Cutefish stuff

jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
edited June 2017 in Ideas and Suggestions
The cutefish is near. I just want a way to take the little adorable fish on the rocket with me ;-;. Like an optional part that lets you bring it with you
Also maybe some pipes you can build in bases that lets the cutefish be inside your base ;-;. Also it would be nice if it could be immortal so we can't see it die


  • DragoWhoovesDragoWhooves UK Join Date: 2017-05-30 Member: 230836Members
    what about a small aquarium on the rocket?
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    The cutefish's home is on 4546B. Bringing it along would be selfish.
  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    I can't wait to get the Cutefish in the Stable build... He's gonna become fast friends with my Propulsion Cannon and Bioreactor. :smirk:

    For those who don't know or aren't aware, the Cutefish absolutely repulses and terrifies me... I just can't stand that little guy. (I apologize to all of the Cutefush lovers - I just can't embrace it as a pet.) :bawling:
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
  • NecrovoreNecrovore Twisty Bridges Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231359Members
    Tarkannen wrote: »
    I can't wait to get the Cutefish in the Stable build... He's gonna become fast friends with my Propulsion Cannon and Bioreactor. :smirk:

    For those who don't know or aren't aware, the Cutefish absolutely repulses and terrifies me... I just can't stand that little guy. (I apologize to all of the Cutefush lovers - I just can't embrace it as a pet.) :bawling:

    And now I want someone to mod in a giant version of the cutefish to replace the Leviathan Reapers in game :tongue:
  • Kyman201Kyman201 Washington State Join Date: 2016-01-23 Member: 211880Members
    edited July 2017
    Tarkannen wrote: »
    For those who don't know or aren't aware, the Cutefish absolutely repulses and terrifies me... I just can't stand that little guy. (I apologize to all of the Cutefush lovers - I just can't embrace it as a pet.) :bawling:

    Oh good I thought it was just me. I mean, I'm kind of surprised the Cutefish is named as such. The face is just off. I mean, seriously, here's a list of critters I find cuter than the Cutefish, in no particular order.
    • Peepers
    • Garryfish
    • Reginalds
    • Reefbacks
    • Spadefish
    • Those little scuttlebug things in the shallows and caves
    • Sea Emperor babies
    • The Sea Emperor
    • The Seamoth
    • The PDA and base AI
    • Stalkers, in a weird way
    • Rabbit Rays
    • Hoverfish
    • The Eyeye
    • Bladderfish

    Edit: Added more
  • NecrovoreNecrovore Twisty Bridges Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231359Members
    Kyman201 wrote: »

    Oh good I thought it was just me. I mean, I'm kind of surprised the Cutefish is named as such. The face is just off. I mean, seriously, here's a list of critters I find cuter than the Cutefish, in no particular order.
    • Peepers
    • Garryfish
    • Reginalds
    • Reefbacks
    • Spadefish
    • Those little scuttlebug things in the shallows and caves
    • Sea Emperor babies
    • The Sea Emperor
    • The Seamoth
    • The PDA and base AI
    • Stalkers, in a weird way

    Aww, no love for the Rabbit Ray? :p
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    I want not take the cute fish in the rocket as well. I hope we can put the Cute fish in the aquariums in bases as well.
  • RecursionRecursion The cosmos Join Date: 2017-07-01 Member: 231505Members
    Tarkannen wrote: »
    I can't wait to get the Cutefish in the Stable build... He's gonna become fast friends with my Propulsion Cannon and Bioreactor. :smirk:

    For those who don't know or aren't aware, the Cutefish absolutely repulses and terrifies me... I just can't stand that little guy. (I apologize to all of the Cutefush lovers - I just can't embrace it as a pet.) :bawling:
  • Kyman201Kyman201 Washington State Join Date: 2016-01-23 Member: 211880Members
    edited July 2017
    Necrovore wrote: »
    Aww, no love for the Rabbit Ray? :p

    Holy crap you're RIGHT! How could I forget that?

    And the hoverfish! Cute little lizard thing.
    Recursion wrote: »

    Can't speak or Tarkannen, but I can speak for me... And well... LOOK at it!

    The eyes are large enough to draw your attention, but their shape doesn't make them look expressive, but rather makes them look piercing, like it stares into your soul. The mouth is this little upturned maw that looks ENOUGH like a smile to fall into an uncanny valley for me. It LOOKS like aggressive heavy breathing through the mouth SOUNDS.

    Overall it looks like someone gene-spliced it together in an attempt to make something cute but didn't quite understand how to make it all work, so we're left with something literally called a Cute Fish but doesn't even manage Ugly Cute, and instead is just kind of off-putting.
  • 5m4llP0X5m4llP0X Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231356Members
    Wanna see what my fifth tentacle is really for?
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    At first I hated the cutefish. It's grown on me since.
  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    edited July 2017
    Recursion wrote: »

    Here's a previous response I gave before regarding the "Cutefish" and it got a dev reply confirming not all players like the Cutefish. I don't actively hate it, but I do despise it and think its ugly as all sin... Now if they had a Crashfish pet, I would take it in heartbeat! :blush:
  • 5m4llP0X5m4llP0X Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231356Members
    Tarkannen wrote: »

    Here's a previous response I gave before regarding the "Cutefish" and it got a dev reply confirming not all players like the Cutefish. I don't actively hate it, but I do despise it and think its ugly as all sin... Now if they had a Crashfish pet, I would take it in heartbeat! :blush:
    Crashfish pet only available in Saudi Arabia.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    The cutefish's home is on 4546B. Bringing it along would be selfish.

    Quite. Unless it was attached to you and wanted to come. However, what about when it reaches maturity and wants to mate? It really depends on how the creature is wired. Dogs do this just fine, but what if the Cutefish is actually extremely intelligent and gets lonely? It really depends.
  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    Quite. Unless it was attached to you and wanted to come. However, what about when it reaches maturity and wants to mate? It really depends on how the creature is wired. Dogs do this just fine, but what if the Cutefish is actually extremely intelligent and gets lonely? It really depends.

    Who's to say it mates at all? It might be asexual, and reproduce all on it's own. Or, on the other hand, it might be a social animal with a whole pack somewhere on the planet and it might die if seperated from them for too long. It might not even be native to this planet for all we know. Perhaps it's something the precursors or someone else left here. We really don't know enough about it to say weather or not it's ok to remove it from the planet.
  • 5m4llP0X5m4llP0X Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231356Members
    edited July 2017
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    Now, now, that's racist. You can only make jokes about imperialist Americans and privileged whites. /s :eyeroll: Although, to be fair, on the Interwebs, you really can't tell if someone is being anti- (insert race / religion / nationality / creed / whatever here) or if they're just making a joke. So it's better to play it safe.
    Your sarcasm is actually pretty spot on and people would have to be looking to be offended if they assumed my comment was anything other than a joke.
    sayerulz wrote: »

    Who's to say it mates at all? It might be asexual, and reproduce all on it's own. Or, on the other hand, it might be a social animal with a whole pack somewhere on the planet and it might die if seperated from them for too long. It might not even be native to this planet for all we know. Perhaps it's something the precursors or someone else left here. We really don't know enough about it to say weather or not it's ok to remove it from the planet.
    On the other hand: Bringing some of these fish home would be excellent for creature studies by scientists. Maybe preserving a few ampeels, lava lizards, bone sharks and reefbacks for mating and studies. Oh and Reginalds. Those fish rock.
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    Frykas will probably not approve of bring bonesharks
  • 5m4llP0X5m4llP0X Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231356Members

    Frykas will probably not approve of bring bonesharks

    True, maybe Sandsharks? They're cuddlier, less painful on the bite and might actually survive the trip. (Bonesharks are weak--they die quick)
  • Gamechanger3849Gamechanger3849 Flying an ARC-170 above Planet 4546B Join Date: 2017-06-17 Member: 231153Members
    I don't like cutefish there ugly I would much rather steal a baby ghost leviathan then have a cutefish but hey its the creature that you can play with
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    It would be cool if you could have various other creature pets, but only certain ones. (No Reaper pets) Only docile creatures
  • werebearguywerebearguy Join Date: 2017-07-14 Member: 231817Members
    I want a way to make them breed. I want an aquarium full of them, just so I can populate the Emperor's chamber in its final moments.

    And then take one home.
  • JairoguyJairoguy Join Date: 2017-07-15 Member: 231842Members
    There should be an aquarium where it is connected to the outside and fish can come in through a tube into your base and you can see them swim past. the cute fish can use this to see you when your inside the base. or maybe the cute fish can look at you through the windows and you can wave to it or something...

  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    Yeah that would be nice. There is already an aquarium in the game so they can probably make it so you can connect tubes to it
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    You can currently hold a cute fish egg...
    Console command "item cutegishegg". but it won't hatch
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    @Kyman201 @Tarkannen you say you think the cute fish is ugly. What about this?
  • Kyman201Kyman201 Washington State Join Date: 2016-01-23 Member: 211880Members
    @Kyman201 @Tarkannen you say you think the cute fish is ugly. What about this?

    Somehow that's less off-putting. Can't put my finger on why.
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    Kyman201 wrote: »

    Somehow that's less off-putting. Can't put my finger on why.

    It has bigger eyes compared to the body size. Studies show large eyes are found cute by most people. This evolved as a way to ensure that parents cared for their young (babies have large eyes compared to there size).
  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    edited July 2017
    @Kyman201 @Tarkannen you say you think the cute fish is ugly. What about this?

    It's far less ugly than the current Cuttlefish is, but it's still ugly to me (What the heck is that demented creature encased in?). Either way, I wouldn't want either one as a pet - but I'll take a Crashfish pet still! :blush:
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