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  • (Quote) Thankyou sir, very kind of you. Yes im having a blast, though i have to change shorts often cause of the jump scaires when deep in the black hehe. He he that would be awesome. I would be the Captain on the Cyclops, my wife would take the …
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    I would so much love to have co-op. I would have my wife and kid onboard the Cyclops. Im the Captain, my wife jumps in the seamoth to go out and find "Coral Juice" while my kid runs around like a headless chicken yelling " DAD! DAD…
  • (Quote) hi friend i agree 100% neither would i want to have PvP in this game. This is not a deathmach game, but a survival exploration game with horror elements in it. But i would love to see co-op/PvE in this game one day, or in the next game. I…
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    Thankyou very much sir:) i shall take that as a compliment, and may i add your danish is perfect;)
    There is no doubt, that making co-op/pve is a big task, but yes who know's? Maybe in the future or in their next game;) thx fo…
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    I never got to reply u back sorry;) i did a restart and began a new World, this time it works. I have my lovely seamoth and Cyclops now. Now i need to find that moon pool blueprint so i can complete my base, can't find the bugger t…
  • Hi friend. I can't say much other than it's early access game. You got warned before buying, so you will get to see all the nasty bugs, bad frame rate, horrible crashes and game Breaking elements. That said they will continue to optimice the game, y…
  • (Quote) About catching fish. Use your left trigger when you do that. You can use A ofc but then you can't steer, so use the left trigger :)
    in Bugs On Xbox Comment by Niels83 May 2016
  • (Quote) Maybe, but should i not be able to build it then. The first game i made i found 2 blueprints of solar panels, and all the blueprints for bio reactor. They got unlocked and would show in the crafting menu. I did not build them though cause…