NS2 Xbox 360
Norway Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183642Members

I would love to be able to play NS2 on Xbox 360 (Only with and against other people using Xbox 360).
I believe it is doable, since the "biggest" challenge is to map the controls for the commander, which, honestly, should not be too difficult with some good structure placement upgrades (the current one is a bit buggy).
I believe it is doable, since the "biggest" challenge is to map the controls for the commander, which, honestly, should not be too difficult with some good structure placement upgrades (the current one is a bit buggy).
AvP is slower than COD
Yea. I think the concept could be brought over, but the movement & fighting mechanics would require a large make over.
You basically have to be a mega-publisher with lots of advertisement money, have the game cost $60, and come on a disc. (There might be an alternative with Xbox Live Arcade, but I have no idea if it's successful or not. Maybe Croteam could tell us with their SS3 port). Only then would it pick up on the average gamer's radar. Sales on Xbox are highly driven towards day 0 sales, after that it all hits the bargain bin/is pirated. There is also the complication of the game already being released and reviewed, which means it's good as obsolete to the average xbox gamer.
There's not to mention that patches on Xbox Live costs money to the developers and requires certification through Microsoft (as far as I know). And you'd also have to factor in the costs of porting to a new system overall, along with serious and debilitating game redesign to fit the xbox interface.
If I were UWE I wouldn't touch the system with a ten foot pole.
As long as they get their own servers, I think its a great idea. Would probably make a lot of sales, maybe.
3.2GHz PowerPC Tri-Core Xenon
512MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700MHz
500MHz ATI Xenos
So says wikipedia. You know I'm having a hard time believing it can even run the NS2 main menu cinematic...
How about make a mod on the current spark engine?
The only way I see the gameplay of NS2 translating over well to the Xbox and the limitations of its controls is by changing the gameplay mechanics in such a way that its fun to play with a controller.
For example: Biting and Flying and melee combat requires a lot of accurate tracking with the mouse.
Why not increase the skulk's base movement speed.
Give Leap an upward launch, even when facing straight ahead.
And change the melee combat to require more grappling moves.
Such as a leap that grabs a marine and does damage over time as the skulk is attached to the marine and biting.
Ranged combat will translate over well, so maybe fades could get acid rocket.
Lerks abilities are fine the way they are but their flying mechanics could be done in third person.
Lerks could control in a similar fashion to a flight simulator, controlling a hawk.
The maps should have higher ceilings to compensate for this mechanic.
Those are jsut some examples of what could be done to make the game to potentially make controller play fun. And its doable now if people find would make the mod. You could use XPadder or something like that to test the game. And it would also add additional content to the steam worshop for PC players of NS2 to try out.
I do think that this require the next gen of Xbox though if this becomes reality.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with disversifying your portfolio and gaining a wider audience.
However, who knows if this title would be a success on the Xbox Platform?
Sure, you go do that Belly Slide gesture and your ... Shotgun... :-O
I hate you Bob!
Here is their full reasoning:
Furthermore the current hardware is what, 7 years old as Kouji stated.
The fast pace of NS2 would allso be a huge barrier, i dont think that even if UWE was willing and had the funds, porting NS2 to consoles would be a realistic goal.
Lol, Xbox doesn't even get dedicated servers for multiplayer gaming. It's peer-to-peer hosting. And you gotta pay a monthly fee to use that "privilege"...
Also, the current gen stuff is too crappy to run ns2 at a playable framerate, just look at the e3 demo of Aliens: Colonial Marines, that was awesome... running real time... on a PC. They had to rip it to shreds to get it to run on the ps3 and xbox 360, that's why it looks so hideous.
The next gen stuff I heard was going to be using graphics chips close to the performance of a 6670, which is slower than a 5770... I don't know about you, but a 5770 is pretty much the minimum I would consider seriously playing ns2 on.
Not to mention the fact they'll be using AMD APU cpus, which aren't exactly known for their performance per watt.
You got two zeros overmuch on the price for the dev kit.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they're "known" for. As opposed to absolute performance. A10-series runs a 4 GHz quadcore and a HD7660 with a TDP of 65W. Performance per watt is the reason the next-gen consoles will be using them.
There are some things that only work on PC. This is one of those things.
Bastion wants a word with you.
... and that word sounds like "ks-blah".
Okay, maybe I should've specified that I was only talking about multiplayer games. It's one thing for a single-player game downloaded off of XBLA to be a success, it's a very different thing for an XBLA game to develop a large enough playerbase to support multiplayer matches
Newer games yes. NS2? Not sure. :P
for next-gen consoles they scrapped the idea of using apu's, at least in the PS4. Official announcments and specs given have it using basically an AMD 7870 GPU and 8350 CPU. People are gonna shit bricks when they see the price tags. But yes, the PS4 certainly could run the ever-demanding NS2 engine.
Er, no that's incorrect - the PS4 is still using an APU with Jaguar x86-64 cores and a GCN GPU.