The new wireframe environmental ping is cool as hell
United States Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204749Members
However, I don't understand why it isn't toggleable. I would be perfectly willing to sacrifice a small bit of power cell usage in order to more safely navigate the caves and tunnels in the deeper biomes of the world. Having to constantly reactivate it every 3 pings is a little annoying.
Did I mention that it's cool as hell?

Did I mention that it's cool as hell?

Seems the cyclops's sonar extends a bit further though, that's pretty nice!
As a side note, I really wish this game had a brightness adjustment. My monitor tends to run dark and makes a lot of dark areas in games unplayable (or at least a lot more difficult and annoying than intended) if I can't fix the brightness.
Also, the sonar energy usage is ridiculous if you think about how much energy each power cell is supposed to hold vs how much energy the sonar drains with each use. If each ion crystal holds the energy of a small nuclear blast, then each sonar ping contains the equivalent energy of a sizeable explosive device. This would likely be lethal to smaller creatures (which would be convenient for clearing leeches off the sub) and cause internal injuries to larger ones.
And to take this on yet another tangent, I did a quick look online to get an idea of real world sonar tech and IRL they have small handheld sonar units the size of a flashlight for use by divers. It would be awesome to have a sonar upgrade for the player to be able to get this imaging outside of a sub.
Well, I don't know if I'm right or not but it seems like they added a new corridor near the front end of the aurora and it's completely pitch black. That's where I was at when I was testing the new sonar ping.
That corridor has been there for quite awhile if memory serves. It's pitch black for me as well and very easy to get lost in.
Yeah like @gamer1000k said, that's the Crash Zone Corridor and that's been there for ages.
Here's a map of what it looks like on the inside:
I'm more than a little surprised though, that it's still there in the Silent Running update. With how they axed the Dunes entrance (It's where the Precursor Cache and Meteor Impact is in the Dunes. It *would have* connected to the Lost River-ILZ junction, had they not removed this one.) and removed the Deep Grand entrance, I was certain they already sealed up and filled in the Crash Zone entrance too. I mean, it doesn't show up on the Biome Map anymore, so... The Dunes Entrance does though. Go to the Meteor impact and open the debug tool. It'll still say Inactive Lava Zone.
The Aurora Corridor was the first one I found, because I was swimming over the cliff there and wanted to know what was at the bottom. I found the Jelly Shroom Caves and Blood Kelp Trench at deep levels, so I was excited to find what was down there. I never knew about the Dunes sinkhole until I saw Markiplier find it. I hated the Dunes, and I still hate the Dunes, so back then I never went there. Not until I knew about that ILZ entrance. Of course, now I really do have no reason to go back there but eh.
Well, enjoy that Corridor while you can since it's likely going to be filled with cement sooner or later. Not unless people speak up about it I guess, since UNW is very good about listening to fan feedback. I mean, imagine how awesome that HUGE corridor would look filled in and detailed? It winding undfer the Koosh Zone would make sense since its supposed to be a volcanically active area, and the Aurora crashing could have lured a Sea Dragon up into the tunnel to check out wtf's with all the noise (And they DO eat Reapers, and this would be an easy way at getting to them since there's a lotta space for them to move through it... Unlike the Lost River which is a bit more cramped)
Depends on how much desire there is for them I guess. It didn't seem like the Ghost Leviathan was even a priority until a LOT of people asked about it repeatedly. There's only so much space to go around in the Dunes and there's already two 'pits' there, both of which are currently "in-use". They could relocate the Cache, but that seems a little counterproductive at this point now that it's already there.
This is what one of the devs said about the Lost River:
That last comment being the key highlight here and IMO some poor logic. As if a player would actually leave an area then never ever come back... Well, there IS the Dunes, Crash Zone, and NE Mountains.... But that's because of a lack of things to warrant going there for coupled with the Reapers. And no, a Cache does not fix that problem. You brave the waters ONCE to loot the cache, then never go back.
From the sounds of it, this is the logic that's also being applied to the ILZ Corridors. Freedom of choice seems to be less important than sealing up everything so you follow a predefined and established path, cutting down on the exploration that's supposed to be so important here. Unless feedback is given on this, that's how things are going to continue. And if it does continue, how will it end up influencing other parts of the game?
Yes, it could be added back 1.0. But I'd like to hear that officially rather than put up hopes in vain. I'd like to hear soemwhere that they'll put the Aurora-ILZ entrance "on hold" until they can get around to it. I'm patient as well, and if the Aurora-ILZ is put on a To Do list rather than a Chopping Block, then I can wait as long as needed.
Nope. There's one on changing the Cyclops so only leviathans and Ramming Speed into a wall can hurt it, but the thread in my signature's the only thread bringing this to attention. A quick look over it though shows most weren't exactly in favor of the direction things are being taken though, but making a poll really only does so much. If the devs themselves don't see and hear this feedback - my thread, these posts, etc - then it won't do any good.
Except for Markiplier, most people seem to visit the Deep Grand to get the ILZ. Not surprising since the place is about as dangerous as the Safe Shallows (Though with the added Warpers and Crabsquids its more like the Kelp Forests now). This thread is the first time I'd ever heard of anyone other than me find the Aurora Entrance. I think that "rare / hard to find" things are good in an exporation game. Here, you'd either find the obscure out of the way entrance and think "Holy ****!" or you find it in reverse as an exit while exploring the ILZ.
I'll admit, this whole ILZ situation has actually been hampering my ability to play Subnautica. It's very hard to approach the Dunes or Aurora without getting irritated as they're a constant reminder that two of my favorite areas just got axed - or rather, one was axed and the other's on the chopping block.
Well it's got no lighting of its own at the moment since its currently just a tunnel carved out in the terrain; it's got the potential to be pretty amazing though. Just imagine....
The early part and the seafloor entrance, would have debris from the Aurora littered around. There'd be jagged rocks and crevices along the entrance to the save. It'd be dark, foreboding, exerting a feeling of danger around it. But if curiosity gets the better of you and you go in... The sandy, rocky tunnel begins to give way to the underside of the Koosh Zone. The volcanic activity noticeable on the surface begins to take form in full down here. The temperature rises, the danger is more apparent, and if you continue just a little further, the sea dragon's roar can be heard. Then there he is - the third Sea Dragon in the game - standing between you and the midsection of the Aurora Corridor.
Or, you can take the "Easy to find, easy to travel through" route of the Lost River. Similarly dramatic in appearance, but with less molten fire, boiling superhot water, and sea dragons standing in your way :P
Right now yeah it's a bit annoying to navigate, but if they just slap some temporary lighting into it in the meantime.... Then there's their second entry into the ILZ. Since they seem to feel that having more ways of discovering a place is a "Very Bad Thing(tm)" in this game, the Aurora Entrance would be perfect. The ILZ would have two entrances. One is relatively easy to find and fairly safe, but you have to travel through the twisting and winding Lost RIver. The other is harder to find but is larger and a more direct route.... But you have to deal with volcanic activity and a Sea Dragon.
Take your pick
I also notice for myself that I tend to wander on the same routes over and over again if I don't have a map to get my bearings and see that I've been unconsciously ignoring an area.
Edit: Sorry for taking this thread further off topic.
Especially when they're maps that you need to fill out yourself.
Aaaah I'll have to think about it I guess. I've always seen Forum Polls as kind of pointless, but can assemble some thoughts and put one up. If someone brought some of these notes to their Discord that'd probably do a lot more, since they seem pretty active there.
One of my friends says he did contact one of them through email and got a response along the lines of "We'll be thinking on it" but even if what my friend said about all that is true, it still leaves me just a touch concerned about this situation.
Anyways, to bring this back towards the original topic, is the ILZ corridor at the front of the Aurora the only real way to bring a Cyclops into the ILZ at this point? If I'm not mistaken, the only other entrance into the ILZ at this time is through the Lost River, which only has entrances through the deep grand reef or the blood kelp zone, both of which are a bit tight for the Cyclops (especially now that it takes collision damage). Not to mention that the connecting corridor from the Cove Tree to the ILZ is a bit tight for a Cyclops as well.
There's also the Northern Blood Kelp Zone which has a large entrance, though the Lost River itself is relatively tricky for the Cyclops to make it through - especially now that it can be damaged. It's more an Exosuit trip than a Cyclops one, so the Aurora Abyss entrance could be the route you'd take if insisting on piloting a cyclops down there?
The Aurora Abyss entrance is a lot more cyclops friendly, other than the darkness - which won't be a problem if they correctly decide to keep the entrance and give it some polish. However, that may change if they stick a Sea Dragon in it like I suggested, and you do still need to make it past that reaper xD
Personally I'd rather them not add anything to the current map after v1.0 mainly due to the fact that it might end up ruining someone's base, which isn't really an acceptable thing to happen post v1.0.
I really hope the devs polish up that tunnel. The next update is supposed to add a moonpool to the prison facility, so it seems like they're expecting players to drive a cyclops down to the ALZ.