Because its not an exosuit? The prawn is more of a vehicle with arms and legs.
I was thinking it would be something more like an Atmospheric Dive Suit or NASA's AX5 -
Uh... what?
...what? -
a weapon might be useful late in the game when shoggoths start coming up from the depths and hiding in your base
coming home from a gathering mission to find your base power sabotaged and "things" lurking in the dark
we must go deeper, where light fears the dark.(Quote)
I better not show him any pictures of me!That's actually a good point I thought the reefback seemed around maybe 10 meters long was but 20 meters?
a blue whale is 30 meters long
It just doesn't feel that big(Quote)
Oh yeah, those vortex torpedos would be really useful(Quote)
Rwanda Genocide?
Also who wants a space Machinegun? I just want some kind of flashbang like device that I can throw to get out of a sticky situation when diving you know?
OH BOY breaking out the dictionary! Well you seemed to have missed that a weapon is anything designed OR CAPABLE OF being used for bodily damage. Cars, pencils, guitars, all are deadly weapons if used to attack someone.
Ahh now you are shifting the goalposts, First you implied that tools are not weapons now you claim that it has to be designed to be a weapon.
All that matters is lethality, IMO the most lethal weapon in the game is the …(Quote)
Oh my god I actually just read that wall of text.
*wipes an imaginary tear of laughter from eye*
I am Barack "The Shock" Obama and I approv…(Quote)
By definition a weapon is anything used for inflicting damage.
A shovel is a weapon if you hit someone over the head with it.(Quote)
I think the instant build is useful for creative but in survival and hardcore it should take a lot longer.
base-building should take even longerAn abyssal zone biome would be amazing, Pitch black, no escape, Claustrophobia setting in
A noise in the darkness
A magnesium flare illuminating the horrors that man was not meant to see.Zoomin through a biome in my seamoth, CLUNK THUNK BUMP SMASH
I just killed 30 fish with my windshield
Who needs guns?(Quote)
Shhhh! don't tell them that you can punch things to death with the exosuit!(Quote)
Fire, to kill the reapers.
They packed a lot of it you see because they weren't sure how much it would take.
I don't think many people are interested in swimming around shooting everything with an underwater Kalashnikov.
I think, and the views of other players seem to reflect this sentiment, that defensive items meant to scare…(Quote)
something using crash-powder would be interesting.
underwater flashbangs anyone?A larger multipurpose room would be cool as a central base hub,
able to snap on 8 corridors and 5 snap points in the center in a + patternI dont particularly care about lethal guns but a nonlethal defense weapon when diving and exploring would be useful.
This is a great idea actually a battery powered stun rod, for warding off a larger predator that c…Got bored and started a new game, built a radiation suit and a welder.
Swam over to the aurora, fixed the radiation leak and swam back without ever encountering a reaper
There are currently around 880 thousand owners of Subnautica
the last sale actually had a drop in ownership from 881520 to 877078
The numbers of people actually playing is also steadily dropping, indicating …The game is in a barebones state and has severe gamebreaking bugs and glitches and you want them to spend time & money on making a movie?
What is this Mighty Number 9?
The priorities of the development team should be focu…I've noticed that reapers tend not to hang around the surface. Just head straight towards the aurora at a depth of 0M(Quote)
The problem is that bases have serious, sometimes game-breaking problems. mobs aggro you through the base, damage hits you through the base, fish, plants and the waterline clips through the base. and serious graphic overload occurs…(Quote)
I think the steps for a reaper attack are
1. The reaper has to first see you
2. then it has to orient its head towards your location
3. then it has to charge you (possibly straightening out its body)
I…Discovered that you are able to evade Reaper Leviathans in your Seamoth by going towards them at full speed.
They cant aggro and turn around fast enough to chase you down.
Just don't go right into their jaws mind you.- Other alien weathers for cool effects and interesting spawns and behaviors? I'd love to see suggestions, please comment below!
how about seismic events. earthquakes that damage your base krakatoa eruptions that blot out the sky for a f…