Subnautica: Below Zero Frostbite Update - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

A new update is available for Subnautica: Below Zero Early Access. This update features the latest update to the story, as well as an all new intro cinematic. A reworked...
The first sentence in the same post you've asked this question reads "A new update is available for Subnautica: Below Zero Early Access." I think the keywords that answer your question would be "Early Access."
I think that's very deliberate.
They would have paid quite a lot of money for the voice acting for the original dialog and it was just money pissed away. Both because the dialog was so awful and possibly the devs have also realised that maybe this is the kind of game where no voice-acted dialog is better. The original game certainly didn't need it.
Crash-on-alien-world-by-yourself survival games are the ultimate escapist fantasy for many players. Constant chatter doesn't enhance that.
And they might also wisely be considering allowing players to select their gender. Which, if they re-implement voice acting, would obviously need to be taken into account.
I just watched a 30 minute youtube video and saw enormous changes.
The whole premise has changed. This is no longer her and her sister working there together and one (you) have a terrible accident.
Now you've followed her and seemingly neither is a good and faithful employee of Alterra. It sounds like they have an agenda to uncover something. Suggesting that they're environmental activists or journalists.
Maybe you missed this because amongst the many big changes, the game no longer forces you along a narrow, linear story track. As in the original game, it seems to unfold organically as you explore the map.
No NAV-Points, just my SeaTruck, LifePod and beacons - clearly ununderstand what to do if you dont know where to look for resourses and piece of a story. Crashed storyline, Margarett lockdown her base after repairing the tower and say nothing what to do. Cant really say it have some changes in snow enviroment cause NO-NAV-POINTS!!! Yes, I know where to swim but why should I do that? Please repair it shortly - unplayable.
Creature agressive but not dangerous except the big one near purple vents - she clearly NOT WANT me to scan that wrecks. Early it swing in a lot more area, now it just attacking and cooldown, then attacking again and so on.
Materials. God please add recipe for sinthetic fiber. Outage of this makes me crazy till I cant fabricate the diver suit.
Still no depth upgrades for PRAWN (or I stupidly miss them in 30 gameplay hours) - its useless when its needed, most of materials piles lie deeper then the PRAWN can manage. And this is funny when you drag it to the 900 meters and its ok, but if you want to sit inside - BOOM!!! Maximum depth reached! Hull damage immanent. Maybe add specific voice message for Seatruck that alert you that your PRAWN will be destroyed if you go any deeper?
Text really clearer. But even then there is no describing text for 75% of scannable items. Is that stage is for postproduction?
Glad to uncover new story. Intro is really good. And new Robin are welcome - the old one was too rude and selfish, make things and spoke words not likely Alterra employee can afford like she was.
Lastly, I really really hope you guys implement a 'Pro HUD mode' (Like Breath of the Wild) which hides most of the overlays (beacons, vehicle markers, base markers etc.) that cloud up the scene realestate. Just notice how incredible screenshots look in the PDA compared to in-game. Imagen exploring the world of Subnautica Below Zero with minimal HUD overlays! It would really do a lot for the longevity of the game. Please Unknown Worlds, make this happen!
Keep doing what you're doing! Love all of you!
WAY too many Snow Stalkers now. They're everywhere, about 3 times as many as before. And they're more aggressive. I like a challenge, but it's become impossible to get anything done.
-Subnautica is an Underwater Game. Please, add more Content Underwater. I dont want to spend half of the time on an island.
-Give each Biome more Space. Subnautica, the first Game, had open-wided Bioms and most of them where around 0-500m deep. SubZero, on the other Side, isnt that deep and most Biomes are pretty small.
-Less Cryptosuchus in the thermal Vent. There are just too much and loud. The Sub counterpart are Sandshark.
-In Sub1 i had much more Hours to spend on finding Titanium, Copper and most important, fragments. I had to spend almost 3-4 hours to find all pieces for Seaglide, Lasercutter, Seamoth and all other Earlygame Tools. In Sub2 you can find anything, including Fabricator and Storage Modul, for the Seatruck in the deep twisty bridges. The same with prawn suit. I can have it in almost 3 hours. It is a Midgame Vehicle, not an early game. Remove 1-2 from the mining Site and put it in, idk tree Spires.
I didnt mentioned things like the story. The game isnt finishd yet.
I hope that i pointed the best from Sub1 with it. The Things that make it that good.
In Sub1, you havend that much threadened enemies, the 3 different sharks arent that scary, but reaper/ghost/dragon leviathan and Crabshquid are. The fact, that they only spawn in certain Biomes and they bevaivore matches perfectly.
Please, unknown World, focus more on the Things that made Sub1 that good and Sub2 will that be too!
I adore this game. Sub1 is and will be one of my most favorite game and i want that Sub2 will become one of them too.
Thanks for reading.
(Sorry for my bad english. Im not an english native)