To answer you about why self-limitation can't be relied upon to balance the option of carrying multiple tanks, I cite the game design principle of optimal strategy. This principle states that if a player is presented with an obstac… -
This can simply be explained using the game design principle of optimal strategy. The principle states that if you give a player a means of overcoming an obstacle that is superior to all others, then the player will overcome that o… -
Ah, well, even if my Aspergers didn't make it difficult for me to detect sarcasm, there's still no tone of voice on the internet. Without [/sarc] tags or a :kappa emote, there's no way to be sure whether or not someone is being sar… -
Remember, different people enjoy this game for different reasons. I was able to play this game the way I liked in every version of the air tank implementation. I liked having the extra inventory space, but it didn't make a differen… -
Actually, we do get your point. We just disagree with it, as well as with your assertion that it is a fact and not a personal opinion. -
@NamelessChaos @Dinkelsen Look, everyone enjoys the game in their own way, and there …
As a professional programmer, I cringe at the idea of implementing a system to keep track of the randomly-generated contents of thousands of resource nodes. I'd much prefer if the resource nodes could be added to the list of objects to scan for.
How about we compromise with a morningstar? -
You make some valid points regarding balance and player progression. As an amateur game designer myself, I would agree that there should probably be a slightly higher ratio of silver to gold when harvesting sandstone chunks than th… -
Question: how do you know those elements are rare? This is not Earth. Elements that are rare on Earth might be plentiful on other planets (which would make a strong argument for why we might go to those planets in the first place).… -
"Eventually" is as difficult to calculate as an accurate model of Valve Time. It's much easier to just wait it out. -
Look, I do some editing in my free time, so trust me when I say that unless they explicitly ask for it, critiquing a writer's narrative style and storyline is one of the most insulting things you can do, ESPECIALLY when you do it p… -
Wouldn't the D.S.V Shoo Be Doo be more appropriate for at least one of those?in Seamoth in New Game? Comment by iSmartMan April 2016
If it does, then it isn't significant enough for me to have noticed... -
I think they were asking why you didn't leave after presenting your opinions and disappointments, and instead stuck around to be rude and condescending. -
Come on, can't we compromise by only letting inventory tanks with a specific modification contribute to your total oxygen?
Criticism is fine, but you don't have to be so condescending and rude in how you present it. As you can see, when you are those things, then no one will listen.
@After_Midnight Trust me, it's a lot easier to be satisfied with things like this once you accept that different people enjoy the game for different reasons than yo…
To everyone presenting logical reasons why that wasn't the main character's fault: emotions don't always respond to logic.
Guys, according to the OP's profile, they haven't logged in since last August. They made this thread for a different update, they're no longer reading it, and they aren't going to make a new poll. Please, just let this thread fade away again so it d…
...and I only just realized that this thread was made almost a year ago, and it was talking about a completely different update than the one we're expecting...
At first this recipe seems obvious, but then I realized that there aren't any fabricator recipes in the game where the result takes up more inventory space than the ingredients. So, perhaps we should discuss what should happen if you try to craft 10…
I think the devs said somewhere that they're planning to save the bulk of the storyline until the game is officially released, so there's not much point in putting my vote there. Do you think you could add an option for more crafting recipes and end…
Wow, sounds like something that would require a bit more than titanium, glass, and silicon rubber, eh? Perhaps some advanced, exotic, rare materials? -
While I may have differing feelings regarding how much oxygen is necessary for wreck diving, I can still respect your assertion that using the Seamoth isn't the same as diving. As I said before, personal tastes don't make either of… -
Amen to that! I feel like the devs already know how some of us feel about the air tank change, but in order to have the game fit their vision and make us happy at the same time, it would help them more to know WHY we feel the way t… -
That's fair. We each have our own personal taste, and we each enjoy this game in our own way. That doesn't make any of us wrong, just different. There's no point in arguing and trying to change someone else's personal taste. All we… -
I'm sorry if the answer to this is obvious, but I think there's something I'm missing here. A lot of people in this thread say that they want to essentially stay underwater indefinitely. Is there some reason this desire can't be fulfilled using a Se…
I'm sorry if the answer to this is obvious, but I think there's something I'm missing here. You say that you want to stay underwater indefinitely, take in the sights, and not rush. Is there some reason why you can't fulfill those d…