So as one group likes large servers, and the other group doesn't mind it, larger servers win in popularity. Incidentally, small servers aren't even a factor because they're too susceptible to fluctuations in player count.
This is what I was speaking about. I guess my question should of been "How many veteran pubbers do mind 20p+ servers" as that is what I meant. I am a veteran pubber who really dislikes games 20+ and does not want to do gathers. That niche right there is the quantity of player I question. I have less time to play ns2 lately and I want it to be as quality play as possible which is hard to find under my criteria.
In a perfect world to me, those seven 24p servers would instead be nine 20p servers and still be full.
I tried Hive 1 this morning and it seems to me as if something in the mod is broken...
At first it wouldn't let me join a team, kept getting the message "please wait, we still haven't received your datas."
After about 2 minutes I finally was able to join, but then when I tried to command I got it again "Please wait, we still haven't received your datas."
Spamming E at the hive it finally let me hop in after another 30 secs or so... but when I jumped out to defend the hive, it wouldn't let me back in. "Please wait, we still haven't received your datas."
Now the fubar part... when I said in chat it wouldn't let me back in the chair, someone suggested going to the RR and back... So I hit F4 and... "Please wait, we still haven't received your datas." so it wouldn't even let me go back to the RR.
The next game we had most of the server unable to pick a team, an admin had to force random the teams lol.
I like the idea of a rookie free server, but when I have almost 600 hours and it won't let me join a team, command, or even go to the RR, it's just not worth it. lol
Not sure what's wrong, but it would be nice if it worked.
incidentally, i use new and old players generally as a term measured by playtime, not length of familiarity with the company, though there is a high enough correlation there that there is a great deal of overlap. i have 1000+ hrs. i don't think i'd be new by anybody's reasonable definition of the term.
SamusDroidColoradoJoin Date: 2013-05-13Member: 185219Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
edited January 2014
The please wait message is really annoying and should try to be fixed.
Oh, btw, data is one of those words that can be singular and plural at the same time.
1 data. 2 data. 1 deer. 2 deer. Etc...
The please wait message is really annoying and should try to be fixed.
Oh, btw, data is one of those words that can be singular and plural at the same time.
1 data. 2 data. 1 deer. 2 deer. Etc...
The please wait message is really annoying and should try to be fixed.
Oh, btw, data is one of those words that can be singular and plural at the same time.
1 data. 2 data. 1 deer. 2 deer. Etc...
but. what does the onos say?
I suppose depending on your preference you could say it follows the same rule, or it follows the rule of 1 Onos. 2 Oni.
But back on topic. "Please wait while your player data is retrieved"
The please wait message is really annoying and should try to be fixed.
Oh, btw, data is one of those words that can be singular and plural at the same time.
1 data. 2 data. 1 deer. 2 deer. Etc...
also technically, data is plural. datum is the correct form, but data as a singular is also acceptable... now.
KKG hosts 7 servers and we are helping the NS2 community and new players as much as we can, and your criticizing us for it?
We host seven 24 slot servers with a forum and team speak so if you can do better please do so. We have admins to uphold our server rules unlike the UWE servers and if you are found breaking them you can and may be banned.
Now many of the persons who hate these posts well I know you and I know why you hate us, you have been banned for pub stomping, trolling, racism or hate towards us on our servers. Any one of these reasons, save for pub stomping you would be banned on the UWE forums.
Actually I was banned because I said Master Blaster talked garbage to public players/rookies as a Commander on KKG Servers throughout Beta and into the first 6 months of release.
I then got some irrational nasty messages from King Kahuna basically saying I'm a bad person for giving feedback like that for one of his admins.
So I guess you should add criticism of admins to the list of your "reasons for bans".
However, no mod can protect rookies against the following.
Pro players with Smurf accounts (Easy when the sales are so cheap, yes people do this sadly)
People who are under 100 hours, but are rampaging consistently.
could just be people that are already good at FPS's coming over the game. It's not the most difficult of the genre.
I know why you hate us, you have been banned for pub stomping, trolling, racism or hate towards us on our servers. Any one of these reasons, save for pub stomping you would be banned on the UWE forums.
Actually you might want to remove pub stomping from that list. Per king he doesn't ban for kdr, never has and never will.
Add pro stacking though. (note 1)
Note 1: commanders commanding with pub average elo included
KKG hosts 7 servers and we are helping the NS2 community and new players as much as we can, and your criticizing us for it?
We host seven 24 slot servers with a forum and team speak so if you can do better please do so. We have admins to uphold our server rules unlike the UWE servers and if you are found breaking them you can and may be banned.
Now many of the persons who hate these posts well I know you and I know why you hate us, you have been banned for pub stomping, trolling, racism or hate towards us on our servers. Any one of these reasons, save for pub stomping you would be banned on the UWE forums.
known fallacy, just because you do something nice, doesn't mean you won't get called out for doing something nasty. never had a horrendous experience myself, other than a bit of instability late game. but, there was a recent finding that there was a positive correlation between the top charitable companies and their underhanded dealings. also true for individuals, a kind of karmic capital. people view positive deeds as license to be negative. also, for all the good deeds the catholic church has done, they sheltered priests that touched deaf kids. meh, it's the human condition.
I agree to the main point of this statement but please next time formulate it without attacking another community member directly
This I agree with completely. While I stand by my comments, I want to underscore that most of the pro-players do not behave this way. It's the small few, that ruin the reputation of the whole. It's just life. An old wise tale goes like this, "1 rotten apple, spoils the whole bunch." This is the perception as a whole, while in the end, it's just the reality of a "few".
The attack was, that I wouldn't understand. I do. My disagreeing with that opinion, isn't a misunderstanding. Hope that clears up, and answers your question.
i think you misunderstood my post. i was responding to a question, and without context the response changed qualitatively. i think most veteran players prefer 16-20 range for pubbing. i think most newer players prefer 20-24. i think this has to do with the relative stress and responsibility of having a larger role in the outcome of a game in smaller games. If you interpreted me as saying that most players in general prefer middling servers, i wasn't, and sorry for the ambiguity.
i think most veteran players prefer 16-20 and don't particularly mind 20-24, whereas most newer players, and by new i mean less than 200 hours ie) still learning the ropes, are more comfortable in 20-24. So as one group likes large servers, and the other group doesn't mind it, larger servers win in popularity. Incidentally, small servers aren't even a factor because they're too susceptible to fluctuations in player count.
hah, don't have to worry about 2 marines just being in a random hallway when you only have 6-7, to worry about. attacking where they're not is a lot more meaningful when you don't have them everywhere.
So these are rookie free servers dedicated to being rookie friendly?
And we have quality admins who thinks lower slot servers are the real good ones.
"Currently, we have 7 NS2 servers running. We keep 7 servers full almost all day long"
I dont need a server 24/7 with 24/7 horrible games. I want to play against players on my level.
And i dont care that my 18 slot server is "only" filled around 7-8 hrs per day during week.
Im sure many admins of lower slot servers thinking the same.
The US-players have no real choice cause 90% of the servers are 24 slot. Thats why they "always full"
Thank god we havnt this problem in the EU.
But back to topic:
Im using this plugin since 2 weeks also, so KKG isnt the only one.
Other servers using non- rookie mods or the Team-balancer.
*snip* I Need to be nicer and not attempt to threadshit as much.
Here is an small example how other games handle the slot question:
This is what I was speaking about. I guess my question should of been "How many veteran pubbers do mind 20p+ servers" as that is what I meant. I am a veteran pubber who really dislikes games 20+ and does not want to do gathers. That niche right there is the quantity of player I question. I have less time to play ns2 lately and I want it to be as quality play as possible which is hard to find under my criteria.
In a perfect world to me, those seven 24p servers would instead be nine 20p servers and still be full.
At first it wouldn't let me join a team, kept getting the message "please wait, we still haven't received your datas."
After about 2 minutes I finally was able to join, but then when I tried to command I got it again "Please wait, we still haven't received your datas."
Spamming E at the hive it finally let me hop in after another 30 secs or so... but when I jumped out to defend the hive, it wouldn't let me back in. "Please wait, we still haven't received your datas."
Now the fubar part... when I said in chat it wouldn't let me back in the chair, someone suggested going to the RR and back... So I hit F4 and... "Please wait, we still haven't received your datas." so it wouldn't even let me go back to the RR.
The next game we had most of the server unable to pick a team, an admin had to force random the teams lol.
I like the idea of a rookie free server, but when I have almost 600 hours and it won't let me join a team, command, or even go to the RR, it's just not worth it. lol
Not sure what's wrong, but it would be nice if it worked.
Read his signature
@MoFo: that was my fault. Playing around with new ns2stats webservers
Sry again won't happen a second time.
Oh, btw, data is one of those words that can be singular and plural at the same time.
1 data. 2 data. 1 deer. 2 deer. Etc...
but. what does the onos say?
I suppose depending on your preference you could say it follows the same rule, or it follows the rule of 1 Onos. 2 Oni.
But back on topic. "Please wait while your player data is retrieved"
Also, cease abusing the abuse flag, dammit...
also technically, data is plural. datum is the correct form, but data as a singular is also acceptable... now.
We host seven 24 slot servers with a forum and team speak so if you can do better please do so. We have admins to uphold our server rules unlike the UWE servers and if you are found breaking them you can and may be banned.
Now many of the persons who hate these posts well I know you and I know why you hate us, you have been banned for pub stomping, trolling, racism or hate towards us on our servers. Any one of these reasons, save for pub stomping you would be banned on the UWE forums.
I then got some irrational nasty messages from King Kahuna basically saying I'm a bad person for giving feedback like that for one of his admins.
So I guess you should add criticism of admins to the list of your "reasons for bans".
could just be people that are already good at FPS's coming over the game. It's not the most difficult of the genre.
Actually you might want to remove pub stomping from that list. Per king he doesn't ban for kdr, never has and never will.
Add pro stacking though. (note 1)
Note 1: commanders commanding with pub average elo included
known fallacy, just because you do something nice, doesn't mean you won't get called out for doing something nasty. never had a horrendous experience myself, other than a bit of instability late game. but, there was a recent finding that there was a positive correlation between the top charitable companies and their underhanded dealings. also true for individuals, a kind of karmic capital. people view positive deeds as license to be negative. also, for all the good deeds the catholic church has done, they sheltered priests that touched deaf kids. meh, it's the human condition.