Aurora Expansion Suggestion
Join Date: 2015-05-04 Member: 204169Members

If there is already a thread about this, move it over to there...
So the aurora is now explorable great, we can go into the radiation room and fix the leaks.
but now what...
For those who have went into freecam can see that small room is just a spec of what the whole aurora is. Now we know the developers will be expanding this, but where's the fun in not discussing what we may want to add to this big beautiful ship.
TL:DR Leave a suggestion as will I and lets have fun discussing it...
Now subnautica isn't much of a lethal game from what I have read on the forums, this game is scary enough with all the strange and hostile sea creature roaming the ocean, but as we can see not all creatures will be bound to the sea some may walk on land with no problem what so ever like the cave crawler, to continue the expansion of the aurora maybe we can add long dark hallways, with supply closets and room as to where the
crew slept, now before the ship blew up there were no signs of life, but who is to say that nothing boarded the ship once the whole thing combusted. I propose a creature that can well walk on land as it swims in sea, prolonged exposure to radiation make it immune to the stasis rifle and is quite difficult to beat with a knife. The only way to avoid such a beast would be to hide, not only inceasing the horrors of this game, but adding a bit of stealth as you aquire some new equipment.
Now I know not many will agree with me or they see this post and are like that's too long to read but I think this would be a good idea, opinions matter and the more we get the quicker our conclusion come...
Bonus point if you read this in sir hammerlocks voice, ha haa
So the aurora is now explorable great, we can go into the radiation room and fix the leaks.
but now what...
For those who have went into freecam can see that small room is just a spec of what the whole aurora is. Now we know the developers will be expanding this, but where's the fun in not discussing what we may want to add to this big beautiful ship.
TL:DR Leave a suggestion as will I and lets have fun discussing it...
Now subnautica isn't much of a lethal game from what I have read on the forums, this game is scary enough with all the strange and hostile sea creature roaming the ocean, but as we can see not all creatures will be bound to the sea some may walk on land with no problem what so ever like the cave crawler, to continue the expansion of the aurora maybe we can add long dark hallways, with supply closets and room as to where the
crew slept, now before the ship blew up there were no signs of life, but who is to say that nothing boarded the ship once the whole thing combusted. I propose a creature that can well walk on land as it swims in sea, prolonged exposure to radiation make it immune to the stasis rifle and is quite difficult to beat with a knife. The only way to avoid such a beast would be to hide, not only inceasing the horrors of this game, but adding a bit of stealth as you aquire some new equipment.
Now I know not many will agree with me or they see this post and are like that's too long to read but I think this would be a good idea, opinions matter and the more we get the quicker our conclusion come...
Bonus point if you read this in sir hammerlocks voice, ha haa
To find things that you can't craft:
* Upgrades to make the Cyclops bigger and more bada$$ since this planet is evidently going to be your home from now on. A turret gun you can man maybe so you can deal with nasties.
* Parts of consoles that need to be used to craft other things.
* Some hydroponic seeds so you can grow some stuff from home, also a BP for a hydroponic garden for your base.
* More BP's for some automated defence stuff which is sadly missing (we all love to craft more toys).
Additional BP's from the Aurora:
* Personal Sonar with HUD to warn you of nearby nasties and maybe help to detect deposits of resources.
* Mapping system to help you map the planet with HUD minimap. To see the full map uses one of the the Cyclops unused consoles behind the pilot with fog of war to hide where you have not explored. If the map is 3D hologram with semi transparency option, we can see caves etc too.
* A very small minisub (shaped like a torpedo that you lay inside) that is fast, agile and could help exploring smaller caves. If it also had a better crush depth than the Cyclops, it could go where the Cyclops can't.
* More base options with ways to link two or more corridors side by side to make one big room.
* Furniture, beds, lights and so on, let's have some home comforts, we are going to be here for a very long time.
* Enamelled glass corridors with the ability to link two or more side by side for a completely transparent large room.
* A workshop to build those things that the pesky lasers won't.
There is really so much that could be added to the game.
Maybe rotation puzzle, or some sort of weight puzzle...
what do you have in mind. Like you said the aurora should be easy to access maybe the deeper you go the more dangerous it gets and the more convuluting the puzzle get( if im spelling that right )
1. First explosion, access to engine bay, must fix leaks to prevent radiation expansion, unlocks the power upgrade module (what we have now)
2. Second explosion, another key area of the ship accessible, where we'll have to fix another thing and/or find another key element (blueprint for hydroponics or advanced analyzer)
3. Aurora starts to sink, player can access another area like comms where we could make contact with our officers, who would give some other tasks to complete (gather fauna/flora infos)
4. Aurora mostly immersed, a new cave entrance in the seabed is cleared now that the ship sank...
Each steps would be triggered by player progression (discoveries, tech built...) and could unlock and bring hints for new tech tiers.
That could fit what I love about Subnautica: there's multiple paths to live your experience : explore (both horizontally and vertically), analyze, collect, build, evolve... All intertwined in their progression, their own tiers. These kind of experiences must be slowly distilled to renew themselves and yet let the player live at his own pace. Each new tier must offer new challenge, tease curiosity, and each previous tier must slowly become less an hassle (eg.: food gathering becoming hydroponic exploitation) provided that the player plans his route well enough.
That's the kind of things I love about openworld sandboxes. I think Terraria nailed it almost perfectly, Strabound could, at the end. Relatively, even a simplistic experience like Grow Home did exactly how I think it should be done: spur exploration, reward pushing one's luck, introduce elements that renew gameplay, not force the player through time... Making the journey the goal of the game.
My 2cts
since I don't see any topics on this
I don't want a puzzle minigame like breaking the code on a lock as that would really break immersion. You were the captain and you would be expected to know the codes for all the doors.
As a nice bonus, maybe you could find a simple AI bot that can do certain basic chores around your base like upkeep of the plants in the hydroponic garden, harvesting them when they are ready etc. Remember the Scutters on Red Dwarf? They are not a droid that can protect your base, just a very basic helper.
So where are the dead bodies of the rest of the crew (we need at least a few)
Also, I'd like it to be on a time limit of sorts: after some time, the Aurora starts slipping down deeper underwater...