I haven't completed the story so I skipped a bit of what you've written down, I don't really wanna get spoiled in case the story doesn't fundementally change because of your opinion, but the parts I read I almost entirely disagree with. I haven't ha…
something tells me an unknown force might eradicate all crash fish above sea level from existence..
I had some poor lad write to me on discord about this problem,it might be spreading. He also gets stuck after using the ladder back into his lifepod.
Thanks based Obraxis god
I bought it cause i watched a video of 5 Most Mysterious Underwater Sounds Ever Recorded and it got me spooked and i wanted a game about such spooky stuff, subnautica came close, got it.
The OP is called Darwin-Evolution, yet wants even the dumbest of our species to survive in the alien ocean, this aint how natural selection works and thats a part of the whole thing!
As a playtester for Subnautica, I feel honored, never would I expect money for contributing to a game. And who knows, maybe ill be in the credits?! Kappa
Jokes aside. You're incredibly self centered if you want money for this. You contr… -
ILZ is still being worked on, this is the part of the game you shouldnt worry too much about yet :P
tl;dr Solar Panel Fragments are in mostly in Kelp Forest, rare in safe shallows. And its not RNG, Fragments should be hand placed, except if they changed something the last few months i dont know about. Visit: in So... solar panel fragments are still in the safe shallows, right? Comment by Lightdevil August 2016
The only thing i aggree with here is the "perpetually empty seaglide" i would rather have no recharge stations in the game AT ALL than a seaglide that uses 1% power every second. In my opinion the depletion rates of items should not have been change…
there is something called LOD's (Level of Detail), which decreases the more distance is between you and certain objects/the world in general. This works by replacing the object you see when youre right infront of it with a lesser detailed object whe…
Thats the joke, friend -
Fun fact, the xbone is so shit, developers were seriously considering slowing down the speed of the seamoth, because with normal seamoth speed, the xbone cant render stuff in fast enough
in IF ONLY THE GAME RAN AS SMOOTH AS THE TRAILERS ! Comment by Lightdevil May 2016
Probably in his imagination.
I doubt that it was added into the game yet like a naturally occuring thing swimming in the ocean, everything youve seen so far has been spawned in. the title of the post that sea dragon and all that stuff is in game was very misleading.
I like it. I want to hug it.
If the creature died very long ago, the place where its skeleton now resigns could have looked very different back when it was alive, so i wouldnt worry too much about if it had enough space or food to eat. Maybe back then, everything was different …
ohyesbaby -
This forum is very similar to the water in Subnautica.....
contains a lot of salt -
???? How does this cut anything??? -
Wait... Depth 6m?? For some reason i thought it would be deeper than that
Id burn them at the stake. Jk, itd be k for me if it takes a year until release, aslong as that gives enough time to add weather and waves.
I use its nose to jump up on it, and from there onto the top of my multipurpose rooms, which are out of the air just enough to be able to build farming trays ontop of them. Thats all i use the cyclops for, gg.
Do you guys have any lockers or anythign else built in your cyclops?
Nice vid, first i was... but theres only two..? then i realised the ones not implemented count aswell
hopefully the shark will be im…
I think the fragments shouldnt disappear, cause i like one more source of titanium. But i do admit that somebody just had TOO MUCH fun adding a metric ton of seamoth fragments around the aurora.
Maybe lost river shark is the thing that comes out of the mouth
Safe shallows, cause im boring.
Sounds awesome, i want it
Should be an easy way to get out of the strong dangerous current like swimming upwards into more open ar…
Theres nothing that can stretch as far as these.