Yay, Ok never mind I've fixed it..
Used a solution one of the developers wrote about for another problem. And now it works perfect again vsync is off and i can see fps between 30-60, yay!
Heres what I did: (Quote) -
As I said in an earlier post: (Quote) That was on the November 2, 20 days ago!!
And Shokks started this post on October 14.. Thats 39 days ago.
So now we have build 260, and no fix, that is just fucking amazing!!
With… -
Will make you a new backtrace as soon as i can, I'm not home right now so it will probably be Monday.
As I have written in an earlier post I have already tried to roll back my drivers, with nvidia 304, 310, 313, 325 and 331 and none of them worked (this was on build 258).. And now i have tried build 259 with nvidia 331 and the result is exactly the …
Has this bug been passed on yet?? Would be really nice to be able to play again when build 259 comes out.
Heres to hoping they fix the segfaults on the linux build, so I can finally play again.
Yes I know about the high quality textures bug, it has been there sense launch for Linux.. (although my laptop is using high textures without a problem) I have tested both low, mid and high textures.. same result, crash when firering assault rifle.
Right, I have just reinstalled the game.. And nothing has changed, everything seems to work, but when I fire my main gun the game crashes.
If i buy other weapons i can shoot with them no problem, it's only the assault rifle.
… -
I have not tried running in beta, i just checked to see if it downloaded anything if i changed it to beta and it didn't, soo it makes no sense that it would work..
I have verified my files and it all checks out fine… -
Shokks, I have tried to change it to beta, but it does not download anything so it is still exactly the same game.. So it was probably just a coincidence that this worked for you..
I have also got the "normal" (non beta) working a couple… -
That was an old post, that was pending on your system.. because it had to be accepted by an admin because I used a link..
I will test out the new instruction you gave me in just a little while.. -
Alright then... take nr2.
Had to read up on gdb a little, and i now have the complete output for you.
My gdb output
My Steam log
… -
Hey, i have postet at new and complete gdb and steam log.. And made links to it... but when I clicked post, it said it had to be accepted by an admin before it would show up in the comments..
This gdb has a segfault and info, so it might… -
Okay here we go.
Btw I'm not an expert at this kind of stuff but hope i got something you can use..
And when you say post your log. I was not sure what log you meant or where it was located, so I am just gonna post the log fr… -
I am having this bug too, everything works fine until i shoot with my main gun as a marine, and then the game crashes and in my console it just says Segmentation fault..
This is on Linux Mint 15 64Bit
My GPU is a Nvidia 650
So yesterday I couldn't play because no servers where ready for 256 and today i can't play because no servers are ready for 257…
I can confirm this, the black screen bug is still there.OMG why did you not fix any of the Linux bugs? for example the bug that you have to start Steam with LANG=en_US or else you get a black screen?
Or the bug that makes the game crash if you use the high textures setting??
Cmon …