I wholeheartedly agree with all of this -
I suppose if the cost is gone, then yeah, it doesn't really matter how bad they are... they're free. Just another option
I agree, this 'unstartable game' case scares me. Maybe a hard-to-ignore pop-up dialog upon entry for under 15 hours explaining the seriousness , and an ok dialog more or less worded 'Command anyway'? -
Let's look at it through the lens of a cynic (this is how 'disagrees' are born): I feel it's significant you paid exactly 75 though you say it is not a sale, I.e. The rewards are not significant. You're saying their progress wasn'… -
I agree all comms have to start sometime and sometimes are better than others.
I feel that and others don't mind as much or at all when you *know* he or she is new (and you've found out that they're willing to learn/has… -
(Quote) Lol no it was developer-intentional broken window slightly to the west of reception (look up)
There's a broken window with (presumably) breathable air coming from the outside. That's like astronomically rare right?
Could that mean biodome might be a bastion on the burnt-out remnants of earth!?! -
Yeah see what you mean, I can think of some of the recent big glitches that got fixed in a day
(Quote) "We're on it." would be more reassuring if it were a subtle, new bug. This ones been well-known for 6 months.
Do you mean it's been moved up on the neglected to-do list?
"Increased lerk melee attack speed by 30%"
Are you sure you didn't mean 300% ??????? -
****Big issue**** (prob mentioned before)
Bullets shoots well above the actual crosshair now!
As nearly outside the default LMG circle crosshair -
f button = instagram sepia mode
Also you might as well just remove alien vision in it's current state; it's useless and literally hurts my eyes.
Moving the outlines to alien-vision-off-mode is a welcomed addition. -
These changes seem pretty all-encompassing, that's when we would want a change log the most. Now all my knowledge of the game is forfeit until test every facet of the game again. I can't know that every bit of knowledge that I had about the game isn…
Yes I don't like that biomass can only be achieved on some maps (e.i. 5 tech points); it seems wonky for such a highly developed game, and it can be much harder to kill the final marine turtle without all that biomass on some maps
Got it: Make the gorge squeak taunt cause a slightly delayed, high-pitched, synchronized "squeeeee" from your little babblers! Like they have to stop and lean forward in the same way.
(Quote) Yes like some of them stray occasionally (babblers are known for ADHD) and the squeal brings them back! Or a direct spit
(Quote) Calm down there Socrates, you can introduce new features and then balance. It's not the end of the world.
At worst, you can balance this aforementioned feature into uselessness by setting the dissolve time to >= the medpack… -
I fixed this problem by changing ownership of your whole steam folder from administor to youusername. Then restart steam
I hate that 25 player nonsense. Impossible to attempt to get in without signing up on your bogus site. You have to load entire game just to make an attempt at being the 24th, just get kicked out. Its a 1 minute process with like a … -
Lol obviously inflammatory title gets huge attention. Oh internet....
The tunnel already looks like it's infested, through and through. If one entrance is placed within cyst creep, then the other end should output cyst creep as if it were a cyst itself!
Arcs need less health you can take them down in a finite amount of time. Lower health such that you have to actually defend them, not just throw them at a hive knowing their health will tank long enough to snipe the hive.
All I know is t… -
To me it would be simplest if the things just jumped really far and fast in the direction of a healspray or spit. You wouldn't need a clunky baitball system ( '2'->'4'->'click' (repeat)). Granted if it was attached to healspray then you coul…
(Quote) Lol yeah 'soft-losing' @ 5 min, that's a good way to describe it. That feel when marines realize they are only ever going to hold two extra rt's and a tech point, and that tech point is not long for the world either.
I'm not s… -
Great update! Gorge tunnels are a pleasure to use and decent is a breath of fresh air. Railguns too. Tons of long-standing requests fulfilled.
Babbler pathing is a little too bad to be that effective but I'm sure they will come into thei… -
Agreed, gorge's and lerk's taunt are spot-on. Others are barely anything at all.
Also, "now... we dance" at 3 hives? -
Perhaps a e=hold to drag structure, so they wouldn't have to implement a dissolved structures menu
I suggest that the 'b' menu simply have your last-used abilities preselected. So you would just press b-> 'ok'
(Quote) So "extremely powerful and balanced" that no one uses it, the absolute last thing a comm would buy. I forgot it even existed for about 3 months until I saw this post. Pubs and pros, no one xenos.