I like your quest generator. And I would agree to the whole post if there wasn't your idea of scanning through windows. Admittedly, it might be a question of taste but the one or another little kick in between isn't that bad either. *)
Yeah, I guess the Devs just want a new humorous customer debate. And lead seems to be the perfect resource for that. Hehe -
Hehehe, this would be funny. Cyclops powered by power lines like an electrical locomotive. LOL
But I guess that's not our Devs' vision. I think they'd like us to dock for charging. -
Well, my suggestion doesn't exclude the initially vision. Both 'visions' are possible side by side.
Yep, 'true recursive' might be the wrong term here. I guess it is the result of an inherited object function, started by found object after object. The problem is the serial sequence.
Interesting system analysis task. To me, it appears as a recursive function started by source after source. That off course is not how it would work in real. I'd try to code it the other way round, base by base, means by consumers. I bet this would …
The idea of a base battery/buffer isn't new, I guess @Dinkelsen mentioned it some weeks ago.
If I remember right, the Devs are planning to implement a batter… -
I like the idea of an exponential solar efficiency. But I guess that's part of a pending and final balancing which will happen once the Devs have created every single element. I can very well understand the current state. It wouldn't make much sense…
Exactly. I understand very well. That's why I'm questioning about the kick that gets lost when the player sends ahead the drone into every single dark hole. I mean, we're talking about a game that could/should thrill and not real l… -
As SpacedInvader wrote correctly: Solar panels add 50 to a base only if they are installed on a base piece. But in this case you may notice that crafting will consume 10 instead of 5 power units. This might be a little bug that only gets rele…
I'm not sure if I get you right. You mean sleep is harder to simulate than hunger or thirst? Well, I think we're just used to this acceptable break from reality that a character simply dies at a certain level and doesn't become wea… -
Another scenario could be to explore the radiation zone by drone. An inevitable operation if the radiation suit fragments were located there e.g.
But the actual problem was to prevent the player's constant use of scanning by … -
Q3? Hmmm, that could be closely. I'd pay them another early access 'fee' if they'd work it out until Q3-2017.
I don't think this would cause performance issues. Objects only appear within a certain radius (except bases and subs atm). So if you glide through the open ocean, you might not see much of the ground and vice versa. I rather think… -
Right. The player should do what ever he likes and can. If someone's happy with a smart ingame suicide, well why not, he is able to do so. So please .... let those sleep who like to.
PS: It doesn't mean that nights aren… -
What is the point of forced insomnia as long as nights are no challenge at all and at best nothing but annoying? There are lots of other 'dark' situations the player cannot avoid. But anyway, did you ever think about the need(!) to sleep? Please tak…
Yeah, lovely! Imagine reapers patrolling close around the shallows and it was highest priority to scan these beasts just to get a repellents blueprint. -> Subnautica represented as one of the top ten action games on steam. lol
Well, I don't see an actual benefit neither. But that doesn't mean there won't be some. Imagine you have to scan fragments that are located too deep or are surrounded by 30 biters each. That's just one example for possible applicat… -
That's just my modest prognosis. Imagine the enormous community yell, audible all over the world, the unbelievable flood of F8's. The Devs aren't their own enemies I guess. Though, such a little 'bug' on an April the 1st update ...… -
These are good ideas! Right up to Ideas and Suggestions with them!in Can't place a solar panel on Cyclops after the recent update Comment by lxh February 2016
Defense? I have two more, Requiemfang: Stay inside cyclops or simply avoid contact. But I'm glad these guys don't roam ... boy, that would be another game!in The encyclopedia: first impressions + all scannable creatures Comment by lxh February 2016
Yea, we've already got that theme. I wonder if reapers are scanable right now. But however, making them immune to the rifle would be hell of a fun. Hehe -
... and I guess you mean 4x4 inventory space is far too big. Hehe
Yeah, a good Idea. Hope there will come some needs for that.
Edit: How about a remote controlled sea glide? Just upgrade and equip it at the Modification Station. RC… -
Verdammt ...
Mi español es aún peor -
E in tedesco? Che cosa sta succedendo con l'altoatesinos?
Hehe, you've used a lot of words to describe a parser.
Yeah, it's always amusing to indulge wild speculations. But not only that ... I think we've enlightened some other aspects of possible story driven elements and (il)logical resource extraction. But however, I guess you all might agree that theres…
Yep, if the power efficiency was balanced right. At the moment you can explore these areas and go back on one single charge. -
I'd like to see a wise compromise between solar- and dock-charging. An over effective solar-charger makes dock-charging unnecessary. The throughout 'game' of finding appropriated energy sources and make a reasoned use of them by bu… -
Hmmm, you completely miss the point here. Personally I'm a hardcore player and this game is far, way and much too easy on every single aspect. Even nights are laughable 'spooky' kid stuff. But again, that's not the point buddy. Never played Skyrim? …