Blood loss?
Originally Wallasey, UK now Los Angeles, US. Join Date: 2016-09-10 Member: 222215Members

Another thing I love about this game is that it allows me to (eventually) be a vegan again.
Quite rare in a survival game.
Here it comes, though, the complaint. The food I survive on now typically fills up my hydration faster than my nutrition so I sometimes find myself going above 100% hydration.
Inexplicably, I then get the warning about blood loss and my hydration drops.
What? How does drinking water cause blood loss?
Another thing I love about this game is that it allows me to (eventually) be a vegan again.

Here it comes, though, the complaint. The food I survive on now typically fills up my hydration faster than my nutrition so I sometimes find myself going above 100% hydration.
Inexplicably, I then get the warning about blood loss and my hydration drops.
What? How does drinking water cause blood loss?
If you eat too much at once you get that.
Vary your diet and don't eat too quickly and you can be Veggie again and not suffer
Hmm, that makes sense. Blood loss does not.
And if you would be so kind as to make more vegetables and / or plants which give off fruit, I could vary it more easily.
Still, thank you for giving us the option of not harming the fauna.
Perhaps "Fluid loss" instead?
That sounds a lot better, less misleading.
I think it used to damage you, thus it being blood loss
Koosh and Creepvine are useless for nutrition, much like the latern fruit and bulbo tree. You can't eat enough of them for them to be viable and they don't add enough of anything to be worth growing.
You have to live off the melons and the potatoes to go vegan. The rest is just for the bioreactor. Wouldn't hurt to give players some viable options. Not like they can pack any of it to go, either.
As for the message, I think it ought to just outright say "you vomit and lose fluids".
We have potatoes in the game. Do I hear a petition for adding potato chips?
Wall-mounted unit that requires a variety of biomass to make Nutrient Blocks. Makes growing stuff viable again.
However, bear in mind it only takes one whine of "It's way too OP!" to kill an idea like this.
Example: Woefully nerfed Lantern Fruit, et. al.
Since the Aurora had those blocks and we get our technology from the ship that makes perfect sense!
Why? There's already several different plants one can eat to get to 100% on both food and hydration without suffering from "blood loss detected"
But not in early game and even less so in the future, based on current predictions.
Kelp is the only flora you can eat early on and it's not a viable food source. Sporesacks are the next best thing, but rather out of the way. Koosh and land-flora are the final step and require several days of preparation before you're good to go. Anything to start a farm with them is equally KZ, FI, or STP material, and that's not taking into account that in the future we might need sea treader poop and other components to start a farm.
This isn't to say I wouldn't want edible plants late game - it would be kinda funny if yummy grew in the ALZ. But I do need something extra on Level Kelp. I think I've already said once I'd like for one to grow on top of the pillars in the GP. A bean-like plant or something.
Where are the spore sacks? I cannot find them anywhere.
Why does it talk about blood, though? Throwing up after gorging makes perfect sense.
I suppose there are... limited nice ways of telling the player they puked. Maybe "Your over-full stomach spasms, time to swab the deck!"
Haha, just get the voice to say "Deck contamination detected, initiating cleaning routine." Or something.
...You know you want to make a player-puking animation.
Job Simulator for the HTC Vive has an upchuck animation when you ingest too much. And our character already coughs/gags when surfacing with critical air supply, and bleeds when attacked by fish...
...Just sayin'.
+1 vote for potato chips
Thanks! Just found some!
It's because they're seeds.
Umm, when is the last time you saw fruit seeds that big? Hehe.