the lack of lethal guns in the game

factcheckyourdevsfactcheckyourdevs Join Date: 2017-02-18 Member: 228043Members
the devs on the steam forum say the lack of lethal guns is due to the Sandy Hoot shooting (which was tragedy) and America having school shootings every day. i would like to correct this ignorant person. Since 2013, the US has had a little less than 200 incidents where a gun was confiscated (not necessarily discharged - of the ones discharged, there were about 90 incidents, and of those 90 only 3 people were hit or killed. the others shot into the wall) in a school. If you can do math, you'll see that 200 in a little over 3 years is not every day. Also, every single one of those guns was obtained illegally.

now what may have confused the dev who said this on the steam forum was the fact that a "mass shooting" (a shooting where there were 4 or more casualties - injured and killed) occurs every day. these are largely not in schools which was the specific reason the dev on steam said there were no lethal guns.

this has been bothering me for a few weeks. yes, there is an issue with violence in the world (not just the US), but the violence in the US and the world is not necessarily contributed to the number of people who play video games. with that said, however, i like the lack of lethal guns in the game for a different reason; i feel it gives the game a more challenging feel.

on an aside, knives are just as lethal though they require a closer proximity, and other countries, such as the UK, also have their own issues with knife violence. yet, the knife is one of the first things you have to make in the game.

sources: everytown research, abc website, cnn website, pew


  • BENSKIBENSKI Join Date: 2016-08-07 Member: 221063Members
    @factcheckyourdevs your post seems to have very little to do with the game's development and more to do with your own personal ideology.

    The reasons that developers choose to implement something in a game (or not) is always multifaceted and it is very unfair to accuse them of being "ignorant" just because you don't agree with their concerns.

    I would have to agree with you that I don't think computer games with gun violence make people more violent any more than watching a violent movie or reading a violent book makes people violent.

    However, you instead seem to be arguing on principle that because gun violence in the USA "isn't that bad" the developers should be more comfortable with including guns in the game.

    That's pretty messed up. Especially when you yourself say:
    A "mass shooting" (a shooting where there were 4 or more casualties - injured and killed) occurs every day.

    Meanwhile in Australia, we haven't had a single mass shooting since strict gun laws were implemented in 1996 ... but I digress ...

    Maybe you should just stick to judging Subnautica for it's merits as a game instead of attacking the developers just because they have a perspective which is different from your own ...
  • FluffersFluffers United States Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204749Members
    BENSKI wrote: »
    Meanwhile in Australia, we haven't had a single mass shooting since strict gun laws were implemented in 1996 ... but I digress ...

    To be fair, banning guns wouldn't work in the US. Way too many people with way too many guns, there's literally more guns than there are people. In the south most people would just hide or even bury their guns, and a lot of people would actually form militias to resist whoever was going to take their guns.

    As for guns in subnautica, I wouldn't want them for the sole reason that it would remove the tension. If I could just lay down the hammer on any stalker in my path there'd be no fun in trying to get their teeth, etc.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Skope wrote: »
    It seems you just came here to say the devs are wrong.

    I think the answer to that is in the guy's username :wink:

    May @Foxy have mercy on your soul.

    Yeah there's nothing of value that can come from this thread, pretty sure it's safe to cover up with cement and pretend it never happened.

  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited February 2017
    the devs on the steam forum say the lack of lethal guns is due to the Sandy Hoot shooting (which was tragedy) and America having school shootings every day. i would like to correct this ignorant person. Since 2013, the US has had a little less than 200 incidents where a gun was confiscated (not necessarily discharged - of the ones discharged, there were about 90 incidents, and of those 90 only 3 people were hit or killed. the others shot into the wall) in a school. If you can do math, you'll see that 200 in a little over 3 years is not every day. Also, every single one of those guns was obtained illegally.

    now what may have confused the dev who said this on the steam forum was the fact that a "mass shooting" (a shooting where there were 4 or more casualties - injured and killed) occurs every day. these are largely not in schools which was the specific reason the dev on steam said there were no lethal guns.

    this has been bothering me for a few weeks. yes, there is an issue with violence in the world (not just the US), but the violence in the US and the world is not necessarily contributed to the number of people who play video games. with that said, however, i like the lack of lethal guns in the game for a different reason; i feel it gives the game a more challenging feel.

    on an aside, knives are just as lethal though they require a closer proximity, and other countries, such as the UK, also have their own issues with knife violence. yet, the knife is one of the first things you have to make in the game.

    sources: everytown research, abc website, cnn website, pew

    Good grief, what are people disagreeing with here? Facts? Get a grip, he said he doesn't want guns in the game so he's not being a twat, he's just trying to educate people. Yes, every time 4 or more people get hurt in an incident involving guns, it's "a mass shooting" -- three guesses as to why that is counted as such (now, it was not always), and the first two don't count.

    EDIT: @factcheckyourdevs Although I will say this, your username is in poor taste. Educate, but be nice (and realize there are nice people on the other side of this issue as well). I didn't even read your username until just now. If you wish to be constructive, I'd start by asking very nicely for @Foxy to change your username. >.>
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    edited February 2017
    BENSKI wrote: »
    @factcheckyourdevs your post seems to have very little to do with the game's development and more to do with your own personal ideology.

    The reasons that developers choose to implement something in a game (or not) is always multifaceted and it is very unfair to accuse them of being "ignorant" just because you don't agree with their concerns.

    I would have to agree with you that I don't think computer games with gun violence make people more violent any more than watching a violent movie or reading a violent book makes people violent.

    However, you instead seem to be arguing on principle that because gun violence in the USA "isn't that bad" the developers should be more comfortable with including guns in the game.

    That's pretty messed up. Especially when you yourself say:

    Meanwhile in Australia, we haven't had a single mass shooting since strict gun laws were implemented in 1996 ... but I digress ...

    Maybe you should just stick to judging Subnautica for it's merits as a game instead of attacking the developers just because they have a perspective which is different from your own ...

    Oh yeah the Australian argument.

    A country surrounded by sea in which the only ways to get in is by plane and boat with serious attempts to extinguish guns, which furthermore has many desert areas with low population and not much population distribution.

    Please don't toot your own horn; the accomplishment, considering your location, is not that impressive. In fact it's hardly an accomplishment. It's a walk in the park for you.
  • ResolutionBlazeResolutionBlaze The Dunes Join Date: 2016-04-06 Member: 215392Members
    edited February 2017
    I think it's dumb to consider that as a reason to not have lethal guns in the game too.

    For the purposes of the game it works but it's not like they haven't developed games in which you shoot things. I think it's a very hypocritical statement that really has no context behind that decision.

    The game isn't even remotely close to a civilian setting.

    Assuming this is true and you're not a troll.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    I think it's dumb to consider that as a reason to not have lethal guns in the game too.

    For the purposes of the game it works but it's not like they haven't developed games in which you shoot things. I think it's a very hypocritical statement that really has no context behind that decision.

    The game isn't even remotely close to a civilian setting.

    Assuming this is true and you're not a troll.

    Well, according to the storyline, it's because of a massacre. Dunno how that's relevant, considering you can do a lot more damage with other means (Bath school massacre IRL 1927, must've been violent video games, tsk, tsk), but that's the reasoning given.
  • BENSKIBENSKI Join Date: 2016-08-07 Member: 221063Members
    Oh yeah the Australian argument.

    A country surrounded by sea in which the only ways to get in is by plane and boat with serious attempts to extinguish guns, which furthermore has many desert areas with low population and not much population distribution.

    Please don't toot your own horn; the accomplishment, considering your location, is not that impressive. In fact it's hardly an accomplishment. It's a walk in the park for you.


    oh ... oh my feelings ...
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    Lmao who's troll account is this
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    edited February 2017
    It sounds to me like the OP is nothing but frustrated by the misinformation about how regularly school shootings occur.

    I can sympathise with his feelings because misinformation can be even worse than disinformation (at least disinformation knows it's false, whereas misinformation is dangerous ignorance) and
    A simple google search claims the official stats are that there has been 143 school shootings in the US since 2013. My maths isn't great, but I don't think that's every single day.
    I haven't read the devs reasons for not having guns for absolutely ages, so I don't remember what they said, but if they did indeed say a shooting occurs every day then that's just nonsense and would annoy me too.

    Some may find it pedantic, but to those who care, it's important not to spread false facts, especially if you're in any kind of position where people might actually believe what you say.
    Skope wrote: »
    Do you want lethal guns? Do you not?

    It seems you just came here to say the devs are wrong.

    He said clearly he doesn't want guns, he likes the added challenge of not having them. Something I also happen to agree with.
    And of course he just came here to say the devs were wrong. Look at his name. And that's perfectly fine. It's a good point well made.
    BENSKI wrote: »
    your post seems to have very little to do with the game's development and more to do with your own personal ideology.

    I don't think his post has anything at all to do with his personal ideology. He didn't even state his own ideology.
    He used objective facts (if they are indeed accurate) and no subjective arguments whatsoever.
    Oh yeah the Australian argument.

    A country surrounded by sea in which the only ways to get in is by plane and boat with serious attempts to extinguish guns, which furthermore has many desert areas with low population and not much population distribution.

    Please don't toot your own horn; the accomplishment, considering your location, is not that impressive. In fact it's hardly an accomplishment. It's a walk in the park for you.

    This is an entirely separate issue, but I want clarification.

    Are you talking about how easy it was for Australia to implement gun control, and that it would be much harder to accomplish in the US? If so, yeah I agree. Americans are far more protective of their guns. There are many, many reasons that's the case. Reasons we shouldn't get into here.

    If you're talking about how effective the ban was in reducing shooting incidents, I think the facts speak for themselves.

    A very moral person would say that if even one shooting has been prevented then it was worth it.
  • BENSKIBENSKI Join Date: 2016-08-07 Member: 221063Members
  • FathomFathom Earth Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219405Members
    I'm not sure who I'm more disappointed in: The low hanging fruit troll or the people biting.
This discussion has been closed.