[Linux] Game crash when shooting
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Hi ! i'm here because each time I use a fire weapon, the game crash without any error messages in log !
I don't have any mods, and I'm using Linux version Build 257. I tried to change graphic options, and I'm using medium textures but nothing changes.
So, I don't know what more informations I can give you except some lines like that in my log :
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/chuckle_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
WARNING: Corrected case of '/mnt/sdb/Shokks/Steam/SteamApps/common/Natural Selection 2/ns2/models/marine/Dropship/dropship1.material'
I don't have any mods, and I'm using Linux version Build 257. I tried to change graphic options, and I'm using medium textures but nothing changes.
So, I don't know what more informations I can give you except some lines like that in my log :
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/chuckle_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
WARNING: Corrected case of '/mnt/sdb/Shokks/Steam/SteamApps/common/Natural Selection 2/ns2/models/marine/Dropship/dropship1.material'

Or this one! This should be refinery!
But my problem make my game unplayable at all.. !
so should the textures note loading because you alt tabbed bug too.
Let me know if you see anything else
Here is my dmesg lines :
[78766.812741] ns2_linux32[18221]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f16eed37 sp 00000000fff05640 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.325.15[f01d4000+2070000]
[79653.082122] ns2_linux32[18543]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f16b2d37 sp 00000000fff5e8e0 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.325.15[f0198000+2070000]
But I didn't found how to make a backtrace ...
My configuration is a GTX 660 with a I5-750 and 5Gb of RAM.
So you start up the tutorial, and then it crashes at the first time you shoot is what the log looks like. is that basically what is happening?
And my nvidia-proprietary drivers are 325.15-10
Yes ! It's exactly what's happend.. However I can use the "body weapons"
Reporting from Linux Mint 14 64 bit with Nvidia 331.13 Open Source Drivers.
In DMESG : and log.txt http://pastie.org/8406988
For those who want to try, on archlinux, install nvidia-full-beta and in the PKGBUILD, change lib32 variable from 0 to 1 to make it work with steam
Any further info you can gather will help. (you can run -verbose in steam launch options to gather more data/errors)
EDIT : Nothing more with -verbose or -console option in steam
I have cleaned the cache in ~/.config/Natural Selection 2/cache
Previous Builds ran fine on the same machine.
steam runs with:
export LC_ALL=C
Steam Info:
Edit: The game crashes when shooting. Testing this in bot-training as marine.
Log file attached.
Windows doesn't certifiate Linux versions.. ?? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHQL_Testing
ulimit -c unlimited, then start the game (probably manually from CLI); it should create a core dump on crash. (If you want to permanetly enable coredumps, you'll have to edit /etc/security/limits.conf )
As for the trace, just install gdb and run it with the coredump and path to the game executable, then run backtrace in the GDB prompt.
I think alternatively you can also start GDB, attach it to the process and then do that if it crashed or start GDB and run ns2 from GDB.
This is on Linux Mint 15 64Bit
My GPU is a Nvidia 650
I have tested this with the Nvida 325 and 331 driver and both crash when shooting.
And this is on build 258 of NS2.
If you have a segmentation fault, you should get a core dump file in you directory if you launch the command "ulimit -c unlimited" before the game.
I don't have any core dump, even after "ulimit -c unlimited", probably because I don't have any Segmentation fault in my console when I run the command ! Omega_K2, do you know if there are others possiblity to have a backtrace ?
Thanks !
Make sure you run the game in the same shell you've executed the command in, otherwise it will use the default (which is 0 - i..e no dumps). Or try setting it in limits.conf and reboot.
I add these lines to my limits.conf :
shom - core unlimited
root - core unlimited
But I doesn't have any core or other new files in my directory
As I'm using systemd, I tried to launch "systemd-coredumpctl"
But I have "No coredumps found"
The strange thing is that I don't have any "Segmentation Fault". Are you using this command "steam steam://rungameid/4920" to launch the game too ?
And I'm unable to use the steam-runtime because there aren't any install script for Archlinux
run the game.
open up a console.
find the ns2 pid run gdb
You probably will have to run gdb as root (sudo gdb)
Once you get that backtrace please post that and your log. from the time you get the crash and we will see what can be seen.
As, always it would be super nice if you made sure you have no running mods when you have the crash.
And my log.txt http://pastie.org/8421476
And i'm sure I have no anny running mods !
The log as you no doubt noticed is also clean.
Super weird.
No sure what to ask about next, Since you are all crashing in the training mode I am going to assume that you don't have custom binds.
Does it crash on firing in a non bots game?
Can you post the contents of ~/.config/Natural Selection 2/system_options.xml and /mnt/sdb/Martin/Steam/userdata/43232187/4920/remote/options.xml?
edit: also, can you try with -verbose as a startup option in steam? and see if there is anything at the end of the log that looks interesting
Btw I'm not an expert at this kind of stuff but hope i got something you can use..
And when you say post your log. I was not sure what log you meant or where it was located, so I am just gonna post the log from Steam..
Edit: can't it's to long and it just says it got a Segmentation fault, no real info anyway.
The only thing I did in this test was launch a sandbox (no mods) join the marines and try to fire my gun..
Output from gdb: