Hey these are awesome ideas!
can i use them in future Subnauticas video ? -
nothing too fancy
Procas :Intel® CORE® i7-4790K Ramai: 16 GB DDR3 Crucial Ballistix 1600MHz CL9 Main board… -
as always this is awesome feedback! thank you!
any other ideas of what top 10's or top 5's i should do ? -
thank you Sir! -
any feedback ?
hey! THANK YOU! this means a lot for me -
Hey guys, i finally did it
hope you will enjoy this one!
best regards
in Help needed from most experienced Subnautica players! (TOP list) Comment by DoubleJ April 2016 -
yes i am looking for your opinion on smallest to biggest top 10 -
this is actually very NICE list, thank you for the help!!! -
YES! you are 100% right. If Emperor is not big enough for the whole Subnautica map why Nr1 Submarine should be ??? -
this is actually a great idea!
new worlds, new spaces to explore, and maybe in other territory you could find fragments for bigger ships(Quote)
well then, i hope this is true. i would really love to see them in Subnautica.
i am missing more submarines at this time. i have Seamoth, Cyclos, what else can i build ???
I am waiting for Shark very verry much(Quote)
Haha! that would be an epic video! Currently i am working on another Top 10, and maybe after that i could try and do such a thingin The Kraken vs Mega Sub Comment by DoubleJ March 2016
Oh WOW!!! can you please link me the info were did you found that ?
Man for real ??? SO EXITED!(Quote)
I think it should be much more larger if we ever get those submarines. Last sub in the video looks few times longer then Cyclops and right now with Cyclops you can swim from one end of the map to another in fairly small amount of …(Quote)
Yes, acually what i would really want in Subnautica is Co-op. I know developers don't have enough resources right now but imagine Subnautica 2, with all those ships, clan system, (building those would require huge amounts of resour…(Quote)
hey thanks!
yes Shark like submarine... most favorite. Maybe one day we will have something similar. Imagine gliding through Subnautica with that monster, would be cool huh ?in TOP 5 coolest SUBMARINES in SUBNAUTICA Comment by DoubleJ March 2016
Let more people see this! This is really nice thing (considering i was building my own base and it came up A LOT worse then yours)(Quote)
Wow!!! thank you SO MUCH i will try and make this video one day!!! i promise!!!
In the mean time i made another about submarines(Quote)
hey! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you i am so glad that ~12 hours of my work did int completely go in vain(Quote)
Thanks for the help, in future when Subnautica will have more creatures i will surely make another TOP 10 biggest creature list and most defiantly look for information on Floatersin TOP 10 Biggest Creatures in SUBNAUTICA Comment by DoubleJ March 2016
Thank you for the feedback and your idea about Floaters is really nice! Maybe you have more information about them ? Those big ones, i was searching internet about it and couldn't find anythingin TOP 10 Biggest Creatures in SUBNAUTICA Comment by DoubleJ March 2016
any feedback ?)))