so then would a good resolution to that be if they changed it to where its an empowered 'dig' function? only absorbing what you can dig because most of those areas have some kind of rock around it preventing you from digging into i… -
IMO i hope they leave terrain forming ability, and also if they could have maps randomized that would make the game a lot better. As discovery is a key component in the game, with a static map the re-play isn't nearly as good. If they had tiers of…
hmm...but for saving terrain, don't they have to do that anyways? 1 i could dig up and modify (which i rather think it would be cool if you could do that to hide from big monsters), and 2 isnt the map random generated? like the biomes are set but th…
I think between seamoth and cyclops would be awesome. The captain seems too big, even long bases take a little bit to walk down, a ship that could fit a cyclopse? it would take a LONG time just to walk end to end which would get tedious. In additi…
Another thought is making the big room able to have a ladder anywhere on it, it looks like it has a lot more support than the tunnel does so it should be able to have one somewhere.
PS. Sonar is awesome. Lots of awesomeness. Heat gener… -
IMO you should make a sublist for batteries, so you start with copper, then you can do gold, then lithium. Gold should be able to make batteries for 2 reasons, 1 its a better conductor, 2 everyone has complained about having too much gold and NOTHI…
(Quote) The gold really doesn't have much use, I am hoping they let us use the workbench for battery + gold to make better batteries. Then if they make the 'special systems' EX. sonar. drain more battery while being used, it MIGHT be worth carry…
The smother was a close second. And on a side note wow 50/50 on the voting, this could go either way keep in your seets gents.
Eh? How is asking people online where the location is and how to get to it any better than cheating or just looking it up online? just seemed odd lol. Anywho they do have a map online of where everything is, the biomes are the same location but th…
It would be nice for survival, but if they gave us anything where for 30% more battery usage we no longer had to fear reapers, then that would suck. Part of the thrill is like 'O balls, I may get eaten!' is a lot more exciting than 'o well here goe…
huh.. just pay attention to creature habits then next time your in a new zone, the bone sharks have very rarely done anything to me because i avoid them so easily, I even had a base in the shimmering flats and would go out at night without much fear…
These updates are awesome and have yet to be a letdown. One thing I would like (which may be turned into upgrade modules) would be a trade-off customization. aka, for cyclopse you could get it with more glass up front for a lot better visibility, …
went into a crashed segment around the Arora and was opening a box when i heard the reaper scream, I backed up to a wall and got eaten threw the wall.
Then i restarted, went underwater to power grab what i knew i needed, and drowned. O hey i d… -
Yeah I think we should be able to, why not? It would be a LOT less uncomfortable and heavy than a harness on a dog (in comparison to size). Now im not suggesting we manipulate all the native life into pets cause eventually it would get lame...but …
Ive thought about storms as well, and how to make it more than just a top-water scene change when you spend so much time below water. So first off i had some ideas that i thought should globally happen during storms, an increased monster agro radiu…
What if, instead of an alien Biome (sorry i know that was a main point u suggested and i already agreed earlier lol), the alien biome is a modifier. what I mean is that instead of finding a pure alien biome, the alien 'city' has a chance to spawn i…
could also add in whirlpools that shoot down, sucking you in, storm could make the currents they will be implementing 50% bigger / faster, monsters are more aggressive, im not too fond of tsunamis because i don't want the escape pod chilling over th…
I have some issue with loading myself, i *think* it says loading something, then it does a seconds counter and just keeps going up. This happens every time i turn on steam for the first time each comp loadup. What I do is exit steam completely, th…
I'm currently against the lethal weps as well, the reason i do not stasis and knife enemies is because I like running from enemies, I play on hardcore and if i did that to all enemies it would be easy, but it wouldnt be a game anymore. just free-fa…
I think biomes and temple are a great idea, personally id rather see the reason for an explosion being a creature cause (maybe it smashed into crystals and caused a reaction), but otherwise sure if they are long dead thats cool, or they could be a r…
I think branched endings works best (though it requires much more work for the devs) One branch could end with you being rescued for ppl who do want a final outcome and be done (poll doesn't suggest that lols), but yeah adds replayability as well a…
Huh I like it, getting progressively more real on difficulty. I will say (i died a few times on hardcore) it was fun at first spawn running over to see what goodies i DID find. Also I hated finding the diving reel, i kinda just stared it down... …
When I read the explanation I immediately had a similar thought as Raven2010- that being that the Aroura could be a main focus (at least to a point). We already go to it to fix the radiation, if we progressively need deeper resources for more repai…
ahhh I read that u mentioned recycling them Salmon, missed that part about upgrades my bad
your list keeps expanding you must crawl these forums a lot xD, also one of my other ideas for those fragments other than the recyclers (which is still a good idea) is for small upgrades to the items (power efficiency maybe like 30%, faster movement…
definitely Long and deep...cause that things huge and it goes deep. Plus its more fun to see that
DNA comprehension on teleporter is a great idea, i love it. I was thinking moreso a drop like the stalker teeth, but i like the DNA concept even more
sorry Ive been busy, and of course its fine to link mine under yours. I'll have to take a look at your list as well. And I…