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    according to devs they will stop making big monthly updates and focus in doing more frequente smaller ones.
  • i agree and hope in the future the aurora will be a source of new tech,raw materials, research data etc...
    and whit the passing of time even disappear after we salvage all we can and use its metal to build new structures, of course this would …

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    well but it happend and it was hard to have to start all over again when you already had spent many hours of farming mats and buildind bases and other stuff.
    it happen to me in the seamoth update the game even had a mess…
  • well i only play survival...dont like experimental or the other i dont see the new and buggy stuff that comes out in experimental...i like it to feel real and worth the effort...when spotted this game i immediately fell in love whit it...…
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    im sorry mister sensitive girl but i just asked a question many ppl wanted to know maybe even you...since i bought the game im permitted to asked about it´s updates ( i think)
    and next time plz feel free to stay quiet, dont c…
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    if u are going to do smaller and more frequent updates i hope u make it so we dont have to start a new gave every B4.
    thats why ive been waiting for the new update to start playing can i start to play a…
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    maybe build a giant terra former like the world engine in the movie man of steel :wink:
  • next time go read old post´s b4 u make one...this poll was already done ...and no no space no will never get out of this planet, i think the admins already said something like this too...
    Be happy if they give you some communicati…
  • you ppl are funny, in other pots i saw the devs say it would take many months of work only dedicated to multiplayer for it to get done... at this time you don't even have 2 weeks worth of game play and u still want them to go work in multiplayer...p…
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    yes its still october till the end of the week, but if they come out whit the update this late what will happen next month??? snowball and no update next month ...
  • were is my update???????? do i have to go burn down someones hhouse to get my update???????????????????
  • once again i come to a post to desagree whit ppl that want an easy life...whit the water filter and the hidrophonics gardens that are sure to come you will never have to farm food or water ...if they keep this up very soon the only thing u will have…
  • i think the reason all of uz started playing subnautica is because it was a underwater survival...just because of that all of you should stop asking/having ideas for rescues and going to space or islands and continents...u are in a water planet to m…
  • WHATTTTT DEVS DONT WORK IN WEEKENDSSSSSSS??????? what world is this? should work 24/7 i need this game done..... -.-
    no eat no sleep just work work joke...

    PS...but seriously go finish my game....
  • yes i know....last night i tryed experimemtal mode and first thing i heard was thunder...the sky was a litle darker and some wind i think but mostly just the sound...hope we get to see rain, wind /storms etc...
  • i dont even know how to vote in this one...if you look at it from a realistic point ...yes it should be darker at night in great depth...but from a player´s point a view i dont like that idea because your actions would be restricted at night time ma…
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    its always better to start a new game...last patch i continued playing a old save and some of the new stuff didnt work properly or doesnt even apear ...and after i started all over again some of the bugs were fixed and other new st…
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    my idea was more about aquariums inside the building rooms/modules like the one in the post, but that titanium mesh is a very good idea for fenced enclosures like u could make the fenced habitat for big predators then build your ba…
  • ok the aquarium for the reaper is too mutch, but something like joining 4 normal rooms to make a bigger one or a big square room like the moonpool would be nice...more space for the new and future concepts and more option for building bases.
  • well some of these itens whould be used if some others werent so easy and fast to the air blader, its usefull at the begining when you dont have the seaglide but we are getting the seaglide very easy and fast so ppl dont do it anymore...s…
  • this is a easy thing to do ...just add a new room that will be called the hydroponics garden/room....2 birds one stone...another diferent room to add to our bases and a reliable source of food....and since we are just trowing ideas around they could…
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    Good for you, so stop asking for an easy life... in a survival situation you would have to spend more time looking for water and food than for any thing else... the only thing that needs ajust is respawn times and even that cant b…
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    dont get me wrong i dont mind islands but i dont want this to get out of hand ...i came to this game cuz it was a underwater lets not ruin that, i dont want to see a island at every turn....few islands yes, no contin…
  • Not that i dont like destruction but i dont think giving ppl weapons will be any good for the planet, i dont mind having a few more defensive weapons/gadgets but lets not give the noobs nuclear weapons to destroy the planet....remember we dont have …

  • i just want to add something...well diving at great depths divers use a mix of oxygen and helium because of the presure...
  • i disagree whit ppl that want there life made easy, to me the only thing the game should ad is more types of things to eat...and better respown times for fish....the rest is ok...if they want to ad crops that u cant grow in land or in your base its …
  • Not to say bugs dont need fixing but i prefere more content, why ? well to me subnautica at this moment is good for a few days of play maybe a week and a half if not less...i explored i made basses i colected all the resources i could fit in the bas…
  • little bit.......hey devs tell uz whats the name of next update????????????
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    Funny you coment this cuz last night i had more probs whit was that i probably passed near them and they attached to my cyclops but they were vesible so i was able to take them off (but i didnt se them on the map do…
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    the bug were i get kicked out from cyclops or seamoth happens every were after a little wille of pause time, this doesnt happen ALL the time but its frequent...the flying cyclops but happend to me in the last patch and i was in the…