Categorized list of mods on NexusMods (may put others in there) including 1st playthrough-safe mods
US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members

This mod list was last edited on February 11, 2019
Feel free to link to, or draw from this guide (if you do copy from it, I only ask that you please link to it). Also please comment with any suggestions or feedback.
How to get going (Table of Contents follows):
PSA for any computer / modding newbies: An "archive" is a file that contains other files and potentially folders. See below if you need help with understanding this:
Installing QModManager:
Installing Mods:
Uninstalling a Mod:
Uninstalling QModManager:
Table of Contents:
Fixes to annoying game bugs / design oversights. Safe for a 1st playthrough.
1st playthrough safe mods
Mods that alter the UI experience, but not in a game-changing way. Examples: a hotkey to hide the HUD, a switch to shut off the lights in your base for better aesthetics when you're in the mood, instead of them being forced to always be on.
1st playthrough safe mods that might affect the "feel" a little bit
Mods that change enough of the game to possibly slightly alter one's first experience. Examples: being able to use plant pots as a smaller alternative to exterior growbeds, adjusting the color and lighting ("Shaders" category), being able to toggle machines on and off in the base to conserve power. Stuff you might expect to be able to do given the level of technology involved if you were actually in that situation, but still, it's a (slight) departure from the vanilla game. You decide.
1st playthrough safe-ish mods
Mods that can affect the "feel" from quite a bit, to a lot (but do not completely wreck the experience... if you don't like spoilers, be picky about the ones you choose from this category - the entire "Decor" section pretty much falls into this category)
Mods that, while handy, are enough of a departure from the vanilla gameplay that some might personally find them unfit for a 1st playthrough. Examples: mod to auto-sort materials in lockers, mod to automatically pull needed materials from lockers (if present) when using the fabricator, mod to enable an "autopilot" of sorts by toggling a keypress for you, mod to pause the game while reading the PDA, mod to add in-game creatures and screenshots to the picture frames (because spoilers), etc.
Quality of Life
Mods that alleviate that itch you just couldn't scratch. You've experienced the game "the way it was meant to be played" (*slaps at lawyers from noVideo*) and now you're ready for less tedium, and a bit more convenience. If you found yourself saying "I can 3D print habitats in the depths of the ocean with a Wii-mote, how come I can't..." then this is the section for you. You should also be safe at this point in applying anything in the "Shaders" category for a bit more realism / beauty, if you didn't do so in your 1st playthrough.
Still no complete game-changers in here, so if you're ready for a challenge or a completely new experience, also head down to the "Gameplay / Replayability" section.
Gameplay / Replayability
Mods that allow you to experience the game in a whole new way, and perhaps add a more realistic ambiance. If you found yourself having a hard time with suspension of disbelief when you realized your O2 tanks refill on the surface without a power source, this is also your section. Also the go-to place to customize your Subnautica experience just the way you like it. Lovers of grindy gameplay, as well as thrill-seekers, will also find a comfy home here.
Definitely head here before leaving Subnautica, or perhaps before coming back to it after a break.
Spruce up your base just the way you like it and make it your home. If spoilers bother you and this is your 1st playthrough, watch for the spoilers in the picture frame mods. Other than that, it falls pretty much somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd of the "1st playthrough safe" categories (picture frame mods are 3rd category).
Mods that don't fit another category, or I wasn't sure where to put them. Stuff like broadcasting your biome location and depth to your friends on Discord, cheaty mods, nostalgic mods for those who want one more time with the Terraformer (or perhaps to un-bury their poor Seamoth), and loading screen replacements are in this category.
Mods for the entire Subnautica rendering experience. Some built-in effects can be had by looking at the "Color Grading" section of your Subnautica settings (see notes about that at the beginning of this section).
Mods for displaying maps. Definitely spoiler-y, not recommended for a 1st playthrough.
VR and Controller
Mods for making life easier for those using VR and / or Game Controllers. Pretty much all of these can also be found in the beginning of the "Quality of Life" section.
Saved Games / Worlds
Other users' saved games, some with gameplay challenges, check out the descriptions for more info.
Pew-pew, dakka-dakka
Where to find the gats (be sure to check out the custom creature difficulty mod at the beginning if you're intending to do this. Fish in a barrel not really being fun and all.)
Mod enablers
The mods that allow other mods to run correctly. 99.5% of the mods here require QModManager, the first mod in this list, so I didn't list QModManager as a requirement as it's pretty much a given. Any other needed mod enablers from this section are listed under the mod titles in the "Requirements" section, after the short description, and before the detailed description (if any).
Mods that basically are a bunch of resources, like pictures for picture frames. Right now it's pretty much a carbon copy of the beginning of the "Decor" section, but this may change in the future.
Uncategorized mods I have links to in my signature (might integrate them into this list at some point) but until then you can find them here ▼
End of mod list
To the comments! No comments? Leave one!
Feel free to link to, or draw from this guide (if you do copy from it, I only ask that you please link to it). Also please comment with any suggestions or feedback.
How to get going (Table of Contents follows):
PSA for any computer / modding newbies: An "archive" is a file that contains other files and potentially folders. See below if you need help with understanding this:
Like a folder, but it's a file. To use its contents, you must extract them, either using the archive handler built into Windows Explorer, or by using a utility such as 7-zip, WinRAR, or WinZip (if you're a Mac user, you might need to use Unarchiver). It might seem complicated at first, but it's not, really. Let's say you have a mod containing 6 necessary files, and a folder containing about 23 pictures for use in your mod. Nobody's going to want to download 29 files, put 23 of them in a folder.. yeah, no. So you use a program to archive those files and folders into one archive file, which, when downloaded and extracted (extracting just means copying the files and folders from inside the archive back into normal files and folders), produces the original layout of 6 necessary files, and a folder with 23 pictures. Pretty handy, right?
PSA#2 Your first step before making any bug reports when encountering a bug should be to try disabling your mods, if the problem goes away, try narrowing the issue down to a specific mod and then contacting the author of that mod to report the issue.Installing QModManager:
Almost every mod mentioned in this list uses QModManager. Installation is pretty simple, just run the installer (by default, QModsSetup.exe) and point it at your Subnautica install folder.
During installation, QModManager will make a folder, called QMods in your Subnautica install folder. This is where all of your mods that use QModManager (so, 99.5% of them) will go.
Most typical locations for the Subnautica Install folder are:
During installation, QModManager will make a folder, called QMods in your Subnautica install folder. This is where all of your mods that use QModManager (so, 99.5% of them) will go.
Most typical locations for the Subnautica Install folder are:
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SubnauticaEpic Games:
\Program Files\Epic Games\Subnautica
Installing Mods:
After that, just extract your mods to your install folder\QMods folder. Here's the trick, though: each mod is supposed to be in its own folder. For example: install folder\QMods\MoreQuickSlots
So if you open up the archive, and you see a single folder, called MoreQuickSlots, you can just extract it to the install folder\QMods folder, giving you install folder\QMods\MoreQuickSlots
HOWEVER, if you open the archive, and you see a folder called QMods, you must extract it to the install folder folder directly, as the mod will then go into \QMods\< ModName > folder automatically. Or just go into the archive's QMods folder, and drag the mod folder out of there and into the install folder\QMods folder
But WHAT IF you open the archive, and you see a few files called mod.json, and a .dll, perhaps with the same name as the mod, and maybe another folder called Assests or something? Well then, you simply need to create a folder for the mod in install folder\QMods and call it < ModName >, then drag ALL of the files and folders in the mod archive into the folder < ModName > that you just created.
Basically, you should have:
install folder (where Subnautica is)
inside that, you should have:
QMods (where your mods are kept, nicely organized in folders of their own)
inside that, you should have a bunch of mod folders, like:
inside of every mod folder, you should have the mod files, which should be:
< NameOfMod >.dll
-maybe- a config.json with mod settings that can be customized
-maybe- another folder, like perhaps Assets, which contains resources (like custom images etc) that the mod uses
-maybe- some other files used by the mod
So if you open up the archive, and you see a single folder, called MoreQuickSlots, you can just extract it to the install folder\QMods folder, giving you install folder\QMods\MoreQuickSlots
HOWEVER, if you open the archive, and you see a folder called QMods, you must extract it to the install folder folder directly, as the mod will then go into \QMods\< ModName > folder automatically. Or just go into the archive's QMods folder, and drag the mod folder out of there and into the install folder\QMods folder
But WHAT IF you open the archive, and you see a few files called mod.json, and a .dll, perhaps with the same name as the mod, and maybe another folder called Assests or something? Well then, you simply need to create a folder for the mod in install folder\QMods and call it < ModName >, then drag ALL of the files and folders in the mod archive into the folder < ModName > that you just created.
Basically, you should have:
install folder (where Subnautica is)
inside that, you should have:
QMods (where your mods are kept, nicely organized in folders of their own)
inside that, you should have a bunch of mod folders, like:
inside of every mod folder, you should have the mod files, which should be:
< NameOfMod >.dll
-maybe- a config.json with mod settings that can be customized
-maybe- another folder, like perhaps Assets, which contains resources (like custom images etc) that the mod uses
-maybe- some other files used by the mod
Uninstalling a Mod:
To delete a mod, simply delete (or move to another location) the mod folder < ModName > from your QMods folder.
Uninstalling QModManager:
QMods can be uninstalled from Add/Remove Programs; you might be able to disable it by simply moving the QMods folder out of your install folder, but I have not confirmed this.
Table of Contents:
Fixes to annoying game bugs / design oversights. Safe for a 1st playthrough.
1st playthrough safe mods
Mods that alter the UI experience, but not in a game-changing way. Examples: a hotkey to hide the HUD, a switch to shut off the lights in your base for better aesthetics when you're in the mood, instead of them being forced to always be on.
1st playthrough safe mods that might affect the "feel" a little bit
Mods that change enough of the game to possibly slightly alter one's first experience. Examples: being able to use plant pots as a smaller alternative to exterior growbeds, adjusting the color and lighting ("Shaders" category), being able to toggle machines on and off in the base to conserve power. Stuff you might expect to be able to do given the level of technology involved if you were actually in that situation, but still, it's a (slight) departure from the vanilla game. You decide.
1st playthrough safe-ish mods
Mods that can affect the "feel" from quite a bit, to a lot (but do not completely wreck the experience... if you don't like spoilers, be picky about the ones you choose from this category - the entire "Decor" section pretty much falls into this category)
Mods that, while handy, are enough of a departure from the vanilla gameplay that some might personally find them unfit for a 1st playthrough. Examples: mod to auto-sort materials in lockers, mod to automatically pull needed materials from lockers (if present) when using the fabricator, mod to enable an "autopilot" of sorts by toggling a keypress for you, mod to pause the game while reading the PDA, mod to add in-game creatures and screenshots to the picture frames (because spoilers), etc.
Quality of Life
Mods that alleviate that itch you just couldn't scratch. You've experienced the game "the way it was meant to be played" (*slaps at lawyers from noVideo*) and now you're ready for less tedium, and a bit more convenience. If you found yourself saying "I can 3D print habitats in the depths of the ocean with a Wii-mote, how come I can't..." then this is the section for you. You should also be safe at this point in applying anything in the "Shaders" category for a bit more realism / beauty, if you didn't do so in your 1st playthrough.
Still no complete game-changers in here, so if you're ready for a challenge or a completely new experience, also head down to the "Gameplay / Replayability" section.
Gameplay / Replayability
Mods that allow you to experience the game in a whole new way, and perhaps add a more realistic ambiance. If you found yourself having a hard time with suspension of disbelief when you realized your O2 tanks refill on the surface without a power source, this is also your section. Also the go-to place to customize your Subnautica experience just the way you like it. Lovers of grindy gameplay, as well as thrill-seekers, will also find a comfy home here.
Definitely head here before leaving Subnautica, or perhaps before coming back to it after a break.
Spruce up your base just the way you like it and make it your home. If spoilers bother you and this is your 1st playthrough, watch for the spoilers in the picture frame mods. Other than that, it falls pretty much somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd of the "1st playthrough safe" categories (picture frame mods are 3rd category).
Mods that don't fit another category, or I wasn't sure where to put them. Stuff like broadcasting your biome location and depth to your friends on Discord, cheaty mods, nostalgic mods for those who want one more time with the Terraformer (or perhaps to un-bury their poor Seamoth), and loading screen replacements are in this category.
Mods for the entire Subnautica rendering experience. Some built-in effects can be had by looking at the "Color Grading" section of your Subnautica settings (see notes about that at the beginning of this section).
Mods for displaying maps. Definitely spoiler-y, not recommended for a 1st playthrough.
VR and Controller
Mods for making life easier for those using VR and / or Game Controllers. Pretty much all of these can also be found in the beginning of the "Quality of Life" section.
Saved Games / Worlds
Other users' saved games, some with gameplay challenges, check out the descriptions for more info.
Pew-pew, dakka-dakka
Where to find the gats (be sure to check out the custom creature difficulty mod at the beginning if you're intending to do this. Fish in a barrel not really being fun and all.)
Mod enablers
The mods that allow other mods to run correctly. 99.5% of the mods here require QModManager, the first mod in this list, so I didn't list QModManager as a requirement as it's pretty much a given. Any other needed mod enablers from this section are listed under the mod titles in the "Requirements" section, after the short description, and before the detailed description (if any).
Mods that basically are a bunch of resources, like pictures for picture frames. Right now it's pretty much a carbon copy of the beginning of the "Decor" section, but this may change in the future.
Uncategorized mods I have links to in my signature (might integrate them into this list at some point) but until then you can find them here ▼
SuspensionRailway's Modding Emporium (These might not play nice with Nexus Mods based on QModManager, you were warned!)
ReShade mods (See the beginning of the "Shaders" category for a note on compatibility with other shaders based on SweetFX.)
Subnautica NexusMods ←(where I pulled this categorized list from)
ReShade mods (See the beginning of the "Shaders" category for a note on compatibility with other shaders based on SweetFX.)
Subnautica NexusMods ←(where I pulled this categorized list from)
End of mod list
To the comments! No comments? Leave one!
-VR and Game Controller users also check out the "VR and Controller" section.
MoreQuickSlots (Yes, I consider this a fix. Sue me, but playing magical quickslot shuffle doesn't seem like a rational gameplay mechanic, so I'm guessing it's a concession for controllers / consoles.)
Adds up to 12 quick-slots with hotkeys!
MoreQuickSlots allows you to add up to 12 quickslots, as well as add labels for the hotkeys for each slot. Easy to use, easy to install, easy to configure.
[#] Open mod.json in a text editor
[#] Under the "config" object, edit the values as you want
[*] SlotCount: [Number between 1 and 12] Sets the number of quick slots
[*] ShowInputText: [Bool] Show or hide the input labels on the quick slots
[*] Slot6Key: [String] Key value for slot 6
[*] Slot7Key: [String] Key value for slot 7
[*] Slot8Key: [String] Key value for slot 8
[*] Slot9Key: [String] Key value for slot 9
[*] Slot10Key: [String] Key value for slot 10
[*] Slot11Key: [String] Key value for slot 11 (default -)
[*] Slot12Key: [String] Key value for slot 12 (default
[*] Find key values here:
Better Sprinting (As abotve, a feature that is so potentially essential for some users, I consider it to be in the fix category: this mod adds option to have sprint activate as toggle instead of holding)
Adds an option under General to enable toggled sprinting so you don't have to keep holding down your sprint button which is really helpful if you play with a gamepad.
If you have any problems with the mod please let me know and if you like it, an endorsement would be appreciated.
Adds the ability to quicksave your game for those of you that find having to open a menu and click a button to be entirely too much! Quicksave bound to F5. This will overwrite the current save slot, or make a new save slot if you have not saved your current game yet.
Databox Scanner Fix
Removes the Scanner Room blips for already opened DataBoxes
Adds missing volumetric lighting effect to the Prawn Suit as seen on Seamoth and Cyclops.
Press 'Q' (whatever you have mapped to Deconstruct) to toggle the Prawnsuit's lights on and off
PrawnsuitLightsUseEnergy (bool, default=true)
If set to true, the Prawnsuit lights use energy at the same rate as the Seamoth's (should be depreciated as Seamoth doesn't use power since v1.0 IIRC but if another mod changed that back, then this setting should work.)
Improves the Seaglide map and flashlight controls: Flashlight = Tool Use (right click), Show/hide map = Alt Use (F). Can default the map to off.
Press Alt-Use (default "F") to turn the Seaglide Map on and off
Press Use (default right-click) to turn the Seaglide flashlight on and off
Additionally, this mod shows the power level of the scanner tool's battery the same way as the other tools. (I was in the same area of the code, so I just fixed it)
SeaglideMapStartOn (bool, default=false)
Set this to true to have the seaglide map be on when you start using the seaglide
FixScannerToolTextBug (bool, default=true)
Set this to true to show the scanner's power as well as it's alt-use text
Detail High - Blurry Textures Fix
Fixes Texture Quality when Detail: High is selected on machines with less than 6GB~ of RAM
This patch removes this RAM requirement to prevent the problem.
Subnautica Save Backup - Revamped
A application used for backing up subnautica saves.
This application backs up your Subnautica saves to a user decided location.
**This does not fix corrupted saves, this tool is used for backing up saves,
so if in the future your save do corrupt, you have a backup. You
will also have to run this manually, everytime you want your saves backed
Manual Installation:
1. On this page go to the top and click on "Files"
2. Click on "manual download"
3. Move Subnautica Save Backup.exe to desktop and run it
What's Next:
Progress bar 0% - 100%
Allow users to restore zipped saves
Started as a batch file, rewrote in vb.
Added saving of user input.
Rewrote again to fasten code
Restoration of backup saves
Zipped saves
Author's notes:
Code was cleaned up (7-19-18), should run a lot faster, continuing to work
on more applicable utilities within the application.
Previous Versions:
v1.5: Added the ability to restore *non-zipped* saves from the application.
v1.4: New Logo, moved stuff around, improved code
v1.3: Simplified saving of user input.
v1.2: Added the ability for users to save their input
v1.1: Code rewritten AGAIN, rewrote in exe is clean and its a nice little application now
v1.0: Initial Release
-See "Quality of Life" section for "Safe AutoSave" mod (unsure if it could aversely affect gameplay, especially on lower-end machines, so I didn't include it as a "fix")
-See "Quality of Life" section for "Blueprint Tracker" mod (I don't think it qualifies as a "fix" but some would find it to be nearly in that category if they don't enjoy reciting blueprint ingredients aloud to themselves while exploring, then getting sidetracked, then scrolling through the PDA Blueprints for a few minutes to look up the ingredients again)
No More Vehicle Attacks and Invincibility (in Creative Mode and Invisible Cheat)
Creatures will no longer attack your vehicles in Creative mode or when using the Invisible cheat.
Furthermore, it will (by default) disable invincibility when using the 'invisible' cheat.
Creatures will no longer attack your vehicles when running the game in NoAggression mode. This mode is activated when starting a Creative game or when using the Invisible cheat.
The game ignores the player in NoAggression mode, but vehicles would still get attacked, this mod aims to resolve that. You will no longer need to worry about getting jump scared when playing around in Creative Mode.
Another side effect of NoAggression mode is that the player and vehicles become totally immune to all forms of damage. This mod will disable the invincibility that comes with becoming invisible. Yes! You can now be boiled alive without being harassed by the local flora and fauna! Don't like the feeling of your face melting when diving for those pretty rubies inside a hydrothermal vent? No worries, see Usage for help.
Extract the contents of the zip file into your Subnautica directory. The mod activates on entering the game, or after using the invisibility cheat. You do not need to start a new game.
The mod prevents the player from becoming invincible when activating invisibility by default. Edit config.json and dange "noDamageByDefault" to "true" if you prefer the default game behavior (become invincible and invisible at the same time). Use the 'nodamage' cheat to toggle invincibility.
Word of advice: try to avoid running your Seamoth straight into the yaws of a Reaper Leviathan. They tend not to appreciate that.
The mod shouldn't affect your saved games, but still: can't hurt to make a backup.
And last but not least: I do not take any responsibility for spilled drinks due to unexpected jump scares.. Yes, that has happened during development of this mod.
I'm not aware of any incompatible mods so far, but before reporting: please disable other mods if you run into any problems in order to help me pinpoint the cause.
I haven't encountered any unexpected attacks, but then again I haven't been able to test every biome/creature/vehicle combination. Just remember, should you come under attack:
Keep Calm and Take Notes
Power Order
This mod allows you to prioritize types of power sources over others.
This plugin fixes the bug, where the Blip of the scanner room remains after the large resource deposit was destroyed.
This mod splits the large resource deposits in the scanning room from the regular resources, so you can choose to search for only one of them. (Yes I think that is enough of a useful feature to qualify it as a "fix", some might disagree))
Anisotropic Fix
Fixes blurred textures that seems to be caused by anisotropic filtering being disabled by default in the game.
If you have an Nvidia graphics card you can get the same effect without this mod by forcing anisotropic filtering on for Subnautica under Manage 3D settings in the Nvidia control panel.
If you have an AMD graphics card you can get the same effect without this mod by forcing anisotropic filtering on for Subnautica under the Gaming tab > Subnautica in the AMD Settings application.
{{However, if you don't see any difference after trying the built-in GPU options, try this mod.}}
1. Download and install QMods. After setting the correct location of your Subnautica installation make sure to remove the "not found" at the end of the installation path in the QMods Installer. When the installation is complete you should have a folder called QMods in your Subnautica folder.
2. Extract the AnisotropicFix folder from this zip file into the QMods folder in your Subnautica installation folder.
3. Run the game and check if the blurred textures are gone.
Note: You may need to reinstall QMods each time the game is updated to re-enable all installed mods.
If you experience any bugs, please let me know and if you like the mod, don't forget to endorse it.
-Anything in the "Fixes" category above (definitely go check those out)
-Anything in the "Mod Enablers" category (if a mod you're installing requires it)
Immersion Mod
Hide the HUD, and other tweaks to improve immersion in VR
Toggle HUD with Controller
Press RB+Left Stick to toggle the HUD
VR Y Axis Unlock
When playing with a controller and a VR headset, you can look left and right, but not up and down. This fixes that.
Adds a very quick-and-dirty "Quit to Desktop" button to the pause menu.
Resource Monitor
A new base item in game that when placed will show all the items that are kept within lockers in your base or cyclops.
Show Available Items
Show the amount of ingredients available while looking at schematics, instead of only when you don't have enough.
Base Light Switch
Adds a new buildable that allows you to turn base lights off or on!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it is backwards-compatible with old mods)
Toggle OnOff Base Lights (consider as an alternative to Base Light Switch)
toggle base lights on/off
Unpack the archive to “Subnautica_Data/Managed/” folder within your Subnautica install directory.
Is a simple mod to be able to turn base interior lights On and Off with F7 button.
Makes the locker labels and signs have much longer name fields and adds a bunch more colors for the labels. UPDATE: Better Color Picker
UPDATE: Better Color Pickers for the locker and the sign, plus more colors! See new config options
SmallLockerTextLimit (int, default=60)
Maximum characters on the small locker labels. Default is about 3 1/2 full lines
SignTextLimit (int, default=100)
Maximum characters on the signs. Default is greater than one full wall panel width.
ColorPickerOnLockers (bool, default=true)
Show the color picker on small lockers
ExtraColorsOnLockers (bool, default=true)
Add many new colors to the locker label color choices
ColorPickerOnSigns (bool, default=true)
Show the color picker on wall signs
ExtraColorsOnSigns (bool, default=true)
Add many new colors to the sign color choices
-Check the next category down ("might affect gameplay a bit") for "HabitatControlPanel" and see if you think it's worth the slight depreciation of the Beacon functionality - I think it is, but there is that small issue of early game not being able to find your base(s) if you haven't unlocked the Beacon yet? Also the ability to plunk a Power Cell into your base for temporary power affects ease of dropping new bases down. But you still have to build it, and honestly, you've probably got the Beacon by the time you craft the Habitat Builder.
Subnautica Save Backup - Revamped
A application used for backing up subnautica saves.
This application backs up your Subnautica saves to a user decided location.
**This does not fix corrupted saves, this tool is used for backing up saves,
so if in the future your save do corrupt, you have a backup. You
will also have to run this manually, everytime you want your saves backed
Manual Installation:
1. On this page go to the top and click on "Files"
2. Click on "manual download"
3. Move Subnautica Save Backup.exe to desktop and run it
What's Next:
Progress bar 0% - 100%
Allow users to restore zipped saves
Started as a batch file, rewrote in vb.
Added saving of user input.
Rewrote again to fasten code
Restoration of backup saves
Zipped saves
Author's notes:
Code was cleaned up (7-19-18), should run a lot faster, continuing to work
on more applicable utilities within the application.
Previous Versions:
v1.5: Added the ability to restore *non-zipped* saves from the application.
v1.4: New Logo, moved stuff around, improved code
v1.3: Simplified saving of user input.
v1.2: Added the ability for users to save their input
v1.1: Code rewritten AGAIN, rewrote in exe is clean and its a nice little application now
v1.0: Initial Release
Adds 15 new colors and over 70 new icons for beacons! Works with HabitatControlPanel as well
Note: Conflicts slightly with SubnauticaMap. Custom icons will appear as big black squares on the map.
How To Add Your Own Colors:
[#] Open colors.json in the QMods/CustomBeacons/Assets/ folder
[#] Add or edit the color entries to what you want
[#] Save the file, the colors will automatically get loaded into the game
How To Add Your Own Icons:
[#] Create a .png image file that has square proportions (128x128 or 256x256 preferred) and a transparent background
[#] Make an all white with transparent image
[#] Place the image in QMods/CustomBeacons/Assets/Pings
[#] It will automatically get loaded into the game
-Anything in the "Shaders" category (as it can affect difficulty and increase fear factor... however, this can also be a good thing. Still, it's not vanilla). If you feel tempted to explore this category but you're a purist and/or like more realism, may I suggest playing with the built-in "Color Grading" section of your Subnautica settings menu (Choose "Filmic" for more realism, but be prepared to actually need to use those Flares and your Flashlight). NB: "Filmic" may not provide the best visibility if you're streaming, so be sure to check with your intended audience and/or always use Flares or Flashlight, as even if you can manage to see, your audience probably won't thanks to the video compression used while recording / streaming)
Hides the default crosshair. Interactivity prompts are still visible. The crosshair is also still visible in the Scanner Room interface and Cyclops HUD.
Running With Tools
Allows tool use while sprinting.
Move and scale any HUD element
Find the config file in Assets/config.json, open it in your favorite text editor, edit the values you want, and save.
The configuration I have included scales down the always-on hud elements to 80% (main hud, vehicle hud, quick slots, depth meter) and moves the main hud and the vehicle hud closer to the corners.
The config file is organized like this:
The main container is a list of objects called "HudElements"
Each object looks like this:
"Name": "Seamoth",
"Scale": 0.8,
"XOffset": 100,
"YOffset": -100
The names of the hud objects are:
[#] QuickSlots: quick slot bar at the bottom center
[#] BarsPanel: O2, health, food, and water meters in the bottom left
[#] PowerIndicator: base power information at the top center, above the depth meter
[#] RadiationWarning: radiation warning that comes up in the center of the screen
[#] UserInput: popup text input box used to rename beacons
[#] IconNotifications: when you pickup stuff, the icon shows here
[#] ScannerIcon: icon that displays when you look at something you can scan
[#] PopupNotification: information that pops up center screen
[#] ErrorMessageCanvas: white text that shows information in the top left
[#] Seamoth: seamoth info in the bottom right
[#] Exosuit: prawn suit info in the bottom right
[#] DepthCompass: depth meter and compass in the top center
[#] ItemSelector: controls that let you swap items in stuff, like batteries in tools
[#] HandReticle: reticle in the center of the screen, also the white text above the quick slots. Be careful scaling this one
[#] CameraCyclops: overlay elements when using a cyclops camera
[#] CameraScannerRoom: overlay elements when using a camera drone
To change any element, find that element in the list and add any of the following parameters:
[*] Scale: change how big or small the element is. 1.0 means the same size as normal. 2.0 is twice as big, 0.5 is half as big. Default = 1
[*] XOffset: the amount to change in the horizontal direction. Negative means move left, positive means move right. Default = 0
[*] YOffset: the amount to change in the vertical direction. Negative means move down, positive means move up. Default = 0
If you don't put one of the parameters in, it will just use the default, so if you just wanted to change the scale, but not the position, you could do this:
"Name": "DepthCompass",
"Scale": 0.8
Blueprint Tracker
Adds a blueprint tracker to the HUD
[*] MaxPinnedBlueprints (int, default=13):
Maximum number of blueprints to show. At scale=1.0, 13 is the most you can fit on the screen.
[*] Position (string, default="TopRight"):
Can be one of "TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft" or "BottomRight"
Sets which corner or the screen to place the blueprint tracker.
[*] CornerOffsetX (int, default=20):
Offset from the left or right edge of the screen
[*] CornerOffsetY (int, default=20):
Offset from the top or bottom edge of the screen
[*] TrackerScale (float, default=1.0):
Scales the entire tracker larger or smaller
[*] FontSize (int, default=16):
Changes the font size of the "X/Y" ingredient readouts
[*] BackgroundAlpha (float, default=0.5):
Changes the transparency of the background. Defaults to 0.5
(Note: the background reuses the quickslot background and cannot be made completely opaque.)
[*] ShowWhilePiloting (bool, default=false):
Sets whether or not the tracker is visible while in a vehicle
[*] ColorblindMode (bool, default=false):
Changes the text color from green/red to cyan/magenta
Adds a built-in beacon with customizable name and a power cell slot that can power your habitat and set custom colors
Adds a habitat control panel screen with a built-in beacon, customizable habitat name, and a power cell slot that can provide temporary power.
UPDATED: Can color the inside and outside of your habitat, as well as change the beacon icon.
UPDATED: Works with CustomBeacons
Cyclops Strafe
Add strafe (slide left-right like the Seamoth can do) ability to the cyclops.
Adds a new locker that automatically extracts the items out of the vehicle's storage when you dock it in your base or your Cyclops. Additionally, adds a docked vehicle management terminal into the moonpool.
IMPORTANT: There are two versions of this mod. One that works with the AutosortLockers mod to automatically send all the extracted items to the autosorter, and one that doesn't require the AutosortLockers mod and works by simply transferring the vehicle's items to itself.
Extra Options
Add UI for persistent setting of things like water murkiness, console, texture quality, etc.
Deconstruct Fire Extiinguisher (at a small loss)
This simple mod allows you to turn a fire extinguisher back into 2 titanium (1 titanium is lost)
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Improves everything about the Seamoth's torpedo systems. Adds separate access to each torpedo bay's storage. Shows remaining torpedo counts on the HUD. Allows the player to switch between loaded torpedo types. Allows the player to remove torpedoes from the torpedo bay storage.
[*] TorpedoShotCooldown (float, default = 3)
Sets the cooldown between shots (normal is 5 seconds)
[*] TorpedoStorageWidth (int, default = 6)
Sets the inventory width of each torpedo storage module
[*] TorpedoStorageHeight (int, default = 2)
Sets the inventory height of each torpedo storage module
[*] HudXOffset (int, default = 200)
Horizontal space between the center of the screen and the torpedo ammo counters on the HUD
[*] HudXSpacing (int, default = -30)
Horizontal offset between the upper row of ammo counters and the bottom row
[*] HudYOffset (int, default = -480)
Vertical space between the center of the screen and the torpedo ammo counters on the HUD
[*] HudYSpacing (int, default = 70)
Vertical offset between the upper row of ammo counters and the bottom row
[*] HudBackgroundAlpha (float, default = 0.9)
The transparency of the backgrounds of the ammo counters. 0 = completely transparent, 1 = completely black
[*] HudIconYOffset (int, default = -60)
Vertical offset of the current torpedo icon from the center of the screen
Exterior Plantpots
Adds the ability to build plant pots outside!
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
3 new buildables appear in the Exterior section: the Basic Exterior Plant Pot, the Composite Exterior Plant Pot, and the Chic Exterior Plant Pot! These function the same way as the Exterior Growbed does, and you can use it as a better way of providing light using Creepvins!
Allows you to turn on/off Filtration Machines, Floodlights and Spotlights!
This mod conflicts with Better Power Info! BPI still shows the negative power, even if all machines are turned off! (I think that's not that bad of a conflict, as BPI will still be useful for knowing how much power base takes in "full on" mode)
Just note, the filtration machine takes 1-2 seconds to start back up, so don't panic if it doesn't start right away! All the states of all toggled machines, whether off or on, persist on game loads/saves!
Adds detailed power production and consumption information for the habitat (Cyclops coming soon!)
Displays a detailed view of the energy producers and consumers in the habitat.
Press 'P' to toggle the expanded view
MoonPool Vehicle Repair
With this mod, you are now able to repair your vehicle automatically using your Moonpool! Works much like the Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module.
Simply just dock your vehicle in your Moonpool, and then let it do the work for you! It is basically the same thing as the Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module.
You are able to set the amount of health applied to your vehicle by editing the "amount.txt" file. The default amount is "25", but you can change this to whatever you want. This amount is applied to the vehicle every 5 seconds.
Important Note!
The Seamoth and PRAWN have different maximum amounts of health. The PRAWN's internal maximum health is 600, and the Seamoth's is 200, but they are displayed as percentages. So, if you set the repair amount to 25, and your Seamoth is at 50% health(not internal value!) it will take you 20 seconds for a full repair. However, if a PRAWN is at 50% health (again, not internal value), it will take you 60 seconds. So keep that in mind when editing the config.
Resize and recolor the Scanner Room Hud Blips to your heart's content! Now automatically scaling based on distance to target. Additionally, use a keyboard shortcut to temporarily toggle them on and off.
Press the L key (by default) to temporarily toggle all the blips on and off.
[*] MaxRange (float, default=200.0)
Blips beyond this distance will be scaled by MaxRangeScale
[*] MaxRangeScale (float, default=0.2)
Blips beyond MaxRange will be scaled by this value
[*] CloseRange (float, default=12.0)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will be scaled between CloseRangeScale and MaxRangeScale
[*] CloseRangeScale (float, default=1.0)
Blips between CloseRange and MaxRange will be scaled between this value and MaxRangeScale
[*] MinRange (float, default=0)
Blips between this distance and CloseRange will be scaled between MinRangeScale and CloseRangeScale
[*] MinRangeScale (float, default=6.0)
Blips between MinRange and CloseRange will be scaled between this value and CloseRangeScale
[*] TextRange (float, default=100.0)
Blips beyond this distance will have the text field hidden
[*] AlphaOutRange (float, default=150.0)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will have their alpha faded between MaxAlpha and MinAlpha
[*] MaxAlpha (float, default=1)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will have their alpha faded between MaxAlpha and MinAlpha
[*] MinAlpha (float, default=0.4)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will have their alpha faded between MaxAlpha and MinAlpha
[*] CustomColors (bool, default=false)
Set this to true to use CircleColor and TextColor
[*] CircleColor (string, default="#00FF00FF")
If CustomColors is true, this color is applied to the circle (note, the circle image is not white and will look a little weird)
[*] TextColor (string, default="#00FF00FF")
If CustomColors is true, this color is applied to the text
[*] ShowDistance (bool, default=true)
Set this to true to add a distance readout, i.e. "100m"
[*] NoText (bool, default=false)
Set this to true to hide the text field
[*] ToggleKey (string, default="l")
Pressing this key toggles all the blips on or off
-Anything in the "Decor" category (as it might include artwork from locations not yet found by the player)
Death Waypoint
This mod drops a beacon when you die and renames it accordingly. Provided you have a beacon in your inventory that is.
Death Marker
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
If installed correctly, whenever you die there'll be a green orb and a marker at your death location, that you can then remove.
In the included "mod.json" file, you can edit options in the "Config" section.
Currently you can set the "AddCoords" field to true in order to have the coordinates of your death put into the name of the death marker, or you can set it to false to disable it.
Source code:
Useful Macros
Auto drive/swim/walk - Spam Left Click - Spam Right Click - Hold Left mouse button and another for Hold Right mouse button
How to use:
1 - Download and install AutoHotkey from here ==>
2 - Go to files section of this mod and download the files you need and extract it
3 - Run the extracted file (example: hold w.ahk)
4 - You will see a green H icon in your task bar (bottom right) if the macro is running, you can mouse
over the icon to see the name of the macro
5 - When in game press the activation key (example: Press CAPSLOCK to move/drive forward and press
CAPSLOCK again to stop)
How to edit the activation key:
1 - Right click the .ahk file you downloaded and edit using notepad
2 - The first line of the macro is the key that will activate the function (example: xbutton1:)
3 - Change the name or letter before the two colons (:) (example: Change xbutton1 to t)
- Click here for button names ==>
4 - Save and run the file or right click the H icon for the macro (bottom right) and "Reload This Script" if
you already had it running
Troubleshooting: If the script doesn't work in game then you are running the game as an Administrator. The easiest fix is to right click the script file (example: hold w CAPSLOCK.ahk) and select 'Run as administrator'
What each file does:
Auto drive/swim/walk: Pressing the 4th mouse button (the back button on the mouse) will hold down
the W key so you keep driving/swimming/walking forward. Useful on long trips
- Added a version which uses CAPSLOCK
Hold Left Click: Pressing V will hold down left mouse button. Useful for PRAWN Suit drilling/grappling
Hold Right Click: Pressing F will hold down right mouse button. Useful for many tools
Spam Left Click: Pressing 5th mouse button or T will continuously press the left mouse button every
100ms. You can change the rate by editing the file and increasing the number 100
to something greater. 1000 = 1 second. Useful for harvesting
Spam Right Click: Holding down the C key will continuously press the right mouse button. Useful for
transferring items from storage quickly and quick knife attacks
Have fun!
CFKey (More basic alternative to Useful Macros mod)
Creates a continue forward key that will keep you moving forward without having to hold down a key.
Program is freeware use at your own risk.
Hopefully this feature will be added to Subnautica in the future. Until then this will do nicely.
Also can work with any game that uses the [ Up Arrow ] for forward or allows you to map the keys.
Move forward needs to be set in Subnautica to the [ Up Arrow ] key.
CFkey will then toggle continue forward on/off with the [ 0 ] key, or off with [ Up Arrow ].
Program is freeware use at your own risk.
Please leave any comments/suggestions you may have.
Ingots Category for Autosort Lockers
This mod adds in a new category for RandyKnapp's Autosort Lockers called "Ingots"
Requirements :
Make a backup of your "filters.json" (this will make uninstall easier)
Extract the contents to your Subnautica directory.
If you have already modified your "filters.josn" you can add the following to your file so the changes I made don't overwrite yours:
"Category": "Ingots",
"Types": [
Replace the "filters.json" with your backed up version. If you didn't make a backup, shame on you.
UPDATE: Added custom colors and a Standing Autosort Receptacle! Adds two new base items: the Autosorter and the Autosort Receptacle. Drop items into the Autosorter to see them sorted automatically into the receptacles!
Autosorter: 2x Titanium, 1x Computer Chip, 2x Ruby
Autosort Receptacle: 2x Titanium, 1x Magnetite
Standing Autosort Receptacle: 2x Titanium, 1x Magnetite
(There's a config option to make these each cost just 2 titanium like regular lockers)
Automatically crafts ingredients for a blueprint and takes materials from the neighboring storage.
It has several modes.
"Inside" - Takes ingredients from the neighboring storages only inside the base or inside the Cyclops.
"InRange" - Works at a distance of 100 meters from the base or Cyclops.
"Auto Craft" - Allows you to automatically make the missing ingredients. But materials and energy are also required for this.
See this settings in the game menu.
Small locker can be disabled for the EasyCraft. Add the * symbol to the end of the label.
Slot Extender (Seamoth / PRAWN)
Slot Extender 2.0 allows you to use 9 upgrade modules simultaneously in the Seamoth and 8 in the Prawn Suit.
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Screenshots for Picture Frames Part 2
This mod contains a selection of screenshots (about 90 pictures) that can be uploaded to the picture frames ingame. (Subnautica screenshots and some flowers from my garden)
If there is no screenshots folder in the choosen slot, you easily can create one by yourself and name it screenshots
PRAWN Suit Arm Switcher
Allows you to switch your PRAWN Suit Arms from the safe comfort of the PRAWN Suit Interior!
Have one or more PRAWN Suit Arms in your inventory
Get into your PRAWN Suit
Press 1 to switch the left arm or press 2 to switch the right arm
PRAWN Upgrade Access
Change prawn arms and access the storage container while piloting the prawn suit.
While inside the prawn suit, press slot button 1 or 2. This will open the upgrades PDA.
Accessing the prawn storage container:
While inside the prawn suit, press the Reload button (default R). This will open the prawn's storage container.
You can configure up to two buttons which will each open upgrade or storage container.
Inside the mod.json file, the Config section will allow you to change buttons. Leave the value as "" if you only want one or none buttons to perform an action.
Although any valid GameInput.Button value will work, here is a list of common button choices:
[*] AltTool
[*] Reload
[*] Deconstruct
[*] PDA
[*] Slot1
[*] Slot2
[*] Slot3
[*] Slot4
[*] Slot5
[*] Slot6
Quck Miner
Simple configurable tweak to prawn mining speed.
I find the stock mining speed of the prawns drill arm to be painfully slow. This mod remedies that and reduces the time you spend gathering ores.
You can specify your own mining speed by setting the "NodeHealth" value in the included mod.json file.
The vanilla game value is 200, Quick Miner defaults to 50 (4 times faster).
Access the Seamoth Storage Compartments right from your Seamoth! No need to go outside!
Once you're inside a Seamoth and have at least one Storage Module installed, you can simply open it by pressing which slot its in. For e.g, if its in slot 1, you would press the 1 key. Pressing the slot key will open the PDA UI and you can easily dump or access items! You can also, in the latest release, access upgrades of the Seamoth by pressing I! You can change this key in the confing.
Upgrade key change
Simply change the key to access upgrades by editing QMods/SeamothStorageAccess/config.json! A complete list of all the KeyCodes available can be found here. Make sure to put " around them, like "this"!
Creature Reskin Project
This is the start of a project that re-skin's evry subnautica creature. cureently 5 creatures reskinned to be more like nature(stealthy blending in camo).
ask:I don't like creature "X" I want it back to normal is there an option to disable certain creatures?:
ans:If you don't like a creature you can just delete its image file (or edit it) and it wont show up in game anymore while the rest of the mod will still work fine.
ask:Not all creatures are changed when i load a savegame.
ans:If you spawn in a creature of the type it will most likely change. and once you save the game the next load it will probably be fixed from the start.
currently 7 creatures have been re-skinned
More Cyclops Upgrades
Everything you need to turn your Cyclops into a fully self-sufficient powerhouse of a mobile base.
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Cyclops Solar Charger
Finally! Your Cyclops can soak up the sun and recharge even when there's no heat sources around.
And yes, you can equip multiple Cyclops Solar Chargers to charge even faster!
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Cyclops Fabricator.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available as soon as you have unlock the Cyclops.
Cyclops Solar Charger Mk2
Slightly faster charging speed.
Includes an internal battery for when the sun isn't in range.
The internal battery will recharge itself whenever this module is producing power.
All Mk2 charging modules re-charge each others internal batteries when there is a power surplus. This means you can use your thermal chargers to recharge the battery on your Solar Charger Mk2.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Modification Station.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available as soon as you unlock the Modification Station.
Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module Mk2
Slightly improved charging speed over the standard thermal reactor module.
Includes an internal battery for later use when there is no heat around.
The internal battery will recharge itself whenever this module is producing power.
All Mk2 charging modules re-charge each others internal batteries when there is a power surplus. This means you can use your solar chargers to recharge the battery on your Thermal Reactor Module Mk2.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Modification Station.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available as soon as you unlock the Modification Station.
Cyclops Nuclear Reactor Module
At long last! Your Cyclops can still recharge even when more renewable sources of energy aren't available.
Perfect for getting through the mid-game when the sun is too far but the thermal chargers aren't in reach yet.
With the amount of potential energy provided by nuclear power, just one of these should be enough to get you through the whole game.
Because nuclear power is not renewable or rechargeable, the Cyclops will intelligently minimize how often it drains from the nuclear module. The Cyclops will avoid drawing nuclear power if it is currently receiving power from solar or thermal sources of energy or if there is a rechargeable reserve battery providing power instead.
The user can configure if the Cyclops should draw from the nuclear module as soon as possible or if it should coast on power cells for a while.
This can be done from an in-game menu.
A depleted nuclear modules can be reloaded at the Nuclear Fabricator with a fresh reactor rod.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Modification Station and the Nuclear Fabricator.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available once you've unlocked the Base Nuclear Reactor.
Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module MK2 & MK3
Get more "miles to the gallon" on your Cyclops.
Reduce the power cost of Silent Running, Sonar, and Shields!
Laugh as leviathans try to get past your shields while your batteries don't even break a sweat.
Where can I craft this? These modules can be found in the Modification Station.
What do I need to unlock these? You'll have them available as soon as you unlock the Modification Station.
Cyclops Speed Boost Module
Put your Cyclops into overdrive to get moving faster.
Be careful, the extra speed demands extra power. Expect lower engine efficiency while you have these equipped.
Does not affect the reduced cost of Silent Running, Sonar, and Shields provided by the Mk2 and Mk3 Engine Efficiency modules.
The additional speed bonus scales with the Cyclops motor mode. Ahead Slow will still be the slowest and Ahead Flank will still be the fastest. But they will all be slightly faster.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Cyclops Fabricator.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available once you've unlocked the Cyclops Depth Module Mk1.
New Buildables!
Auxiliary Cyclops Upgrade Console
With so many upgrade modules, there was never enough slots to really make use of them all. Well now you can finally build as many upgrade consoles as you need in your Cyclops.
Each Aux Upgrade Console will provide you with an extra six slots for cyclops upgrade modules.
Now you can finally find a place for those Fire Suppression System and Decoy Tube Modules that you could never use.
Where can I craft this? You will find it in your Habitat Builder under Interior Modules.
What do I need to unlock this? The Auxiliary Cyclops Upgrade Console will be available once found or crafted the Cyclops Depth Module Mk1.
Nuclear Fabricator
A specialized fabricator for handling hazardous nuclear materials.
Entirely optional for 99% of what you'll want to do with this mod. It's just a cool little addition for fun and flavor.
You can craft any small nuclear item from this fabricator.
Where can I craft this? You will find it in your Habitat Builder under Interior Modules.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available once you've unlocked the Base Nuclear Reactor.
Other Effects
Charging Modules Stack
Each charging module provides power individually.
This means that you can equip multiple copies of the same charging module for faster charging.
HUD Shows All Available Power
The HUD at the Cyclops helm and in the engine room will adjust when you have additional reserve power available.
Solar/Thermal Mk2 and the Nuclear module all provide additional reserve power for this calculation.
Player Configurable
If you were looking for a slightly more vanilla experience in your game but you really wanted to include either the Auxiliary Upgrade Console or the additional cyclops upgrades but not both, you're in luck.
You can configure the mod through an easy to edit text file to disable the extra consoles, the upgrades, or both if you just like being able to stack multiple thermal reactor modules.
Cross-Mod Bonus
If you're running the Vehicle Module Fabricator mod, then you can craft all these new upgrade modules from there as well as the locations listed above.
If you're running the Vehicle Upgrades in Cyclops mod, then you'll find the Cyclops Solar Charger and Cyclops Speed Boost Module in the correct tab.
If you're running the Replenish Reactor Rods mod, the Nuclear Fabricator will have the option to replenish standard depleted reactor rods.
Pending Features
Getting the Auxiliary Upgrade Console to show when a module is equipped on the model itself
Possibly combining all config files into one
Vehicle Module Fabricator
Adds a whole new Fabricator to the game just for Vehicle Modules and Upgrades.
Now you can upgrade your vehicles anywhere! Moonpool no longer required.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
New Item to build
Adds you a whole new Fabricator to build that can craft all Vehicle Modules and Upgrades from a single place.
This includes not only the standard vehicle modules but also all depth modules, even those that are normally part of the Modification Station and Cyclops fabricator.
This is intended to act as a replacement for the Vehicle Upgrades in Cyclops mod. It even uses the same model now!
Where do I find this new fabricator?
The blueprint will appear in your PDA and Habitat Builder menu when you unlock either the Vehicle Upgrade Console, the Modification Station, or the Cyclops.
New vehicle module blueprints become available on the Vehicle Module Fabricator as you unlock them.
You must have QModManager and SMLHelper V2 installed.
Just extract the VModFabricator folder into your QMods folder and you're done.
Cross-Mod Bonus - Craft upgrade modules from
Scanner Module
Repair Module
PDA Pause (please note this will significantly affect gameplay style / feel)
Pause in PDA
Incompatible with xbox controller
Adds the mini sonar display from the Seaglide to the Cyclops. Also replaces the Cyclops hologram with more accurate model.
Please remember: You are liable to reimburse Alterra corporation for any damage caused while operating company equipment.
Vehicle Upgrades in Cyclops (lighter effect than the later Vehicle Module Fabricator mod) (can significantly affect gameplay style)
Adds all recipes from the Vehicle Upgrade Console to the Cyclops fabricator.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
[*] The Cyclops Upgrade Module Fabricator found in the Cyclops engine room can now also craft all recipes from the Vehicle Upgrade Console.
[*] Now you can trick out your Seamoth or Prawn Suit while you're away from your Moonpool.
[*] Remember, you can only see recipes you've unlocked. Until you get the blueprints for the Vehicle Upgrade Console, you won't see those rafting options here.
Author's Recommendation (The mod you should be using.)
When I released this, my first Subnautica mod, not only was I still learning how to mod Unity but still figuring out what was possible to do with Subnautica and SMLHelper.
Because of that, this mod never reached my original vision for what I wanted to accomplish.
That vision wouldn't be realized fully until much later with the release of the Vehicle Module Fabricator mod.
It has all the features you see here and more, with the added flexibility of being able to craft it anywhere.
But, if you still prefer the simplicity of having just the essentials on board your Cyclops, I won't fault you for using it.
Just be aware that there are no more updates planned for this mod going forward.
Unpack Ingots (Titanium and Plasteel)
This mod adds two new recipes for turning back ingots
1x Plasteel Ingot > 1x Titanium Ingot + 2x Lithium
1x Titanium Ingot > 10x Titanium
Requirements :
Modding Helper > v1.5.1 (just use Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Utilites for QModManager
Fish Overflow Distributor
Fish which are bred in the alien containment will be distributed to Bio Reactors inside the same base when the alien containment is at full capacity.
This mod doesn't work with creature eggs.
-OFC everything in the "Fixes" section
Useful Macros
Auto drive/swim/walk - Spam Left Click - Spam Right Click - Hold Left mouse button and another for Hold Right mouse button
How to use:
1 - Download and install AutoHotkey from here ==>
2 - Go to files section of this mod and download the files you need and extract it
3 - Run the extracted file (example: hold w.ahk)
4 - You will see a green H icon in your task bar (bottom right) if the macro is running, you can mouse
over the icon to see the name of the macro
5 - When in game press the activation key (example: Press CAPSLOCK to move/drive forward and press
CAPSLOCK again to stop)
How to edit the activation key:
1 - Right click the .ahk file you downloaded and edit using notepad
2 - The first line of the macro is the key that will activate the function (example: xbutton1:)
3 - Change the name or letter before the two colons (:) (example: Change xbutton1 to t)
- Click here for button names ==>
4 - Save and run the file or right click the H icon for the macro (bottom right) and "Reload This Script" if
you already had it running
Troubleshooting: If the script doesn't work in game then you are running the game as an Administrator. The easiest fix is to right click the script file (example: hold w CAPSLOCK.ahk) and select 'Run as administrator'
What each file does:
Auto drive/swim/walk: Pressing the 4th mouse button (the back button on the mouse) will hold down
the W key so you keep driving/swimming/walking forward. Useful on long trips
- Added a version which uses CAPSLOCK
Hold Left Click: Pressing V will hold down left mouse button. Useful for PRAWN Suit drilling/grappling
Hold Right Click: Pressing F will hold down right mouse button. Useful for many tools
Spam Left Click: Pressing 5th mouse button or T will continuously press the left mouse button every
100ms. You can change the rate by editing the file and increasing the number 100
to something greater. 1000 = 1 second. Useful for harvesting
Spam Right Click: Holding down the C key will continuously press the right mouse button. Useful for
transferring items from storage quickly and quick knife attacks
Have fun!
CFKey (More basic alternative to Useful Macros mod)
Creates a continue forward key that will keep you moving forward without having to hold down a key.
Program is freeware use at your own risk.
Hopefully this feature will be added to Subnautica in the future. Until then this will do nicely.
Also can work with any game that uses the [ Up Arrow ] for forward or allows you to map the keys.
Move forward needs to be set in Subnautica to the [ Up Arrow ] key.
CFkey will then toggle continue forward on/off with the [ 0 ] key, or off with [ Up Arrow ].
Program is freeware use at your own risk.
Please leave any comments/suggestions you may have.
Food Drink Hotkey
Hotkeys for water, food with changeable and toggable hotkeys.
When your water is full and you click the hotkey you will get a message and you can't consume anymore water.
If you have no water in your inventory the hotkey will not work.
When your food is full and you click the hotkey you will get a message and you can't consume anymore food.
If you have no food in your inventory the hotkey will not work.
Added the console check so if your console is open your hotkey will not work
I got the idea from Med Kit Hotkey
it seem like an easy way to start.
To install just put in your QMods Folder
You can change the hotkey in "settings.json"
The default key for water is "k"
The default key for food is "l"(L)
Default settings.json
"WaterHotkey": "k", //The key you wanna use too drink water
"FoodHotKey": "l",//The key you wanna use too eat
"TextValue": 0, //There is only 2 values 0 and 1 both of them have different display text
"ToggleWaterHotKey": true, //Turn the waterhotkey on or off
"ToggleFoodHotKey": true //Turns the foodhotkey on or off
Medkit Hotkey
Adds a configurable hotkey for using First Aid Kits.
1) Install QMods if you haven't already.
2) Download the zip file from the Files tab.
3) Unzip the contents of the zip to the game's main directory (where Subnautica.exe can be found).
I was a bit miffed when I found out you can't bind the First Aid Kit to a hotkey. This simple mod aims to fix that inconvenience.
The hotkey (default: "h") is configured through a json file, since Subnautica's key bindings system is rather modder unfriendly.
(Optional) Configuration:
1) Navigate to the mod's directory (Subnautica\QMods\MedkitHotkey).
2) Edit settings.json with Notepad or your favourite text editor.
3) Replace the default "h" with your preferred key. This mod uses Unity's key names, so a good place to look is here or here.
A. Perfectly safe.
A. It should not conflict with other mods. Obviously, the hotkey you define should be unique to avoid trouble.
Source code can be found here. (Link: GitHub)
Powered by Harmony
Made for the QMods Subnautica Mod System
Immersion Mod
Hide the HUD, and other tweaks to improve immersion in VR
Toggle HUD with Controller
Press RB+Left Stick to toggle the HUD
VR Y Axis Unlock
When playing with a controller and a VR headset, you can look left and right, but not up and down. This fixes that.
Move and scale any HUD element
Find the config file in Assets/config.json, open it in your favorite text editor, edit the values you want, and save.
The configuration I have included scales down the always-on hud elements to 80% (main hud, vehicle hud, quick slots, depth meter) and moves the main hud and the vehicle hud closer to the corners.
The config file is organized like this:
The main container is a list of objects called "HudElements"
Each object looks like this:
"Name": "Seamoth",
"Scale": 0.8,
"XOffset": 100,
"YOffset": -100
The names of the hud objects are:
[#] QuickSlots: quick slot bar at the bottom center
[#] BarsPanel: O2, health, food, and water meters in the bottom left
[#] PowerIndicator: base power information at the top center, above the depth meter
[#] RadiationWarning: radiation warning that comes up in the center of the screen
[#] UserInput: popup text input box used to rename beacons
[#] IconNotifications: when you pickup stuff, the icon shows here
[#] ScannerIcon: icon that displays when you look at something you can scan
[#] PopupNotification: information that pops up center screen
[#] ErrorMessageCanvas: white text that shows information in the top left
[#] Seamoth: seamoth info in the bottom right
[#] Exosuit: prawn suit info in the bottom right
[#] DepthCompass: depth meter and compass in the top center
[#] ItemSelector: controls that let you swap items in stuff, like batteries in tools
[#] HandReticle: reticle in the center of the screen, also the white text above the quick slots. Be careful scaling this one
[#] CameraCyclops: overlay elements when using a cyclops camera
[#] CameraScannerRoom: overlay elements when using a camera drone
To change any element, find that element in the list and add any of the following parameters:
[*] Scale: change how big or small the element is. 1.0 means the same size as normal. 2.0 is twice as big, 0.5 is half as big. Default = 1
[*] XOffset: the amount to change in the horizontal direction. Negative means move left, positive means move right. Default = 0
[*] YOffset: the amount to change in the vertical direction. Negative means move down, positive means move up. Default = 0
If you don't put one of the parameters in, it will just use the default, so if you just wanted to change the scale, but not the position, you could do this:
"Name": "DepthCompass",
"Scale": 0.8
Adds a very quick-and-dirty "Quit to Desktop" button to the pause menu.
Running With Tools
Allows tool use while sprinting.
Death Waypoint
This mod drops a beacon when you die and renames it accordingly. Provided you have a beacon in your inventory that is.
Death Marker
Places a colored ping at your death location.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
If installed correctly, whenever you die there'll be a green orb and a marker at your death location, that you can then remove.
In the included "mod.json" file, you can edit options in the "Config" section.
Currently you can set the "AddCoords" field to true in order to have the coordinates of your death put into the name of the death marker, or you can set it to false to disable it.
Source code:
Change the color of the lights on the Seaglide, SeaMoth, and PrawnSuit!
How To Set Your Own Colors:
[*] Open config.json in the QMods/WhiteLights/Assets/ folder
[*] Edit the color entries to what you want
[*] Save the file, the colors will automatically get loaded into the game
Default Colors:
There's a version of the config.json file available for download that has the default colors set.
Base Light Switch
Adds a new buildable that allows you to turn base lights off or on!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Toggle OnOff Base Lights (consider as an alternative to Base Light Switch)
toggle base lights on/off
Unpack the archive to “Subnautica_Data/Managed/” folder within your Subnautica install directory.
Is a simple mod to be able to turn base interior lights On and Off with F7 button.
Adds a built-in beacon with customizable name and a power cell slot that can power your habitat and set custom colors
Adds a habitat control panel screen with a built-in beacon, customizable habitat name, and a power cell slot that can provide temporary power.
UPDATED: Can color the inside and outside of your habitat, as well as change the beacon icon.
UPDATED: Works with CustomBeacons
MidGame Batteries
A new battery and power cell to give you just a little more juice half-way through the game.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
NOTE: The Deep Power Cell is not compatible with Habitat Control Panel.
What are these new items?
The Deep Battery provides 250 units of energy. That's 2.5x the normal battery.
The Deep Power Cell provides 500 units of energy, as you'd expect.
You can treat these as another set of small upgrades you can make with your newly discovered materials.
These will fit in all tools, vehicles, and chargers as you'd expect.
Where are these new items?
The Deep Battery and Deep Power Cell will unlock after you've discovered Deep Shrooms.
You can craft them from the normal Fabricator.
To help organize the new additions to the crafting tree, all batteries and power cells have been moved to a new crafting tab, just below Electronics.
Adds a new locker that automatically extracts the items out of the vehicle's storage when you dock it in your base or your Cyclops. Additionally, adds a docked vehicle management terminal into the moonpool.
IMPORTANT: There are two versions of this mod. One that works with the AutosortLockers mod to automatically send all the extracted items to the autosorter, and one that doesn't require the AutosortLockers mod and works by simply transferring the vehicle's items to itself.
Cyclops Strafe
Add strafe (slide left-right like the Seamoth can do) ability to the cyclops.
Extra Options
Add UI for persistent setting of things like water murkiness, console, texture quality, etc.
Slot Extender (Seamoth / PRAWN)
Slot Extender 2.0 allows you to use 9 upgrade modules simultaneously in the Seamoth and 8 in the Prawn Suit.
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Repair Module v1.0
This module allows to repair Vehicles from inside
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
- Repair Module
Craft with: Vehicle Upgrade Console
If you upgrade your Seamoth or PRAWN suit with this module you can repair vehicle from inside.
This module consumes high amount of energy.
Adds the mini sonar display from the Seaglide to the Cyclops. Also replaces the Cyclops hologram with more accurate model.
Please remember: You are liable to reimburse Alterra corporation for any damage caused while operating company equipment.
Scanner Module
This module allows to scan objects within Vehicles.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
- Scanner Module
Craft with: Vehicle Upgrade Console
If you upgrade your Seamoth and PRAWN suit with this module you can scanning all scannable objects. Work as well like hand scanner tool.
Databox Scanner Fix
Removes the Scanner Room blips for already opened DataBoxes
Resize and recolor the Scanner Room Hud Blips to your heart's content! Now automatically scaling based on distance to target. Additionally, use a keyboard shortcut to temporarily toggle them on and off.
Press the L key (by default) to temporarily toggle all the blips on and off.
[*] MaxRange (float, default=200.0)
Blips beyond this distance will be scaled by MaxRangeScale
[*] MaxRangeScale (float, default=0.2)
Blips beyond MaxRange will be scaled by this value
[*] CloseRange (float, default=12.0)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will be scaled between CloseRangeScale and MaxRangeScale
[*] CloseRangeScale (float, default=1.0)
Blips between CloseRange and MaxRange will be scaled between this value and MaxRangeScale
[*] MinRange (float, default=0)
Blips between this distance and CloseRange will be scaled between MinRangeScale and CloseRangeScale
[*] MinRangeScale (float, default=6.0)
Blips between MinRange and CloseRange will be scaled between this value and CloseRangeScale
[*] TextRange (float, default=100.0)
Blips beyond this distance will have the text field hidden
[*] AlphaOutRange (float, default=150.0)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will have their alpha faded between MaxAlpha and MinAlpha
[*] MaxAlpha (float, default=1)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will have their alpha faded between MaxAlpha and MinAlpha
[*] MinAlpha (float, default=0.4)
Blips between this distance and MaxRange will have their alpha faded between MaxAlpha and MinAlpha
[*] CustomColors (bool, default=false)
Set this to true to use CircleColor and TextColor
[*] CircleColor (string, default="#00FF00FF")
If CustomColors is true, this color is applied to the circle (note, the circle image is not white and will look a little weird)
[*] TextColor (string, default="#00FF00FF")
If CustomColors is true, this color is applied to the text
[*] ShowDistance (bool, default=true)
Set this to true to add a distance readout, i.e. "100m"
[*] NoText (bool, default=false)
Set this to true to hide the text field
[*] ToggleKey (string, default="l")
Pressing this key toggles all the blips on or off
Adds the ability to quicksave your game for those of you that find having to open a menu and click a button to be entirely too much! Quicksave bound to F5. This will overwrite the current save slot, or make a new save slot if you have not saved your current game yet.
Show Available Items
Show the amount of ingredients available while looking at schematics, instead of only when you don't have enough.
Blueprint Tracker
Adds a blueprint tracker to the HUD
[*] MaxPinnedBlueprints (int, default=13):
Maximum number of blueprints to show. At scale=1.0, 13 is the most you can fit on the screen.
[*] Position (string, default="TopRight"):
Can be one of "TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft" or "BottomRight"
Sets which corner or the screen to place the blueprint tracker.
[*] CornerOffsetX (int, default=20):
Offset from the left or right edge of the screen
[*] CornerOffsetY (int, default=20):
Offset from the top or bottom edge of the screen
[*] TrackerScale (float, default=1.0):
Scales the entire tracker larger or smaller
[*] FontSize (int, default=16):
Changes the font size of the "X/Y" ingredient readouts
[*] BackgroundAlpha (float, default=0.5):
Changes the transparency of the background. Defaults to 0.5
(Note: the background reuses the quickslot background and cannot be made completely opaque.)
[*] ShowWhilePiloting (bool, default=false):
Sets whether or not the tracker is visible while in a vehicle
[*] ColorblindMode (bool, default=false):
Changes the text color from green/red to cyan/magenta
PRAWN Suit Arm Switcher
Allows you to switch your PRAWN Suit Arms from the safe comfort of the PRAWN Suit Interior!
Have one or more PRAWN Suit Arms in your inventory
Get into your PRAWN Suit
Press 1 to switch the left arm or press 2 to switch the right arm
PRAWN Upgrade Access
Change prawn arms and access the storage container while piloting the prawn suit.
While inside the prawn suit, press slot button 1 or 2. This will open the upgrades PDA.
Accessing the prawn storage container:
While inside the prawn suit, press the Reload button (default R). This will open the prawn's storage container.
You can configure up to two buttons which will each open upgrade or storage container.
Inside the mod.json file, the Config section will allow you to change buttons. Leave the value as "" if you only want one or none buttons to perform an action.
Although any valid GameInput.Button value will work, here is a list of common button choices:
[*] AltTool
[*] Reload
[*] Deconstruct
[*] PDA
[*] Slot1
[*] Slot2
[*] Slot3
[*] Slot4
[*] Slot5
[*] Slot6
Quck Miner
Simple configurable tweak to prawn mining speed.
I find the stock mining speed of the prawns drill arm to be painfully slow. This mod remedies that and reduces the time you spend gathering ores.
You can specify your own mining speed by setting the "NodeHealth" value in the included mod.json file.
The vanilla game value is 200, Quick Miner defaults to 50 (4 times faster).
Deconstruct Fire Extiinguisher (at a small loss)
This simple mod allows you to turn a fire extinguisher back into 2 titanium (1 titanium is lost)
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
More Cyclops Upgrades
Everything you need to turn your Cyclops into a fully self-sufficient powerhouse of a mobile base.
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Extended details for this mod were moved to this post to conserve space.
Adds extra upgrade modules for the Seamoth, including more depth modules, a thermal reactor, and of course, a DRILL MODULE!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with old mods)
This mod adds new upgrade modules for the Seamoth so that you can use it more effectively. The list of all the modules added is below:
[*] Depth Modules:
Two new depth modules are added, the "Seamoth depth module Mk IV" and "Seamoth depth module Mk V". They allow you to upgrade the maximum depth of your Seamoth to 1300 and 1700 meters, respectively. Use them to travel to any place you want, at any depth!
[*] Thermal Reactor (added in v1.1)
A new thermal reactor module for your Seamoth is added, so that you can keep your energy topped up when exploring the deep-down areas of Subnautica!
[*] Drill Module (added in v1.2)
Allows your Seamoth to drill resource deposits just like how the PRAWN arm does!
[*] Claw Module (added in v2.2, completely made by Joseph Crowell)
Allows your Seamoth to pick up items and fish from the sea just like how the PRAWN claw arm does!
Safe AutoSave
Worry no more about forgetting to save!
NOTICE: If you are barely running the game in minimum settings, I would heavily recommend that you do NOT use this mod.
Edit your settings file!
Conditions on when to autosave can be configured in the settings file:
Open Settings.xml (present in the mod's directory) with a text editor (e.g., Notepad).
Change the conditions you wish to change to either `true` or `false`.
Change the pause interval to a time period (in seconds, miliseconds allowed) of your choice. This is the time period required to pass before attempting another autosave; e.g., a pause interval of 16.654 seconds would mean at least 16 seconds and 654 miliseconds has to pass before attempting another autosave.
Save! (e.g., File->Save or Ctrl+S)
Vehicle Module Fabricator
Adds a whole new Fabricator to the game just for Vehicle Modules and Upgrades.
Now you can upgrade your vehicles anywhere! Moonpool no longer required.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
New Item to build
Adds you a whole new Fabricator to build that can craft all Vehicle Modules and Upgrades from a single place.
This includes not only the standard vehicle modules but also all depth modules, even those that are normally part of the Modification Station and Cyclops fabricator.
This is intended to act as a replacement for the Vehicle Upgrades in Cyclops mod. It even uses the same model now!
Where do I find this new fabricator?
The blueprint will appear in your PDA and Habitat Builder menu when you unlock either the Vehicle Upgrade Console, the Modification Station, or the Cyclops.
New vehicle module blueprints become available on the Vehicle Module Fabricator as you unlock them.
You must have QModManager and SMLHelper V2 installed.
Just extract the VModFabricator folder into your QMods folder and you're done.
Cross-Mod Bonus - Craft upgrade modules from
Scanner Module
Repair Module
PDA Pause (please note this will significantly affect gameplay style / feel)
Pause in PDA
Incompatible with xbox controller
Vehicle Upgrades in Cyclops (lighter effect than the later Vehicle Module Fabricator mod)
Adds all recipes from the Vehicle Upgrade Console to the Cyclops fabricator.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
[*] The Cyclops Upgrade Module Fabricator found in the Cyclops engine room can now also craft all recipes from the Vehicle Upgrade Console.
[*] Now you can trick out your Seamoth or Prawn Suit while you're away from your Moonpool.
[*] Remember, you can only see recipes you've unlocked. Until you get the blueprints for the Vehicle Upgrade Console, you won't see those rafting options here.
Author's Recommendation (The mod you should be using.)
When I released this, my first Subnautica mod, not only was I still learning how to mod Unity but still figuring out what was possible to do with Subnautica and SMLHelper.
Because of that, this mod never reached my original vision for what I wanted to accomplish.
That vision wouldn't be realized fully until much later with the release of the Vehicle Module Fabricator mod.
It has all the features you see here and more, with the added flexibility of being able to craft it anywhere.
But, if you still prefer the simplicity of having just the essentials on board your Cyclops, I won't fault you for using it.
Just be aware that there are no more updates planned for this mod going forward.
Move and scale any HUD element
Find the config file in Assets/config.json, open it in your favorite text editor, edit the values you want, and save.
The configuration I have included scales down the always-on hud elements to 80% (main hud, vehicle hud, quick slots, depth meter) and moves the main hud and the vehicle hud closer to the corners.
The config file is organized like this:
The main container is a list of objects called "HudElements"
Each object looks like this:
"Name": "Seamoth",
"Scale": 0.8,
"XOffset": 100,
"YOffset": -100
The names of the hud objects are:
[#] QuickSlots: quick slot bar at the bottom center
[#] BarsPanel: O2, health, food, and water meters in the bottom left
[#] PowerIndicator: base power information at the top center, above the depth meter
[#] RadiationWarning: radiation warning that comes up in the center of the screen
[#] UserInput: popup text input box used to rename beacons
[#] IconNotifications: when you pickup stuff, the icon shows here
[#] ScannerIcon: icon that displays when you look at something you can scan
[#] PopupNotification: information that pops up center screen
[#] ErrorMessageCanvas: white text that shows information in the top left
[#] Seamoth: seamoth info in the bottom right
[#] Exosuit: prawn suit info in the bottom right
[#] DepthCompass: depth meter and compass in the top center
[#] ItemSelector: controls that let you swap items in stuff, like batteries in tools
[#] HandReticle: reticle in the center of the screen, also the white text above the quick slots. Be careful scaling this one
[#] CameraCyclops: overlay elements when using a cyclops camera
[#] CameraScannerRoom: overlay elements when using a camera drone
To change any element, find that element in the list and add any of the following parameters:
[*] Scale: change how big or small the element is. 1.0 means the same size as normal. 2.0 is twice as big, 0.5 is half as big. Default = 1
[*] XOffset: the amount to change in the horizontal direction. Negative means move left, positive means move right. Default = 0
[*] YOffset: the amount to change in the vertical direction. Negative means move down, positive means move up. Default = 0
If you don't put one of the parameters in, it will just use the default, so if you just wanted to change the scale, but not the position, you could do this:
"Name": "DepthCompass",
"Scale": 0.8
Unpack Ingots (Titanium and Plasteel)
This mod adds two new recipes for turning back ingots
1x Plasteel Ingot > 1x Titanium Ingot + 2x Lithium
1x Titanium Ingot > 10x Titanium
Requirements :
Modding Helper > v1.5.1 (just use Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Utilites for QModManager
Ingots Category for Autosort Lockers
This mod adds in a new category for RandyKnapp's Autosort Lockers called "Ingots"
Requirements :
Make a backup of your "filters.json" (this will make uninstall easier)
Extract the contents to your Subnautica directory.
If you have already modified your "filters.josn" you can add the following to your file so the changes I made don't overwrite yours:
"Category": "Ingots",
"Types": [
Replace the "filters.json" with your backed up version. If you didn't make a backup, shame on you.
UPDATE: Added custom colors and a Standing Autosort Receptacle! Adds two new base items: the Autosorter and the Autosort Receptacle. Drop items into the Autosorter to see them sorted automatically into the receptacles!
Autosorter: 2x Titanium, 1x Computer Chip, 2x Ruby
Autosort Receptacle: 2x Titanium, 1x Magnetite
Standing Autosort Receptacle: 2x Titanium, 1x Magnetite
(There's a config option to make these each cost just 2 titanium like regular lockers)
Makes the locker labels and signs have much longer name fields and adds a bunch more colors for the labels. UPDATE: Better Color Picker
UPDATE: Better Color Pickers for the locker and the sign, plus more colors! See new config options
SmallLockerTextLimit (int, default=60)
Maximum characters on the small locker labels. Default is about 3 1/2 full lines
SignTextLimit (int, default=100)
Maximum characters on the signs. Default is greater than one full wall panel width.
ColorPickerOnLockers (bool, default=true)
Show the color picker on small lockers
ExtraColorsOnLockers (bool, default=true)
Add many new colors to the locker label color choices
ColorPickerOnSigns (bool, default=true)
Show the color picker on wall signs
ExtraColorsOnSigns (bool, default=true)
Add many new colors to the sign color choices
Equipment Salvage (for Custom Craft 2)
Adds new recipes to your fabricator to recover some of the more useful materials out of equipment you may no longer use
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Follow the installation instructions in each mod page if you've never downloaded it before.
Make sure you have version 1.5 or newer of CustomCraft2.
EquipmentSalvage_Recipes.txt and EquipmentSalvage_Tabs.txt
These images are optional. The recipes are perfectly functional without them, so you're free to delete them if you want.
Equipment Salvage
This is a plug-in for use with Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper) which adds the following recipes.
- Recover lead from a radiation suit
- Recover copper from a power cell
- Recover ion cubes from an ion power cell
- Recover diamonds from a laser cutter tool
- More may come as ideas are suggested and discussed
All of these are organized inside a new crafting tab inside the Resources tab in the main Fabricator.Cross-Mod bonus
salvage the lithium and magnetite from them using one of the crafting recipes provided by this mod.
So you're not obligated to run MidGame Batteries just to use this mod.
Automatically crafts ingredients for a blueprint and takes materials from the neighboring storage.
It has several modes.
"Inside" - Takes ingredients from the neighboring storages only inside the base or inside the Cyclops.
"InRange" - Works at a distance of 100 meters from the base or Cyclops.
"Auto Craft" - Allows you to automatically make the missing ingredients. But materials and energy are also required for this.
See this settings in the game menu.
Small locker can be disabled for the EasyCraft. Add the * symbol to the end of the label.
This mod adds compressed variants of all the basic resources to save storage space.
You can unpack the resources back.
You can craft a compressed resource using 10 basic resources of the same type.
Requirements :
Modding Helper > 1.5.1 (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Utilites for QModManager
For that please use UnpackIngots
Textures were made by yenzgaming
If you want to use the original textures, in the config change Alternative Textures to true
This mod adds compressed variants of all the basic resources to save storage space.
You can craft a compressed resource using 10 basic resources of the same type.
You can also unpack them to get the items back
Here is the full list of resources that the mod adds:
Gold Ingot (= 10 Gold)
Item ID / TechType: MIGold
Compressed Diamond (= 10 Diamond)
Item ID / TechType: MIDiamond
Lithium Ingot (= 10 Lithium)
Item ID / TechType: MILithium
Copper Ingot (= 10 Copper)
Item ID / TechType: MICopper
Lead Ingot (= 10 Lead)
Item ID / TechType: MILead
Silver Ingot (= 10 Silver)
Item ID / TechType: MISilver
Compressed Magnetite (= 10 Magnetite)
Item ID / TechType: MIMagnetite
Nickel Ingot (= 10 Nickel)
Item ID / TechType: MINickel
Compressed Kyanite (= 10 Kyanite)
Item ID / TechType: MIKyanite
Compressed Ruby (= 10 Ruby)
Item ID / TechType: MIRuby
Compressed Uraninite (= 10 Uraninite Crystal)
Item ID / TechType: MIUraninite
Compressed Quartz (= 10 Quartz)
Item ID / TechType: MIQuartz
Salt Lick (= 10 Salt)
Item ID / TechType: MISalt
Compressed Sulphur (= 10 Crystalline Sulphur)
MoreIngots for Custom Craft 2
This mod adds compressed variants of all the basic resources to save storage space.
You can unpack the resources back.
You can craft a compressed resource using 10 basic resources of the same type.
For Custom Craft 2
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Extract Assets To
CustomCraft2SML folder within Qmods
Extract .txt files to WorkingFiles folder
Custom Tabs packunpack Midnight tested and Debugged MUCH THANKS
Textures were made by yenzgaming
This mod adds compressed variants of all the basic resources to save storage space.
You can craft a compressed resource using 10 basic resources of the same type.
You can also unpack them to get the items back
Here is the full list of resources that the mod adds:
Gold Ingot (= 10 Gold)
Compressed Diamond (= 10 Diamond)
Lithium Ingot (= 10 Lithium)
Copper Ingot (= 10 Copper)
Lead Ingot (= 10 Lead)
Silver Ingot (= 10 Silver)
Magnetite ingot (= 10 Magnetite)
Nickel Ingot (= 10 Nickel)
Kyanite ingot (= 10 Kyanite)
Ruby ingot (= 10 Ruby)
Quartz ingot (= 10 Quartz)
Salt Lick (= 10 Salt)
Compressed Uraninite (= 10 Uraninite Crystal)
Compressed Sulphur (= 10 Crystalline Sulphur)
Exterior Plantpots
Adds the ability to build plant pots outside!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
3 new buildables appear in the Exterior section: the Basic Exterior Plant Pot, the Composite Exterior Plant Pot, and the Chic Exterior Plant Pot! These function the same way as the Exterior Growbed does, and you can use it as a better way of providing light using Creepvins!
Allows you to turn on/off Filtration Machines, Floodlights and Spotlights!
This mod conflicts with Better Power Info! BPI still shows the negative power, even if all machines are turned off! (I think that's not that bad of a conflict, as BPI will still be useful for knowing how much power base takes in "full on" mode)
Just note, the filtration machine takes 1-2 seconds to start back up, so don't panic if it doesn't start right away! All the states of all toggled machines, whether off or on, persist on game loads/saves!
Adds detailed power production and consumption information for the habitat (Cyclops coming soon!)
Displays a detailed view of the energy producers and consumers in the habitat.
Press 'P' to toggle the expanded view
Improves everything about the Seamoth's torpedo systems. Adds separate access to each torpedo bay's storage. Shows remaining torpedo counts on the HUD. Allows the player to switch between loaded torpedo types. Allows the player to remove torpedoes from the torpedo bay storage.
[*] TorpedoShotCooldown (float, default = 3)
Sets the cooldown between shots (normal is 5 seconds)
[*] TorpedoStorageWidth (int, default = 6)
Sets the inventory width of each torpedo storage module
[*] TorpedoStorageHeight (int, default = 2)
Sets the inventory height of each torpedo storage module
[*] HudXOffset (int, default = 200)
Horizontal space between the center of the screen and the torpedo ammo counters on the HUD
[*] HudXSpacing (int, default = -30)
Horizontal offset between the upper row of ammo counters and the bottom row
[*] HudYOffset (int, default = -480)
Vertical space between the center of the screen and the torpedo ammo counters on the HUD
[*] HudYSpacing (int, default = 70)
Vertical offset between the upper row of ammo counters and the bottom row
[*] HudBackgroundAlpha (float, default = 0.9)
The transparency of the backgrounds of the ammo counters. 0 = completely transparent, 1 = completely black
[*] HudIconYOffset (int, default = -60)
Vertical offset of the current torpedo icon from the center of the screen
Access the Seamoth Storage Compartments right from your Seamoth! No need to go outside!
Once you're inside a Seamoth and have at least one Storage Module installed, you can simply open it by pressing which slot its in. For e.g, if its in slot 1, you would press the 1 key. Pressing the slot key will open the PDA UI and you can easily dump or access items! You can also, in the latest release, access upgrades of the Seamoth by pressing I! You can change this key in the confing.
Upgrade key change
Simply change the key to access upgrades by editing QMods/SeamothStorageAccess/config.json! A complete list of all the KeyCodes available can be found here. Make sure to put " around them, like "this"!
MoonPool Vehicle Repair
With this mod, you are now able to repair your vehicle automatically using your Moonpool! Works much like the Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module.
Simply just dock your vehicle in your Moonpool, and then let it do the work for you! It is basically the same thing as the Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module.
You are able to set the amount of health applied to your vehicle by editing the "amount.txt" file. The default amount is "25", but you can change this to whatever you want. This amount is applied to the vehicle every 5 seconds.
Important Note!
The Seamoth and PRAWN have different maximum amounts of health. The PRAWN's internal maximum health is 600, and the Seamoth's is 200, but they are displayed as percentages. So, if you set the repair amount to 25, and your Seamoth is at 50% health(not internal value!) it will take you 20 seconds for a full repair. However, if a PRAWN is at 50% health (again, not internal value), it will take you 60 seconds. So keep that in mind when editing the config.
Adds 15 new colors and over 70 new icons for beacons! Works with HabitatControlPanel as well
Note: Conflicts slightly with SubnauticaMap. Custom icons will appear as big black squares on the map.
How To Add Your Own Colors:
[#] Open colors.json in the QMods/CustomBeacons/Assets/ folder
[#] Add or edit the color entries to what you want
[#] Save the file, the colors will automatically get loaded into the game
How To Add Your Own Icons:
[#] Create a .png image file that has square proportions (128x128 or 256x256 preferred) and a transparent background
[#] Make an all white with transparent image
[#] Place the image in QMods/CustomBeacons/Assets/Pings
[#] It will automatically get loaded into the game
Fish Overflow Distributor
Fish which are bred in the alien containment will be distributed to Bio Reactors inside the same base when the alien containment is at full capacity.
This mod doesn't work with creature eggs.
Edit the size of any container in the game, including the player inventory!
[*] IMPORTANT: Customization is completely different in this mod than in my other mods
[*] Open the file config.json in the mod directory. It should look like this:
"Inventory": {
"width": 6,
"height": 8
"SmallLocker": {
"width": 5,
"height": 6
"Locker": {
"width": 6,
"height": 8
"EscapePodLocker": {
"width": 4,
"height": 8
"CyclopsLocker": {
"width": 3,
"height": 6
"WaterproofLocker": {
"width": 4,
"height": 4
"CarryAll": {
"width": 3,
"height": 3
"Exosuit": {
"width": 6,
"baseHeight": 4,
"heightPerStorageModule": 1
"SeamothStorage": {
"width": 4,
"height": 4
"BioReactor": {
"width": 4,
"height": 4
"FiltrationMachine": {
"width": 4,
"height": 4,
"maxSalt": 8,
"maxWater": 8
[*] Edit any width or height value that you want. Width and Height have to be greater than or equal to 1, and Width has to be less than or equal to 8, and Height less than or equal to 10.
[*] For Exosuit: Width is constant, and each module you add will add more lines. If you want the max size exosuit without any mods, do this:
"Exosuit": {
"width": 8,
"baseHeight": 10,
"heightPerStorageModule": 0
[*] For FiltrationMachine, maxSalt + maxWater cannot be greater than width * height.
Nitrox - Multiplayer Mod
Nitrox is an open-source, multiplayer modification for the game Subnautica.
The mod is in the very early stages of development; however, a solid foundation has been laid for the community to iterate on.
Nitrox has been reported incompatible with ... virtually every other mod, as it conflicts with the mod they all rely on, QModManager. Hopefully that gets resolved before official public release! (But mods don't usually play nice in multiplayer anyways unless they're purely UI or cosmetic.)
Radiation Challenge
The surface is no longer breathable and has been taken over by radiation, the island no longer provides. The ship is determined to kill you.
* Explosion
- You must be below 50m when aurora explodes, or you will die. You do not need to be in a base.
* Breathing
- You cannot breathe the surface air while it is radioactive.
- You can use floating air pumps, but not near the radioactive ship due to risks of contamination.
- You can breathe the air inside the lifepod you spawn in.
* Power
- Power is consumed 5x faster in radioactive areas.
- Power is generated 5x slower in radioactive areas.
* Food
- You cannot gather food from the floating island until you've sealed the leaks, even if the ship hasn't exploded yet.
- The lifepod cannot craft any eatables once the ship has exploded.
* Radiation
- When the ship explodes, radiation will cover the surface of the map up to 30-60m deep. The stronger the radiation is, the deeper it goes.
- Radiation Symbol will always display (unless disabled in config) when inside radiation. Helps when you're using a machine.
- The lifepod when repaired and powered, will protect you from radiation.
And remember, sealing the leaks will clear the radiation.
You can modify the config to modify the aspects you don't like, though you should be turning it up; Not down.
Refillable Oxygen Tanks (Realism, ho! - should make for more interesting gameplay, see details)
Oxygen Tanks should be refilled.
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Also the capacities of all oxygen tanks were increased.
Standard Tank - 200
High Capacity Tank - 400
Lightweight High Capacity Tank - 400
Ultra High Capacity Tank - 800
In the game menu, you can change these capacities.
Change the color of the lights on the Seaglide, SeaMoth, and PrawnSuit!
How To Set Your Own Colors:
[*] Open config.json in the QMods/WhiteLights/Assets/ folder
[*] Edit the color entries to what you want
[*] Save the file, the colors will automatically get loaded into the game
Default Colors:
There's a version of the config.json file available for download that has the default colors set.
Edit values of a config file to customize the difficulty of your next Subnautica survival or hardcore playthrough
For more information on how to edit the values visit (Also contains source code)
CustomCraft Alchemy V2
A redo of my old Alchemy mod, built for the newest version of Custom Craft V2. (A collection of recipes for the Customer Craft mod. Grow your resources!)
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
* Tired of having incredibly advanced technology, but still having to break rocks to get resources?
* Do you feel like the primary thing missing from Subnautica is medieval pseudo-science?
Boy do I have good news for you. Thanks to the Custom Craft V2 mod, and no small amount of patience on the authors part, you can now use magic... I mean science to turn all that plant life into usable resources. Simply harvest what you need, then use the fabricator to turn it into whatever raw materials you are lacking.
The first version is "Easy Mode". This one I mostly made as a proof of concept just to make sure I could. You will find the recipes to be relatively easy to follow and it will unbalance your game. Not that there is anything wrong with that of course. Sometimes you want survival without the mindless tedium of hunting for resources. This version has been tested and is working in CustomCraft V2 1.4.3.
But for the more hardcore players, I intend to create a "Hard Mode" version, intended to replace the standard gathering without unbalancing it too much. This version will require a significant increase to the number of each resource needed, as well as increasing recipe complexity. This version will require a large base to be able to produce the quantities of resources needed.
To install, simply move the two text files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\CustomCraft2SML\WorkingFiles
If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
Chemistry Items
Adds new chemical recipes:
+New material "Ammonium persulfate"
+New polyaniline recipe
+New material "Synthetic rubber"
+New reinforced dive suit recipe
+New Ultraglide fins recipe
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
SMLHelper V2
1. Drag images in Assets folders to customcraft V2 assets folder.
2. Drag workingfiles contents to customcraft V2 workingfiles folder.
Ammonium persulfate is a salt used to polymerize compounds, and has real applications in creating polyaniline among other polymers. Technically the emeraldine salt is the salt that would form the variety of polyaniline shown in-game, but for actual fairness reasons it wasn't worth trying to add emeraldine.
Just did it reason I guess. Have fun.
Working Files for CustomCraft2SML by SCP3068
Zip of my personal WorkingFiles folder from the awesome CustomCraft2SML by PrimeSonic. Thought I'd share my own personal customisation.
Requirements : Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Fragment Requirement Booster
Changes the number of items needed to be scanned before a blueprint is unlocked. Inspired by the original Realistic Recipes and Increased Difficulty
mod by Ellinger74
Download and install QMods.
Download the archive
Extract the FragmentCountChanger folder to your QMods folder. If your QMods folder doesn't exist yet, run the game to the title screen and then quit after installing QMods.
Diving Deeper
Have you ever dived into a wreck and been overwhelmed by scannables you unlocked months ago? Do you want the hundreds of mobile vehicle bay and Seaglide fragments to mean more than a lousy two titanium? Are you interested in being forced to search low and lower for fragments of the most basic tools and even further down for the cool ones? Well look no further!
With this mod, you will treasure every scannable you find, and that's because you'll need every fragment you find if you want to unlock anything. That's not to say you'll need to find EVERY Seaglide fragment before you can unlock it, but it'll sure feel like it. The amount of scannables needed to unlock almost every blueprint has been at least doubled in this mod.
Some History
If you're reading this right now and thinking, "wow this sounds like it would make the game really hard", you are quite correct. This mod was inspired by the Realistic Recipes and Increased Difficulty mod by Ellinger74, who sought to make the game's recipes more realistic and in the process made the game really f****** hard (compared to vanilla at least). Doubling down on this theme, Ellinger74 also increased the amount of scannables needed to unlock blueprints as an optional feature.
If you're now wondering why I'm not just recommending Ellinger74's amazing mod to you, it's because the mod relies on the unsupported first version of Custom Craft, which can have serious conflicts with other mods. If Ellinger74's mod is the only mod you're interested in running then I highly recommend it. However, if you're running other mods that use Custom Craft 2, then you'll have to look to Quintuple5's port of the mod to a version that runs on Custom Craft 2, which you can find here. However, Custom Craft 2 was created to work through SMPHelper V2, which currently doesn't support scannable modification as far as I'm aware. As a result, the changes to the blueprint unlock requirements couldn't be ported to the new version.
What This Mod Does
This mod adds blueprint scannable unlock requirement modification back in as a standalone feature. I consider it essential for anyone looking to use Realistic Recipes and Increased Difficulty for Custom Craft 2 as it was originally imagined, and for anyone looking to make Subnautica the challenging game it was always meant to be. Further, it allows you to easily customize how many fragments are needed for each blueprint unlock through a simple txt file, the default values of which are pulled directly from Ellinger74's vision of blueprint realism.
If you disagree with Ellinger74's figures and consider yourself a masochist, feel free to go as high as 30 scannables required for your Seaglide or whatever tool you feel like torturing yourself to get (any higher than 30 and Subnautica will stage an intervention). And if you enjoy beating the game with little to no challenge (a subtler form of masochism), you can also set the values as low as 1. Setting them to zero is also theoretically possible but I've never tested it, so it could crash the game, permanently lock some blueprints, send the Earth hurtling into the Sun, or all three. So please don't unless you're really into masochism.
I would personally recommend the values Ellinger47 came up with. I find them to be balanced and fair, requiring significantly more exploration to unlock everything but not to the point where it becomes tedious and annoying. In fact, I would go as far as to say it's how the game should originally have played, with several big tech milestones getting pushed back to much later in the game for a normal playthrough, where they actually serve as a reward for hard (but fun) work instead of making everything ridiculously fast and easy in the midgame and beyond.
Some examples:
****** Minor Spoilers Ahead *******
****** End Minor Spoilers ******
I'm currently running this mod alongside a boatload of other mods with no conflicts, so this mod should run conflict-free with every other mod out there. The only exception might be the original Custom Craft since the code I wrote to implement this mod was based on how they originally implemented it. Conflicts could also arise from other mods attempting to modify existing scannable values. Post if you have some conflict, I'll try to fix it but be aware this is my first attempt at a mod and I can't promise I'll be around to maintain it past release.
Custom scannables are also theoretically handled. I don't know about any mod that adds any new scannables to the game world, but if one arises editing its values through this mod should be as simple as adding the line customItemID:[frag count] to the txt file for each custom scannable added.
Other Difficulty Mods
For those of you who are on this page because you're trying to make the Dark Souls version of Subnautica, I'm linking the following mods for your convenience. I'm using all of them in my current build for a hardcore-mode playthrough, and after three attempts I have yet to even make a Mobile Vehicle Bay before falling victim to the creatures and crushing depths of Planet 4546B.
Custom Craft 2 - Realistic Recipes and Increased Difficulty - makes every recipe realistic and much more challenging
Refillable Oxygen Tanks - turns the oxygen in your scuba tank from an inconvenience to an essential resource to manage
Radiation Challenge - in a nutshell radiation is eventually EVERYWHERE and turns unfiltered air toxic, amazing synergy with R.O.T.
Check out their mod pages for more details, I highly recommend all of them.
If anyone's curious about the source code for this mod, you can find it here.
All credit to Ellinger74 and Quintuple5 for the inspiration, check out their mods from the links in the history section.
CustomCraft2 - Realistic Recipes and Increased Difficulty
CustomCraft2 version of the mod "Realistic recipes and increased difficulty." - unfortunately, without the fragment cost increase
Modified and more realistic cost of almost all blueprints.
This mod aims to create a difficult mode for the game (but not impossible and always fun to play).
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Unfortunately, I don't see how you can change the fragment requirements of blueprints, so that part does not work with this mod.
The original mod was designed for CustomCraft (version 1), which does not always work well with other mods. CustomCraft2 has been designed to work well with other mods, but mods for CustomCraft don't work for CustomCraft2, hence this port.
Realistic Recipes and Increased Difficulty (requires Custom Craft v1, which does not play well with other mods)
Modified and more realistic cost of almost all blueprints.
This mod aims to create a difficult mode for the game (but not impossible and always fun to play).
Requirements : CustomCraft (the V1 version, if you want to play with mods other than the ones listed as compatible, use the V2 version of this mod, but be aware the mod author couldn't port the increased fragment cost part of the mod perfectly)
This mod is for all those who want a real challenge, a real exploration before having a first vehicle. The blueprints are more realistic and I did a real research on materials and their properties: Lithium for example is for viscosity and energy accumulation (even if it still reacts quite violently to water, no luck)... Silicon will unfortunately always be the great absent of the game.
To make the beginning of the game even longer and more advanced exploration without vehicle, just mount to 3 copper "copper wires" and 3 sivler "wiringkit".
No need to modify anything else (at the beginning of the file). Has been tested with 2 copper and 2 siver for now, but this is the next step.
This mod changes almost all the blueprints of the game (some may still be too long to do, you'll have to test it and give me feedback)..:
The WiringKit, the basis of the game, is more difficult to produce. I distinguished the basic WiringKit which is a toolkit (4 Titanium, 2 Copper, 2 Silver), from the AdvancedWiringKit which integrates electronics with a microprocessor, gold and copper wire.
Titanium ingots now require 20 Ti to be created but Aurora pieces yield 5 Ti (so it is more effective in inventory to take a piece of aurora (which I estimate is purer metal) than individual titanium ores. I consider ingot as purified titanium and thus more resistant, just like its big brother plastacier ingot (2 ingots of titanium plus diamond).
For example, all tools require a "WinringKit" for wiring, a microprocessor and silicone for the handle.
All recipes are more complex and sometimes require twice as many ingredients (much more for vehicles).
Generators that supply power to the bases must now incorporate batteries.
The vehicles finally have recipes that match their size but whose ingredients all fit in the 48 locations (even for the cyclop) of the inventory.
The cyclop will really take you some time to build.
The bases require titanium ingots for their outer elements and sometimes enamelled glass for strength.
The improvement modules require compounds related to their chemical properties: polyaniline for electrical conductivity or electromagnetic shielding, Aerogel for thermal insulation, enamelled glass for deep water, Kyanite for heat protection and depth sensors, Nickel for its ability to absorb 165 times its volume in gas (hydrogen normally but...)...
Last but not least, I tried to balance the game and keep it fun to play by avoiding too many trips back and forth. The game is slower to start and requires a real exploration of the nearby caves. You will be afraid again as you descend into wrecks at 150m without a submarine at hand, but once the seamoth is built, it's up to you to explore the depths.
Gentlemen developers would still have to review the energy management. The production of solar panels would have to be reduced (even if I have increased their cost) so that the other reactors would be useful. To increase the consumption of the devices but to be able in return to use the numerous useless batteries to feed the base, to make the monsters really more powerful and aggressive because frankly it is very rare to die of the attack of a shark or even of a leviathan (with in return vehicles a hair more resistant and thus more realistic)...
I hope you enjoy rediscovering this game.
All the balancing isn't completely done and I've recently lowered or modified the cost of some recipes to keep them fun to play.
You can edit the file with notepad++ and modify the values to your liking.
I have commented each time the basic values for each component as well as some comments (not always in English sorry) on the chemical properties of the elements.
Needs : Custom Craft + Qmod
Compatible and tested with :
- AutosortLocker
- BetterPowerInfo
- BetterScannerBip
- DockVehicleStorageAccess
- FishOverflowDistributor
- HabitatControlPannel
- Modding Helper
- MoonPoolVehicleRepair
- MoreQuickSlot (8 !!)
- Quittodesktop
- SubnauticaMap
- ToggleMachine.
Translated (and modified )with
Enhanced Sleep
Makes sleeping more realistic and useful.
➤ Healing - Heal yourself by just jumping into bed.
➤ Decreasing stats - It really doesn't make sense that you don't lose food or water whilest sleeping. You now will lose food and water depending on how long you were sleeping and by a radically reduced rate.
➲ No worries, you will not die during sleep. You simply can't go to bed if you don't have enough food and water to survive the night.
➤ More features coming soon..
Upcoming Features:
➤ Tiredness - Sleeping is still not appealing to you? How about a reason for you to quickly build a bed.
➲ You get 12 days to build a bed. After that you will begin to get tired.
➲ 100% Tiredness will be reached in 3 days.
➲ When reaching 80% Tiredness you will start to notice some deficiency symptoms..
➲ Reaching 100% Tiredness will quickly decrease you health.
➲ Tiredness will be reduced depending on how long you sleep: The longer you sleep, the more Tiredness you lose.
➲ A bar for you to check when you really should go to bed.
➲ Maybe some options to adjust all of this stuff.
➲ PDA-Notifications to warn you.
➲ Drink Coffee to decrease your Tiredness
➤ Better Sleeping Mechanics
➲ Sleep up to 12 hours and wake up whenever you want to
➲ A nice display during sleep to inform you about your current stats
➲ Skip time without sleeping using the Skip-Mode
➤ And of course some bugfixes
➲ Makes the mod compatible with Freedome Mode and Creative Mode
➥ For more information check out the dev-branch of the repository. (
Feel free to write me any suggestions of what to add. I'm really excited to Make Sleeping Great Again!
Source Code:
Check out upcoming features:
Basic Food and Bev - A Custom Craft 2 Plugin
A small plugin for the Custom Craft 2 mod that adds a few new basic food options to your fabricator, as well as some additional cosmetics suited to a roleplay run of Subnautica. Includes vegetarian options (both water and food). Uses available resources to craft and farm for ingredients. Optional Salt recipe included.
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
In addition to Custom Craft 2, you must have QModManager and SMLHelper V2 installed in order to use BasicFood&Bev. Simply extract the CustomCraft2SML archive into your QMods folder. You can verify the plugin is installed by checking for BFB's files in Custom Craft's WorkingFiles folder.
All files have instructions included within for notable configuration options. Any files that can be safely removed if you've decided not to use them have been marked accordingly. Although this was designed with the intent to not get in the way of any personal recipes or other CC2 plugins, it is possible I've overlooked something. If you run into any issues with any other mods, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
A simple plugin for the Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2) mod, with optional configurations. Intended to be as unobtrusive as possible.
Quick Questions:
"I picked up some Salt but it didn't unlock in the Fabricator!"
"None of the custom recipes are showing up in my PDA."
"I don't like that I can't make the Protein Bars right away."
"This messed up my other custom recipes! What do I do?"
CustomFood 2
This mod adds 16 Customizable Consumables, 8 juices and 8 cakes. Names, ICONS, Water, Food, Tooltips, and their ingredients are now FULLY! Customizable in an easy to configure config file!
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Utilites for QModManager
-see details for customization
Lifepod Unleashed
Tired of spawning in the same area? This mod not only lets the pod spawn anywhere, but lets you enjoy a nice freefall from orbit on the way to your new home.
Now you can imagine you're on an escape pod drifting down as the Aurora crashes to the planet's surface.
Allows the pod to spawn in a wide range of areas. It can end up on land or sea or even on the Aurora. Highly recommend you add the Accelerated Start mod or another that modifies your starting inventory. This will let you immediately abandon your pod for a base if it lands someone particularly inconvenient.
Update: Configuration file is now included to allow you select from a list of possible spawn settings. The options are:
Random (Default roughly +/- 1250 coordinates, small chance to spawn in the void)
Landfall - one of the two islands at random. Either on the land or just off the shoreline
Mountain Island
Floating Island
Safe Shallows - Vanilla start
Oasis - The pool in the center of the floating island
Landing in strange places can have strange effects. If you land somewhere impossible to play you may need to restart and get a new landing site.
Accelerated Start
Provides basic items to speed up first half hour of gameplay and provide an early base.
Radio Starts repaired (configurable)
Lifepod starts repaired (configurable)
Lifepod storage size increased
Player begins game at full health
Lifepod storage contains the following tools and equipment:
[*] Oxygen Tank
[*] Fins
[*] Rebreather
[*] Habitat Builder Tool
[*] Repair Tool
[*] Flashlight
[*] Scanner
[*] 4x Batteries
[*] Radiation suit, helmet, and gloves
Enough materials for a single X compartment with hatch, solar panel, and one standing locker.
PRAWN Suit Arm Switcher
Allows you to switch your PRAWN Suit Arms from the safe comfort of the PRAWN Suit Interior!
Have one or more PRAWN Suit Arms in your inventory
Get into your PRAWN Suit
Press 1 to switch the left arm or press 2 to switch the right arm
Upgraded Vehicles
Take your Seamoth and Prawn Suit to the next level as each new depth module makes them progressively tougher and faster.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
It is highly recommend to pick up the Slot Extender mod to use along side this one.
UpgradedVehicles greatly increases the benefits you gain from adding a new depth module to your small vehicles.
New Benefits to Upgrading your Depth Modules
When you install a new depth modules in your existing Seamoth or Prawn Suit, it will gain additional bonuses in the form of:
More vehicle durability (extra hit points)
More vehicle armor (reduced damage from impacts and creature attacks)
Additional movement speed (go faster at no extra cost)
Better engine efficiency (power cells last longer)
New Item: Speed Boost Module
Kicks your small vehicle into high gear, adding extra speed to get you there and back faster.
The added speed does come at the cost of reduced engine efficiency.
The bonus speed added by the depth modules though comes free
Craft it at your Vehicle Upgrade Console.
Altered Items
The Hull Reinforcement Module now grants your vehicle some damage reduction against all types of damage, even creature attacks.
Finally, it's not totally useless.
Cross-Mod Bonus
If you're also running MoreSeamothUpgrades, this mod will be fully compatible with the Seamoth Mk4 and Mk5 depth modules.
If you want to craft the new Speed Boost Module without returning to the Moonpool, you can craft it in the Vehicle Module Fabricator.
User Configurable (Introduced in version 3.1)
The extra bonus speed provided by depth modules is now configurable in the Mod Options menu in-game.
You can leave the bonus speeds as is, slow them down a little, go faster, or even outright disable the extra speed entirely.
Bonus speed settings to the Seamoth and Prawn Suit can be configured independently.
Selections are saved to your UpgradedVehicles mod folder.
Warp Cannon (QMods)
Adds a new tool to the game, that allows you to warp about, much like Warpers!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
As user JSMitty23 has figured out, this mod clashes with the Custom Craft mod. However, he has also figured out how to make them compatible! As he has said:
In fabricator.json in the customcraft folder (make sure the json file is in the user folder) paste this in under tools
"id": "WarpCannon",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "WarpCannon",
"children": []
So it should look roughly like
"id": "Tools",
"action": "Expand",
"techType": "None",
"children": [
"id": "Scanner",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "Scanner",
"children": []
"id": "WarpCannon",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "WarpCannon",
"children": []
"id": "Welder",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "Welder",
"children": []
You need 2 Warp Scales and 1 Battery to craft a Warp Battery. You can then craft a Warp Cannon using 1 Warp Battery, 1 Kyanite, 1 Magnetite and 1 Advanced Wiring Kit. All of this is editable in the config, mentioned below.
Please, if the mod does not work, try the following instructions:
1. Make sure you have v1.2.1 of QMods, or newer.
2. Make sure you have Modding Helper installed.
3. Make sure there are no errors in your log. To find out, go to Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/output_log.txt and search for "QMod ERR" without the quotation marks.
4. If all else fails, post a comment detailing your error (if you have any) as well as posting the output_log.txt on pastebin and posting the link with the comment.
You can edit the ingredients required in the ingredients.json file. If you want to remove Warp Scales from the Warp Battery crafting recipe you can do so like this:
You can also add more ingredients, for e.g., if I want to add nickel ore to the crafting recipe, it will be as follows:
Just make sure to follow the "Item ID"s listed in the Wiki pages of items.
Creature Reskin Project
This is the start of a project that re-skin's evry subnautica creature. cureently 5 creatures reskinned to be more like nature(stealthy blending in camo).
ask:I don't like creature "X" I want it back to normal is there an option to disable certain creatures?:
ans:If you don't like a creature you can just delete its image file (or edit it) and it wont show up in game anymore while the rest of the mod will still work fine.
ask:Not all creatures are changed when i load a savegame.
ans:If you spawn in a creature of the type it will most likely change. and once you save the game the next load it will probably be fixed from the start.
currently 7 creatures have been re-skinned
Resources Required - A CustomCraft Preset
A lightweight CustomCraft preset that extends recipes just enough for your base to be meaningful.
Requirements :
Custom Craft (please note the differences between CustomCraft and the port, CustomCraft2)
This preset may not be suitable for vegetarians.
What is this?
This is a lightweight CustomCraft preset that extends the game just enough to make your amazing base feel meaningful, and your escape suitably climactic. All recipes are achievable with existing resources and no recipes need to be manually unlocked.
Early-game recipes remain mostly unaltered, with only a few sensible changes included.
Later recipes are more expensive, though not to the point where the search becomes a grind. Escaping now requires more complex alien resources, some creative alternatives for unavailable terrestrial technology, and a few supplies for the journey.
Don't forget to say farewell to your Cuddlefish!
How to install:
Install QModManager and CustomCraft (including starting the game to generate the default folder).
Download the zip, extract the content file, and place it in your "QMods/CustomCraft/user" folder.
That's it!
Compatibility with other mods
You can make this compatible with HabitatControlPanel, Base Light Switch and ExteriorPlantPots.
Make CustomCraft load last by adding this line to mod.json, before the closing bracket (add a comma to the end of the line above, too)
"Priority": "Last"
I also added these lines to the end of CustomCraft.techData.json (the file which this preset overrides):
11011: { // Light switch
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
11120: { // Habitat control panel
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 1
"techType": "WiringKit",
"amount": 1
"techType": "CopperWire",
"amount": 1
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
11130: { // Exterior plant pot 1
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
11015: { // Exterior plant pot 2
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
11016: { // Exterior plant pot 3
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
Choose sections as appropriate. (I found the IDs by looking in the default CraftData.groups.json, under "InteriorModules"; if you get an error, check there.)
Egg Info - Improved Alien Containment
This mod adds the recipes to hatch an egg in the containment to the PDA, The "Improved Alien Containment" Mod is needed for this to work!
Requirements :
Improved Alien Containment
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
1. Open the Config.json in the \QMods\EggInfo\
2. Change the values behind: "TooltipHere" To "YourOwnHatchRequirement"
3. When done, save the file and run the game!
Improved Alien Containment
- Requires that specific plants are present in the containment's planter before eggs can be laid or hatched.
- When certain creatures (like Ampeels) are in the alien containment it generates power for the base based on the size of the creature(s).
- Required plants and power settings are configurable per creature.
*This mod can be freely used in any modpack as long as credit is provided.
*This mod requires QModManager
*The features of this mod can be configured via the AlienContainmentConfig.json, these settings still need to be balanced to
fit in with the vanilla game and create a proper progression for
breeding creatures. Any help with this would be appreciated.
This mod makes the following changes to the alien containment:
- Requires that specific plants are present in the containment's planter before eggs can be laid or hatched. The required plants per creature can be configured in the AlienContainmentConfig.json file. Multiple plants can be added per creature, seperated by a comma, all plants in the list will be required.
- When certain creatures (like Ampeels) are in the alien containment it generates power for the base based on the size of the creature(s). Power settings for the alien containment and for each creature can be configured in the AlienContainmentConfig.json file.
- Create a control panel for the alien containment which allows the player to:
- See which creatures/eggs are in the alien containment and which plants they need.
- Make the containment sterile (no breeding/hatching).
- Speed up breeding/hatching by supplying appropriate materials.
- See how much power is being generated by creatures in the alien containment.
- See the size of each creature and whether they are infected with the Karaa virus.
- See the hatching progress of eggs.
- Take samples of creatures and eggs for use with the (currently useless) lab equipment.
- Add new recipes for already existing items that use eggs as ingredients.
- The amount of power a creature generates depends on the size of the creature. For Ampeels the maximum size in captivity is 3, this may not be true for all creatures however, still need to verify. This may cause unexpected results when configuring creatures other than Ampeels to generate power.
- Balance the required plants properly to create a gated progression for breeding creatures. Perhaps add some more features to make a gated progression for breeding more interesting.
- Add an optional feature that requires players to breed creatures to get the ingredients for the Sea Emperor hatching enzyme.
- If you're having problems getting creatures or eggs to spawn or when making creatures generate power enable logging in the AlienContainmentConfig.json file, run the mod and check Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\output_log.txt for log messages.
*Not all of these names have been confirmed to be the correct plant, a list of all Subnautica entities is included at the bottom of this file in case there are errors in this list and you need to find the correct name for a plant/creature.
Bloodroot: BloodRoot
Bloodvine: BloodVine
Blue palm: BluePalm
Bulb bush: KooshChunk
Cave bush: PurpleBranches
Creepvine: Creepvine
Deep shroom: WhiteMushroom
Eye stalk: EyesPlant
Furled Papyrus: RedRollPlant
Gabe's feather: GabeSFeather
Gel sack: JellyPlant
Ghost weed: RedGreenTentacle
Jellyshroom: SnakeMushroom
Membrain tree: MembrainTree
Pygmy fan: SmallFan
Redwort: RedBush
Regress shell: RedConePlant
Rouge cradle: RedBasketPlant
Sea crown: SeaCrown
Spiked horn grass: ShellGrass
Spotted dockleaf: SpottedLeavesPlant
Tiger plant: SpikePlant
Veined nettle: PurpleFan
Violet beau: PurpleStalk
Writhing weed: PurpleTentacle
The following is a list of all entity names in Subnautica, you'll have to find the correct names for creatures and plants, the Subnautica wiki can help with this:
(List moved to this post to conserve space)
New Recipe Cost (looks to be a CustomCraft preset / modification)
new cost of the recipe to extend the duration of the game ......... the cost of some recipe costs horrendously expensive
Requirements :
CustomCraft (See differences with V2; probably can't use this with V2)
4 lead +
2 lingo titanium +
1 computer chip
and now this Neptune Launch Platform costs
50 PlasteelIngot +
5 computer chip +
50 lead +
75 AirBladder.all the recipes we have modified not as extreme as that ifall to lengthen the life of the game
//Install Instructions
1. Install QMod Modloader
2. Install CustomCraft
3. Run Subnautica (will generate files for CustomCraft)
4. Exit Subnautica
Ever felt like Leviathans weren't scary enough? Want to see how cute a tiny SeaTreader can be? This is the mod for you!
Requires QModManager! Simply extract the contents of to your Subnautica\QMods folder. Done!
Edit or add values to creatures.json example:
"Crash": {
"size": 1.1,
"damage": 10
"GhostLeviathan": {
"size": 1.05,
"health": 1.0,
"damage": 1.0
"ReaperLeviathan": {
"size": 1.1,
"health": 1.0,
"damage": 1.0
"SeaDragon": {
"size": 1.1,
"damage": 1.05
FAIR WARNING: There are going to be physics bugs when you make very large things. If your EscapePod gets knocked 2k into the air, don't hold me responsible! :]
Ever wanted Subnautica To be harder then it is ? Did you beat it too fast well this will change everything adding more items needed for everything water and food . enjoy
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Screenshots for Picture Frames Part 2
This mod contains a selection of screenshots (about 90 pictures) that can be uploaded to the picture frames ingame. (Subnautica screenshots and some flowers from my garden)
If there is no screenshots folder in the choosen slot, you easily can create one by yourself and name it screenshots
Data Bank Picture Frame Display
Displays quality images from data bank in picture frames. Size full fitting too!
This file contains every data bank entry in the game. They have their own categories for easy use and to find. Or they are all in one big folder.
[#] Unpack the zip file
[#] Navigate to your Subnautica directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\
[#] Find a folder named SNAppData
[#] Inside there will be one or two folders, one named SavedGames
[#] Find the specific save you want to put the data bank readouts in Note: The slot number usually corresponds to when it was made, going into the file and finding the save screenshot may help you
[#] Extract any data bank readouts you desire into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames\slot[##]\screenshots
If there is not a screenshots folder in the desired slot, you may create one and the game will still recognize it.
And that's it! Enjoy!!
In-game Data Bank Displays
Shows data bank readouts in your picture frames.
This is a set of pictures I made of the data bank entries for each creature, usable in the picture frame in-game. Once installed, you can just go to any picture frame and select them like you would a screenshot taken with F11. I tried to keep a balance between image quality/size, so they are very slightly blurry as I had to upsize them to fit the frame, but it's really only noticeable if you're standing right on top of them.
Installation instructions:
Because of the way the game's files are set up, this has to be manually installed. This was the easiest way I could find to locate the correct save as you're not able to name your game and they don't seem to be in any kind of order. If somebody else knows an easier way, please let me know and I'll update this.
1) Open your preferred saved game and take a screenshot. Doesn't matter of what, just make sure you remember what it looks like (if you've already got a couple, you can use those instead). This will just be to help locate the correct save file.
1.5) ((Caveat -- if you have Epic Games version, instead of steps 2 & 3, go to %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Unknown Worlds\Subnautica\Subnautica\SavedGames ))
2) Open your main Subnautica folder (usually C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica)
3) Open the 'SNAppData' folder and then 'SavedGames'
4) You will see a list of folders called 'slot(xxx)'. Open each one and open the 'Screenshots' folder inside. Once you find the picture you took earlier, extract all of the mod's files into that same folder. If you have multiple games you'd like to stick the pictures in, you can do this again for each one.
Since there are a LOT of fauna in the game, I separated them into three categories. There's also a master file for those of you who want to add all of them. Since it's a manual install, it's also pretty easy to just delete any creatures you don't want.
Crimson Ray
Cute Fish
Rabbit Ray
Sea Treader
Lava Lizard
Reaper Leviathan
River Prowler
Sand Shark
Sea Dragon Leviathan
Misc (scavengers/parasites/constructs):
Blood Crawler
Cave Crawler
Lava Larva
Rock Grub
I pulled these from the Wiki, and there were a couple missing. I haven't had a chance to try and scan them yet (because honestly, who the hell wants to swim up to a Ghost Leviathan and try to scan it?) but once I do, I'll add them in as well if possible. Missing creatures are as follows:
Ghost Leviathan
Sea Emperor Leviathan
Baby Sea Emperor Leviathan
Red Eyeye
If you notice any others, please let me know and I'll add them in as well.
Future plans:
I'll be adding a set of all the scannable fauna, and once that's done I'd also like to add in a set of maps (biomes, islands, and maybe the Aurora) as well as possibly pictures of each crash site and/or escape pod.
Decorations Mod
Adds a fabricator allowing you to craft 67 new items. Adds another fabricator to craft 46 new seeds. 24 new buildables will be added to your habitat builder menu. And you'll be able to place some existing items where you want.
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with old mods)
When you leave a game, remember to restart Subnautica before starting or loading another one (= quit Subnautica to desktop and restart it with Steam shortcut).
This mod will add a decoration fabricator allowing you to craft following items:
[*] 5 different posters
[*] 7 different glass containers
[*] 3 different lab equipments
[*] 3 different lab furnitures
[*] 3 different computers (customizable)
[*] 10 different circuit boxes
[*] 5 different bottles
[*] 2 different cups
[*] 3 different dishes
[*] 7 different office supplies
[*] 6 different leviathan dolls
[*] 6 different skeletons parts
[*] 3 different accessories
[*] 4 different toys
It will also add a seeds fabricator allowing you to craft following new flora (46 new seeds):
[*] 7 air plants
[*] 7 air trees
[*] 8 tropical plants
[*] 5 water plants
[*] 7 water trees
[*] 5 corals
[*] 7 amphibious plants
It will add the following buildables in the "Miscellaneous" section of the habitat builder:
[*] EatMyDiction doll
[*] JackSepticEye doll
[*] Markiplier 1 doll
[*] Markiplier 2 doll
[*] Specimen Analyzer
[*] Seamoth doll (customizable)
[*] PRAWN suit doll (customizable)
[*] Forklift toy (customizable)
[*] Customizable picture frame (you can change it's size, orientation and frame border style by clicking on it, and also set its content image from screenshot folder like regular picture frames)
[*] Empty desk
[*] 3 different cargo crates (customizable)
[*] 3 different lockers
[*] 4 different sofas
[*] 2 different benches
It will add following item in the "Exterior modules" section of the habitat builder:
[*] Lamp (customizable)
It will add following item in the "Interior modules" section of the habitat builder:
[*] Long planter (8x2)
And you will be able to place following items where you want (on desks, tables, and so on):
[*] Coffee cup
[*] All snacks
[*] Nutrient block
[*] All water bottles
[*] All eggs
[*] First aid kit
[*] Benzene
[*] Hydrochloric acid
[*] Polyaniline
[*] Hatching enzymes
[*] Bleach
[*] Lubricant
[*] Stalker tooth
[*] Computer chip
[*] Wiring kits
[*] Ion cube
[*] All alien tablets
[*] Batteries/PowerCells and their ion versions
Additional information:
Inside the DecorationsMod folder you will find the file Config.txt which contains options that you can modify. You can check the list of available options here.
All items can be rotated and placed in any base or cyclops.
All new flora is compatible with bioreactors and only the land tree is edible.
You can change range, brightness and color of the lamp by clicking on it (max range is currently 60m).
You can change seamoth doll model by clicking on it.
You can change PRAWN suit doll model by clicking on it.
You can change cargo crates and forklift sizes by clicking on them.
You can change computers labels by clicking on them.
You can change the customizable picture frame size, orientation and frame border style by clicking on it, and also set its content image like regular picture frames (the window displaying images found in the screenshot folder appears).
You can display or hide the giant cove tree eggs by clicking on it (hidden by default).
Base Clocks
Adds two custom clocks to the habitat builder.
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
Click on a clock to switch it from normal time to system time.
Click on a clock again to switch it from system time to normal time.
Both the digital display format and the face colour can be configured. This is done in config.json inside the BaseClocks folder.
UseTwelveHourFormat: true or false
Color: Supports arbitrary hex strings in the formats of ("#RGB", "#RRGGB"B, "#RGBA", "#RRGGBBAA") or specific colour strings ("red", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue", "lightblue", "purple", "yellow", "lime", "fuchsia", "white", "silver", "grey", "black", "orange", "brown", "maroon", "green", "olive", "navy", "teal", "aqua", "magenta"). The latter strings can be capitalized as well. If a string is not one of these, the default colour is used instead.
Make sure both QMods and the Modding Helper are installed; up to date, and working.
If an error occurs in the digital clock, it may display Er:rr instead of a time. If this occurs, please comment with the time you were expecting to see. For example if you see 23:58->Er:rr->00:00 than comment 23:59.
Is the config.json file formatted correctly? For example:
"UseTwelveHourFormat": false,
"Color": "default"
Known Issues:
This mod has compatibility issues with the Base Light Switch; Warp Cannon, and Moreingots mods. A fix has been for newly built items is now in the Modding Helper, however items constructed before installing modding helper 1.5.1 will remain affected. Rebuild these items to fix.
A system time clock will update during pause.
Material specularity is not visible.
Make your own hull plates for Subnautica! Be creative, and share your hull plates with others!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with old mods)
As the name suggests: you are able to make new, custom hull plates which you can put up anywhere you want in your Base/Cyclops, and are located in the Miscellaneous section of the Habitat Builder. All the custom hull plates are located in QMods/CustomHullPlates/HullPlates folder. I've included 4 hull plates which you can use as references to make your own.
How do I make my own hull plate?
Its simple! You will require an image editing program. I suggest Paint.Net, because that is what I use. In order to create a new hull plate, first navigate to the QMods/CustomHullPlates/HullPlates and copy-paste the ExampleHullplate folder. In it, you'll find 3 files: icon.png, texture.png, and info.json. The icon.png is the icon which appears in the Habitat Builder menu, the texture.png is the actual texture which you need to edit to make your hull plate, and the info.json file includes all the different information required for the hull plate. My workflow for creating a hull flow starts with first creating the texture: I use the magic wand tool in Paint.Net to select the hull plate area in the texture file, add my own texture to it, and then copy and edit it into the icon.png file. The info.json file looks like this:
"InternalName": "ExampleHullplate",
"DisplayName": "ExampleBlankPlate",
"Description": "This is an example black hull plate."
The "InternalName" is, as the name suggests, the internal name. Make sure there are no spaces in this name, and that it is unique.
The "DisplayName" is the name that is displayed in the Builder menu.
The "Description" is the tooltip that is displayed in the Builder menu.
Custom Hull Plates Pack
This is a collection of Hull Plates for the Custom Hull Plates mod, adding 32 Unique Hull Plates.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
1. Download and Install QMods.
2. Download and Install Modding Helper v2.
3. Download and Install Custom Hull Plates.
4. Download the Archive.
5. Move the Archive to the Subnautica Folder.
6. Right Click the Archive and Select "Extract Here"
7. Run the Game.
This collection was made to add a variety of "Signs" that can be placed around your base. They can be used as decoration, descriptors, warnings, mementos or anything else you can come up with! Textures were designed using in-game assets and care was taken for the textures to feel natural within the Subnautica universe. If Custom Hull Plates is updated to allow editing of "Emission" textures, I have prepared the required textures for custom lighting for each Hull Plate.
If you have any suggestions please let me know! I had a great experience creating these.
Stargate Themed Hull Plates
Additional Hull plates with a Stargate theme.
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with old mods)
The Worm Hull Plate
The Worm , a giant sea worm that burrows through the ground.
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with old mods)
Subnautica Rich Presence
Show off what you're doing in game, in Discord, by using Subnautica Rich Presence!
This mod allows you to use Discord's Rich Presence feature to show different aspects of your game. It shows what biome you're in, what vehicle you're in, and it also shows how deep down the ocean you are! To see how it actually looks in Discord, look at the different screenshots provided.
Aurora GSI for Subnautica
Aurora GSI for Subnautica is a mod that is able to control the lighting of your (compatible) peripherals and make them react to events and values in the game
Requirements :
Aurora (not a Nexus mod)
1. Download and install QMods.
2. Download the archive.
3. Extract the archive in your Subnautica folder.
4. Run the game.
Aurora GSI for Subnautica is a mod that sends game variables from Subnautica to the Aurora RGB peripheral lighting software.
Aurora can then use these variables to change the lighting on individual keys on your RGB Keyboard, such as making a health bar or turn your keyboard a darker shade of blue when you're deeper in the ocean.
The official Aurora GitHub page, which contains a list of compatible devices, is here.
Make sure to download Aurora, this mod achieves nothing without it.
Aurora is an open-source unified keyboard, mouse, etc. lighting software that supports many different brands including Logitech, Razer, Corsair and many more. It is highly customisable and provides an unprecedented level of control.
Modding Tutorial
A basic step by step tutorial for installing the recommended programs and getting your first mod working. (looks to be for making your own mods)
Rocket Commands
This mod add 4 new commands for the rocket:
"rocketstage NUMBER"
and "rocketsize X Y Z".
Random Creature Size
Randomly set the size of any creature in the game.
You can do this in the QMods\Randomcreaturesize folder.
.json file modifies the maximum random size and the minimum random size
Custom Command
Add a lot of new command Change size or Pick up creatures or Docile creatures you can Create a huge Peeper or catch sea dragon put it on Alien Containment
CustomCraft2SML - Alchemy Updated
Does what thegrandseraph's mod does with a few changes and it's updated.
Requirements :
Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2)
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Custom Load Screen
A mod to change the loading screen background
Choose a new image by replacing the image.png file in the ImageFolder folder with your own. It can be either .jpg or .png and the name doesn't matter, as long as it's the only image in that folder!
Simply makes the radio not be broken when you start a new game. You can use it before making a repair tool now.
Infinite Oxygen
This mod gives you infinite oxygen
Removed Items Crafter
You will be able to craft those terraformers and hardened blades again. also using the terraformer wont crash your game because this terraformer's transformations are not saved ^-^.
the items are craft-able through a separate craftier as to not to overload your menu.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Replenish Reactor Rods
Are you tired of throwing away perfectly clean depleted reactor rods? Well, this mod's got you covered! You can now replenish 1 reactor rod for the AMAZING price of 3 uraninite crystals. BUT, If you download RIGHT NOW, you can replenish the same reactor rod FOREVER! (totally not dangerous at all)
Requirements :
Modding Helper (QMods) (Just use Modding Helper V2 as V2 offers backwards compatibility with mods based on V1)
Manage Creature Spawns (can use this to increase or decrease difficulty / challenge)
Don't like a certain creature? Get rid of it.
Creatures can be disabled or have their spawn rates changed. In order to customize your 4546B ecosystem:
[*] Open Settings.xml (present in the mod's directory) with a text editor (e.g., Notepad).
[*] Follow the instructions inside the file. Examples are included in the file.
[*] Save! (e.g., File->Save or Ctrl+S)
[*] Full list of creatures are included in a seperate file.
No Warpers After Quarantine Shutdown
Disables warper spawns after quarantine shutdown, just as it should be. (I disagree - no reason they shouldn't still patrol just in case)
Custom Item Sizes
This mod allows you to change the item sizes of every item in the game!
You cannot change the size of items added by other mods, unfortunately.
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with older mods)
Utilites for QModManager
CheatManager is a simple GUI window for handling console cheat commands and many more options.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
- GUI window opens with the F5 key, to get mousepointer press F4 key
- Ingame debug console (console will catch all game log messages) press DEL to show
- switching all gamemodes (freedom, creative, survival, hardcore)
- overPower toggle button (duplicate Health, fourfold player Oxygen, hunger / thirst time now 1 instead of 10)
- give all techs (with button 'unlockall')
- day/night button
- alwaysday toggle button (no more night)
- you can set day/night speed
- noinfect toggle button: bye-bye Warpers
- unlock doors button (open all precursor doors without key)
- unlock all PDA encyclopedia button (ency all)
- toggle buttons colored: red inactive, green active
- warp/backwarp function with sound effect (can warp within seamoth and exosuit)
- some information (day, position, etc...)
- seaglide: fast speed now available
- vehicle speed control (seamoth,exosuit,cyclops)
- seamoth now can fly
- shotgun mode available
- you can spawn everything you need, simply select a category and select item from list.
- item names appear in the game's language setting and sort by ABC ascendacy
Cross-Mod Bonus
- If you're also running Mods:
From PrimeSonic : Upgraded Vehicles and/or More Cylops Upgrades
From AHK1221 : MoreSeamothUpgrades
From kylinator25 : Alien Rifle
Then new items, vehicles and upgrade modules will appear the category list and can use this.
QMultiMod (Looks to be a collection of different mods in one mod pack - basically lets you edit certain game values from a config file, of which there are a couple to download in the 'files' section)
Always overwrite existing files when updating!
A logger that attaches to unity's log and enables an in-game visual log and Desktop Console Log.
Options include
Resizable Window
Enable External Log
Draggable Log
Auto Scrolling
Auto Error(Automatically opens the Console upon an error)
As of the new Update, the ingame console has gained a new look and I moved the Desktop Log from a Console to a WinForm.
If you have any issues, please report them here
Hides the default crosshair. Interactivity prompts are still visible. The crosshair is also still visible in the Scanner Room interface and Cyclops HUD.
If you feel tempted to explore this category but you're a purist and/or like more realism, may I suggest playing with the built-in "Color Grading" section of your Subnautica settings menu (Choose "Filmic" for more realism, but be prepared to actually need to use those Flares and your Flashlight). NB: "Filmic" may not provide the best visibility if you're streaming, so be sure to check with your intended audience and/or always use Flares or Flashlight, as even if you can manage to see, your audience probably won't thanks to the video compression used while recording / streaming)
Subletica SweetFX 2.0
Subtletica, a SweetFX 2.0 Preset. Performance friendly!
As the name implies, it made a pretty subtle changes to Subnautica looks.
A bit more saturation but not overblown, a bit darker but not pitch black (I'm looking at you Filmic) and overall a bit clearer and sharper.
Performance friendly, I can assure you! Only 3 effect were used:
[*] LumaSharpen
[*] Tonemap
[*] Curves
Toggle ON/OFF with HOME key.
SweetFX 2.0 works with everything except another post-processing software, probably.
WILL NOT WORK WITH RESHADE FRAMEWORK, you should either use only SweetFX 2.0 or ReShade Framework.
If you're using ReShade framework but wanna try my preset then just download the optional file in download section.
If you never installed SweetFX 2.0
[#] Download the MAIN file (Subtletica SweetFX 2.0).
[#] Unzip and copy everything in the folder (1 Folder and 3 Files).
[#] Paste it in your Subnautica game folder (example: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Subnautica).
[#] You're good to go!
If you already had SweetFX 2.0 installed
[#] Download the latest Subtletica UPDATE file.
[#] Unzip and copy the SweetFX_settings.txt and put it inside your SweetFX folder.
[#] We're done.
If you're using ReShade Framework
[#] Download the latest OPTIONAL Subtletica (ReShade Framework profile).
[#] Unzip and copy the Subtletica.ini file to your Subnautica game folder.
[#] Load the Subtletica.ini through ReShade in-game.
Updating from the previous version
[#] Download the UPDATE file (latest version: Subtletica 1.0.1).
[#] Unzip and copy the SweetFX_settings.txt into SweetFX folder inside the Subnautica folder.
Navigate to Subnautica game folder (example: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Subnautica)
and delete these 4 items:
[#] SweetFX (Folder)
[#] opengl32.dll (File)
[#] ReShade.fx (File)
[#] Sweet.fx (File)
Shader for Low Settings and Darker Nights (This uses ReShade, not SweetFX, so keep in mind the compatibility warnings listed for Subletica if you intend to use it as well)
Make your game look great even on the lowest settings
How to install:
1) Download ReShade Click Here ==>
2) Run the ReShade setup and click 'Select Game'
3) Find Subnautica.exe default path is here:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Subnautica ==OR== C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Subnautica
4) Click 'Direct3D 10+' when asked to select rendering API
5) Click 'Yes" when asked to download standard effects
6) Uncheck All
7) Check:
8) Click 'OK' and close the ReShade installer
9) Download a preset from the files section of this mod and place it in your game folder
-C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Subnautica
10) Run your game and you will see a grey box appear on the top of the screen about ReShade
11) Hold Shift and press F2 to open the configuration menu of ReShade and from the drop down
menu select the preset (example: low settings preset darker nights) and your game should look
12) Head over to the 'Settings' tab set a toggle key of your choosing and for 'Usage Mode' (Third option)
change it to 'Performance Mode'
13) Close the menu and you're all set
My ingame settings:
Low preset, Colour grading Filmic, Anti-aliasing off and Ambient Occlusion low
This preset is very basic but effective if you would like more complex presets with more features head over here ==>
InternetsLIVE Blood Ocean (Keep in mind whether this is a SweetFX or ReShade mod, and treat as appropriate with other - who am I kidding, if you're using this, you're probably not using any other shaders (but make sure you aren't))
This is a funny shader of a bloody ocean. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
InternetsLIVE Hard Mode Vibrant Shader (Keep in mind whether this is a SweetFX or ReShade mod, and treat as appropriate with other mods like Subletica)
This is a new version of the Vibrant Shader (so, I believe that makes it a SweetFX shader, see next mod below) that is considered Hard Mode. Night times are darker, so pull out the flashlights. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
InternetsLIVE H2.0 Vibrant Shader DX11 (Keep in mind this is a SweetFX mod, and treat as appropriate with other mods like Subletica)
This is a custom sweetFX shader installer for Subnautica, easy installation and simple process.
It makes the game look more vibrant. Press F10 in game to toggle on/off
Subnautica Enhanced Ocean (Keep in mind this is a ReShade mod, and treat as appropriate with other mods like Subletica)
Subnautica Enhanced Ocean mod add visual effects making the game more beautiful with realistic colors and enhanced atmosphere immersive.
--Just a thought, a lot of these shaders might work nicely with the mod WhiteLights, I'll throw it in below:
Change the color of the lights on the Seaglide, SeaMoth, and PrawnSuit!
How To Set Your Own Colors:
[*] Open config.json in the QMods/WhiteLights/Assets/ folder
[*] Edit the color entries to what you want
[*] Save the file, the colors will automatically get loaded into the game
Default Colors:
There's a version of the config.json file available for download that has the default colors set.
(Warning, this may make the game feel much more small. NOT recommended for a first playthrough if you can help it.)
Full detailed map
Biomes map with loot, fauna and all points of interest. For those who do not afraid of spoilers!
Requirements :
New Biome Map
A more detailed biomes map for the Map Mod. Now with a bold new color scheme and layout.
Requirements :
Spoiler Alert:
[*] The map exposes many hidden details, so only install it if your cool with seeing every cave, wreck and P.O.I.
[*] Turning off fog isn't advisable unless you've already explored 100% of the map previously.
To Install
To make it work you will first need qModManager installed and Map Mod. Then just drop this mod in the SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods folder. This mod will not overwrite any files, but it needs to be merged with the SubnauticaMap folder, so choose yes when prompted.
To uninstall; simply open the qmods/SubnauticaMap/maps directory and delete the newbiomes folder.
Note about Time Capsules:
Basically, there's no guarantee they will be where I plotted them. I've read conflicting opinions about how they are spawned. Some say their locations are totally random, while some claim they spawn where the developers place them but of the 100's of possible capsules, only 10-20 are spawned. In my testing, I've found that the handful that have been plotted were exactly where they were supposed to be... except for one but it seemed to be plotted incorrectly and was practically in the void. I've even found a few from vague leads. This isn't a definitive list, and searching at night for bright blue is the best way to find them (you will also find loads of Quartz).
Sorry, this resource is no longer under development. I disagree with the throw-away policy for mods that are over 30 days old, no matter how successful they are (look at any Nexus mod's stats and you'll see it clearly)
Map (see images on mod page detailing the controls needed for operation)
Mod adds a map to the PDA on "Beacon Manager" tab.
[*] Works only on DirectX 11-12
[*] Not compatible with Habitat Control Panel
Known bugs
- When you first start the game there can be a crash.
- Map opens with the M key. Ping Manager opens with the N key.
- Displays signals, player's position, player's direction and coordinates.
- The signals are controlled by left (show/hide) and right (change color) mouse button.
- Remote maproom scanning with middle mouse button (operates at a limited distance).
- Tracked icons (wreck, heat area, alien vent).
- There are several types and levels of maps (topographic, biomes, Jellyshroom, Lost River, Inactive Lava Zone, Active Lava Zone).
- Map is hidden by fog.
- Options locate in game menu.
- Support xbox 360 gamepad.
For full functioning, you will need to wear a compass and scanner room hud chip.
Mini Map (I think one is for a local area SeaGlide-esque display?)
This is a mini map prototype. It adds a perpetual UI overlay on the player UI.
Immersion Mod
Hide the HUD, and other tweaks to improve immersion in VR
Toggle HUD with Controller
Press RB+Left Stick to toggle the HUD
VR Y Axis Unlock
When playing with a controller and a VR headset, you can look left and right, but not up and down. This fixes that.
Better Sprinting (this mod adds option to have sprint activate as toggle instead of holding)
Adds an option under General to enable toggled sprinting so you don't have to keep holding down your sprint button which is really helpful if you play with a gamepad.
If you have any problems with the mod please let me know and if you like it, an endorsement would be appreciated.
Move and scale any HUD element
Find the config file in Assets/config.json, open it in your favorite text editor, edit the values you want, and save.
The configuration I have included scales down the always-on hud elements to 80% (main hud, vehicle hud, quick slots, depth meter) and moves the main hud and the vehicle hud closer to the corners.
The config file is organized like this:
The main container is a list of objects called "HudElements"
Each object looks like this:
"Name": "Seamoth",
"Scale": 0.8,
"XOffset": 100,
"YOffset": -100
The names of the hud objects are:
[#] QuickSlots: quick slot bar at the bottom center
[#] BarsPanel: O2, health, food, and water meters in the bottom left
[#] PowerIndicator: base power information at the top center, above the depth meter
[#] RadiationWarning: radiation warning that comes up in the center of the screen
[#] UserInput: popup text input box used to rename beacons
[#] IconNotifications: when you pickup stuff, the icon shows here
[#] ScannerIcon: icon that displays when you look at something you can scan
[#] PopupNotification: information that pops up center screen
[#] ErrorMessageCanvas: white text that shows information in the top left
[#] Seamoth: seamoth info in the bottom right
[#] Exosuit: prawn suit info in the bottom right
[#] DepthCompass: depth meter and compass in the top center
[#] ItemSelector: controls that let you swap items in stuff, like batteries in tools
[#] HandReticle: reticle in the center of the screen, also the white text above the quick slots. Be careful scaling this one
[#] CameraCyclops: overlay elements when using a cyclops camera
[#] CameraScannerRoom: overlay elements when using a camera drone
To change any element, find that element in the list and add any of the following parameters:
[*] Scale: change how big or small the element is. 1.0 means the same size as normal. 2.0 is twice as big, 0.5 is half as big. Default = 1
[*] XOffset: the amount to change in the horizontal direction. Negative means move left, positive means move right. Default = 0
[*] YOffset: the amount to change in the vertical direction. Negative means move down, positive means move up. Default = 0
If you don't put one of the parameters in, it will just use the default, so if you just wanted to change the scale, but not the position, you could do this:
"Name": "DepthCompass",
"Scale": 0.8
VR Enhancements
This mod adds features to improve the VR experience in Subnautica.
Note: You may need to reinstall QMods each time the game is updated to re-enable all installed mods.
If you experience any bugs with the new body position or with the animations enabled, please let me know and if you like the mod, don't forget to endorse it.
Adds an option to enable VR animations under the General Tab in Options and fixes the badly positioned player model. The Seaglide will no longer block your entire field of view, all tools are fully visible and the PDA is no longer stuck to your nose
Version 1.1 Changes
The PDA has also been scaled up and hopefully positioned for easier reading. Subtitles have been shifted up so they are now visible in VR. Let me know if you all think the screen is too big now.
Version 1.2 Changes
A slider has been added to adjust the walk speed in VR since I did not like the default 60% walk speed. The walk speed option is found under the General Tab in the Options menu.
Version 1.2.1 Changes
Minor change to the Seaglide position to increase visibility
Version 1.3 Changes
I made a significant improvement to the PDA position and scale. Until I figure out a better way, I'm doing it by messing with the body position so the body won't look quite right if you look down but the change to the PDA is worth it.
If I have the time I will be adding more improvements in later versions. The next change would likely be to get a visible cursor for mouse and keyboard players that are not using the gaze based cursor.
Hides the default crosshair. Interactivity prompts are still visible. The crosshair is also still visible in the Scanner Room interface and Cyclops HUD.
This save is my world, my vision of how the things are meant to be done in Subnautica !
Requirements :
Base Light Switch / Required
BetterPowerInfo / Not required
BlueprintTracker / Not required
CustomBeacons / Not required
DockedVehicleStorageAccess / Required
DrillableScan / Not required
EasyCraft / Not required
HabitatControlPanel / Required
LargeDepositsFix / Not required
LongLockerNames - LockerColorPicker / Required
Modding Helper (QMods) / Required
MoonpoolVehicleRepair / Not required
MoreQuickSlots / Not required
Power Order / Not required
Prawn Upgrade Access / Not required
PrawnsuitLightSwitch / Not required
QModManager / Required
SeaglideMapControls / Not required
SeamothStorageAccess / Not required
WhiteLights / Not required
I hope you will enjoy swimming or driving arround in my world, of which I am very proud because it's my first real world on this game!
Swim wisely and beware of Reaper!
P.S: Some are already put out of harm's way to facilitate you ever more exploration!
Goodbye !
Saved Game - End Game (Spoiler Warning)
Saved game near end of the story with tons of huge energy independent bases, fully upgraded vehicles, every plant / specie discovered.
- fully upgraded Cyclops (with growing beds full of vegetables and fruits for long voyages)
- unused Vehicle parts stored at Base_300 Parts container
- most of the important locations marked with Beacon
- most of the beacons are deactivated to prevent chaos on the screen
- almost every (EDITed, forgot at least 1) specie discovered, most of which being grown in bases / stashed eggs and seeds
- bigger bases have materials organised in labelled containers
- Ion batteries and power cells
- went too far with base building, may take some time to load
Stuff not done (so you can do it yourself):
- few unidentified eggs
- torpedoes and gravity traps (had no need for these)
- killing any leviathan
- randomly placed materials (Save Pod base, base 300, 500, 800 and 1200, so you will need to visit few bases / mine a bit to be able to finish the game)
Subplex is a brand new adventure built entirely inside Creative mode.
You will discover puzzles to solve and will need to track down clues, navigate a maze, craft, and even platform to reach the end.
Clues spread around the game will tell you what to do or give you hints. If you want a fun adventure and puzzle experience, that requires a bit of knowledge of the game to beat, try to follow them. But there is nothing stopping you if you want to cheat and skip puzzles, take shortcuts, etc. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope to see a ton of awesome new game experiences built in Subnautica by other people.
Discuss on Reddit -
Draegona's Retreat With Adventure and Billionaire Modes
Draegona's Retreat is a custom game mode save state mod. In Adventure Mode, you can discover lost derelict bases and sunken submarines. Crack open these treasure troves with your handy habitat builder and repair tool. In Billionaire Mode, live comfortably in your underwater lifestyle.
-- The description and readme for this mod / saved game is entirely too large to fit here, and contains elements that won't be easy to transfer over (YT vids etc) -- if there is a request, however, I can port it over in a separate post. -- 0x6A7232
My Cool Save File
Just a save file with everything scanned/downloaded, every blueprint, and two cool bases (With fixed Aurora Drive Core)
Requirements :
Prawn School World (by @Ubenstein - thread here)
This is my beloved prawn suit physics playground.
Put considerable effort into the design to allow a beginner to use it and gradually progress to mastery.
I really really love this stuff, it's been a blast every step of the way
The techniques learned here helped me play without being TERRIFIED.
Instead, I invite you to watch some of the videos. I'll let you make your own observations on whether or not this is the right match for you.
From my youtube:
Honestly, the biggest obstacle to the use of this thing is the idea] that there are limits to what it can do. Pay attention to the way I use the visual POSITIONING of the Cables above the arms to determine WHEN to release to travel in the desired direction. Furthermore, If you do not develop the ability to also release before you collide with the point you attached to you you'll struggle to get faster and faster.
okay. enjoy
My biggest take-away is to use what you have. If you're falling, also be descending. if you're being pulled up also be jumpjetting. if you're reeling in be applying a 90degree angle while strafe-running in the desired direction.
You have subtle yet always present Air-Control. USE IT!
How to navigate my world ^^^
First off, you'll probably want this one to make it not shooting fish in a barrel:
Ever felt like Leviathans weren't scary enough? Want to see how cute a tiny SeaTreader can be? This is the mod for you!
Requires QModManager! Simply extract the contents of to your Subnautica\QMods folder. Done!
Edit or add values to creatures.json example:
"Crash": {
"size": 1.1,
"damage": 10
"GhostLeviathan": {
"size": 1.05,
"health": 1.0,
"damage": 1.0
"ReaperLeviathan": {
"size": 1.1,
"health": 1.0,
"damage": 1.0
"SeaDragon": {
"size": 1.1,
"damage": 1.05
FAIR WARNING: There are going to be physics bugs when you make very large things. If your EscapePod gets knocked 2k into the air, don't hold me responsible! :]
tech pistol
multi-mode pistol
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
You can use keyboard F Key to change the mode of the pistol.
He can also display the name of the object and the health
How can I make this pistol?
use Fabricator.
pistol can use all the batteries in the game.
PrecursorIon Power Cell
PrecursorIon Battery
Cannon Mode
Laser Mode
Scale creature Mode "Keyboard Q Key can Narrowing creatures Right mouse button to enlarge on the creature"
Cannon Mode - 150 Scope Explosion damage
Laser Mode - 100 Explosion Damage per second
You can find config.json in the Subnautica\QMods\techpistol folder.
Config.json can modify the damage or range of the pistol
Alien Rifle
Adds that cool relic as a useable item
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
"Damn that thing looks cool I wanna shoot stuff with it"
Well now you can! In survival mode, either go to the QEP and scan the rifle to unlock the blueprint (if you have already scanned the rifle, dont fear, the blueprint will unlock itself), or use the command 'unlock alienrifle' to get it automatically.
But be warned, once you make it, it will still require an appropriate power source to function, and it may be a while before you can get that power source...
Once you have it, enjoy your awesome gun! Go up agains reapers... if you dare, or if you're too lazy to smash those resource deposits, this bad boy will make short work of them. Simply right click to fire and hold F to use the integrated zoom function, which in turn has an integrated flashlight.
The gun will automatically disable itself when inside bases or submarines, to prevent unsafe operation.
Laser Cannon (Seamoth)
If you are tired of the constant escape, then it's time to fight!
Requirements : Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
- Laser Cannon:
Craft with: Vehicle Upgrade Console.
If you upgrade your Seamoth with this item: simply switch on with quickslots button and press and hold left mouse button for fire.
Improves everything about the Seamoth's torpedo systems. Adds separate access to each torpedo bay's storage. Shows remaining torpedo counts on the HUD. Allows the player to switch between loaded torpedo types. Allows the player to remove torpedoes from the torpedo bay storage.
[*] TorpedoShotCooldown (float, default = 3)
Sets the cooldown between shots (normal is 5 seconds)
[*] TorpedoStorageWidth (int, default = 6)
Sets the inventory width of each torpedo storage module
[*] TorpedoStorageHeight (int, default = 2)
Sets the inventory height of each torpedo storage module
[*] HudXOffset (int, default = 200)
Horizontal space between the center of the screen and the torpedo ammo counters on the HUD
[*] HudXSpacing (int, default = -30)
Horizontal offset between the upper row of ammo counters and the bottom row
[*] HudYOffset (int, default = -480)
Vertical space between the center of the screen and the torpedo ammo counters on the HUD
[*] HudYSpacing (int, default = 70)
Vertical offset between the upper row of ammo counters and the bottom row
[*] HudBackgroundAlpha (float, default = 0.9)
The transparency of the backgrounds of the ammo counters. 0 = completely transparent, 1 = completely black
[*] HudIconYOffset (int, default = -60)
Vertical offset of the current torpedo icon from the center of the screen
Warp Cannon (QMods)
Adds a new tool to the game, that allows you to warp about, much like Warpers!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards-compatible with old mods)
As user JSMitty23 has figured out, this mod clashes with the Custom Craft mod. However, he has also figured out how to make them compatible! As he has said:
In fabricator.json in the customcraft folder (make sure the json file is in the user folder) paste this in under tools
"id": "WarpCannon",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "WarpCannon",
"children": []
So it should look roughly like
"id": "Tools",
"action": "Expand",
"techType": "None",
"children": [
"id": "Scanner",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "Scanner",
"children": []
"id": "WarpCannon",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "WarpCannon",
"children": []
"id": "Welder",
"action": "Craft",
"techType": "Welder",
"children": []
You need 2 Warp Scales and 1 Battery to craft a Warp Battery. You can then craft a Warp Cannon using 1 Warp Battery, 1 Kyanite, 1 Magnetite and 1 Advanced Wiring Kit. All of this is editable in the config, mentioned below.
Please, if the mod does not work, try the following instructions:
1. Make sure you have v1.2.1 of QMods, or newer.
2. Make sure you have Modding Helper installed.
3. Make sure there are no errors in your log. To find out, go to Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/output_log.txt and search for "QMod ERR" without the quotation marks.
4. If all else fails, post a comment detailing your error (if you have any) as well as posting the output_log.txt on pastebin and posting the link with the comment.
You can edit the ingredients required in the ingredients.json file. If you want to remove Warp Scales from the Warp Battery crafting recipe you can do so like this:
You can also add more ingredients, for e.g., if I want to add nickel ore to the crafting recipe, it will be as follows:
Just make sure to follow the "Item ID"s listed in the Wiki pages of items.
A standalone installer for the QMods system, the easiest to use mod loading framework for Subnautica. No game content is redistributed! (The pre-requisite for 99.5% of the mods here, so many mods use this that I didn't bother listing it as a requirement... you're going to need this one)
IMPORTANT: QModManager is not compatible with the multiplayer mod Nitrox! Before installing QMods, please uninstall Nitrox completely to avoid issues, and vice-versa!
IMPORTANT: After any official Subnautica update, you simply need to re-install QMods. Your mods should work as normal afterwards
12/20: Working on compatibility issues with Epic Games version
[#] Download the QModsSetup.exe file
[#] Run the installer
[#] Make sure your Subnautica install directory is correct
[#] Click Install
How to Uninstall QMods:
[#] Open the Windows "Add or Remove Programs" dialog
[#] Find QMods in the list
[#] Click Uninstall
[#] Confirm you want to uninstall
How to Install Mods for QMods:
[#] Download the mod, it should contain a file called "mod.json" and some .dll file
[#] Put those files in a folder in your Subnautica directory named "QMods\<ModName>" where <ModName> is the name of the mod you downloaded
[#] Run the game
How to create a mod for QMods:
[#] Create your mod DLL. It doesn't have to reference anything in QMods or any of its DLLs.
[#] Create a file named "mod.json" with the following format:
"Id": "<ModName>",
"DisplayName": "...",
"Author": "...",
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Enable": true,
"AssemblyName": "<ModName>.dll",
"EntryMethod": "<Your.Entry.Point>",
"Config": {
Where <ModName> is the name of your mod and your DLL. Feel free to fill out the author, version, etc.
[#] Run the game
Source code located at
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper) ( decent amount of mods use this)
A library that helps you add items, sprites, crafting logic, etc into the game the easy way!
Spend less time figuring out how to get your mod to work and more time on what you can do with it!
Utilities for QModManager
Small library to make modders life a little bit easier
For players:
Just unzip the archive into the Subnautica\QMods folder and you done!
Custom Craft 2 (For SMLHelper V2)
Add and modify recipes, alter unlocks and item sizes, all with nothing more than simple text files.
Requirements :
Modding Helper V2 (SMLHelper)
Currently Supported Features
Customize inventory item sizes.
Modify crafting recipes.
Add your own crafting recipes.
Customize how your added or modified recipes will unlock in-game.
Customize the energy values of items in the BioReactor
Instructions and sample files provided to help learn to make your own custom crafts.
Original recipes for all existing in-game items generated on first load to give you a head start on making your own crafts.
Now easier to combine custom crafts from different sources. Just drop them all in the WorkingFiles folder.
Before you download
Be aware that this mod takes a very different approach to how the original Custom Craft mod works.
You won't be able to bring your old Custom Craft json files to use here.
The file syntax is also completely different. (More on that down below)
You must have QModManager and SMLHelper V2 installed to use Custom Craft 2.
Simply extract the CustomCraft2SML archive into your QMods folder.
Getting Started
If this is the first time you're downloading this mod, you will need to load the game once so all the required text files can be generated.
You don't even need to start the game. Just loading into the title screen is enough.
Once you have your files, take a look at the sample files provided in the archive and read through the README_HowToUseThisMod.txt file.
You'll find all the instructions you need to start making your own custom crafts in no time.
Check out the sample files and the original recipes to get yourself up and running even quicker.
All files you want the mod to load into the game need to be placed inside the WorkingFiles folder.
Quick Start Tips
Breakdown of a Modified Recipe
'ItemID' is the TechType or SpawnID value of the item whose recipe you want to modify
This doesn't always match the in-game name you see for the item.
If you're not sure what the correct name is, you can check the wiki at for entries.
If you've loaded the game once with the mod, even just to the start menu, you'll find all the original recipes in the SampleFiles/OriginalRecipes folder.
'AmountCrafted' is just how many copies of the item are produced when crafting the recipe.
Remember how crafting Purified Water from bleach makes 2 water bottles? It's like that.
You can leave out this part if you want to use the recipe's original amount.
'Ingredients' is the required items needed to craft the recipe.
You can leave this part out entirely if you want to use the recipe's original ingredients.
Every ingredient entry is wrapped in parenthesis ( )
), When you have multiple ingredients, join them together with a comma ,
); Always finish your list of ingredients with a semi-colon, even if it's just one ingredient.
'LinkedItemIDs' is a list of items that will also be given to the player when crafting this recipe.
If you leave this entry out, the original values will be used, even if they were none.
If you add this entry, then the list of linked items will be fully replaced with your set.
'ForceUnlockAtStart' will let you decide if the recipe begin unlocked at the start of a new game.
You can leave out this entry.
Modified recipes will default to their original unlocks.
Added recipes will default to YES since they wouldn't be unlocked normally, but read on.
ForceUnlockAtStart: YES;
'Unlocks' lets you set what other recipes will unlock after you scan or craft this one.
Combine with with ForceUnlockAtStart: NO; on added recipes to configure how your new recipes should be unlocked.
You can leave this entry out and it will default to the original unlocks.
Unlocks: PowerCell;
Breakdown of an Added Recipe
All of the stuff from Modified Recipes applies here with one more required field.
'Path' is where this new recipe should be added in the fabricator's crafting tree.
The first part of the path indicates which fabricator.
If there are tabs or groups that organize several recipes together , that's what comes next in the path.
Known Incompatibilities
If you are running a mod that adds a new recipe for an existing in-game item, you won't also be able to create a new recipe for that same item using this mod.
As a common example, if you are running the Decorations Mod, be aware that this mod will add its own recipe for the Nutrient Block by default. Meaning you either have to disable that recipe or remove it from your own Added Recipes.
An ongoing project
While the features listed are powerful, there's more this mod could do.
That's where you come in. If there's a feature you think could be added into CustomCraft2, please post it.
If it's possible, it will be added.
Planing updates for the future
New tags for AddedRecipes so they can be included in the PDA blueprints
Custom tabs in fabricators to better organize your items
About EasyMarkup
Special formatting is required by the text files so they can be converted from simple text into the actual code that talks to SMLHelper.
I call this format EasyMarkup. It is a fully custom syntax made for serialization and deserialization of data objects.
It was built from the ground up with the goal of being easy to read, simple to understand, and with the minimum amount of boilerplate mess.
While JSON would have served this just as well, I wanted the players to have something just that little bit cleaner.
Work is still being done on EasyMarkup and it isn't yet ready to be released as a fully independent library, but if you are a modder interested in using it yourself, check the source code and ask me if EasyMarkup is right for your next mod.
Make your own hull plates for Subnautica! Be creative, and share your hull plates with others!
Requirements :
Modding Helper (just use V2 (SMLHelper) as it's backwards compatible with old mods)
As the name suggests: you are able to make new, custom hull plates which you can put up anywhere you want in your Base/Cyclops, and are located in the Miscellaneous section of the Habitat Builder. All the custom hull plates are located in QMods/CustomHullPlates/HullPlates folder. I've included 4 hull plates which you can use as references to make your own.
How do I make my own hull plate?
Its simple! You will require an image editing program. I suggest Paint.Net, because that is what I use. In order to create a new hull plate, first navigate to the QMods/CustomHullPlates/HullPlates and copy-paste the ExampleHullplate folder. In it, you'll find 3 files: icon.png, texture.png, and info.json. The icon.png is the icon which appears in the Habitat Builder menu, the texture.png is the actual texture which you need to edit to make your hull plate, and the info.json file includes all the different information required for the hull plate. My workflow for creating a hull flow starts with first creating the texture: I use the magic wand tool in Paint.Net to select the hull plate area in the texture file, add my own texture to it, and then copy and edit it into the icon.png file. The info.json file looks like this:
"InternalName": "ExampleHullplate",
"DisplayName": "ExampleBlankPlate",
"Description": "This is an example black hull plate."
The "InternalName" is, as the name suggests, the internal name. Make sure there are no spaces in this name, and that it is unique.
The "DisplayName" is the name that is displayed in the Builder menu.
The "Description" is the tooltip that is displayed in the Builder menu.
Screenshots for Picture Frames Part 2
This mod contains a selection of screenshots (about 90 pictures) that can be uploaded to the picture frames ingame. (Subnautica screenshots and some flowers from my garden)
If there is no screenshots folder in the choosen slot, you easily can create one by yourself and name it screenshots
Data Bank Picture Frame Display
Displays quality images from data bank in picture frames. Size full fitting too!
This file contains every data bank entry in the game. They have their own categories for easy use and to find. Or they are all in one big folder.
[#] Unpack the zip file
[#] Navigate to your Subnautica directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\
[#] Find a folder named SNAppData
[#] Inside there will be one or two folders, one named SavedGames
[#] Find the specific save you want to put the data bank readouts in Note: The slot number usually corresponds to when it was made, going into the file and finding the save screenshot may help you
[#] Extract any data bank readouts you desire into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames\slot[##]\screenshots
If there is not a screenshots folder in the desired slot, you may create one and the game will still recognize it.
And that's it! Enjoy!!
In-game Data Bank Displays
Shows data bank readouts in your picture frames.
This is a set of pictures I made of the data bank entries for each creature, usable in the picture frame in-game. Once installed, you can just go to any picture frame and select them like you would a screenshot taken with F11. I tried to keep a balance between image quality/size, so they are very slightly blurry as I had to upsize them to fit the frame, but it's really only noticeable if you're standing right on top of them.
Installation instructions:
Because of the way the game's files are set up, this has to be manually installed. This was the easiest way I could find to locate the correct save as you're not able to name your game and they don't seem to be in any kind of order. If somebody else knows an easier way, please let me know and I'll update this.
1) Open your preferred saved game and take a screenshot. Doesn't matter of what, just make sure you remember what it looks like (if you've already got a couple, you can use those instead). This will just be to help locate the correct save file.
1.5) ((Caveat -- if you have Epic Games version, instead of steps 2 & 3, go to %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Unknown Worlds\Subnautica\Subnautica\SavedGames ))
2) Open your main Subnautica folder (usually C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica)
3) Open the 'SNAppData' folder and then 'SavedGames'
4) You will see a list of folders called 'slot(xxx)'. Open each one and open the 'Screenshots' folder inside. Once you find the picture you took earlier, extract all of the mod's files into that same folder. If you have multiple games you'd like to stick the pictures in, you can do this again for each one.
Since there are a LOT of fauna in the game, I separated them into three categories. There's also a master file for those of you who want to add all of them. Since it's a manual install, it's also pretty easy to just delete any creatures you don't want.
Crimson Ray
Cute Fish
Rabbit Ray
Sea Treader
Lava Lizard
Reaper Leviathan
River Prowler
Sand Shark
Sea Dragon Leviathan
Misc (scavengers/parasites/constructs):
Blood Crawler
Cave Crawler
Lava Larva
Rock Grub
I pulled these from the Wiki, and there were a couple missing. I haven't had a chance to try and scan them yet (because honestly, who the hell wants to swim up to a Ghost Leviathan and try to scan it?) but once I do, I'll add them in as well if possible. Missing creatures are as follows:
Ghost Leviathan
Sea Emperor Leviathan
Baby Sea Emperor Leviathan
Red Eyeye
If you notice any others, please let me know and I'll add them in as well.
Future plans:
I'll be adding a set of all the scannable fauna, and once that's done I'd also like to add in a set of maps (biomes, islands, and maybe the Aurora) as well as possibly pictures of each crash site and/or escape pod.
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More Cyclops Upgrades from Quality of Life details:
Cyclops Solar Charger
Finally! Your Cyclops can soak up the sun and recharge even when there's no heat sources around.
And yes, you can equip multiple Cyclops Solar Chargers to charge even faster!
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Cyclops Fabricator.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available as soon as you have unlock the Cyclops.
Cyclops Solar Charger Mk2
Slightly faster charging speed.
Includes an internal battery for when the sun isn't in range.
The internal battery will recharge itself whenever this module is producing power.
All Mk2 charging modules re-charge each others internal batteries when there is a power surplus. This means you can use your thermal chargers to recharge the battery on your Solar Charger Mk2.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Modification Station.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available as soon as you unlock the Modification Station.
Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module Mk2
Slightly improved charging speed over the standard thermal reactor module.
Includes an internal battery for later use when there is no heat around.
The internal battery will recharge itself whenever this module is producing power.
All Mk2 charging modules re-charge each others internal batteries when there is a power surplus. This means you can use your solar chargers to recharge the battery on your Thermal Reactor Module Mk2.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Modification Station.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available as soon as you unlock the Modification Station.
Cyclops Nuclear Reactor Module
At long last! Your Cyclops can still recharge even when more renewable sources of energy aren't available.
Perfect for getting through the mid-game when the sun is too far but the thermal chargers aren't in reach yet.
With the amount of potential energy provided by nuclear power, just one of these should be enough to get you through the whole game.
Because nuclear power is not renewable or rechargeable, the Cyclops will intelligently minimize how often it drains from the nuclear module. The Cyclops will avoid drawing nuclear power if it is currently receiving power from solar or thermal sources of energy or if there is a rechargeable reserve battery providing power instead.
The user can configure if the Cyclops should draw from the nuclear module as soon as possible or if it should coast on power cells for a while.
This can be done from an in-game menu.
A depleted nuclear modules can be reloaded at the Nuclear Fabricator with a fresh reactor rod.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Modification Station and the Nuclear Fabricator.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available once you've unlocked the Base Nuclear Reactor.
Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module MK2 & MK3
Get more "miles to the gallon" on your Cyclops.
Reduce the power cost of Silent Running, Sonar, and Shields!
Laugh as leviathans try to get past your shields while your batteries don't even break a sweat.
Where can I craft this? These modules can be found in the Modification Station.
What do I need to unlock these? You'll have them available as soon as you unlock the Modification Station.
Cyclops Speed Boost Module
Put your Cyclops into overdrive to get moving faster.
Be careful, the extra speed demands extra power. Expect lower engine efficiency while you have these equipped.
Does not affect the reduced cost of Silent Running, Sonar, and Shields provided by the Mk2 and Mk3 Engine Efficiency modules.
The additional speed bonus scales with the Cyclops motor mode. Ahead Slow will still be the slowest and Ahead Flank will still be the fastest. But they will all be slightly faster.
Where can I craft this? This module can be found in the Cyclops Fabricator.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available once you've unlocked the Cyclops Depth Module Mk1.
New Buildables!
Auxiliary Cyclops Upgrade Console
With so many upgrade modules, there was never enough slots to really make use of them all. Well now you can finally build as many upgrade consoles as you need in your Cyclops.
Each Aux Upgrade Console will provide you with an extra six slots for cyclops upgrade modules.
Now you can finally find a place for those Fire Suppression System and Decoy Tube Modules that you could never use.
Where can I craft this? You will find it in your Habitat Builder under Interior Modules.
What do I need to unlock this? The Auxiliary Cyclops Upgrade Console will be available once found or crafted the Cyclops Depth Module Mk1.
Nuclear Fabricator
A specialized fabricator for handling hazardous nuclear materials.
Entirely optional for 99% of what you'll want to do with this mod. It's just a cool little addition for fun and flavor.
You can craft any small nuclear item from this fabricator.
Where can I craft this? You will find it in your Habitat Builder under Interior Modules.
What do I need to unlock this? You'll have it available once you've unlocked the Base Nuclear Reactor.
Other Effects
Charging Modules Stack
Each charging module provides power individually.
This means that you can equip multiple copies of the same charging module for faster charging.
HUD Shows All Available Power
The HUD at the Cyclops helm and in the engine room will adjust when you have additional reserve power available.
Solar/Thermal Mk2 and the Nuclear module all provide additional reserve power for this calculation.
Player Configurable
If you were looking for a slightly more vanilla experience in your game but you really wanted to include either the Auxiliary Upgrade Console or the additional cyclops upgrades but not both, you're in luck.
You can configure the mod through an easy to edit text file to disable the extra consoles, the upgrades, or both if you just like being able to stack multiple thermal reactor modules.
Cross-Mod Bonus
If you're running the Vehicle Module Fabricator mod, then you can craft all these new upgrade modules from there as well as the locations listed above.
If you're running the Vehicle Upgrades in Cyclops mod, then you'll find the Cyclops Solar Charger and Cyclops Speed Boost Module in the correct tab.
If you're running the Replenish Reactor Rods mod, the Nuclear Fabricator will have the option to replenish standard depleted reactor rods.
Pending Features
Getting the Auxiliary Upgrade Console to show when a module is equipped on the model itself
Possibly combining all config files into one