Awesome! Really can't wait to get home and try this out. Great work again!
I wouldn't like lethal weapons in this game, I like the fact that you are literally in a world that is filled with things that are adapted and designed to the environment. Then there is you, this floppy fleshy thing that is slow. The stasis rifle al…
Try this, apparently it worksin My game doesn't load any land Comment by Cataclysm315 May 2015
Normally it's third time is the charm. Did you do anything else that could have fixed it? Removed an update from windows, scanned for malware/viruses, updated drivers etc? It might help someone else further down the line
in Hit new game, loading screen pops up, hear water splashing, game crashes Comment by Cataclysm315 May 2015
These seriously look amazing! I really hope they take these and put them in. My favorite out of the lot is the plantation, being able to grow our own food would make this game a lot more fun and give bases more of a purpose.
How freaky would that be! Navigating the broken and now sinking ship, you have to quickly get in and out with the things you need or you will be taken down to the depths in its hull. That shit would freak me out and I love being freaked out xD
That's sweet! It would be nice if the environment got a little tougher with more and more players!
Not going to lie, I'm all up for MP as well. It would add a lot more to the game for me and my friends
(Quote) It really is! It's very beautiful too and the sound effects. Im saving up for an oculus rift as I want the %100 immersion :P
You have given me so many ideas. I better go tell the girlfriend im sitting in tonight. Damn this game :P
Awesome! Glad to see a dev reply to thisYou guys really are doing a cracking job so I trust you won't let it ge…
Im in the same position guys, help! Why can't I come off of this game? xD I honestly think it's the fear, I haven't had a game scare me like this one in a long time! I'm talking since Dead Space 1! And I made the same mistake, R.I.P to all the seamo…
I'm trying to keep off the game as much as possible to wait for more patches. I'm going to leave the lower areas until the big nastys and exo-suit are inin What now? Comment by Cataclysm315 May 2015
Please keep me posted. Im actually thinking of doing this for fun, just dropping my cyclops somewhere scary and try to rescue it!
Go for the retrieval! Won't it be a kinda fun mission? Having to dive deep into enemy territory to claim what's yours? Good luck!
It's difficult to tell. After comparing a GT 710 to a HD 4600 (minimum required) it is crushed in some ways but beats the hd 4600 in others. I would say the CPU won't be a problem, but maybe see if you can get a copy of the game to test? Like borrow…
So you did, but I couldn't find it. I guess this proves that we really do need to make a change here then xD
I'm currently sat at work in a quiet office. When you turned and saw the leviathan and paused, your reaction about had me on the floor! xD You were just like "Nope, im not dealing with that right now"
I wouldn't mind this, as long as it cost something to travel every time. For example, you could make it cost 2 - 3 power cells, or a power cell for every 100 metres of distance? That way it could be a lot more balanced but still be useful i guess? T…
Omg yes! And you would have to run to your little pod and eject from the main ship! -
Lol yes! They just fooled us into building them. Alien drone army incoming! :P
Could you possibly upload a screenshot?
Couldn't you use the fabricator at your starting escape pod? Just collect some things and make a suit?
This happens a lot to me, I find spamming it and walking forward until it lets you on works. Otherwise, just save, quit and reload. Works every time for me
in Getting onto the Constructor. Build 17663. Comment by Cataclysm315 May 2015
Bathtub, in the space sector, Bathroom. The moon shall be called kitchen sink.
I'm really sorry about your bug, but at the same time I couldn't help but have a laugh. I just imagined it leaving, flying into the sky. You shout "Wait, Noooooooo!" and it replies, with a tear in it's eye. "I must go, my people need me".
Awesome, let us know how it goes?
I want a couple of things really.
I love the dramatic effect of the game (all of the sound effects, AI and alarms whining) so that can't really be improved on other than to see more of it.
I would like the game to be more hardcore … -
Have you tried re-installing the game? I know it's a nightmare and can take a while but it might be just what you need to do. Otherwise, I would wait for the next update or try and step up your hardware if you can scrape some money together. If you …