I told you to stop.
Google "female body". You might be shocked to know it's science. -
So every game developer, including those designing them for children, who show the whole female form, are sexist? You're saying a lot of people are sexist. For a list of female characters, of which many including Jade from Beyond G… -
I think he was referring to the money spent, by way of resources. The post did say it is "expensive" to make models.
*I am simply editing this whole post since I am become tired of your pointless rant. Drop it.* --Comprox
Censored by Comprox. As having the opinion that females should look female, is illegal on these forums. Consider it dropped as long … -
Gaming isn't about realism. It's about engaging the gamer as a gamer relates to their character. Hence why lots of games go the extra mile with gender specific features to make you relate more to the game, the character and the environment.
Okay because I asked for you to make the woman, look more like a woman and give her gender specific features. You're changing my posts? Explain without being rude please.I don't know if you were being sarcastic. I hope for your sake you were. Either way, you best stow it. - Hugh
*I am stealing the comment from Dax below -- I take it you didn't read the post, or for that matter ever seen a woman in combat armor before.* --ComproxWonga is pretty much just a community of trolls, so if they take a round off you, you should just give them the win outright.GG guys. Well played Vetus, easy win!(Quote)
My biggest gripe with this game. Just because DOTA players want to play 1 round for an hour, does not mean us FPS'rs do.Looking forward to this! Got a feeling Wonga are going to get well beaten!PS. There is a global ban list - it's called VAC. Alternatively, I believe it is the responsibility of UWE to implement a tool to detect cheaters. If they're going to use LUA for the majority of their game, making it "ultra-moddable", they need ot m…This sort of elitism is pretty much the only reason outside the boundaries of the engine technology, as a reason of why I don't play the game.(Quote)
Australians beware. You can play double the amount of other online games than NS2.
Flawed example to say NS2 is higher quality than COD. Performance for example, is something COD does not have an issue with. NS2 still does. Next terrible example please.I love how people use COD has a "bad example" of gaming. Especially when being elite.
Better yet when you see thousands more gamers playing COD than their elite game.All the PT posters singing from the same hymn sheet once again. The new build isn't a new game, it's just another tweaked rehash of a very badly formed variant of gameplay.
Matchmaking won't have an impact, CS:GO match making sometimes s…If reviewers and gamers told people how bad performance was, UWE wouldn't get any sales. I think I said somewhere once that NS2HD did a good job of selling the game for UWE, avoiding performance completely. Dude could probably sell false teeth to a …The green rookie system is counter-productive to the game. You're asking a game player to assess their own abilities either before they get in game or based on games they have played. I strongly believe disabling or removing this feature will greatl…LOL Melancor. The player count has reduced by around 400% since launch (quick math). Something needs to be done, if you're not part of the solution, you're the problem.
For me I know performance needs to improve, that will improve overal…CS and DoD were bought by Valve - and catered more to the competitive scene, especially CS, always have, CS:GO is for comp. players or experience of playing not casual pubbers tbh.TF2 consults their competitive scene on every 'big patch' update and on map inclusions. Used to be consulted on weapon changes until they went silly with their "we sell your models" update.Not listening to competitive players it's what has caused NS2 to go through such drastic balance changing for it's entire life cycle.Tell Endar we thank you for you condescending tone.(Quote)
How can you kill that which is not alive?(Quote)
Are you a millionaire or billionaire?
I'm confused at this superior need to have every map perfectly balanced 50/50 for each side. When I play other games, it's rare I find each team which is different in some way, has a 50/50 chance.
Take CS, I know de_nuke is CT loaded and…I get on average an extra 3-5 FPS and the loading time is still at 90-120 seconds.
Good to see you're able to get back in to the game antikaratekid but it seems some of us still can't get in to it to begin with in UWE Must be Psychic Comment by sju June 2013