Natural Selection 2 News Update - NS2 Build 178 (ns2_summit, bloom, blink, etc.)
Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer

Allso I wanted to ask ( I know its really really early for it but ) with nintendo revealing their new console at E3 do you guys think u gonna do something with that tech cause I think the new controller has some potentional specially for the commander mod, give us ur thoughts about it.
just to bring things back to the development / performance within the game, can anyone explain why spectate mode is a lot smoother than playing the game yourself, even if you're viewing the same sort of scene (i.e. my frame rate can drop to <3fps in close combat, but in spectate it's a lot slicker and looks playable !)
For example skulks leap needs it as well.
don't forget adding momentum to aliens movement aswell:)
I'm surprised we went back to this I thought it was one of the better changes in NS1 to unchain life forms from the hive.
Also another small thing many of the build have lights textured/modeled in then but don't actually emit light! Would really add some visual depth if these objects had light sources.
EDIT: Oh, was following Facebook link.
Edit: the NS2 files validated in Steam, but after a reboot and relaunching Steam, it grabbed about 1Mb more of data and the problem resolved itself.
I'm surprised we went back to this I thought it was one of the better changes in NS1 to unchain life forms from the hive.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I think its great they are trying this, It will allow UWE and us to find a balance.
The rate you gain res is slow enough where it shouldn't matter. It only makes the aliens weaker at the end of the game if they are losing.
Currently it's like a good 5 minutes from the start of the game before I can get fade.
I've waited for this day for so long now, there was a tear involved *sniff* oh and lots of pwning the Kouji as well T_T
If lifeforms are chained then so should the marine's weapons. Shotguns & with 2 chairs, GLs with three chairs, flamethrowers with 3 chairs (God help them fight infestation). CHAINED LIFE FORMS MAYBE A VERY BAD CHOICE FOR SUCH SMALL MAPS!!!
I still had a lot of fun!
The permalink to the post has the wrong video still, only the front page is fixed.
Great patch, I'll be playing more of this one :)
Otherwice great patch i can actually play the game summit is good, with good fps too. Something is wrong with the tram its so laggy? Rockdown is ok but summit is smoothest map..
Yeah but great work and i feel you guys are heading towards the final beta version, thumbs up! :D
Hehe, no realy, very nice work, i like that you use that new map, im exited to see the new stuff, also i wonder if the new fade blink is better.
I will try today.
Res for kills is back NICE!
But is it just me or looks like the marines now a bit op?
Sieges, Phasegate, weapons drop by com, sounds a bit to much against aliens?
Every game aspect has improved so much and i hope further improvements will come faster from now on XD
I think chained lifeforms need a long test to see if they are balanced or not...
It's increased health-regen for say a Lerk you're healing, it can be used as an alert of any enemies coming towards you.
But that's it, I guess. But they are considering making it permanent if it's tied to the Hive though.
Bring on pustules and projectile placed hydras :)
Going from "Press E to use phasegate" to simply running through it is great!
Played with another guy on a EU server, he told me to ride the ARC into his hive, whoa, it's awesome.
Battle-Gorge baby! I'll give an example of how I used it.
As aliens we had lost West in Rockdown, and were going to take it back. Current loadout was 2 lerks, the gorge (me), and 1 fade. West had a few token turrets, and a couple marines. No infestation.
We begin the assault. Lerks set up in the north elbow, firing into the room at rines and gassing. Fade hit n runs around the room, mostly going for sentries. That elbow, the entrance for the room, was the fallback point where everyone came to heal. I stayed on the steps, barely in sight and ready to run.
Now, this kind of attack often fails when marines focus on lerks and gorge and kill them or drive them off. So, as soon as people were sufficiently distracted, I came up the stairs and plopped some infestation, followed by 2 hydras. They hydras blocked the route out of the room, making it easier for us to retreat. But they ALSO did damage to trying to fight in West. Eventually I added a third hydra.
These hydras provided cover for me, AND dealt damage to the marines, AND acted as a roadblock to the marines. Any time one took damage, I healed them back up. Every 40 seconds, I re-infested the area so they wouldn't die.
We cleared that room without losing a single alien. Marines couldn't deal with attacks from so many different angles.
I've done the same on defense, when I saw marines inbound to a harvester. Place some temp hydras in the hallway, then run. It distracts the marines long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
The morale of the story is: don't be afraid to use hydras as situational attack-defense, using temp infestation.