Amber is best waifu. End of story.
Doot. -
I wouldn't say that these particularly scare me per se, but I personally try to spend as little time in the Mushroom Forest, Bulb Zone, and Crag Field as possible. The Mushroom Forest next to the Dunes always has me looking over my shoulder in parti…
To be fair only the harmful ones seem to have Leviathan in their actual name. -
Personally I'd be inclined to just send up a note on the Neptune saying "Nah screw you I'm staying in my ocean paradise." Then reenable the QEP and make for the Arcti-oh wait that's not finished yet.in Prices of in-game items Comment by Hammy2211 February 2018
To be fair I think the game mentions in several places that a lot of Precursor tech is far beyond anything the Federation has. I know the tablets and forcefield controls are described as such, and some of the relics suggest it as w… -
As a side note I'd like to point out that the Seamoth isn't designed solely for use in ocean environments. Its thrusters are also designed to provide propulsion in space. They're meant more as a multi-use vehicle to facilitate easier exploration tha…
I know this has been necroed, but honestly I think that people want to kill the things due to what's basically a morbid curiosity. Like, I'm personally fine with not hunting down and murdering everything I see. With the exception of that one Crabsna…
...As far as I'm aware there are a few Cutefish eggs that spawn in predetermined locations in the world. I forget the exact count, but there's certainly more than one.
I'm pretty sure the update containing that has been… -
Some sort of flying fish would be cool. Honestly I've never really noticed Skyrays on the Floating Island. so maybe that could be a good spot, considering the little lagoon-type thing in the center.
I...I think I actually lost brain cells reading this. Dear lord. -
Yeah, Alien Containment is all sorts of messed up right now. This is like the third thread about this problem I've seen so far. Granted, I created one of those 3, but still, this is clearly an issue that multiple people are having.
I've been having similar issues in stable. Honestly I think Alien Containment just needs some help in general right now.
I'm just glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does this. Although personally I like using the camera drones from the scanner room because I find it mildly amusing. :P
Dear lord, you had me at geodes. I collect the things IRL, so you have my absolute support on this. Hell, it'd probably be the only reason I'd go into the Dunes of my own volition.
I did not expect Monster Musume on this. -
As a note, that was Papi from Monster Musume. She's a harpy. Just wanted to put some of my very specific expertise to use. :P(Quote)
In the case of pufferfish, most of the poison is concentrated in specific organs and the like. The in-game text states that the flesh of the Rabbitray is toxic in general, IIRC. Although, in a world where machines capable of rearra…(Quote)
Thank you for posting this so none of us had to go dig it up ourselves. :P
I mean, while multiplayer for Subnautica would definitely be awesome, it's just too much additional work for the devs. I believe that they've sa…I believe all rays in-game are toxic. Mainly because they're all related.(Quote)
I mainly meant checking whether or not it was actually still there, and/or dead rather than swimming around.
With my craptop, it's not productive to waste what time I have between the essentially inevitable crashes/melt…Plot twist: The Aurora's "drive core" is actually just an array of millions of rechargable AA batteries. The thing that exploded was just the hyper-futuristic reactor that they use to charge them.
The only reason the ship went down is be…(Quote)
Fair enough. I wasn't entirely aware of the ILZ part. That would definitely be useful in that case.I originally thought the same thing, but then I realized that if you have a nuclear reactor on your Cyclops, power cell chargers are basically obsolete. That's currently the only thing in the game that completely requires you to charge them manually…I mean, some sort of energy generation situation would be nice. I think solar would be the way to go. Anything that replaces charging the cells manually at all depths would basically make power cell chargers almost obsolete. It'd be fine to charge t…(Quote)
I agree with you on that. I just had no idea that there was a net gain. That's flat-out ridiculous.(Quote)
Well, in that case there's not much reason to recharge the cells on the Cyclops. If there isn't a net gain, you're better off just replacing the cells once they're depleted and charging them back at base. Otherwise you're just redi…I mean, you're not wrong...