Storm Mode
Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members

Storm Mode would be a new mode in which Planet 4546B's surface would be bombarded by hurricane-force winds and torrential rains.
Being on the surface would deal one point of damage per second to the player. The top 20 feet of water would appear churned up, and bits of coral and acid mushrooms would occasionally smash into the player dealing about 5 damage.
The underwater area directly around the lifepod would be slightly less affected by underwater debris for the sake of not murdering players the instant they enter and exit the pod.
Also, solar panels would be 50% less effective. Oh boy.
After two weeks of gameplay, the storm would become more severe, with the player being dealt 2 damage per second on the surface and with debris being slightly more common and appearing 50 feet underwater.
After four weeks of gameplay, the storm would become even worse, with the player being dealt 4 damage per second on the surface and with debris being very common and appearing 100 feet underwater, with bits of scrap metal that deal 10 damage.
To reduce storm damage for exploring the islands, you could craft the various dive suits. The rad and still suits would reduce storm damage by 25%, and the reinforced dive suit would reduce it by 60%. Might still be a good idea to pack some first aid kits.
Seabases and subs will also be damaged by storm debris.
Fundamentally, I'm not so sure this is a good idea, but I think it could be cool. Anyways, thanks for reading.
Being on the surface would deal one point of damage per second to the player. The top 20 feet of water would appear churned up, and bits of coral and acid mushrooms would occasionally smash into the player dealing about 5 damage.
The underwater area directly around the lifepod would be slightly less affected by underwater debris for the sake of not murdering players the instant they enter and exit the pod.
Also, solar panels would be 50% less effective. Oh boy.
After two weeks of gameplay, the storm would become more severe, with the player being dealt 2 damage per second on the surface and with debris being slightly more common and appearing 50 feet underwater.
After four weeks of gameplay, the storm would become even worse, with the player being dealt 4 damage per second on the surface and with debris being very common and appearing 100 feet underwater, with bits of scrap metal that deal 10 damage.
To reduce storm damage for exploring the islands, you could craft the various dive suits. The rad and still suits would reduce storm damage by 25%, and the reinforced dive suit would reduce it by 60%. Might still be a good idea to pack some first aid kits.
Seabases and subs will also be damaged by storm debris.
Fundamentally, I'm not so sure this is a good idea, but I think it could be cool. Anyways, thanks for reading.
Even though this would be a really great addition; however, I don't see the devs taking the time to change the weather above the water when the game primarily takes place under it.
ladies and gentlemen, I'm the main frick here, so I suggest the following - firstly, there must be a tsunami. At least, big and terrible waves, with black water inside, so that when I see them I huddle in the most reliable corner of my base and sit, sobbing like a little girl. Secondly, there must be tension during the storm. Music, by itself, the wind, the sound of water louder, the roar of water, awesome. And, finally, third, I propose to accompany the largest waves with ghostly leviathans. Let them drive their "hammer" big waves so that their eyes are shown from the black water in the wave, to growl yet. And finally, lightning, thunder, whirlpools, tornadoes and muddy water. To make it dark, you jumped into the water, and the Leviathan flies at you with a roar and tears you to pieces. And, ideally, so that the waves raise the player with them, it will be awesome, so that the Cyclops can also be picked up and thrown onto the island. And still it is possible to make so that after storms different beings met in unexpected places themselves. IDEALLY. My inner psycho is satisfied.
No actually I want to be hit by a piece of debris from a window
Perhaps the storms could be more frequent on harsher difficulty playthroughts ? Would seem more balanced tbh , and lets face it when we got for harder gamemodes we are pretty much asking for troubles xD
as for weather of varying intensities... yes please! this tropical breezes and gentile rains just doesn't make sense all the time. as for storm debris there is only one shallow spot on the entire planet if the planet has any form of storm that can effect subsurface that shallow spot wouldn't be shallow anymore. it would be as deep as the regular storms could affect. given that the sea is global the seas should be rather high to begin with. the fetch would tend to drive at least 10 to 20 foot swells.
Does drought lower the sea level here? (No, not to any appreciable level.) Look at the weather cycle. Rainfall comes from evaporated ocean water for the most part. Not having rain means it stays in the ocean. It lowers water levels in places that are not open to the ocean.
Weather Cycle:
Weather could affect the upper level of sea, so the deeper bases are the safer bases.
(I would prefer strom combined with some storm specific random creatures)
Perfect idea!
Storm = No Sunlight = sea becomes as dark as void = Ghost Leviathans incoming = players must hide
Yes power outage would be interesting, and also some electric storm around the Precursor gun station would be really cool. It can function as a huge thunder rod (to gather insane amount of power for whatever) or thunder can slightly damage the building so get some rare material from the building (or more wreck)
How this would work In-Game: The player might be in constant threat of the storm appearing and destroying their submarines! They'd have to hurricane-proof their bases and move all smaller vehicles into moon-pools whenever an approaching HURRICANE is detected. The Hurricanes would likely be detected with a 'WEATHER DRONE' which can be activated from a SCANNER ROOM.
Side Note: If 4546B is smaller than Earth and at similar location to its sun, some storms might be Electrical Storms due to RADIATION! The player would experience their bases switching over to RESERVE POWER as the storm creates an emp. This'd be a really fun game implement, and matches up with science!
Note: If my case for why there should be many hurricanes on the planet was satisfactory, I might just describe a few of my own quasi-scientific, (mainly imaginary,) explanations for other things in the game.
This would be awesome and would make exquisite sense for science in Subnautica. However, this'd cause the acid rain to destroy ecosystems and biomes and smaller fish and biodiversity. It'd make sense, but it'd also make the game very, very boring.
PDA: "Warning. Detecting trace electromagnetic signatures a few miles down planet equator. signals inconsistent with those generated by Aurora's core.
Assessment complete. Data is consistent with high probability of approaching class-4 storm. It is suggested that you spend the remaining time preparing for the hurricane. Make sure that PDA systems are fully operational, as this may be a system error. Wait...
Scan of environment from orbital satellite suggests that there is an area (so-and-so distance) North of your position which might provide shelter from the oncoming storm. For the best interests of your survival, you should prepare for a long-distance journey to this location."
And then, it'd give you a waypoint which is somewhere at the planet's arctic, and you are given a certain amount of time to gather supplies and stuff for your journey. ... and... perhaps to make a new line of vehicles. A line of vehicles specially designed to take the player to the Arctic. Ones for which blueprints are unlocked specially for the mission. Ones which can... break through ice on the surface to refill its air-tanks, perhaps. Hm. And then, this is when the player sets off for their first mission to the Arctic; a place which their previous vehicles wouldn't be able to generate enough heat to keep the player alive in, and so they wouldn't have gone there until the storm calls for it.
Admit it, it's a well thought-out idea which might result in the lifepod drifting a bit, (or capsizing,) a use for the rocket launching platform besides the Neptune Rocket, and a reason for the ice-breaker submersibles being unlocked. It also motivates the player to risk the Arctic for reasons besides curiosity.
Note that this quest would probably take place after 4546B is cured of the Carar.
Very well thought out idea, maybe something like this will be a DLC for after release.