Reaper Leviathan in the Safe Shallows.

FineMonkeyFineMonkey The Netherlands Join Date: 2017-01-21 Member: 227056Members
So, I've only been playing the game for 3 days now, and so far I'm enjoying it, but i now have a GIANT problem. I went to the back-end of the aurora, because I was told that was where I could Spore Sacks. I finally found some after 10 minutes(, and 3 deaths from a reaper), and went back to my base, which I had build under the lifepod. When I was approaching my base, I heard reaper sounds, and when I finally reached my base, there was a reaper just chilling above it. I managed to dock my seamoth in the moonpool, but everytime I try to do anything in the "safe" shallows the reaper pops up out of nowhere. It didn't chase me, because I didn't encounter a reaper on my last attempt to find Spore Sacks, and it actually beat me to my base. Can someone pls tell me how I can get rid of him, since I cant kill him with my seamoth, or my Prawn Suit which I managed to build, since it doesn't have any upgrades.


  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Nasty! I have seen stalkers, sand sharks and even a baby reefback in the safe shallows near my lifepod, but never a reaper. Imagine if that huge fire breahting creature from the lava zone popped up there! :o
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Creative mode (or survival if you're brave), stasis rifle + knife it to death then drag it away with the prawn suit?
  • estrapadeestrapade Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227105Members
    edited January 2017
    I've just encountered the same problem, in exactly the same way. I was milling about near the back of the Aurora trying to find cyclops pieces, then a reaper appears. I jump back into Suzie Seamoth and zip away, scurrying back to my life pod where it's 'safe' here in the shallows; lo and behold, there's not one, but two reapers milling about in my safe shallows! They swim about through the ground like it's not even there, diving and surfacing occasionally... within 300m of my life pod ;-;

    Edit: I've saved and restarted the game, and the Reapers seem to have despawned, at least for now. ;)
  • Crewman87Crewman87 Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224967Members
    Until they add in damage to the cyclops from feeshes attacking it, you can quite frankly, ram the crap out of it until it dies. I've pretty much solved my Reaper issues doing this. If you don't want to be cheaty about it (assuming you don't have the cyclops), I would go with the creative mode method of stabbing it to death.
  • psiggypsiggy Join Date: 2017-01-18 Member: 226904Members
    Clear cache seems to reset creatures positions. Try it.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited January 2017
    If you're not sure of how to clear your cache: (use the second method that refers to cleaning dirt in your base as you do have to clear around your base as well)
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    I updated this guide, however, if you're looking for something from the old one, it's in [ spoiler ] tags at the end of the post.

    If you have any problems or need clarification, please reply here and I'll try to address the issue.
    If you've got dirt in your base, you want the second list right after this one.
    1. Navigate to your Subnautica folder. For most, that's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica
    2. Open SNAppData, then open SavedGames
    3. Find your slot00xx folder that has the saved game that needs fixing. (look at the screenshot.jpg in each one if you need help, that's the little thumbnail that shows when you go to load. Or sort by date if that helps).
    4. Make a new folder called temp-backup
    5. Move the CellsCache and CompiledOctreesCache folders to the temp-backup folder
    6. Load your saved game, and go check all of your bases for terrain popping in. If you see terrain, you can either spawn the terraformer (see the following section), and clear the terrain, or, open the F1 window and note down (Alt-tab and Notepad works well for this) the camera batch number that the terrain is located at. There's a video by IGP kind of describing this process below, just follow the part about copying down batch numbers.
    7. Save and exit the game.
    8. If you noted any batch numbers down two steps previously, go into the temp-backup\CompiledOctreesCache folder, find the files that match the batch numbers you noted down, and copy them back into the slot00xx\CompiledOctreesCache folder, overwriting the newer files now present there.

    Make sure you do not delete the following four files sitting directly in the slot00xx folder:
    • gameinfo.json
    • global-objects.bin
    • scene-objects.bin
    • screenshot.jpg (<- that's the little thumbnail showing you a preview of the save when you go to load)

    ZOMGWTFBBQ! In case I wasn't clear, I'll repeat: these four data files have your actual saved game progress, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE DELETE THESE!! If this freaks you out, hey, take it easy, just back up these files or the entire saved game slot folder first. ;) Better safe then sorry, right?

    (If you have dirt in your base and you were linked to this thread, read this section).
    The terraformer method:
    1. Clear all of the cache (move both CellsCache andCompiledOctreesCache folders to the temp-backup folder)
    2. Do 'item 514' and press enter in the console (no quotes)
    3. Clear out the dirt.
    4. Put all of your stuff except the terraformer (including anything on your paperdoll UI person like rad suit, rebreather etc) in a locker
    5. Do 'clearinventory' and press enter in the console (no quotes)
    6. Put all your stuff (O2 tanks, rebreather / rad suit etc) back on
    7. Save
    8. Close game

    IGP's video:

    Some useful stuff:

    * If you find yourself doing this cache cleaning often, there's an automated batch file to help you do it here.
    * Link to a tool to make this process a bit easier (you still have to find which batches your base is in) here (Tool to clean cache by @foxxyfox - source code available ).
  • sb1254sb1254 Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224946Members
    Same problem here, after playing the most recent update (Castles and Coffee) on the stable build, I was enjoying the game as usual, I had not yet progressed far enough to get to deeply explore any reaper infested biomes, the closest was just visiting the mountain island to see the Sunbeam cut scene. Then later in the game I was traveling across the Grassy Plateaus (heading NE from the shallows to an entrance to Jellyshroom Caves in the middle of the plateaus) when a reaper came charging at me right out of the blue in front of me. I had to veer my seamoth into reverse immediately to avoid it, after trying for a few seconds to grab the seamoth, it gave up and continued traveling across the plateaus at a very fast speed, much faster than I've seen a reaper move before.

    I didn't see the reaper again for about 10 minutes until I was traveling across the safe shallows, it had made a new home there and wrecked my base. I've sent an in game bug report to the devs so hopefully this issue can be resolved soon. I hope some system can be put in place to keep leviathans strictly tied to their biomes, with some sort of "tether" to pull them back in if they wander too far out. It's mostly fine if some of the other animals wander out of their biomes because they can be handled with a repulsion cannon pretty easily, but the reaper (or heaven forbid a Sea Dragon) is so big and massive it can really wreck your game if it wanders into the safe shallows.
  • gntagnta USA Join Date: 2017-02-22 Member: 228140Members
    I know the exact feeling. I was leaving the Aurora when i spotted a Reaper in front of me heading away from me (towards my base) i didn't think anything of it at first and went around instead of just straight toward my base, then when trying 2 leaving my base for resources i noticed the reaper was next 2 my base, also theres a reefback full grown stuck near it 2
  • TheMerricatTheMerricat St. Louis, MO Join Date: 2017-02-02 Member: 227541Members
    The alternative to clearing your cache is that it's key to realize that the creatures (you'll have issues with stalkers, reefbacks and gasopods all trying to hump in the same location as well) are homing in on your lifepod/initial spawn. Not on you or your base.

    Move away from your pod and build a base in a different location ('sides the shallows are a PITA to navigate in the cyclops, so at least move out to the edge of the shallows where there is more depth available and they won't follow you.

    This was fixed in the experimental branch a while back, so hopefully when the next stable update comes out *crosses fingers* Thursday, maybe, the issue will resolve itself (though you'll probably still have to do a cache clear afterwards to reset the guys that already decided to hang out around your pod).

  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    This was fixed in the experimental branch a while back, so hopefully when the next stable update comes out *crosses fingers* Thursday, maybe, the issue will resolve itself (though you'll probably still have to do a cache clear afterwards to reset the guys that already decided to hang out around your pod).

    Always a good idea to cache clear after an update anyways. Sometimes the new terrain (read: precursor bases) doesn't update correctly and stay in a pre-update state. Cache clearing fixes that, as the game has to re-load all world data from the master in \Build18
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