Should the Aurora's interior get a redesign?
Join Date: 2016-05-28 Member: 217686Members

Now, its probably stupid to redesign the Aurora this far into the development as it would take a lot of extra time.
But i can find some flaws with the current interior design and layout.
First, the interior of the Aurora is very linear and limited. It consists of mostly straight and narrow Corridors with small densely equipped rooms. It has few different routes to choose between and is very straight. You cant choose between several paths to take, as you are forced to kind of "see everything in one go". It would be cool if the Aurora was a more open "maze" like structure where you had several places to go through and explore. There could be multiple entrances to the ship, that somehow connected to each other through the Corridors and rooms.
Second, is that the infrastructure is very random and impractical. Why is the Locker room next to the prawn bay? Why would you put the prawn bay in front of the living quarters? Why is there only one administration Office? Why is the seamoth bay next to a cargo bay and the Fusion reactor? Everything feels like its placed in the wrong area, therefore all the rooms are just one big soup.
Examples: The Locker room should be connected to the living quarters, as that is where people keep their stuff. Didnt someone complain about people thinkering with the prawn mechs in the PDA entries? Maybe you shouldnt have it directly in front of the living quarters then?
Third, is that i hope you like the colour Grey! Because every wall, floor, ceiling, door, ETC. has this magnificent colour!
This can be heavily improved without really Changing the overall level design. Maybe some monitor screens on the walls? A pot plant or something? The Alterra logo could be on the walls somewhere... You could maybe add some lights, maybe some colours?
Things that would just fresh up the interior a bit! ;p
Love, SushiDiver. ❤❤❤
But i can find some flaws with the current interior design and layout.
First, the interior of the Aurora is very linear and limited. It consists of mostly straight and narrow Corridors with small densely equipped rooms. It has few different routes to choose between and is very straight. You cant choose between several paths to take, as you are forced to kind of "see everything in one go". It would be cool if the Aurora was a more open "maze" like structure where you had several places to go through and explore. There could be multiple entrances to the ship, that somehow connected to each other through the Corridors and rooms.
Second, is that the infrastructure is very random and impractical. Why is the Locker room next to the prawn bay? Why would you put the prawn bay in front of the living quarters? Why is there only one administration Office? Why is the seamoth bay next to a cargo bay and the Fusion reactor? Everything feels like its placed in the wrong area, therefore all the rooms are just one big soup.
Examples: The Locker room should be connected to the living quarters, as that is where people keep their stuff. Didnt someone complain about people thinkering with the prawn mechs in the PDA entries? Maybe you shouldnt have it directly in front of the living quarters then?
Third, is that i hope you like the colour Grey! Because every wall, floor, ceiling, door, ETC. has this magnificent colour!
This can be heavily improved without really Changing the overall level design. Maybe some monitor screens on the walls? A pot plant or something? The Alterra logo could be on the walls somewhere... You could maybe add some lights, maybe some colours?
Things that would just fresh up the interior a bit! ;p
Love, SushiDiver. ❤❤❤
There was a poll a little while ago about whether the interior should be expanded to better fit the exterior of the ship (which it should), but the current layout should be reconsidered as well.
Multiple entrances are a great idea (especially if some of them can only be opened from the inside to provide shortcuts back into the Aurora later). I would also like to see areas that require the prawn suit to access, either because they're underwater (can't carry enough air), covered in fire, or have heavy debris blocking the entrance which needs to be drilled or moved with the prawn suit propulsion cannon.
And while we're at it, why does the front of the Aurora explode? If the drive core (which should REALLY be at the back of the ship instead of the center) is overloading, I'd expect a good chunk of the Aurora's stern to be missing. Instead, the bow has been completely obliterated, while the engines, the part of the ship that contain volatile substances and are actually the part exploding, are completely fine.
And yes agree, Aurora needs love.
A giant spaceship featuring some 10 rooms...
Heck, The Drive Core probably have to be near/in the front of the ship to properly function. It could create a gravity well for the ship to fall into for all we know.
Which i have probably redundantly explained, Cause as i recall, It was the dark matter containment that failed initially, not the Drive. Cause then you wouldn't be able to repair it.
[Expo?: Dark matter is just called that by us because we don't know what it is: In-universe, It could have initially been popularized as the name because it wasn't visible to the naked human eye, Before we knew what it really did.]
TL;DR: Starship is big, Has big engine. Part of engine go Boom-Boom.
Actually, the aesthetic of the Aurora is perfect as it is. Think about it. The Aurora was built and operated by a company that places profit and business operations above all else. Even relationships are codified by contracts. Everything about Alterra says sterile, utilitarian, uniform, and minimalist. Decor costs money - don't spend it. Alterra is far too cost-concerned to be concerned with the color of the hallways or whether people feel "at home." (It's a long-mission ship with "Class C" recreation facilities. That pretty much says it all right there.)
It seems to me the crew were well-used to piloting Exosuits without their superior's knowledge (or permission at least). But that's what happens when corporate bigwigs cut corners to save money, by squishing stuff together (Lord knows how many people got hammered by having the Mess Hall Cantina and Storage Room mere feet from rowdy crewmembers...) @scifiwriterguy pretty much nailed it - Alterra only cares about the bottom line over the welfare of the crew, it seems.
doesn't change the fact that they still are a BUSINESS and have to meet some kind of regulation to make sure they still are livable. Because if not, whats the point of even making ships if the people cant even use them right?
Also this ship is HUGE and even if the drive core is 75% of the ship, I ASSURE you there would be a bit less linear halls, more rooms, and semi-practical areas for working and living.
Maybe there is and I havent noticed but from what i remember there isnt ANYWHERE to eat or properly store food, its a bit too minimalistic even for Alterra.
I dont know maybe im looking too much into it.
About what you said about that poll. Hell Yeah the aurora interior should take up ALOT more room than a few hallways
Wasted space on a ship directly translates into having a vessel be larger than it needs to be, which in turn increases cost.
Maybe to better convey why the Aurora is as big as it is, we should have a place where the player can look into the factory portion of the ship and see the scale of the assembly line, even if they can't actually fully explore it.
Oh wait, there's none of those.
But srsly, a ship to go build a stargate would probably be 95% construction materials, 5% anything else. If they say that stuff survived, just go with it. I do think there should be more broken doors, though, to destroyed areas.
Alterra is a trans-gov authority. They are the government in their sectors.
I found it really strange to have the habitation area next to the prawn suit bay ..
No. You're never going to repair the Aurora and fly it around. There's plenty of building games where you can make spaceships.
yes, especially as the game is basically supposed to all for exploration
They should just smash the thing. Wait until the player goes deep, then when they come out, have a bunch of Precursor harvesting drones fly off, with the entire Aurora rendered into scrap metal and carted off to places unknown. PDA entry, a comment from the AI about the radiation and transmissions ceasing, and then "oh my."
Doesn't even need to be animated, the entire process is complete before the player gets near, and they just see drones fly off!
I don't like the idea of that, it would be espially annoying if you had missed something 'cause you didn't have the laser cutter or something and had planned to return