Our prayers have been answered! (creature behavior/research)
U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members

So, to start, a refresher: Do all of you remember, way back in an old thread, when we discussed the behaviors and interactions of all the creatures? You do? Good. One of the topics discussed was the sandshark, and it was suggested how it should actually ambush from the sand instead of just making a general ruckus in the plateaus. We all agreed that that would be AWESOME, and then lamented that it wasn't in the game, and then got back to our lives.
Just now I was playing Subnautica, when I recorded this clip of a sandshark in its natural habitat:
FYI Throughout the duration of both of these videos, I was experiencing the bug that makes you walk along the seafloor like it's dry land. I planned on walking to the mountain island to test a hypothesis, but I ended up dying before I got there... anyways:

Additionally, do you remember people saying how cool it would be if stalkers had a nest for their scrap metal, and/or would actually protect their eggs? Well, have I got a surprise for you there as well!

I'm not sure how long ago the devs added this, or how many people already know about it, but I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! Who knows what else the devs could have added, as well? Has anyone noticed any other new creature behaviors?
Dear devs: I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! Thanks for this amazing game! Thanks a LOT.
Just now I was playing Subnautica, when I recorded this clip of a sandshark in its natural habitat:
FYI Throughout the duration of both of these videos, I was experiencing the bug that makes you walk along the seafloor like it's dry land. I planned on walking to the mountain island to test a hypothesis, but I ended up dying before I got there... anyways:

Additionally, do you remember people saying how cool it would be if stalkers had a nest for their scrap metal, and/or would actually protect their eggs? Well, have I got a surprise for you there as well!

I'm not sure how long ago the devs added this, or how many people already know about it, but I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! Who knows what else the devs could have added, as well? Has anyone noticed any other new creature behaviors?
Dear devs: I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! Thanks for this amazing game! Thanks a LOT.
And so excited for the future. How far do you reckon they can go with this? I hope a hell of a long way.
Also the biters now act as a scavenger and eat dead creature corpses.
fell through the world, had to /kill
Oh yeah... Did you see how fast that thing was going at :20 seconds? I have a friend who just started subnautica, those sanic sandsharks are going to screw him over many times I'm sure!
Hey, you probably noticed it before I did. I'm a little slow on the uptake
Also, especially of note in the second vid is how the stalker stays close to the nest the entire time, except in the beginning when it went out to collect scrap. I think they used to roam more...
I hate to say it, but I think you're reading too much into this "creature behavior".
That's true, I wasn't attacked, but for the duration of those two videos I was
A) in creative mode, so creatures wouldn't attack me
B ) experiencing a bug, which may have altered the game's performance
Additionally, the sandshark chasing after the biter correlates to its predatory nature, though I can only imagine that when it was wiggling about on the cyclops it was just meandering. With the stalker, during the video you can see it attack other animals that get near the "nest." As per the reasons above, it ignored me. However, you can see it attack a bleeder (unsuccessfully) at :29, and then snap up a boomerang that swims too close at :40.
In essence, these behaviors around players have yet to be tested (anyone want to record some survival footage of themselves being mauled?), but it appears that the creatures interact and show complex behavior patterns with each other.
That is true, the sandsharks have always hidden in the sand (to the best of my knowledge). However, in this video, the sandshark is waiting in the sand, as opposed to swimming through it and creating a large sand cloud. We could be talking about the same thing. If you started playing a week ago, it would make sense that you see the same behaviors as here, since you started playing after the most recent update.
When I first started and read how stalkers take metal from your hand instead of attacking you, I tried it and it worked. Maybe the metal is what it likes
[Same stalker came after me when I ran out of metal in my hand and followed me to the lifepod and trashed it
However, since no other animal in the game bothers with the metal salvage or eggs, I don't think it's fair to attribute "protective" behavior to the Stalkers. Until, of course, we see the Stalkers chase off the player when he gets too close to an egg, or chasing him down when he picks one up.
Also, if the creatures won't attack you because you're in creative mode, then claiming the Stalker ignored you because of another animal doesn't quite jive.
The stalker is a little more questionable than the sandshark, as it is harder to confirm a new behavior when it is merely the creature acting in different ways with the actions it has always possessed (getting metal, attacking small fish, etc). These behaviors could be a stalker defending a nest (killing intruding fish, bringing metal back to the same location), or it could be a large amount of circumstances (stalker happened to bring metal back to a place that randomly had a stalker egg + 1 other metal, stalker happened to swim in a tight patrol radius instead of roaming, small fish happened to wander too close). However, the sandshark evidence is more concrete, as I'm sure longtime players can testify to the fact that sandsharks would only dive under the sand to make huge sandclouds, not to sit about idly. That behavior is something entirely new, that could only occur if it had been specifically coded into the game. Does that make sense?
Additionally, I think that it is likely the stalker was displaying nesting behavior. Firstly, it brought back a stalker-related item (metal) to a place that already had two stalker-related items (egg, metal). While this could be a coincidence, it also could be a demonstration of nesting behavior. Secondly, the stalker roamed about in a tight circle around this one specific patch of kelp. Normally, for me, I have seen stalkers wandering around larger areas of land, so this behavior seemed unusual to me. The two behaviors combined seem to indicate some level of nesting behavior. However, as I've already stated, it is not completely certain.
I knew already stalkers gather metal into a pile. The egg may or may not be coincidence, also the tight swimming - maybe it was going after the fish, maybe it got 'stuck'. Maybe it was protecting its metal or whatever... too uncertain from that one vid, therefore as I said needs more observation.
I agree- More observation necessary!
Attention! This is Subnauticambrian, requesting research officers for upcoming creature interaction tests!
Yes, I know that I never finished my last research project. On to the next one! If anyone wants to go out there and document some animal behaviors, please feel free! Vids and screenshots are both welcome, to be posted in this forum. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I feel as though that even if a Dev doesn't directly address a post, they DO in fact take what we suggest and implement them if it is in their power. I also once made a post about having bubbles being emitted whenever a PRAWN would punch, grapple hook or drill because at times it didn't feel like I was underwater. A few days later, on the Trello, I saw this being implemented - I'm not sure whether it was planned or due to my thread, but I'm extremely happy either way haha,
I love you UWE people
I second that!
My hatched monsters are not aggressive at ALL towards me. Even in the ocean.
Possibly a feature for the future??? Wanting to see if this is re-creatable.
Pics for proof: http://imgur.com/a/Oqt4i http://imgur.com/a/5Kgyp
Really? i'll have to test this as well, that would be so awesome if released predators remained passive towards the player!
Time to ditch those traitorous tiger plants, it's time for Sandshark base defense!
Seriously though devs, making tiger plants non-hostile when grown would be great...
because I'm lazy! I actually have done no work but recently I saw in an acitaunbus video that biters now act as proper scavengers and eat the corpses of animals! I have a feeling someone else already told me this, so props to them... but I just now got to see footage of it in the Acitaunbus video. so yeah... another +1 for the devs!
Actually, that would be a vocal minority's wants. The number of people who play but don't participate in the forum, far outweighs the few folks that are dedicated to posting here. But... all the same, always good to know a developer who chooses to interact with the gaming community considers and may implement wants/suggestions.
I'm the original fun sponge, make no mistake about it.
So they listen to the people who actually say stuff.
Makes sense.
Sorry, I was too lazy to actually look through the responses
Ah, you're probably experiencing what @Equinox71 said earlier... I hope to test this out soon!
I really hope grown creatures can remain hostile to other animals, so that you can have base guards that hang around.... By the way, the sandshark is by far my favorite creature, next to the mesmer. I know a lot of people find them annoying, but I just love 'em! Especially with the new ambush behavior, they're now even more dynamic!