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  • The rationale was that originally we tried to make a Marine vs Marine 'halo combat' style mod, but it sucked. So we kept the movement code and the colour shader from that and just put them into Xenoswarm wholesale. The main change we made to the mov…
  • My advice, on top of what's already been said, is to make sure to favour hooking before/after a vanilla NS2 function rather than overriding it, which saves you a ton of pain if the function you've overridden gets updated in some fundamental way in f…
  • Yep, just type the name of the class you want to switch to in the console.

    Or you can type 'class' in the console and you get the menu...
  • Not being able to dedicate enough time to do the whole conversion myself, I did make a start on converting it to using Sewlek's mod framework. If anyone feels like finishing the job, the URL for the repository is here:

    in Last Stand 2.0 released! Comment by MCMLXXXIV September 2013
  • Good news everyone! I think I've fixed the major crash bug when you die in Xenoswarm. This was caused because of the new player model variants code causing a crash if you set the model at the wrong time. If anyone encounters any other weirdness plea…
  • Still having problems with the animation graph - I think since the multiple player models were added the calling convention must have changed, maybe I need to rebuild the animation graph from the ground up and double check how the injured player mod…
  • Okay I think I've fixed the server errors, but this has actually made things worse. It's now crashing for me every time I die. I think it's something to do with the 'injured player' animations but I can't work out what needs changing. Working on it!
  • @ScardyBob thanks for the update! That should give us enough info to fix Xenoswarm at least...
  • By the by, a new version of Xenoswarm has been published to the workshop. This fixes all the issues with b254! Happy alien stomping!

    @Electr0 90% of the work fo…
  • A new version of Xenoswarm has been published to the workshop. This fixes all the issues with b254! Happy alien stomping!
  • Finally! I think I've fixed all the breaking errors that were stopping people playing Xenoswarm. in b254. The latest version is up on the workshop for you to enjoy!

    Edit: Scratch that. Every time I publish the latest Xenoswarm it publis…
  • I tried to update the first post, but it looked really weird when I checked out the preview so for fear of breaking it I'll do it here instead...

    The following people brought Combat to life for your enjoyment!
      Jibrail JimWest …
  • Good news! We just made another update to combat that fixes Tier2/Tier3 upgrades. Server ops please update your servers!
  • Thanks for all the bug reports guys, we'll work on fixing them as soon as we can.

    @relent: I saw your message on the forums. Sorry I've been away for a couple of…
  • (Quote) Thanks for the FYI. On it :]
    Looks like shadowstep is broken too (I guess tier 2 must be broken?)
  • We've done another update to Combat this morning to fix some issues with Scan and Catpacks (thanks zeroIBIS!). There's still a known bug with the xp bar and the "re-evolve" button as an alien.
  • Okay... So combat is now back working with build 252. Server ops please update your servers! P.S. We haven't been able to test as thoroughly as usual due to the amount of time we've had to spend fixing things, so if you do encounter errors please le…
  • We're aware of some issues with both Xenoswarm and Combat Mode with build 252. I'm working on fixing Combat Mode first then Xenoswarm. I've already made some progress this morning and I'll hopefully be able to give you an update (or maybe release ne…
  • We're aware of some issues with both Xenoswarm and Combat Mode with build 252. I'm working on fixing Combat Mode first then Xenoswarm. I've already made some progress this morning and I'll hopefully be able to give you an update (or maybe release ne…
  • I've published an update today to fix the bugs with weapons being dropped when you get a jetpack and players being injured in the ready room if they were down at the end of the round.
  • I've been modding the game for a year now and still haven't worked out a good way to improve the fire rate of the rifle, (it can't fire faster than the server tick rate) but it should be possible for the other weapons. Generally for the other weapon…
  • Damn the timing! Unfortunately I'm away on holiday that week but hope the tournament goes well!
  • (Quote)
    Thanks for the feedback! The GUI just needs some work to make the small icons. There's already a small icon for the Magno boots and Reload Speed, but we need icons for the SMG, Speed upgrade, Laser Mines, Clip Size, Iron Sights and…
  • We're still working on it... If you're still getting lag spikes can you send your server logs to
  • I'm not sure of a good way to solve that one. Maybe we can add an option that counts the number of players on the spawner's opposing team and multiplies the spawned amount by that many?
  • Thanks to WorthyRival's relentless work, we've been able to add ns2_xs_maze to the list of 'stable' maps. I've updated the server operator guide
  • I've updated the server guide to include ns2_xs_maze. If you want to play on it, just switch to the new mods and mapcycle documented in the first post.
  • Thanks for the update McG...

    If you want any help updating the mod to use new mixins and sewlek's 'hooks' frameworks just let me know... After releasing two stable mods, I've worked out some good ways to minimise the knock-on breakage ef…
  • @DarkSeraph I also heard from Jim the other day that the timer GUI might now be working. I haven't had a chance to test it yet though, with all the bug splatting I've b…