Gaming with low fps, what pc part is to blame?
Join Date: 2013-03-02 Member: 183524Members

Hello all!
I couldn't resist buying this game and it was worth it (its quite more balanced and rich in content Tremolous), but unfortunately, my low-spec pc is bit too low...
I tried gamebooster, dropping nvidia settings to max performance and other stuff, but max I can take is 40-50 fps in main menu and quite stable 20 in game but during bigger battle it makes me watch slideshow (but still I can kill someone, random shooting
But to the matter: I need to know what part of my PC is to be blamed for bad fps. My friend says its graphics card, but I blame CPU. Here are specs of my wooden pc:
Processor: DualCore Intel Pentium D 920, 2800 MHz
Memory: 1GB Infineon DDR2 533MHz CL4 and Kingston 1GB DDR2 667MHz. 2GB Total
Hard Drive: WD Caviar Black 1TB (WD10EZEX)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-VM900M rev 1.0
Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 512MB DRR3
Power Supply: Amacrox Warrior 550W (so dont blame PSU for crap. I already had tracer psu and I know what it is to have noname time-bomb near feet)
I am planning on updating game rig, I plan spending like 550PLN (150USD or 130EUR) maximum on graphics, other parts of rig will go in batch, because its just not economical and not practical to upgrade cpu or ram alone.
Another issue is: What can boost my fps?
I experinenced 10fps boost while in fullscreen 1152x700 (or something), instead of using full windowed or just windowed. All graph options are minimal, only Multicore is on (but I didnt saw difference with that. Gamebooster did nothing, in fact it didnt wanted to add NS2 as game
How much fps will I probably get using high priority on game process?
I know NS2 is written mostly in LUA = cpu intensive but my graph is just 512MB not 1GB. But my bro got same card with 1GB and it could be worth a try...
Yes, I know I need to upgrade this prehistoric pc, but I am looking for priority to get somehow playable game.
Cheers, Mr. Nihil
I couldn't resist buying this game and it was worth it (its quite more balanced and rich in content Tremolous), but unfortunately, my low-spec pc is bit too low...
I tried gamebooster, dropping nvidia settings to max performance and other stuff, but max I can take is 40-50 fps in main menu and quite stable 20 in game but during bigger battle it makes me watch slideshow (but still I can kill someone, random shooting

But to the matter: I need to know what part of my PC is to be blamed for bad fps. My friend says its graphics card, but I blame CPU. Here are specs of my wooden pc:
Processor: DualCore Intel Pentium D 920, 2800 MHz
Memory: 1GB Infineon DDR2 533MHz CL4 and Kingston 1GB DDR2 667MHz. 2GB Total
Hard Drive: WD Caviar Black 1TB (WD10EZEX)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-VM900M rev 1.0
Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 512MB DRR3
Power Supply: Amacrox Warrior 550W (so dont blame PSU for crap. I already had tracer psu and I know what it is to have noname time-bomb near feet)
I am planning on updating game rig, I plan spending like 550PLN (150USD or 130EUR) maximum on graphics, other parts of rig will go in batch, because its just not economical and not practical to upgrade cpu or ram alone.
Another issue is: What can boost my fps?
I experinenced 10fps boost while in fullscreen 1152x700 (or something), instead of using full windowed or just windowed. All graph options are minimal, only Multicore is on (but I didnt saw difference with that. Gamebooster did nothing, in fact it didnt wanted to add NS2 as game

How much fps will I probably get using high priority on game process?
I know NS2 is written mostly in LUA = cpu intensive but my graph is just 512MB not 1GB. But my bro got same card with 1GB and it could be worth a try...
Yes, I know I need to upgrade this prehistoric pc, but I am looking for priority to get somehow playable game.
Cheers, Mr. Nihil
That's very old stuff u have there.... you need a good CPU for NS2 and that motherboard surely won't support new models.
You need a brand new PC.
Ram is relativly cheap, you should able to get a single 4GB stick for your imidiate need.
If you can overclock your processor, and live whit playing on lowest settings. upgrade this 3rd. Otherwise do it 2nd.
You can allso downgrade you Windows, to free up some ram. - And remmeber to close all other programs to gain a few more fps
However, if you insist on keeping this dinosaur on life support, a CPU upgrade would probably give you the biggest bang for your buck. I'd suggest finding the cheapest C2Q Q9650/Q9550 or C2D E8600/E8500/E8400 you can off of something like ebay, get a high quality air cooler, and overclock it till it squeals.
By upgrading my PC I meant: To get new mobo, cpu and ram at one time, because as you see it: upgrading anything on this mobo is as pointless as trying to wallwalk with onos, next in line was graphics.
@GISP - both my motherboard and cpu dont support overclocking :C .
@Exoskelett - Dont worry about me, ill find good parts. From what I see in your signature, your PC is quite good if not to say high end.
@ScardyBob - Well, except for HDD I got other parts worth leaving: Xonar D1, PSU, Dvd rom
But well... It seems Its both CPU and GPU failrue. My bros GPU will probably increase performance by 10-15 fps in main menu and 5 in game...
Ill do one test - Run teh precious in high priority and get p_listall dump, maybe this will tell me what part to update first
Seems I get 20fps in game with high process priority, dropping even to 2 when big fight
Topic to close, I got my answer (I blame cpu, as using r_stats and such I saw that my graphics wasn't making big job anyway).
Cheers, Mr. Nihil (the true and only Nihil)
Your CPU/mobo/RAM are in desperate need of upgrading (I'm not sure how Win7 runs with just 2GB of ram). The GPU is bad too, but if I had to prioritize, I'd go for the new CPU/mobo/RAM first.
do not do this. i have a 4ghz q9550 and in 20 man servers i get below 25fps end game, regardless of the settings. do not get anyting older then i7 920 CPU or you will still have a slideshow.
its an improvement, but its still unplayable. you can't kill anything 10-15 mins into the game, depending on how much map control aliens have.
I pretty much have to either be a welder, or an onos to do anything useful and even then you get a headache from the lack of fps.
Im just trying to save him from the same unpleasant experience i've had.
I am aiming for at least 4 core amd or intel processor, Geforce 650Ti (but I am considering it, it got pretty tight data lane, which can be bottleneck on using it on maximum) + DDR3 ram is a must (8 minimum, as I am using CAD and similar stuff too). I am not thinking about details now since I need moneys first, then Ill think and maybe will get some good stuff. I am planning like 300-350 EUR on mobo+ram+cpu, which could give me descent stuff that will hold for 2-3 years of gaming (not counting video card, this as I said will be probably 150EUR).
Thanks for all those reply's but for now I have to live with 5-10 fps while battles and 20 outside it. Being commander is both fun and more fps too so I can live up with it.
Since topic ended with conclusion my whole PC sucks (CPU most), I am asking again: lets close it
- i5 2500k (~$220)
- Geforce GTX 550 ti (~$130)
- LGA 1155 Mobo (~$100)
- 8gb 1600 or greater RAM (~$45)
All in all, you're looking at about $500. Your performance will be very good, however.
If money is an obstacle do not be afraid to go with AMD. Yes, your performance will not be as good as an Intel i processor, because the AMD chips have weaker standalone cores, but it will be a huge improvement over what you have now. I promise.
Here's my recommendation for the "chipper chicken" (AKA, the cheap stuff).
- AMD 8120 Zambezi 8 Core (~$160)
- Radeon 7750 (~$100)
- AM3+ Micro ATX Mobo (~$50)
- 4gb 1600 or greater RAM (~$35)
Total: $345
I hope this info helps.
4 gb RAM @ 1033 MHZ
Geforce GTX 260 OC
About 40-60 FPS on low Settings. But never goes below 40.
This is my "slow" Computer. Just to give you some Idea what it need to play around 40 FPS!
Compare that und upgrade it like that
So dont worry about me, worry bout your gear