Im not get your irony ? Badge people allways act like a D--ck head to new players ?
See for your-self before talking like that with new people , heres your signature quotein Anti-cheat / dealing with hackers Comment by Perman12 October 2015
You guys ever hear about internet Meme KQLY-fornia VACation ?
After that CSGO scandal with 250.000 $ prize for Titan team if they win , they have been disqualified
in Anti-cheat / dealing with hackers Comment by Perman12 October 2015 -
i hate lazy developers
when customer have problem with 32bit , i ask them fix with a patch
next day they drop it and say :" Thank you for your patient , make sure you upgrade your PC to 64 bit cuz we dont care about your problem &g… -
so much .... worth my time for me to inbox those Famous Youtube Gamer
HYPE NS2 again > must play -
Join empty server >> Server auto switch Combat mode
After 8 player connect and play for awhile >> Switch back server to NS2 vanilla
I wish developers can work on this to help players can "Warm up" round when join …(Quote)
I think UWE DEvelopers team can spend sometimes and go out ask - speak directly with those guys ( like Pewdiepie ? :P) about making videos about this game , they can play and give feedbacks , oppinions about NS2 ? ^^
+ 1 buff flame thrower >> also make After-Burn damage like Pyro on Teamfortress 2 >> The longer you run away to find heal , more damage taken ^^if devs can do match making lobby like CSGO >> 6v6 random and you cant change team will make find match alot faster ^^
Too bad that many server empty when players just cant find a match easy >> and have to join 42 / 32 player…The first 10 minutes >>> Decide hole game ending
But im not play competitive yet , just puclic server when people runing around and have no clue about "rush enemy base together" , or "defend your Resource tower"in What phase of the game is most important to you Comment by Perman12 April 2015
avoid those server with 24/42 players above (unless you have to play cuz no server with good ping have people join like me ==')
Also you can imagine : 10 Ohnos or 10 Fade >>>> some time you cant shoot all of them…the point is NS2 "heavily" eating your CPU , no matter what Video cards you got
I have try played NS2 on a PC with Intel core i3 >> FPS greatly improved ( with low setting of course ^^)
So im recommend you buy I5-4460 &…Badge people allways mad >> I dont have badge but im helping spread out the word about NS2 ok?its normal now , i dont know why rd plug happens in this game so randomly =='im joined IBIS server and have the same Red plug >> then crash to Main menu and say " Time out"
im not subcribe any mods ???(Quote)
doing it now !
Aliens Colonial Marine >> Huge Marketing >> Failed product
Natural Selection 2 is better x2 times in my view >> But UWE seem have put $$$ to new project Subnautica so they care about these muchOk so what you mean is ...
DEvelopers need to Fix their game ( NS2) before you can advertsing about it?
That just too slow in my oppinion(Quote)
Then how i can find them when i have to play with 300+ ping ? Competitive ?
Please.... Even in CSGO or Teamfortress 2 you can match making and find servers in close Asia region ( Taiwan - Singapore these countries have …(Quote)
But NO >> People when i explain to them >> They just keep accuse " Oh you 100% hack , i have spectate you =='"
Even if my team explain for them : " This is how the game works , its not un-ballance , its com…im just think about those famous youtube channel about gaming ( we talking about over millions of subcribers + views)
maybe NS2 dev team dont have money like big company ? ( EA , Activision .vv) to marketing with big plans ?what you guys talking about ? im just got in here
so you just want vote kick for no reason ?(Quote)
DOTA 2 Every day story bro ! GG WP >>> Losing : "" ,"" "ha ha lol you just noob":^^
I know about whats right :
Feels like enemy team is "Middle-DarkAge Witch hunt >> When they can point at anyone they hate ( h…(Quote)
THanks but in live in Asia >> im just a new player but thank you anyway , im not that good to be "competitive"
*snip* Edit by Ghoul: watch your tone please.
So im reall…Match making will solve these problem , many Steam games that have indie developers have proved that
If NS2 CDT developers want , they can do it(Quote)
Fade walking straight into you ....
@ZeroEarth is right , but congrats bro >> Even when your win is on "good team" they did nearly 90…Im just saying that Developers need to do something about finding server for new players =='
There is many server
But if you want to play with good ping >> You have to idle / AFK in that server for nearly 5-6 hours and …I think @ZeroEarTh is right , its the truth about Skilled Fade in public server
No spreading of exploits includes …(Quote)
Finally >>> BRO FIST :P