c u there guyz
I think we found our guy. Couldn't resist his sexy voice on mumble. Big thanks to all the three (3) guys who showed interest since November
in [karvalakki] in need of one Skill33t player (EU SWE/FIN (NO/DK?) low-MID ) Comment by TheKarva February 2014
Organized 6vs6 ?
But in general Gather sounds fine, and Organized Play. +1 for those.
On a side note, the word "mix" in euro refers to one team being of mixed people ranging from teams to casuals, so a mix can play vs a real team f… -
Thnx thats all i wanted to hear! season 2 seems to have been the low point of ns2nsl
I wish you can take a close look and figure out together with all teams who belongs in which division for the next season. I think that div 3&4 were a bit scattered with some teams being in 3 that kind of belong in div4 and some div4 that should…
Hmm what if vortex would be a bit like scorpions pulling skill? I mean we're talking about vortex but if we think about different alternatives to fix it, why not skip vortex alltogether and call it something else and make a skill that does somethin…(Quote)
Who would want a marine getting drawn towards you?
imagine a marine magnetically pulled towards you, firing …(Quote) this i like. drop a vortex, loose so much adre you can only blink away. in return marines get stuck in the vortex, being able to move but at like 20% of their normal speed for like 2 sec. a marine jumpdodging just when the vortex hits wou…(Quote)
I can't find you with that id... but try looking for me, you'll find me with the username "[karvalakki] TheKarva" i have our tag in my name so people can easily find me when looking for pcw, same goes with boke.
Btw wh…Showing a bit of ass is not the same as being an ass.
Just sharing a piece of male beauty that has sadly been forgotten amidst all this sexual objectification of women.
At least in Finland non-erect penises and naked male butts can be on…Should we get someone to go frontpage with this? irc channels and guides for n00bies on what it is and how it works? i know even if i used irc alot back in the days i myself need time to figure out how things worked every half a year i happen to op…Matchmaking will be generally good and awesome and much needed etc. I agree fully on that and think it will make more people stay for good/better games overall for casually jumping in to evenly matched games with your buddies or just finding people …(Quote)
This doesn't eliminate the fact that you have to ask each and everyone separately for a pcw, wait for them to answer or get a "i'll get back to you in 30". Suddenly you sit there with 6 separate windows open, multitasking for 30min…I personally h8 the steam friends list for finding games... i have a million friends and hard time keeping track of who's who and from which team. Adding your own nickname after their names helps out a bit, but once you go over 20 or so and people s…I'm waiting for.
Rump - still lookin'Don't forget us lower div teams!i know nothing about the teams outside my divison, but i know enough about the premdivs since the…
I once had an invisible character in the name filter, took me forever to realize what was wrong. or atleast i assume that was the case since i clicked all the icons and checked what could be wrong etc and somehow it fixed itself after arrow + backsp…Someone already stated this in another thread but... Streams should pop up in the in-game main menu. Lots of peeps who don't read forums at all, missing awesome streams.
+1, this was mentioned in another thread already..6v6 is playable and we've had good times playing vs US teams from EU. It's a horror experience to be on 18+ servers in lategame on pubs, even on local servers.
edit: but yes, we have started doing better after our team members upgraded t…This is a bit of a tricky question for me, to support or not to support. All things considered i don't think UWE has dropped the ball just yet, and to me them sponsoring half the event is to show that they know they need their community. I gladly p…Tap e to use, hold e to weld. I also dislike loosing axe for welder when it clearly is an addon to the build tool. And it doesnt just weld, it also builds, right? Axe> riflebutt anydayI have the same issue, game asks me to optimize every single time i open it, optimizing doesn't do anything special and next time i start it asks again, i tend to just skip it most times. also my settings don't seem to save, i always end up having m…