We are Disabling Steam Cloud Saves for Below Zero - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Hello, Subnauts! As you may be aware, we were excited to introduce Steam Cloud save capability with the final Early Access update for Below Zero, Seaworthy. We have heard all...
We don't talk about it. ??
Also, if there is a discrepancy between Steam cloud and local files, Steam just pops up a dialogue box and asks you which save file it should take, so not really an issue?
On January 7th 2021 I unlocked the achievement Out of Mind.
Since then I have patiently been waiting for the full game to be released.
On April 9th 2021 I read about cloud saves being disabled.
In the FAQ it reads:
We have been assured that even existing saves in the “cloud” will be unaffected.
Good, I thought, no measures needed.
Since a week or two I have been counting the days.
This morning was an exciting day, version 1.0 released.
I have finally finished my work, done all my chores and I can enjoy the ending of Subnautica Below Zero.
Can you imagine how disappointed I was to find none of my cloud saves anywhere?
Don't get me wrong, I loved all 55 hours of play I put into the game so far...
But I don't feel like going there again - not so soon after doing it all, not to just to recover all the progress I made.
If there's anything you can do to help me get my save files back, please do so.
If you need anything else from me to help this process, please let me know.
Kind regards