Maybe you could suggest a superior method to the current penalty instead of admitting that this problem exists.
In a hostile alien environment, who wouldn't want a place to call "home?"
The problem here is that water pressure keeps those moonpool like caves from existing when at low depths. Seems like a cool idea but you're going to need to find away around that fact.
I would love to see the player travel up to the bridge as a part of the progression. Possibly to collect nav coordinates for the rocket at the end of the game.
This just completely misses the entire theme of the game...
Previously used art stopped working so I decided to find some new and more interesting art to convey my idea more clearly.
in Geode Cave (New Biome) Comment by zimmym November 2017
Another image to further improve upon my idea. Unlike the image, it would remain underwater. The fo… -
Seems like a great idea to keep those newbies from going the wrong way. Would also be nice if the message was spooky, eg: "Warning! Detecting extreme biomass signature in your intended direction, recommend immediate retreat!"
I think that it would be a cool addition to the game given that it has the warper backstory as @Flanpan suggested.
Sounds like a fun little feature. I think that a lot of you-tubers would have fun messing around with a feature like this
You and I think very alike. I've just always wanted a bigger fish. Why? Because it's completely awesome and who knows, maybe I want to s**t myself. You don't own me.
I think that this should be a serious focus for the devs. T… -
probably should have spent that extra minute thinking over whether this was a good idea or not.
@NepsterCZ Futuristic bulkheads sounds great. These ideas would make some great late game base advancements.
@ThePassionateGamer It's just from some google browsing actually. I'd love to tell you what it's from but I've got no clue.
I have always wanted to see this creature in the game. I just say, "the bigger, the better." -
Sounds like a great addition. Would be great if you could control bulkheads and power flow as well.
Just a thought but you have my backingin Command Module - 3D fan concept Comment by zimmym May 2017
Just a nice image to help convey my idea. :P
<… -
Thanks for the feedback.
Just to clarify, i kinda went wild with the ideas for moment there. The gravity part seems a bit extreme and serves no purpose other that to "wow" the player. Therefore it is simply just throwaway mat… -
Sounds like a great idea but i'm gonna need to get this out of the way. Usually underwater pressure eliminates this from occurring. What i mean is that the pressure from the water tends to push all the water through cave systems leaving no air pocke…
Now i'm not 100% sure but i think i saw this in the to-do list on the subnautica trello page. Hope it comes
The idea of scanning precursor tech and reproducing crazy module for your base sounds great. Being able to directly create precursor bases as your own, not so much. It just doesn't make much sense, in the slightest. sorry
Number 24: Arch Warper
Species: Warper
AI type: same as normal Warper. ( does not directly attack the player. Temporarily spawns leviathan class creatures. Similar to normal Warper spawning biters)
Appearance: A brown and blue colo… -
I feel like they shouldn't be planning a sequel when the first game isn't even finished yet haha
I love the idea of new additions and combination items to the modification station. Kind of like a tribute to the "Tinkerer's workshop." I'd love to see some more ideas from you.
Also, Scifiwriterguy has a good point. You should analyse the si… -
I'd like to see a vacuum arm standalone module. It would be cool if you could equip both the drill arm and a vacuum arm. It would probably need additional functions though or it would be useless.
Sound very similar to an idea i had where you explore a cave and a ruptured lab. after exiting the lab you see a super-massive creature float past and roar into the distance, never to be seen again.
I didn't think about that, your point is very strong. However i'd like to think that the cyclops doesn't fit in the moon-pool considering the module is built within the moon-pool :P
Therefore it would simply be for sea-moth a… -
That is a bit out of context. I stated that reconstructing your destroyed vehicle would be pricey (in materials), just not the same as starting from scratch (mainly to protect you from losing powerful vehicle modules considering th… -
Yes, this is true. I just thought it would be nice for further expansion. Mainly with dangerous creatures.