Things I'd like to be added in the Arctic DLC
Join Date: 2018-01-31 Member: 236321Members

This is just a list of things that would be cool. I have no idea if some of them are already planned, but anyway I'm going to post them here.
- Prawn Suit speed upgrade - Greatly increases speed on land. It is stackable. Also increases jet power on land.
- Cyclops Camouflage Upgrade - Adds a button the cyclops UI allowing you to put it into camouflage mode, making you invisible to everything, and making attacking fish swim away.
- Terrain Foundation - Makes a flat surface of terrain allowing buildings to be built on it. Helpful while building on islands or the arctic.
- Thermometer - Tells you the temperature of the area. A temperature below 0 is blue. 10 to 25 is green. 25-50 is yellow. 50-75 is orange. 75+ is red.
- Land Docking Station - Allows you to dock a prawn suit or other possible land vehicles. Requires extremely flat land or a terrain foundation.
- Portable Heater - Allows you to stand temperatures down to -10 celcius. Anything below that is lethal.
- An Advanced Cooking Station - Allows you to cook and cure foods, freeze fish for later, make water, craft nutrient blocks with plants, and heat up frozen food (such as frost berries or frozen fish)
- Sled - Pulled by penguins and allows you to get around on rough / slippery terrain.
- Ice Chunks - Can drop an ice block, titanium, or silver.
- Frozen Rock - Can drop 1-2 ice blocks, gold, copper, or lead.
- Small Solid Rock - Requires a survival knife to break. Can drop 1-2 ice blocks, 1-2 titanium, 1 gold, 1 diamond, 2- silver, or rarely a frozen ruby.
- Large Solid Rock - Requires a thermoblade to break. Can drop 2-3 ice blocks. 2-3 titanium, 1-2 gold, a diamond, 1-3 copper, or 1-2 silver. Also drops a frozen ruby along with everything else.
- Frost Berries - A generic food found all over the arctic. Is too cold to eat at first. Requires a portable heater or an advanced cooking station.
- Ice Block - Can be melted into Large Water (+35), used to make a fridge to store cooked foods forever, used to freeze foods for later, or made into a frost blade.
- Frost Blade - Can be used to cut food into pieces, allowing some of it to be eaten and the rest to be stored.
- Frozen Ruby - A very valuable material. Is used for crafting temperature proof upgrades, portable/placed heaters, hovercraft, and cold-resistant clothing. If frozen rubies or any items crafted with them get over
50 celcius, they melt over time, eventually breaking for good. - Small Ice - Obtained when hitting the ground with a knife. Can be melted into Melted Ice.
- Warm Frost Berries +32 food, +2 hydration
- Large Water +35 hydration
- Frozen Food - Same food as before frozen, but gives -3 water. It also gives -3 health because it's hard.
- Melted Ice - Gives 10 hydration. Has to be melted from 3 small ice at an advanced cooking station.
- Cooked Penguin - Too large to eat. Must be cut up into 10 pieces with a Frost Blade.
- Penguin Nuggets - Each nugget gives +5 food. A total of 50 food from each penguin.
Thanks. If you have anything you’d like to add to the list, I’ll add it.
That conjures in my mind an image of a Prawn suit eqipped with enormous striding ostrich legs!
Speed limitations have to exist on vehicles due to the engine not being able to handle loadzones well enough. Upgrades for land speed on land for the prawn suit are fine because it moves poorly on land, but making it faster underwater would cause big performance problems for many users without top of the line PCs.
Land and Sea focus is cool. They could integrate the two better instead of making it 95% water focused, it could be like 80-20, adding features such as:
My main issues with the main game:
Another vehicle upgrade that heats up the water arround it. (Mk 1=10 meter radius, mk 2=25 meter radius, and (maybe a bit excessive, but Mk 3=50 meter radius))
A new biome called freeze vines (arctic version of creep vines) with freeze vines (darkish blue creepvines), and freeze bulb clusters (light blue bioluminescent bulbs on freeze vines). Also with some new creature ideas for that biome.
Freezit crab (arctic version of a hermit crab) that is a darkish blue crab with 4 light blue bioluminescent eyes (so you can distinguish it from the freeze bulbs, because the freeze bulbs have 5 bioluminescent bulbs, when the crab has 4) that act as a camoflauge in a freezebulb cluster, and when it's legs wrap arround the freeze vine near a freeze bulb cluster, it will look like a freezebulb cluster, but when you get close to it it will pinch you.
Also another predator that is called the froze walker (arctic version of the stalker) Idk what it does.
Another biome called the frozen pass (arctic version of the sea treaders pass)
With a creature called the freeze treader (arctic version of the sea treader), because who doesn't love them.
Edit: also since there is ice you should slide after you stop walking, but to fix that you need spiked boots or spiked fins, (but boots are faster, because fins are hard to walk in)
So boots are faster on land, but slower in water, and fins are slower on land, but faster in water
Well, this one is... better? It makes it completely invisible, but when your moving it looks obvious and they can attack.
In my opinion this is kinda unrealistic, since the game tends to have some realistic phisics just ask to yourself. How much energy would you need to keep a 10 meter radius of water warm?.
TLDR: You need massive ammounts of energy to heat water, I think doing a device that does it would be unrealistic, its just easier to scan things/pick up things and go back to your (maybe) isolated sub is easier.