You'll need the modification station. I found the fragments near the dunes, if I remember correctly. It wasn't super far away from a reaperThat's weird. I wonder what biome it is?The last time I played, my game would freeze when trying to save the game. I was in the lava zone if that has anything to do with it. @Obraxis@BlindGuardian it has not been fixed completely. Build a large base in the safe shallows and then hop in your cyclops.
I am about to dismantle a chunk of…Excellent! I can't waitThis happened because you spawned the prawn suit into the game while inside of the cyclops.
Always spawn vehicles outside of the cyclops.I finally found the moonpool. The fragments were in the big wreck in the grand reef. I also found the the thermal plant and scanner room fragments in said wreck.
Unfortunately, the wreck entrance is past crush depth for the seamoth if it…Anyone know where to find the moon pool and seamoth upgrade fragments?Me.
As far as feeding, grab a fish, put in the fabricator and you're good to go. Seamoth parts can be found over in the grassy fields near the lifepod 17 wreck. I miss my cyclops but starting over appears to be a necessary thing to play …It appears they've also fixed the issue where you were facing backwards when you exited the seamoth.@scoutts that definitely is what's going on. I was able to scan the blueprint from a base on the island.These are some of the best developers I've seen in regards to their interaction with the community and their dedication to their game. They have not and will not give up on us if their current progress is any indication. Microsoft is holding them ba…Thanks ObraxisI really appreciate that you guys interact with the community. I can really see a massive difference in texture qua…
Dude...that sucks. I almost wonder if there's something corrupted about your game install. I hate for you to have to do this, but, delete the game and all save data off of your Xbox and reinstall. Start from scratch. That should fix this guaranteed.…I think the games look better! They added light bloom. It's possible they may have lowered the textures to compensate for better lighting effects. A dev would have to answer that. I think it looks just as a good though.I had a similar issue with the mobile vehicle bay on my first save a couple of patches ago. I had to start over
Jus…I haven't tried creative since the latest patch. What happens if you delete and reinstall the game?I had to
Finally found the mobile vehicle bay fragments so I can build my seamoth. It sucks starting over.It's not perfect but so far I can see a huge difference. I unfortunately to start over because my save was "out of date" so I currently have no cyclops frame rate data.ThanksThat's crazy. Did you unlock it with the dev console?It may just be a skeleton, but imagine that creature sneaking up behind you, without warning or sound, and swallowing you whole, leaving you to a fate of being digested alive. This could be the future with an update...There should be a little more free reign with their early access program. Because this game is in an alpha state, you guys shouldn't be constrained under the regular update policies for complete, publically launched titles.I finally got my base completely moved last night. I found a decent spot in the grand reef right above a wreck. Hopefully this will continue to stay a peaceful area (the limited area that I built in). I know further down there are crab squids and th…These things tried to kill me through the glass of my cyclops cockpit. I had to get out and shoot it with the repulsor cannon just to be able to get in the drivers seat! This happened after loading a save.You definitely encountered a reaper. Believe it or not, future updates are bringing in creatures that are far bigger in size! Also, just wait until you find the skeleton in the lost river.Don't mess with anything but bloom, light shafts and water drip effect (in graphical settings). The other options cause issues. Frame rate lets you see frame rate info on screen. The frame rate graph thing puts a real time graoh on screen to visuali…I see this issue even with full sized doorways in the wrecks. You're not alone.Awesome. Thanks for the quick responses