


  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    edited May 2011
    @player: I realised I never asked you about this - do you have any problems if I continue to bundle NS2-GmOvrmind with combat mode? At the moment I'm just extracting all the files in the zip and not modifying any config files if they already exist.

    I've finally fixed the bugs that emerged when Max did his big lua garbage clearup (new release soon) and want to continue bundling it as it allows server admins to have an easier time when getting the two to work together
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    Go right ahead, and if any problems arise I'll gladly sort them out.
  • vlncvlnc Join Date: 2010-09-07 Member: 73921Members, Squad Five Blue
    Hey player,

    Last time, we done a match on dedibox (5v5). Before it starts, I invited every team members to join their teams and then I typed in console om_restartround. The problem is, the res didn't reinitialize to 0. So teams start with 10-15 res instead of 0.
    Maybe you know how to fix that, thanks in advance.
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    You mean the personal-res? Not sure what the default value is for that, but if it's incorrect, it'll be a problem with NS2. GmOvrmind simply uses NS2's built-in round-restarting functionality, so if there's a problem with that, a getsatisfaction-report for NS2 might be in order. In the mean time you could try and use om_setplasma to work around the problem.
  • vlncvlnc Join Date: 2010-09-07 Member: 73921Members, Squad Five Blue
    Yes I mean personal-res.
    I'll post on getsatisfaction.
    Meanwhile, I'll use om_setplasma
  • vlncvlnc Join Date: 2010-09-07 Member: 73921Members, Squad Five Blue
    edited June 2011
    sorry my bad, overmind works
  • w0dk4w0dk4 Join Date: 2008-04-22 Member: 64129Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Im not sure why, but I dont think its still kicking players joining a reserved slot. Think its been broken for a few builds now.

    Btw. it seems like latest patch fixed ghost players! Yay! (also great server performance improvement, still room for more though).
  • MOOtantMOOtant Join Date: 2010-06-25 Member: 72158Members
    I can't get this plugin working. When I add user just like in the example but with different steamid and name Lua throws exception saying that NS2Ovrmind.Privileges doesn't exist. I ran find in files and it really doesn't exist anywhere outside of _users config file. Should I just put some big integer in there that has all bits masked?
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    The NS2GmOvrmind.Privileges-table is injected from inside the DLL, so you won't be finding it in any of the Lua-files. Are you using v10 and the template provided in the NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Users.lua file? Ignore what it says in the start-post, as it's pretty outdated.

    It should look like
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->NS2GmOvrmind.Users.Add("Average Joe","","STEAM_0:1:23456789","","",NS2GmOvrmind.Priviliges.All);<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
  • autograderautograder Join Date: 2011-06-24 Member: 106181Members
    In (v10) I have NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua configured with default settings.

    My assumption here is that om_serverstatus and om_serverinfo would dump out all available data (that is alot), yet I only get one line of basic info such as server name.

    Is there a configuration flag I'm missing somewhere?
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    om_serverstatus, om_serverinfo, om_modstatus and om_modinfo are commands I never got around to finishing. You're right they were supposed to output quite a bit of data (ip:port, reserved-slots, players, tickrate-data, memory-usage, traffic-statistics et cetera). Nothing is wrong with your configuration.
  • autograderautograder Join Date: 2011-06-24 Member: 106181Members
    Oh ok, thanks for the response.

    This may be the wrong thread, but the play4dead website (<a href="" target="_blank">clickity click</a>) has a server tracker (top of page, in the middle) which lists server data that it supposedly gleams from gmovrmind servers.

    Some of the servers include the tickrate, uptime etc and figured it was coming from your mod.

    Anyone know where this data comes from?
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    GmOvrmind has a custom query-responder which outputs the tickrate, uptime, ns2-build, player-names\kills\deaths\score\steamid\ping and a lot more (Spark's default responder is pretty useless in this regard). Plasma's dev-tracker simply periodically reads out the data from this query-responder (these are the servers with the little blue values under their name).

    If you ment how GmOvrmind collects this data, it installs itself (takes over) the game main-loop and derives the tickrate by using a simple timer, the uptime represents the DLL-uptime (which is the same as the server's, as the mod immediately starts on launch) and the build number is retrieved via Shared.GetBuildNumber.
  • BJHBnade_spammerBJHBnade_spammer Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42431Members
    player do you think you could write a readme that is for setting up this mod on a dedicated server or a listen server and have step by step instructions for setting users and what you need to do to your game files to run the mod? i know where to set users up but am having problems and am not sure what i am doing wrong as it is not auto logging me in to the server when i run a listen or as a dedicated.
    this would really help.

  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    The om_ping console-command should work at all times (as an admin or generic player), if that doesn't yield a "pong!" response the mod isn't installed properly. It's pretty easy to install as is described on the (outdated) topic-start, simply extract the contents of the .zip into the "natural selection 2"-directory, and execute "Server.exe -game NS2GmOvrmind" or "NS2.exe -game NS2GmOvrmind".

    If it's installed properly, try the om_help command. If you've followed the template provided in the Lua config-files, it should put out a ######load of commands to use, if it only lists 5 or 6 commands (the default for common players), post your NS2GmOvrmind.Users.Add-line (with private info omitted if you wish).
  • BJHBnade_spammerBJHBnade_spammer Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42431Members
    edited July 2011
    ok i tried both ways

    and also

    neither of these work

    and yea im getting the 6 commands when i do om_help and om_ping does return pong
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    That looks okay, what does it output during start-up? It should put out a lot of diagnostic messages in the console during start-up, including the adding of users.
  • BJHBnade_spammerBJHBnade_spammer Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42431Members
    Starting server
    Connected to Steam servers
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebAdmin.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": Web-admin enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebAdmin.lua [Line #24] -> "SetConsoleHistoryDepth": Console-history depth set to 15.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #19] -> "SetName": Set server-name to My NS2-server.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #24] -> "SetExternalIP": Set server external-ip to
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #29] -> "SetExternalPort": Set server external-connectport to 27015.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #34] -> "SetIsPassworded": Server is set to public.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #39] -> "SetMaxSlots": Server max-slots set to 11.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #44] -> "SetReservedSlots": Server reserved-slots set to 1.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": Server-query responder enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #25] -> "NewResponder": Returned newly spawned query-responder instance.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #71] -> "SetExposedInformation": Set query-responder exposed-information to 68719476735.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #78] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 27017 to the query-responder.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #85] -> "SetUpdateInterval": Set query-responder update-interval to 0.333333333333333310000.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #106] -> "AddResponder": Added query-responder instance to the Overmind-system.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": RCon-admin disabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #27] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 27016 to the RCon-admin.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #28] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 27017 to the RCon-admin.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #36] -> "SetSynchronizationInterval": Set sync-interval to 0.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": Web-statistics disabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #25] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 8081 to the webstats-server
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #32] -> "SetUpdateInterval": Set interval to
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #37] -> "SetHTMLFeedEnabled": HTML-feed enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #42] -> "SetJSONFeedEnabled": JSON-feed enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #47] -> "SetCSVFeedEnabled": CSV-feed enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #52] -> "SetPHPFeedEnabled": PHP-feed enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #57] -> "SetRSSFeedEnabled": RSS-feed enabled.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Ingame.lua [Line #25] -> "SetGuestPriviliges": Guest-priviliges set to 70368744178992.
    [22:30:58:884] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Ingame.lua [Line #35] -> "SetAntiCommandFloodInterval": Anti-flood interval set to 3.
    Script Error: ..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Users.lua:36: unexpected symbol near '|'
    Load [C]:-1
    InitFunc [C]:-1
    __init Lua\\NS2GmOvrmind_Server.lua:14
    Script Error: Couldn't load script '..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Users.lua' (file not found)
    Load [C]:-1
    InitFunc [C]:-1
    __init Lua\\NS2GmOvrmind_Server.lua:14

    pulled this directly from the logs i started it then stopped the server so this is exactly when i start it i get this.
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    There exists a Lua-syntax error at NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Users.lua, Line 36, please post that line and the surrounding lines (35 and 37).
  • BJHBnade_spammerBJHBnade_spammer Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42431Members
    edited July 2011
    ok i got it to work on my laptop so when i get home i will look at that and try to set users from another new file or just copy the one i got to work.
    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>Starting server
    Connected to Steam servers
    [11:56:02:662] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebAdmin.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": Web-admin enabled.
    [11:56:02:663] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebAdmin.lua [Line #24] -> "SetConsoleHistoryDepth": Console-history depth set to 15.
    [11:56:02:684] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #19] -> "SetName": Set server-name to My NS2-server.
    [11:56:02:684] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #24] -> "SetExternalIP": Set server external-ip to
    [11:56:02:684] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #29] -> "SetExternalPort": Set server external-connectport to 27015.
    [11:56:02:685] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #34] -> "SetIsPassworded": Server is set to public.
    [11:56:02:685] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #39] -> "SetMaxSlots": Server max-slots set to 11.
    [11:56:02:685] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Server.lua [Line #44] -> "SetReservedSlots": Server reserved-slots set to 1.
    [11:56:02:687] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": Server-query responder enabled.
    [11:56:02:689] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #25] -> "NewResponder": Returned newly spawned query-responder instance.
    [11:56:02:690] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #71] -> "SetExposedInformation": Set query-responder exposed-information to 68719476735.
    [11:56:02:691] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #78] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 27017 to the query-responder.
    [11:56:02:691] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #85] -> "SetUpdateInterval": Set query-responder update-interval to 0.333333333333333310000.
    [11:56:02:692] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_ServerQuery.lua [Line #106] -> "AddResponder": Added query-responder instance to the Overmind-system.
    [11:56:02:694] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": RCon-admin disabled.
    [11:56:02:694] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #27] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 27016 to the RCon-admin.
    [11:56:02:694] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #28] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 27017 to the RCon-admin.
    [11:56:02:694] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_RCon.lua [Line #36] -> "SetSynchronizationInterval": Set sync-interval to 0.
    [11:56:02:696] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #19] -> "SetEnabled": Web-statistics disabled.
    [11:56:02:696] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #25] -> "AddListenPort": Added listen-port 8081 to the webstats-server
    [11:56:02:696] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #32] -> "SetUpdateInterval": Set interval to
    [11:56:02:696] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #37] -> "SetHTMLFeedEnabled": HTML-feed enabled.
    [11:56:02:696] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #42] -> "SetJSONFeedEnabled": JSON-feed enabled.
    [11:56:02:696] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #47] -> "SetCSVFeedEnabled": CSV-feed enabled.
    [11:56:02:697] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #52] -> "SetPHPFeedEnabled": PHP-feed enabled.
    [11:56:02:697] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_WebStats.lua [Line #57] -> "SetRSSFeedEnabled": RSS-feed enabled.
    [11:56:02:729] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Ingame.lua [Line #25] -> "SetGuestPriviliges": Guest-priviliges set to 70368744178992.
    [11:56:02:729] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Ingame.lua [Line #35] -> "SetAntiCommandFloodInterval": Anti-flood interval set to 3.
    [11:56:02:732] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Users.lua [Line #35] -> "Add": Succesfully added user - Username: B.J.H.B.Nade; SteamID: STEAM_0:1:3395748; Loginname: ; Loginpass: ; Priviliges: 140737488355327
    [11:56:02:732] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Users.lua [Line #39] -> "Add": Succesfully added user - Username: B.J.H.B.Nade; SteamID: STEAM_0:1:3395748; Loginname: ; Loginpass: ; Priviliges: 140737488355327
    [11:56:02:737] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #28] -> "SetMultiplier": Set the FoV-multiplier to 1.166666666666666700000.
    [11:56:02:737] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #37] -> "SetBalance": 0 has been passed, leaving the balance-value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:737] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #46] -> "SetPlayer": 0 has been passed, leaving the player-value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:737] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #56] -> "SetCommander": 0 has been passed, leaving the commander-FoV value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:737] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #65] -> "SetMarineSprint": 0 has been passed, leaving the marine-sprint FoV-value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:738] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #74] -> "SetSkulk": 0 has been passed, leaving the skulk-FoV value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:738] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #83] -> "SetGorge": 0 has been passed, leaving the gorge-FoV value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:738] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #92] -> "SetLerk": 0 has been passed, leaving the lerk-FoV value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:738] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #101] -> "SetLerkZoom": 0 has been passed, leaving the lerk-zoom FoV-value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:738] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #110] -> "SetFade": 0 has been passed, leaving the fade-FoV value unchanged.
    [11:56:02:738] NS2-GmOvrmind(v10): @..\NS2GmOvrmind\Configuration\NS2GmOvrmind_ServerConfiguration_Gameplay.lua [Line #119] -> "SetOnos": 0 has been passed, leaving the onos-FoV value unchanged.</div>
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    Just thought I'd mention I have some of free time to work on that rewrite I've been wanting to do a while back. I have been reading the forums a bit to see what kind of features are in demand, but feel free to mention any additional ideas you might have. Obviously I'll at least make it do everything GmOvrmind does right now.
  • SlightSlight Join Date: 2011-06-29 Member: 107082Members
    edited July 2011
    Is there a particular reason you've hidden a lot of code inside dlls? What functionality requires a dll and cannot be done with plain lua? Other than sql/irc/teamspeak stuff.
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    Well, we have the query-responder, the RCon-module, the IRC-bot, the WebStats-server, the SQL-driver, all kinds of filesystem-functionality, the SteamGroup-fetcher, the TeamSpeak-server and quite few more things which I've never really gotten around to (well actually some things up there aren't enabled right now either).

    But even without all that, I'd still not write it in Lua as I've developed quite the distaste for it. I should probably also mention there's the matter of open-source and I'd rather not have people taking off with all of my work.
  • autograderautograder Join Date: 2011-06-24 Member: 106181Members
    What functionality does (or would..) the IRC-bot provide?
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    Never got around to properly finishing that. It will allow people on IRC to admin the server from inside a channel (or personal-query) via text-commands. Relaying the ingame-chat to an IRC-channel (and vice versa) is another thing I have planned, should prove to be useful for admins that don't want to stick around in the server all day long.
  • QuovatisQuovatis Team Inversion Join Date: 2010-01-26 Member: 70321Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    A cull-sentry command just like the cullhydra one would be awesome! Too many n00b comms build 30 sentries and make the game stale, not to mention lag the server.
  • autograderautograder Join Date: 2011-06-24 Member: 106181Members
    Thanks for the info player.
  • QuovatisQuovatis Team Inversion Join Date: 2010-01-26 Member: 70321Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    an auto-generated welcome chat message to new players joining would be nice too, so specific server rules can be seen by all.
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    Both of your suggestions I already have planned Quovatis (though hopefully a turret-limit won't be needed anymore by the time I'm done with my rewrite).
  • endarendar Join Date: 2010-07-27 Member: 73256Members, Squad Five Blue
    Not just a welcome to game, but other times too.
    joining a game
    random time period within a game (definable time limits) For example, display this message once every 15-30 minutes.
    round ending
    others I can't think of
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