Well if you want links to many of the tweets that are deemed doubtful I would recommend this article which is in german:
Yep unless they release it on you are pretty much screwed. I do wonder why it is not available there, Subnautica seems like prime material for GOG. There is a chance of it coming to the Windows Store, too, maybe? But these are questions for …In the end and after 200 hours o f Subnautica over two and a half years, I fear that I am through with Subnautica. I do not know if anybody feels that way, but I do not want to come back, since I now experienced everything the game has had to offer …Yeah I was rather happy with this considering that that magazine was indeed the one that brought me to the game in summer of 2015. Well deserved, too.Yeah a lagnuage filter would be great. I did write mine in German, which would make it more accessible to german folks, while totally unnecessary to large amounts of the playerbase. I have not found it despite going through a thousand or so TCs, so …I would assume you are alive and well. I would agree that the Sea Emperor merely referred to leaving as an analogy of how both escaped their prison.(Quote)
The things you can get need to fit in a 2x3 box, so that means a maximum of 6 items and then you will also have to finde it in the world. I found my first one in the blood kelp, when I was looking for the Lost River, I can not reca…So do we have an actual release time? Or will the release be really with the start of the livestream, which will be the 24th of February in my country?in Subnautica Launch Livestream - Subnautica Comment by VincentNZ January 2018
Yeah it must have been in 2013 when I last ordered a physical game copy. Must have benn Total War: Rome II. Steam just makes it too damn easy and convenient to get games onto your computer. Installing a game from DVD and downloading the patches oft…I would not worry at all. Marketing in an efficient way costs a lot of money. Money you would only spend on a very expensive title. For a game like Subnautica that has a low budget the best advertising is done by people like NeebsGaming doing a 20 v…I have used the nuclear reactor in later bases, but I rarely use more than two bases and the bioreactor offers some great convenience, similar to the solar engine. Providing a good amount of energy at a very low cost and doing so constantly.
Yeah I said it in another thread. Aside from cinematic purposes no game needs any blur effects to mimic reality. We are supposed to be in there and we are focusing and unfocusing with our own eyes already. Right now your crosshair …I would have to agree with the OP more or less. I was rather excited about an update with that name, but then I saw the video and only thought: "Ah they made it blurry." Which are options that I always immediately turn off. It just does not give me …Yeah I am having the same issue, it starts up normal, but at some point wrecks do not load, I can only see the crates and scannable objects floating in mid-air, terrain despawns and I can not save anymore. It really messed up my day, I am quite anno…
I find that post rather helpful. I still like Subnautica, but I have not touched it for two months really for different reasons. I really used to dive in and just explore, see what is new, until I reached the current end.
Yeah I had to build another Cyclops and Seamoth because they disintegrated after reloading in the Aurora. The update did some things concerning balance I am not so sure about, but you can easily adapt. Once you have the Seamoth the game becomes much…The current problem is more or less that people like me do not want to deplete the local fauna to the point where the ocean is a liveless wasteland. So using plants as nutrition is indeed a good idea.
However you can not sustain yoursel…(Quote)
Well there goes my afternoon then.yeah 350mb this morning...anyone figured out what is new yet? The last bigger update had 180mb and did not add a lot of visible things, so it might be just background or spawnable stuff.I think they really need to increase the bioluminescense from the plants outside of the shallows. Right now the only real natural light sources are the creepvine seeds.
In the deeper biomes there often are just not enough plants to incre…I thought the Mesmers are out of the game currently? Anyway some eggs are much rarer than others. While you can get a lot of, stalker, rabbitray and sandshark eggs, others are harder to find.
I still wonder though if they spawn randomly…I always thought the scanner room with the PDA and the beacons as a form of triangulation would work great.I definitely agree that they should not explode. The biome would look really barren after a while. I think though they should emit more light, you can barely see anything down there, which is authentic I guess, but it is a bit of a bummer that biolu…I do not like the looks of them, but I love the idea behind it. It is a shame really that the render distance is so low and that generally lifeforms seem to diminish around your base. It would really be majestic to watch them tread by, like a herd o…I thought Mesmers were about the same size as peepers...From the picture they are bigger though that rabbit rays. I woonder, is that the supposed size? I think it would fit better.Nope sorry they are not in...I went down there to check a couple of hours ago. It is still barren, but the skeleton is at lwast textured.I just went down into the Inactice Lava Zone again und, for the first time, even deeper in what I presume will be the active lava zone and have to say that this is one huge biome. I really wonder how they fill it up. I could not travel in further wi…Hmm, I too would have liked more info of what actually happened in this huge update. I figured it was largely bug fixes and firing up for the console update. I do like the screens though, yet some lines beneath would be helpful. If you include links…Yeah I do not see the point of larger subs really. Mater of fact I do not see a reason for a medium-sized one either. It is hards to navigate as is, I still need to find a way to get to the Inactive Lava Zone without hearing that collision beep on m…This is great! There is an issue with this though. A couple of times, when I quit the game while somehing was still under construction, a reload would make the half finished construction disappear along with the resources. Happened to me once when c…