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  • Massive carrier ship for a new superdeep biome with huge sea creature. Would be extremely expensive but can hold aircraft (hint) and multiple subs inside (cyclops and bigger) and drops smaller ones over the side (a must). It also launches a tiny "ho…
  • I have loads of ideas (im one of those people who can think of new ones very easily and often chain thoughts so everything is connected. I also talk alot.) And would like to send my ideas to the devs so i dont have to write stuff on every forum. Any…
  • Sick. That should be a thing you can do in the game (actually turn a cyclops into a lagoon base)
  • There should be one massive one for traversing a massive open water biome with the largest aliens in the game. It can drop all of the ships below into the sea, including dropping the moth off the side and launching a hopper from infront, as well as …
  • Giant sea serpents like from starwars in a massive open water biome with a new sub required to traverse this biome without being turned into dinner. There should also be worms like the one from mass effect.
  • A hanger or dock for subs

    attach subs to the base for extra room (requires more subs to be implemented)

    Turrets (to protect your base from animals pissed off by your base)

    Observatory, reaserch labs, specimen cont…
  • Also there should be many more subs which you can attach them to your base if you don't need them and maybe docks for subs. It would be also cool if the base required maintainence after a while and you could find other survivors from the crash to do…