Where does this land in your top ten games?
Join Date: 2016-11-15 Member: 223876Members

I don't exactly know how many people here would call themselves "Video Game Enthusiasts" and have their top ten perfectly laid out in their head but just think about it and if it is in your top ten games, what position. Survival - Open world games are my favorite so this game already takes my number 2 or 3 spot and once the full version is out, fully optimized and with the story in tact its just take a higher spot to be honest.
Of course, just kidding.... I've logged more than 200 hours just in 2017 playing this game. I'm utterly addicted to it. And I still have so much to do in the game. I heard recently there are other biomes once you leave the Safe Shallows. I can't wait!
2) Star Trek Online
3) Fallout 4
4) Skyrim
That's all I have time for.
Anymore and it would cut into time spent with the Wife. (and then she'd be playing games with my privates)
3. Subnaudica
4. Warcraft
5. (Give me the hate) evlove
1) Skyrim (970 hours)
2) Archeage (955 hours)
3) Starbound (510 hours)
4) Terraria (450 hours)
5) Subnautica (408 hours)
That said I don't foresee myself playing much of any on the list except subnautica at the present.
2. Subnautica
3. Garry's Mod
4. Team Fortress 2
5. Red Faction Guerilla
(These are a mix of my favorites and most played)
I don't have the money to get a console. So these games are just Steam games.
Sorry, but Subnautica is not my top five. It's not even my top ten.
That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I just enjoy other games far more.
I don't know the particular order, but in my top 10 (probably due to nostalgia for some as they were some of the first games I played):
Descent series ( 1 and ][ especially)
FreeSpace series
Half Life series
Subnautica (I pretty much didn't care for any games that required crafting / survival until Subnautica)
Age of Empires (back in the day, anyways)
F-22 Lightning III (hey, don't judge, it looked amazing and cool when it came out)
Halo series (only really played 1, some Custom Edition, and a bit of 2 for the most part)
Crysis (realistic graphics, and I loved plinking enemies in semi-auto mode, as well as hearing the Korean comments from them)
Scorched Earth
Hover (included in Windows '95 CD, MS made a version available to play online in 2013, link here)
1) Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 (PS4)
2) Skyrim (PS4)
3) Subnautica (PC)
4) No Man's Sky (PS4)
5) GTAV (PS4)
6) Fallout 4 (PS4)
7) Elite Dangerous Horizons (PC)
8) Witcher III (PC)
9) Empyrion - Galatic Survival (PC)
10) The Forest (PC)
I don't see why not...
1) Subnautica
2) Unravel
3) The Last of Us
4) Journey
5) Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep
6) Bioshock
7) Event [0]
8) Undertale
9) Night in the Woods
10) ABZÛ
2) GTA V
3) Subnautica
4) ARK: Survival Evolved
5) Endless Ocean
6) Red Dead Redemption
7) Forza Horizon 3
9) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
10) Uncharted 2
It's pretty high up on the list. It beats out ARK and Forza, so...
Same here. Subnautica doesn't even come close to my top 10.
Here's a list in no particular order, for shiggles. I'm including mods where applicable.
1. Total War series. (Modded. De Bello Mundi, Stainless Steel, etc.)
2. Bioshock 1+2.
3. Fallout 1+2+NV (Heavily modded). (Fallout 4 was absolutely terrible, it suffered from too much Skyrim Syndrome.)
4. The Witcher 2+3. (Modded. Combat realism etc.)
5. Spintires.
6. X-Com: Enemy Within (Modded. Long War.)
7. Monkey Island series.
8. Rimworld. (Heavily modded.)
9. Dishonored. (Modded.)
Honorary mentions:
Banner Saga 1+2
Commados series (+ Shadow Tactics)
X3 Series
GTA 2+3+San Andreas
And so many I've forgotten.
1. Civilization 1
2. XCOM: UFO Defense
3. Master of Orion 1
4. Master of Orion 2
5. Colonization
6. X3: Reunion
7. World of Warcraft
8. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
9. Ultima II
10. Ultima IV
For the past four months, Subnautica has been my favorite game. But I've been playing games for a few years.
2. Astroneer (currently unplayable because of computer type but thanks to youtube videos it takes this spot)
3. Undertale (yeeeeeeeeeeeeep
4. Minecraft (cuz my first computer game never ever played on the computer till it came out)
5. Whos your daddy ( yepp that game i dont have friends who have it so i deleted it
1. Besiege - They added a bunch of new stuff and are adding a level editor. Always a big plus for me. (40 hrs)
2. Space engineers - This is the only game I have friends that play. Also, it is awesome. (35 hrs)
3. Subnautica - Still cool, been playing since the crash site update. Likely will move up to #2 or even #1 when cyclops update released. (90 hrs)
4. GIMP photo editor - sure, It's not a game, but I still use it for my webcomic.
5. D-Generation Redone- A remake of an old game for the amiga. Buggy as heck, but still awesome. (10 hrs)
6. Roboblitz - A 3rd person puzzle - shooter. I play it on an original cd-rom. Awesome design. Cool bosses.
7. Minecraft - Don't play this much anymore. Used to play it a lot, before I found besiege and subanutica. (1000+ hrs. I'm not kidding.)
GOOD GOD. THAT'S A LOT OF TIME. 4 1/2 months, if my math works.
2: Subnautica
3: Battlefield 1
4: From The Depths
5: Bioshock Series
6: Minecraft
7: War Thunder
GTAV, Subnautica, Battlefield 1 and Bioshock i play on the XBox One. Gamertag is Aviator1945 if you want to join or just chat.
*Ark Survival
*Sonic Generations
*Super Mario Galaxy 2
*Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
*Rocket League
*Zelda Breath of the Wild
* Can't decide on one more but I'll say Stardew Valley
Dont get me wrong, i like the game and i'm happy that i was introduced to it, and will most likely be a "day 1" buyer for any/all future DLC's. And i realize that we're still in pre-release, so there's still (hopefully) plenty of content on the way, but..
Right now the game is pretty finite, and i think even after it's fully released and we have all DLC, it's not the type of game that will keep me coming back again and again. The "story" of the game isnt anywhere near deep/broad enough to support extended gameplay, and exploration / base building only goes so far, especially when there isnt any real point/purpose in base-building besides a place to store materials and a few pieces of extra gear and food/water production.
Will subnautica be a game that i end up counting as a good one, one that i was happy/proud to own and experience? yes. But will it work it's way into my top 10? Highly doubtful
THANK YOU BOTH. Two of my still-resident (and probably always will be) Top Ten games are positively ancient at this point: Outpost (the first one, thank you) and Wing Commander: Privateer. Yes, the graphics are dated - in the case of Privateer, really dated - but the gameplay was rock solid and creativity through the roof. I still haven't found a game as good as the original Outpost, and believe me, I've looked!
Frankly, I really don't care too much about graphics; a polished pile of cat crap is still something I don't want. I'll take a good-but-ugly game over a pretty-but-garbage game any day of the week.
My gaming history is escapism at its finest.
I wasn't really thinking about all the old games though, the pre-steam era... good grief its been awhile. I mean, Age of Empires definitely, along with its spin-offs, Rise of Nations, Empire Earth, classic Command and Conquer or Tiberium Sun... I miss the old rts games. Panzer General, Rollercoaster Tycoon... I don't dare guess how many hours I logged into runescape... was a favorite for a long time too. Can't really rank them if I go back that far though.
As for listing favorites, I usually have around four or five I enjoyed enough to put on any sort of list;
1. Metroid Prime
2. Killing Floor
3. Starcraft/Brood War expansion
4. Breath of the Wild (might be a bit too soon to tell, though)
After that it's an analogous pool of "Definitely awesome but I don't play them every year" games;
Various Resident Evils
Various Zeldas
Various Fire Emblems
Various Devil May Crys
Various Phoenix Wrights
Various Fatal Frames
Banjo Kazooie/Tooie
Subnautica (of course)
Bungie-era Halos, specifically Halo 2
Shadow of the Colossus
Maybe I'm just getting old and crotchety but most games released in the past five to ten years just don't blow me away the same way as older ones did. Might be an issue of taste.
Speaking of, you heard they're making it free, with an enhanced / deluxe edition being the paid version now?
Another game I really enjoy and still play is M.A.X. by Interplay.
Did you release it?
Well, I guess that means I can put Runescape on the top of the list and Subnautica falls to #6... I found that metric. 1,757 hours.
Why yes, I have. Exciting stuff, though I wonder if it will be as moddable as the original. Was working on a mod not too long ago that sped up a lot of things to speed up playing through the campaigns. Stuff like building build times(not units), worker unit efficiency, and energy/shield/hp regen speeds. The remake will be the best thing ever if mods like those are made possible in it.
Wow I did almost the same thing- it was a campaign that was basically a Zerg perspective of the original Terran campaign. Then the hard drive it was on got wiped =(