Other options?! As in... -
Thanks for the help! I changed the page file to 5GB as recommended by someone here and yesterday at least, I didn't have any more issues. We'll see how it'll do. However, I don't understand how my 16GB of DDR3 RAM is not enough … -
Aha! That's what it was. Indeed my own footsteps sound like it is coming from somewhere else. I couldn't quite put my finger on as to why I always felt followed.
I'll give this a shot if the Matso recommendation doesn't work. Thanks for the tip! -
It might not be "better", but I like to stay on top of technology and software. I'm reluctant to downgrade my OS just to accomodate NS2. As much I love the game... -
I'll look into those settings to see if it helps me out. However, I know for sure that Commander hints are OFF, and I'm almost positive that I have Show Info set to OFF as well. I still get this allocation error message about onc… -
Phase gates are to unreliable to me. Especially due to microlags I get right before crossing into one. I end up just going right through it and end up on the other side about 30% of the time.
@matso, thanks again for all your contribution to the patch.
I figured you might be the one to ask why I'm still getting the "Cannot Allocate Enough Me… -
Still getting the "Cannot Allocate enough memory" error that I used to get. I thought the VRAM fix was going to handle that?
What a difference. I am, however, still getting minor hitching on my 2GB 660M video card with the texture setting at 2GB+. Should I maybe lower it to 1.5GB or lower to avoid it all together?
Oh God... I can see my wife not being so happy with me today. <:(
Screw NS2. Get the SSD for overall performance and reliability improvement. I will never use mechanical drives again!
I'm enabling it and sending my laptop's ashes to Matso!
I don't really care about increasing my FPS. I just want my FPS to be more reflective of what I'm experiencing. I would say I average anywhere between 50-60 range and it seems like I'm playing at 20 FPS. If that wasn't bad enough, I get micro lag…
I blame Brian for these issues. Just sayin'...
NS1 > NS2
Guys, I fixed my issue by deleting the clientregistry.blob file in the main directory of Steam. Make sure that Steam is not logged in when doing so.
Try it and post your results here for others to see.
PS - Some people menti… -
Having this issue as well. About a week and no solution as of yet.
Please close this thread. OP is delusional.
BTW, instead of making these new servers, why don't you remove ELO-based shuffling, which is obviously broken and people constantly use it?!
Tsk tsk tsk... some people need a life. lol
I have the best way NS2 could improve... Almost to perfection.
Bring back all elements and gameplay style of NS1 and just import all graphic elements from NS2. Done! You're welcome! Bye. -
Real grenades don't hit on impact, why should these? Having them time-sensitive allows you to be more creative and more protected when attacking structures from different angles. It is not meant to be a meele weapon.
Putin sucks!
3) Alien commanders. Worst idea ever!
Steam Sales killed this game. Period!
I am having issues with my NVIDIA 660m Optimus video card since the update. It keeps switching back and forth between the on-board card and the NVIDIA card. Didn't have any issues prior to this update. Also tried two different driver versions fro…
Honestly, I rarely jump when being attacked and I can handle multiple skulks. If you rely on jumping to take care of a single skulk than maybe you should reconsider FPS games. I still believe that there should be a more aggressive slowdown when la…
Badges are so lame.
Is there a console command we can use to enable the crosshair permanently? I'd like to try it out.