NS2: Return of the 249?
I dont know how NS1 worked exactly, but theres game called Tremolous, which is pretty much close in gameplay to NS2. There was one pull of res to put on buildings and no RT's since you got money/evo points for performance. Sure aliens could get more…
Before 250 I almost went cara. For skulk it wasn't too much, but all others got suitable boost in armor (compared to +20 per marine upgrade). Now cara is good option only on fade and onos, since gorge got like 25 more with 3 crags? Its like 4 bullet…
It doesnt even need to be grab, and I play only on unmodded servers, if this is not going in official update, I wont benefit it sadly xD
Actually @CrushaK - after some thinking I disagree skulk grab is bad idea.
At the point of game where Khaara have 3 hives (hence ability to grab the Grab replaced by… -
Rewriting exo code shouldnt be that bad. You can use arms lab upgrade code for upgrading exo for commander, modify armory code to purchase upgrades, maybe slight new … -
I agree. There should be system of multiple key bindings similar to Aliens vs Predator or Crysis etc. There are multiple binds, which work depending on what is used. Example:
Global (movement/mouse/console/speech (default X)/microphone/chat/et… -
I just got one tip: Force them to watch at least one commander video before one is allowed to take seat
Its cool to learn - but…
1) Steam Sync didnt ask me about restoring settings, as it was doing when I had some problems with other steam games. So I guess its not the problem.
2) Filte… -
Go to main menu and try turning on and off Mouse acceleration and raw mouse input. If this doesnt help, try playing other games and see if same things happens, if yes - this is your system mouse settings.
If someone doesn't want waste so much tres on early PG, I recommend pop out with early shotgun/welder/mines securing your teammates superior firepower to skulks (probably with celerity), healing themselves, building faster and repairing and even sec…
Good Idea, I agree.
I actually would split "Marine team is dead and has no working Infantry Portals." to this:
-Marine team is dead and has no infantry portals left.
-Marine team is dead and their infantry portals are unpowered/una… -
Deal with it - Minimal infestation is for low-fps players and nerds who want no detail cover anything, so they don't care about how it looks. If you want prettier game - go with normal infestation instead of sight-seeing
in Minimal infestation is still broken Comment by MrNihil March 2013
Thanks for tips but Its too early for me to compose gear now. Prices are changing all times, and who knows what prices will be when I will get needed sum of money, like with lower prices of older cpu models because newer line is in sale etc.
S… -
no need to test drop stuff. Ok ill meggage dude and we will see what happens, thanks!
I will be rude.
1) Try searching youtube - it has lots of various tutorials and gameplays, try watching them for tips and tricks.
2) Same as 1. Youtube is source, try also watching videos in tutorial in game. Run game, click tutorial, wa… -
Ahem, I already told that upgrading anything on this mobo is pointless as... Onos trying to wallwalk, that means I can upgrade my gear now, but it will be just waste of money, since I will need to buy little better DDR2 ram, and some old 775 socket …
Restart steam. If this persists, delete local files again, then go to steam/steamapps/common and delete Natural Selection 2 folder. Don't worry about settings, as Steam should put them in cloud and probably they are stored somewhere else (but I cant…
Try changing bind from main menu, hit ctrl+alt+del and close Natural Selection (or kill process NS2.exe). Then run game again, but instead of joining go to options -> bind and change taunt.
If this doesn't fix the problem and esc is not wor… -
5-10 fps in combat newbie here.
EDIT: tl;dr - Skulk is hard to master, teamwork necessary to succeed, alone skulk must dodge good or ambush good but against 2-3 players will probably die taking one with him.
Personally I thin… -
So I guess Ill save up some money and get for mobo + cpu + ram, this thing is most expansive and most crappy.
Seems I get 20fps in game with high process priority, dropping even to 2 when big fightin Gaming with low fps, what pc part is to blame? Comment by MrNihil March 2013
Oh... Sorry I didn't made myself clear with this
By upgrading my PC I meant: To get new mobo, cpu and ram at one time, because…