Yea unfortunately experienced players yelling at their less experienced teammates and blaming them for a loss (regardless of whether or not they deserve it) is very common. I wish server ops/admins/moderators were less tolerant of… -
P Log doesn't need to be run for an entire match. You can use p_endlog to stop logging once you've experienced the issue after using p_logall. It actually helps us a bit because it narrows down where we need to look for the issue.
Does… -
LOL! When stand-in text becomes lore...
Hi zackmattack, if you are having trouble with the game, please run TechSupport.exe (in your "Natural Selection 2/x64" folder), and send us the .zip file that it generates. -
I haven't experienced or heard/seen what you're talking about. If you can capture a video of this happening, that would greatly help us in tracking it down.
Yea this is debatable... on one hand, it's supposed to shoot through other objects like harvesters, hives, command stations, etc... but on the other hand, it doesn't shoot through the environment (eg walls), and these doors are arguably just part of…
This is not the forum for Subnautica. -
We are aware of the issues with hive, and McG is working on them.
It sounds like you're missing a "shoot" frame tag. Frame tags are present in animations exported from 3dsmax in the collada (DAE) format that mark certain parts of the animation.
Hi Heagen. Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Please find and run "TechSupport.exe" in your "Natural Selection 2/x64" directory, and send us the .zip file it produces.
Crashed players will timeout much faster with the next update (about 15 seconds if I remember correctly). So you'll be able to rejoin the server. It would be nice to have a "join last server" feature.
in Re-join after crash Comment by BeigeAlert February 2019
Here's the whitelist BTW:
I fixed it... sorry, but I couldn't just stand idly by while that abomination existed.
in music stingers at the start of rounds Comment by BeigeAlert November 2018 -
Also pro tip: multiply the overview RGB by the alpha channel to make it appear like normal.
Yea it wasn't an issue that _just_ affected lower framerates, but rather it became more and more noticeable as framerate decreased. I noticed it many times, and I usually hold > 90 fps. Definitely a welcome Update 325 - Anniversary - Natural Selection 2 Comment by BeigeAlert November 2018
What he's saying is that there's an empty space inside the command station that the gorge could re-materialize in which would force the marine commander to jump out, since there's no other way for marines to damage something stuck … -
This one is already done. -
I know we've wanted to revamp the controls for a while now. Unfortunately it's not a trivial change at all, otherwise we'd have just done it by now. It's entirely possible we take a serious look at this in the future.
in Bind ability combinations to the ability keys Comment by BeigeAlert October 2018
Perma-bans for the losing team??? -
I'm not on the Subnautica team, so I don't know the answer, but I just wanted to point out that release dates on retailer's websites are NOT an official source of information.
It's not whitelisted. You can tell if a server is whitelisted/ranked or not by looking at the color of the "game" column. If it is blue, it is ranked.
We're still planning on implementing per-team skills, just keeps getting delayed by more pressing issues, unfortunately.
Patch goes out tomorrow. -
I think he meant nerf to speed, like after a web.
@thecowsaysmoo sorry about the delay, we've all been very busy lately. The logs that TechSupport.exe gathered seem a bit unusual. They seem to cut off right before…
The what folder? Shaders? That's not supposed to be deleted... ever. (Unless you mean the shader cache, which is in a different folder).
Please try verifying your files with steam (Right click game in steam -> Properties… -
You were playing with 3,000 ping??? -
Huh... that's very strange, on my screen it appears like your second screenshot. Perhaps it hides the options if the player isn't on a server?
I'm able to use it just fine. Try right-clicking their row, or left clicking the arrow that appears just to the right of their name.
Awesome! Thank you for posting the solution!
I'm sure you already know this: but try cleaning all the dust out of your case and off of your fans, see if that helps. Also, if you're overclocking it... well... don' Very frequent crashes to desktop Comment by BeigeAlert July 2018