Nope, never played any TR game. At the time of the first cple releases in the series, just wasnt interested in it overall. My stance on playing male characters came later. And just to be clear, i have nothing against female charact… -
Which is why i think they should gve us at least one DLC that expands on the precursor's, and at least 3 more biome's to explore/build in (and throw in a few new base pieces/cosmetic's). -
I'd settle for a seamoth key-fob, or a set of SubN-themed christmas tree decorations...
Technically no, but i'd say it's significant betting odds in favor of.
There's been a ton of suggestions along the way from the community that seem balanced and would only expand the game mechanic/content wise. And then… -
It dosnt.
Dont get me wrong, i like the game and i'm happy that i was introduced to it, and will most likely be a "day 1" buyer for any/all future DLC's. And i realize that we're still in pre-release, so there's still (hopefully) plenty … -
Turrets, while prob fun to look at when working, might cause an issue with frame-rate / performance.
What i was thinking of was more along the lines of an invisible field that acts like repellent for the smaller aggressive fishies (and t… -
Still don't understand -why- they want to get such an obnoxiously restrictive rating.. For the xbone release?
And some new developments for wtf'ery.. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the mystical floating room of amazement.
As another said, there's already visible bone's (fossil's) in the game..dont see it being to difficult to scale the concept down to the occasional skeletal human remains in a tattered uniform, or even just a visible skull here and there, especially …Never liked multi-player due to the all but guaranteed draw for trolls and general jackass'ery. Before we start seriously talking about a sequal, we should encourage the devs to consider an expansion..but only after core/base game is finished, so we…And as i said in another thread, even if we assume that the other lifepod's occupants were teleported away by the warpers to be disposed of, the aurora was a big ship, and there are whole chunks of her with sealed rooms/corridors blasted across the …And yet -we- can die by various means, and our character cries/screams/groans in pain when the various predatory life-forms takes chunks out of our keister.. and the various pda tid-bits talk about other npc's dying horribly as well..Really dont se…When I think "guro", I think of viscera, severed parts, ect. That's really not what I was meaning when I suggested remains. Was thinking more along the lines of intact bodies of skeletal remains.
Also adding a "tool-belt" suggestion. Slo…True this is an exploration/survival game 1st and foremost, but we have to admit that it's also a bit minecrafter-ish (what with the building elements), and us being able to put in wall shelves, we need something to add a bit of flavor to our bases.…Also adding: being able to label the big lockers ( the glass/titanium ones)
There's some plot reasons for this (the planet was most likely going to be colonized or used in -some- exploration capacity (perhaps as a re-supply base or whatnot), so when you manged to cure yourself, i assume that you are no longer able to be inf…