I think, the answer is simple enough.
1) at that deepths there is barely life, due to insufficient feed and linght. Diving 2000m to see sand?I can agree in case of Cyclops, but oxygen tank is simple enough to make, to be added to Seamoth recipe.Maybe it is bug, but it looks awesomeLike a haounted base
in [BUG] Jellyrays can spawn inside base Comment by dziubo1 May 2016
Maybe they also should have oneI think autosave would be great feature. For easy mode, autosave should be in separate slot, for support way of user save. In hard mode, autosave should be only option available, as that makes game bit could be an option if not glith with corals and mushrooms trees, that doesnt allow to aquire more resources without restarting game. Anyway, give 'Agree', to confirm that it's valid bug, pleasein [Bug] Station power bug: Seamoth vs Bioreaktor Comment by dziubo1 May 2016
I need to apologize for mistake i made on 2nd picture. It appears i had unfinished window in this room, so aquarium could not buildThen you should not be able to make corridor before demounting panel and retrieving back sources.Lol, you are translated now! SweetI can notice, that cyclops gets yellow depth (without upgrades) on 99 instead 100 meters. Looks like typical if clause mistake.,,I cannot see this bug too. Icewave, have you tried to reinstall game? Maybe your file with sound was corrupted somehow and causes unhanded exception -> that could cause game crash...Wow man, this is amazing! I am not related to game, but could you show some of your designs, please?I can confirm another bug visible on movie. Animation of seamoth docking is broken. Seamoth hatch never closes. After that we can see black square around moth, that is messing with light. I constructed fresh seamot and it occured again. Furthermore …"Good work, Duzuibo1." - it's dziubo. D-Z-I-U-B-freaking-O ! Is it sooo hard? Hehe, just fucking with you, I am not madOf COURSE…