That should have worked, it correctly used the path you selected and started the checking for an existing patch. If the window closed at that point I'd expect an error, but I'm surprised that you didn't mention one. The only thing I can think of is that something is wrong with how you installed the mod.
Yes I can confirm that.
Now I tried deleting the mod folder to try and reinstall it but an error message pops up telling me I cant delete it since its open in another program. Turning off Steam didnt help. Will restart PC, do an integrity check and try to install it again and report back to you.
Just found your mod after 100+ hrs of game play :-(
I definitely need a map just to find my butt. It's interesting for me playing through a second time, though, because now I know the
heat source near Lifepod 5
is just about true North and I can place a beacon there very early in the game to have an early reference point that's viewable without having to surface. I also have so many more tools in the first hour of playing than I did in the first week! Anyway, this live map looks great and even with the amount of hours I put into the game I think I still need a map. The recent update caused my save file to freeze the game when loading. All 100 hours lost, so now I'm starting from the beginning again. I was pretty close to the end, so no huge spoilers for me in this mod. Thank you for the time you've put into this!
PS: can you make it so that it reveals only the areas you've visited?
Just commenting here to thank the creator of this mod. Well made. Super useful. Can’t imagine playing without it anymore.
Tip to others; put your tablet computer near you, open the browser, type in IP-address of game PC, follow with port number as you would normally.. now you have a navigation system. No more Shift+tab, just look at your tablet and then back at your computer screen. Yay!
Again, VERY awesome mod. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this. It is much appreciated and enjoyed.
Just commenting here to thank the creator of this mod. Well made. Super useful. Can’t imagine playing without it anymore.
Tip to others; put your tablet computer near you, open the browser, type in IP-address of game PC, follow with port number as you would normally.. now you have a navigation system. No more Shift+tab, just look at your tablet and then back at your computer screen. Yay!
Again, VERY awesome mod. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this. It is much appreciated and enjoyed.
I use a 2nd monitor, but I did test it on my tablet as well . If you do want to do this, then make sure your firewall allows inbound connections on port 63030. Works on a 2nd computer as well, e.g. if you have an old laptop.
Quick question; is this still being worked on? I’m a developer too and I noticed some small discrepancies. In the way it works, and in the information displayed. Like where geysers are. When it switches from one layer to a lower one. I still can’t even find which direction I’m looking in. Also, icons should be displayed per layer maybe (inside caves, inside lost river, at water level, etc)
Again, not really important stuff. This mod is pure gold and a must have. As a fellow developer I’m just persuing perfection and I’m willing to contribute if you feel like there is stuff you want to perfect too. Just let me know.
The way you made it (install, browser based, etc) is like the best. Couldnt ask for any better. Now, especially around the 1.0 launch, acurate map data and the last finishing touches is all it needs to be simply THE first and absolutely best mod for this game.
Quick question; is this still being worked on? I’m a developer too and I noticed some small discrepancies. In the way it works, and in the information displayed. Like where geysers are. When it switches from one layer to a lower one. I still can’t even find which direction I’m looking in. Also, icons should be displayed per layer maybe (inside caves, inside lost river, at water level, etc)
Again, not really important stuff. This mod is pure gold and a must have. As a fellow developer I’m just persuing perfection and I’m willing to contribute if you feel like there is stuff you want to perfect too. Just let me know.
The way you made it (install, browser based, etc) is like the best. Couldnt ask for any better. Now, especially around the 1.0 launch, acurate map data and the last finishing touches is all it needs to be simply THE first and absolutely best mod for this game.
Development has slowed down a bit, I needed to go back to work . Also because almost all the features I initially wanted are in it, and other features need expertise in areas I'm not familiar with.
If you want to help head over to github, raise issues and maybe clone the code and start developing away; I'm always happy to accept pull requests.
The data points are scraped from the wiki, so I'm relying on whatever is on there. I decided not to invest any effort in doing my own investigation and cleanup of the data before v1.0 because things were still changing. When v1 I'll probably spend some time sanitising the data. Happy to receive help there as well.
This works like a champ on the newly released 1.0 Subnautica. I still hope they release a real in game map, but if and until they do, this is absolutely a godsend for directionally challenged folks such as myself. I've done probably 13 playthroughs or so over the years, and even with a printed map I *still* have trouble finding the wrecks! And you need them all for the blueprints. For me, it is frustrating searching, not fun - though the new and improved scanner rooms do help. Of course, that's maybe not true for someone who isn't one of the Kings Of The Lost People even in the real world... Thank you for doing this!
Aye, the map mod is one of the most useful additions to the game, wandering around aimlessly hoping to stumble across a wreck isn't fun, and trying to use wiki plus dev coordinates to find the instead is also a pain in the arse and really doesn't add any "fun" to the otherwise incredibly enjoyable experience this game offers.
I allowed myself to edit some images and the map itself. Here is a small glimpse of what this gives
and the map :
Thanks again !
Looks good. If you create a pull request in GitHub with your updated graphics, I'll be happy to update the mod to use these images/map. I've never been good at the graphics stuff.
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1305 INFO Application Start - v0.10.3+gc104bad8ea
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1676 DEBUG Validate Paths requested.
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1691 INFO Found Steam install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam]
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1691 INFO Found Subnautica install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica]
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1691 INFO Found Subnautica Data directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Install Requested
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Changing working dir: c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Validate Paths requested.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 INFO Found Steam install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 INFO Found Subnautica install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 INFO Found Subnautica Data directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Backup of DLL requested.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1726 ERROR Error: error attempting to create backup of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1920 ERROR Error: Could not find file 'c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1920 ERROR System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'.
File name: 'c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
at SubnauticaWatcherInstaller.Installer.BackupSubnauticaDll()
2018-01-29 20:57:26.2005 DEBUG Restoring working dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SubnauticaWatcherInstaller
2018-01-29 20:57:55.4105 INFO Application Exited.
I can't find the missing file anywhere, but I did find a file called Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll and I don't know If it's a thing with the Subnautica update or if the other CSharp file should be there. What can I do to fix this
To make it more comfortable, here's how to make a bookmark for the map in the Steambrowser:
1) Open this folder of your Steam installation: \Steam\resource\layout
2) Inside, find a file named overlaydesktop.layout
3) Open it with any texteditor
4) Paste this code around line 17 (in a new line)
As a new member I'm unable to post links ... so pls add http : // (without the spaces) before the localhost:36030 part below.
honestly with such a big focus on exploration and discovery i don't know why mapping isn't a feature. like having sensor modules for the vehicles that link to you scanner room. it would also encourage you to visit/explore more of the world to get the data.
honestly with such a big focus on exploration and discovery i don't know why mapping isn't a feature.
My best guess is not having a map means it takes players far longer to beat the game because they spend several (dozen?) hours wandering aimlessly looking for wreck locations so they can get the needed schematics to craft the gear necessary to handle the lava zone and other mid to end game areas there by padding out the play time instead of having to add more content?
Even with this map mod and a deep familiarity with the game (Been playing it off and on since late 2015?) it still took me 42.5 hours to beat the game after 1.0 launched, without the map mod (or using the wiki plus cheat console coordinates) I'd guess it would take closer to 70+ hours to finish the content? (assuming the player didn't get frustrated with inability to find specific wrecks and just quit ofc.)
If anything the map mod makes the game far more fun as you said, and gives you more reason to explore various places without the frustration of aimless wandering when you're searching for a specific place, but the devs are (were?) pretty adamant about a map not being available to the players, so its up to the modding community (like usual) to add in the content players want but devs refuse to give us.
honestly with such a big focus on exploration and discovery i don't know why mapping isn't a feature. like having sensor modules for the vehicles that link to you scanner room. it would also encourage you to visit/explore more of the world to get the data.
I actually agree with the Devs; and in the end, this is their game and their view is paramount. Having played the gamed (and having played games from 80s where things like maps weren't available) I can see their point of view. I explored the game and found almost everything before I ever had a map. What frustrated me most was during replays. I knew the stuff existed, I knew roughly where it was, but I wasted hours searching for things and simply getting lost (this was even before beacons were added). It's why I carefully note that my map mod should be considered a spoiler. The game world also feels much, much bigger without a map, and nothing is stopping people from drawing their own map with a pencil; that's how I started.[*]
That said not everyone enjoys the same things. I personally despise "Survival" mode, it's too repetitive, boring and frankly annoying. If the devs had not provided a "Freedom" mode, I suspect I'd have given up on subnautica long before it was ever released. Having the options to enjoy the game in whatever way you like most simply makes the game more attractive to more people, which benefits everyone.
There are, I am sure, people that love the challenge of playing on hardcore with no map and with one eye tied behind their hands. Kudos to them; I couldn't do it, and I wouldn't enjoy it.
I'd urge everyone to try the game without a map first. It's entirely possible to complete the game without one, and people now even have the benefit of beacons that the earliest players never had, yet those players still found everything.
But if, like me, you find your enjoyment in something simpler, at least during replays, that should be your choice. After all, downloading and installing a Mod is a conscious choice, just as is looking up quest solutions or locations on a wiki, or entering a cheat code. Of course.. that doesn't stop you progressing to a second play-through without a map, then a third in survival mode, and one day it might be you playing with no map, in hardcore, with one hand tied behind your back and sneaking up on reapers with a knife between your teeth.
[*] EDIT: If you're curious, I play with the mod using only the default layers (that's why they are the defaults ) I don't use the other layers, I use beacons instead.
Would it be possible to have the map only show where you have already explored?
It's something I've been thinking on for a while, and it's a frequent request. Its implementation is outside my experience and therefore I'm having to research different ways of achieving it; I also have a lot less time nowadays than when I was originally creating the mod. I'd also be more than happy for someone else to contribute that feature. The ability to record where you've been is already a part of the mod, it's just not exposed to users right now.
Would it be possible to have the map only show where you have already explored?
It's something I've been thinking on for a while, and it's a frequent request. Its implementation is outside my experience and therefore I'm having to research different ways of achieving it; I also have a lot less time nowadays than when I was originally creating the mod. I'd also be more than happy for someone else to contribute that feature. The ability to record where you've been is already a part of the mod, it's just not exposed to users right now.
I've not done coding for maps before, but could the map fog simply be another layer that is edited in real-time by a "brush" around the player that paints transparency onto it? Obviously this layer would need to be tracked on a per-save basis, but it's just a random thought I had when reading your post.
Would it be possible to have the map only show where you have already explored?
It's something I've been thinking on for a while, and it's a frequent request. Its implementation is outside my experience and therefore I'm having to research different ways of achieving it; I also have a lot less time nowadays than when I was originally creating the mod. I'd also be more than happy for someone else to contribute that feature. The ability to record where you've been is already a part of the mod, it's just not exposed to users right now.
I've not done coding for maps before, but could the map fog simply be another layer that is edited in real-time by a "brush" around the player that paints transparency onto it? Obviously this layer would need to be tracked on a per-save basis, but it's just a random thought I had when reading your post.
That is my current thought and what I'm currently exploring.
Can you please verify that you installed the plugin correctly. Full instructions are here:
Now I tried deleting the mod folder to try and reinstall it but an error message pops up telling me I cant delete it since its open in another program. Turning off Steam didnt help. Will restart PC, do an integrity check and try to install it again and report back to you.
Yeah I know, no idea what was that about. Its Ok now got it working after reset and reinstall.
Thanks again.
@Annakin It also works on stable, as the two are pretty close nowadays. Of course I plan to make sure it works on the v1 release as well.
I definitely need a map just to find my butt. It's interesting for me playing through a second time, though, because now I know the
PS: can you make it so that it reveals only the areas you've visited?
Tip to others; put your tablet computer near you, open the browser, type in IP-address of game PC, follow with port number as you would normally.. now you have a navigation system. No more Shift+tab, just look at your tablet and then back at your computer screen. Yay!
Again, VERY awesome mod. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this. It is much appreciated and enjoyed.
I use a 2nd monitor, but I did test it on my tablet as well
Again, not really important stuff. This mod is pure gold and a must have. As a fellow developer I’m just persuing perfection and I’m willing to contribute if you feel like there is stuff you want to perfect too. Just let me know.
The way you made it (install, browser based, etc) is like the best. Couldnt ask for any better. Now, especially around the 1.0 launch, acurate map data and the last finishing touches is all it needs to be simply THE first and absolutely best mod for this game.
Development has slowed down a bit, I needed to go back to work
If you want to help head over to github, raise issues and maybe clone the code and start developing away; I'm always happy to accept pull requests.
The data points are scraped from the wiki, so I'm relying on whatever is on there. I decided not to invest any effort in doing my own investigation and cleanup of the data before v1.0 because things were still changing. When v1 I'll probably spend some time sanitising the data. Happy to receive help there as well.
Edit: From my initial testing, this works flawlessly with the 1.0 release (build 59783) So cheers on this!
I allowed myself to edit some images and the map itself. Here is a small glimpse of what this gives
and the map :
Subnautica_Custom Map
Thanks again !
Looks good. If you create a pull request in GitHub with your updated graphics, I'll be happy to update the mod to use these images/map. I've never been good at the graphics stuff.
Here's the log
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1305 INFO Application Start - v0.10.3+gc104bad8ea
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1676 DEBUG Validate Paths requested.
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1691 INFO Found Steam install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam]
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1691 INFO Found Subnautica install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica]
2018-01-29 20:57:23.1691 INFO Found Subnautica Data directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Install Requested
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Changing working dir: c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Validate Paths requested.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 INFO Found Steam install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 INFO Found Subnautica install directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 INFO Found Subnautica Data directory. [c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed]
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1606 DEBUG Backup of DLL requested.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1726 ERROR Error: error attempting to create backup of Assembly-CSharp.dll.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1920 ERROR Error: Could not find file 'c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'.
2018-01-29 20:57:26.1920 ERROR System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'.
File name: 'c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
at SubnauticaWatcherInstaller.Installer.BackupSubnauticaDll()
2018-01-29 20:57:26.2005 DEBUG Restoring working dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SubnauticaWatcherInstaller
2018-01-29 20:57:55.4105 INFO Application Exited.
I can't find the missing file anywhere, but I did find a file called Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll and I don't know If it's a thing with the Subnautica update or if the other CSharp file should be there. What can I do to fix this
Also, @Xzanron , why the mix of / and \ in the log? xD
1) Open this folder of your Steam installation: \Steam\resource\layout
2) Inside, find a file named overlaydesktop.layout
3) Open it with any texteditor
4) Paste this code around line 17 (in a new line)
As a new member I'm unable to post links ... so pls add http : // (without the spaces) before the localhost:36030 part below.
5) Around Line 84 (segment: layout) paste the following code: (in a new line)
6) Save the file.
7) Right click the edited file and set the read only mode.
Start the game, open the overlay with shift & tab. Now you'll find a link in the upper left corner, click it and the map will open.
My best guess is not having a map means it takes players far longer to beat the game because they spend several (dozen?) hours wandering aimlessly looking for wreck locations so they can get the needed schematics to craft the gear necessary to handle the lava zone and other mid to end game areas there by padding out the play time instead of having to add more content?
Even with this map mod and a deep familiarity with the game (Been playing it off and on since late 2015?) it still took me 42.5 hours to beat the game after 1.0 launched, without the map mod (or using the wiki plus cheat console coordinates) I'd guess it would take closer to 70+ hours to finish the content? (assuming the player didn't get frustrated with inability to find specific wrecks and just quit ofc.)
If anything the map mod makes the game far more fun as you said, and gives you more reason to explore various places without the frustration of aimless wandering when you're searching for a specific place, but the devs are (were?) pretty adamant about a map not being available to the players, so its up to the modding community (like usual) to add in the content players want but devs refuse to give us.
Ask Steam. I simply use path.Join
I actually agree with the Devs; and in the end, this is their game and their view is paramount. Having played the gamed (and having played games from 80s where things like maps weren't available) I can see their point of view. I explored the game and found almost everything before I ever had a map. What frustrated me most was during replays. I knew the stuff existed, I knew roughly where it was, but I wasted hours searching for things and simply getting lost (this was even before beacons were added). It's why I carefully note that my map mod should be considered a spoiler. The game world also feels much, much bigger without a map, and nothing is stopping people from drawing their own map with a pencil; that's how I started.[*]
That said not everyone enjoys the same things. I personally despise "Survival" mode, it's too repetitive, boring and frankly annoying. If the devs had not provided a "Freedom" mode, I suspect I'd have given up on subnautica long before it was ever released. Having the options to enjoy the game in whatever way you like most simply makes the game more attractive to more people, which benefits everyone.
There are, I am sure, people that love the challenge of playing on hardcore with no map and with one eye tied behind their hands. Kudos to them; I couldn't do it, and I wouldn't enjoy it.
I'd urge everyone to try the game without a map first. It's entirely possible to complete the game without one, and people now even have the benefit of beacons that the earliest players never had, yet those players still found everything.
But if, like me, you find your enjoyment in something simpler, at least during replays, that should be your choice. After all, downloading and installing a Mod is a conscious choice, just as is looking up quest solutions or locations on a wiki, or entering a cheat code. Of course.. that doesn't stop you progressing to a second play-through without a map, then a third in survival mode, and one day it might be you playing with no map, in hardcore, with one hand tied behind your back and sneaking up on reapers with a knife between your teeth.
[*] EDIT: If you're curious, I play with the mod using only the default layers (that's why they are the defaults
It's something I've been thinking on for a while, and it's a frequent request. Its implementation is outside my experience and therefore I'm having to research different ways of achieving it; I also have a lot less time nowadays than when I was originally creating the mod. I'd also be more than happy for someone else to contribute that feature. The ability to record where you've been is already a part of the mod, it's just not exposed to users right now.
I've not done coding for maps before, but could the map fog simply be another layer that is edited in real-time by a "brush" around the player that paints transparency onto it? Obviously this layer would need to be tracked on a per-save basis, but it's just a random thought I had when reading your post.
That is my current thought and what I'm currently exploring.
I can confirm that it also doesn't disable/block achievements.