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  • While this would be spooky as hell (and reminiscent of something I thought of way back when Subnautica first got announced), I don't see any actual reason for this. Keeping people out of the Void isn't an issue, because there's no reason to go out …
  • de55ae1035.jpg
    What the Prawn looks like from the outside, I just booted the game back up and tried to undock. It's happening every time now.

    Edit: For some reason, deconstru…
  • In one way, this fixed my problem. It didn't make my graphics card explode, woo!
    On the other hand, my screen was covered by a green rectangle with a black square in the dead center, all save for a pixel thin border around the edges, so I gue…
  • Well, now that's just no fun. Thanks though, guess all I can do is wait it out?
  • Well, I personally have dived down to about 3000 meters at the edge of an even deeper hole (which would've been endless until my game had a seizure, since nothing generates past that). Furthermore, I agree with Corund. I'd like to see more variety…
  • That wouldn't be very practical, though. Both from a gathering standpoint and a realism standpoint. Why make the darts out of some unknown, extremely hostile flora when you can just use a bit of titanium and a computer chip instead?
  • (Quote)
    Thanks! I'm not the best modeler and I wanted to try for something nice and sleek that'd fit the aesthetics of the game, glad to see someone thinks I succeeded.

  • @SalmonJEDl
    The dart pistol could be used as a tool, like I said and you suggested in your last post. In fact, there'd be more "utility" shots for it than direct…
  • The Reaper usually doesn't come up to the wreckage (probably due to pathing issues in such a small area), so you should be fine, just spend as little time in the water as possible. The ramp itself is above the water and fairly obvious, so you shoul…
  • A boat would be fantastic, safer and faster than using the Cyclops to go everywhere.
  • (Quote)
    "Okay, now if this is anything like a dolphin, I just zap right here..."
    "Crap, that was the aggression cente-AH CRAP CRAP MY ARM!"
  • I'd be alright with lethal weapons that let you go hunting, or stops one creature dead. Like a harpoon gun that takes a while to reload, and you can't carry many harpoons, or a flechette gun a la the APS, that does little damage and is good for hun…
  • "Realistic" okay yeah this might be a good thread...
    "Mind control" lol yeah nope. Domestication is possible, mind control isn't. It'd likely be more of a positive reinforcement sort of thing, training stalkers with peepers fed to them as a …
  • Tell me what happened, specifically rather than just "I died". Did your screen turn red or black, how deep were you, etc. etc. Go into detail.
  • I have an extremely vague understanding of what you're trying to say, so I'll ask a series of questions.

    By "first base", do you mean the escape pod?
    You have full hunger and thirst, and "blood", which I'm assuming means health. W…