I gotta agree the steering is horrible now. Also there really Really is no reason why the devs have to make the steering so awful just to make the game a little bit more realistic. There is just no need.
I think that's a great idea, but I have to say that is going to be really difficult to implement. I seriously wouldn't hold my breath for that to happen but hey, if they manage to do it, I would very much like it.
I wanted to suggest this my self. Devs make this happen. I've clobbered more fish than cough them and all of my welder charge goes to repairing the damage done by the poor fish who happened to be in my way in [Suggestion] Fish swim away from subsComment by darioushsFebruary 2016
Yea after some searching around the forums, I can see this being where aliens exists, the only thing is that its not deep enough.
We need answers devs and we need them NAO! in What is that maze doing thereComment by darioushsDecember 2015