PLEASE change the Inventory to get MORE Space

BeckysFootSlaveBeckysFootSlave Germany Join Date: 2016-12-27 Member: 225560Members
Hello Devs,

I have something, just one thing, that is so damn annoying in this really incredible Game: The Inventory!!!
The Inventory is so damn annoying with it's space so I came up with a Idea and hope someone is with me!

Here is a picture to show you what I mean and what I would like to have:


1. As you can see I would like to get rid of some items in the Inventory, first of all the damn knife!
All Divers have their knife mounted on their lower leg but here I have to waste one ItemSlot :/

2. Also a slot on the left lower leg would be super cool for one of the tools (and if it is just a one ItemSlot tool)

3. The tanks! OMG the tanks are wasting 4 item slots and I know that there are double and also triple tanks!
So please let us have up to three tanks in the tank slot of our diver, PLEASE!!! That means we could save 8 ItemSlots!!!)

Just with these three we could save 10 (ten!!!) ItemSlots!

4. The both Slots near the Head! Cmon really? 2 damn slots?!? The Compass takes one, the thermometer takes one, the scanner room chip(s) takes one and a beacon takes one!
WHY not 4 Slots that could be given by a damn diving watch? WHY???
I mean if mankind can build ships like the Aurora then it is far away in the future and we should also be able to get those information from our Watch (that isn't there btw), or am I wrong? (or also our PDA)
Maybe another 4 Slots where I put in the Questionmark and give them also to our not implemented diving watch!

5. PLEASE bc that is the most annoying thing make Items "stackable"!
I really CAN'T understand that Titanium takes one ItemSlot and also TitaniumIngot takes one ItemSlot (the ingot is made of 10x Titanium) so the ingot should use 10 ItemSlots!
Nah, just kidding! I WANT to SAVE space and not WASTE it even more :wink:
PLEASE let such Items be stackable!!! Just up to ten would be amazing! So just a Item in the ItemSlot with a counter that goes up to ten (so if I have collected 7 Titanium I would have a Slot with the Titanium Icon and a little 7 on it)

That's it for the Inventory!

The cyclops:
Please give us 2x Upgrade consoles (one on every side) with 4 UpgradeSlots! The Cyclops is so huge and then just 4 Slots? Also let it dive deeper than 1500m with the highest Upgrade (5000m should be "normal"), and also give the cyclops a sonar and more useful cameralights!!!

The Tanks:
The tanks should also be able to store more breathable air like they do right now!
YES! Again the mankind future thing from above :smiley: So we should also be able to know how to put more air into a diving tank without hurting the diver because of too much pressure!

Anyway, THANK you so much Unknown Worlds for this amazing Game!!! <3<3<3


  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    Although it would be cool to have more options and more options when it comes to inventory, I really don't have a problem with the one we've got now. As it stands, most of the equipment can be upgraded or changed in some way to suit you better later in the game, so I don't see a need for all of this space.

    Inventory management is like the Stockholm Syndrome of video games; it's annoying, but I sit there for hours upon hours sorting everything out. I don't know why, but I kind of like it. So I wouldn't have any major problems if they added something like this, but I wouldn't have any problems if they didn't either.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited January 2017
    5. PLEASE bc that is the most annoying thing make Items "stackable"!
    I really CAN'T understand that Titanium takes one ItemSlot and also TitaniumIngot takes one ItemSlot (the ingot is made of 10x Titanium) so the ingot should use 10 ItemSlots!
    Nah, just kidding! I WANT to SAVE space and not WASTE it even more :wink:
    PLEASE let such Items be stackable!!! Just up to ten would be amazing! So just a Item in the ItemSlot with a counter that goes up to ten (so if I have collected 7 Titanium I would have a Slot with the Titanium Icon and a little 7 on it)

    This could be easily solved by lettings us fabricate either 4 Titanium from Scrap Metal, OR 10 Titanium from 1 Titanium ingot (so break the ingot down again).
  • omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    This could be easily solved by lettings us fabricate either 4 Titanium from Scrap Metal, OR 10 Titanium from 1 Titanium ingot (so break the ingot down again).

    you mean something like recycling system? i like that idea, you can use that system for storage more titanium converting it on ingots an reverting them on single pieces

    so, i'd love to scrap that rusty bases to make some resources or repair them on a future, that would be awesome
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    3. The tanks! OMG the tanks are wasting 4 item slots and I know that there are double and also triple tanks!
    So please let us have up to three tanks in the tank slot of our diver, PLEASE!!! That means we could save 8 ItemSlots!!!)

    Just with these three we could save 10 (ten!!!) ItemSlots!

    4. The both Slots near the Head! Cmon really? 2 damn slots?!? The Compass takes one, the thermometer takes one, the scanner room chip(s) takes one and a beacon takes one!
    WHY not 4 Slots that could be given by a damn diving watch? WHY???
    I mean if mankind can build ships like the Aurora then it is far away in the future and we should also be able to get those information from our Watch (that isn't there btw), or am I wrong? (or also our PDA)
    Maybe another 4 Slots where I put in the Questionmark and give them also to our not implemented diving watch!

    The cyclops:
    Please give us 2x Upgrade consoles (one on every side) with 4 UpgradeSlots! The Cyclops is so huge and then just 4 Slots? Also let it dive deeper than 1500m with the highest Upgrade (5000m should be "normal"), and also give the cyclops a sonar and more useful cameralights!!!

    I don't agree with anything you've suggested (other than a means to keep track of time), but for the most part that's just a difference of opinion. These three stand out to me as things I could actually say something worthwhile about.

    3.) The space tanks take in your inventory is one of the two prices you pay for the extra breathe time. If you don't want them, don't have them and use something else, like pipes or the time profit gained by the seaglide. Those things don't exist for nothing. It used to be several updates ago that UWE experimented with only allowing you one tank (which had double the current content), but people complained so they changed it back on the argument that "the player could exchange them" and then were kind enough not to force us to actually physically exchange them. As well, air tanks weigh you down. It would be more than a little unfair to coax people into stacking up on tanks when there is such a drawback.

    4.) You're in luck! Currently, UWE is reworking the signal system into a ping system that has no physical components. Experimental already enjoys it, Stable likely gets it the 24th. So, you won't have to reserve a signal spot on your helmet anymore soon. This leaves us with the compass, thermometer, HUD chip (singular, the others are scanner upgrades), not accounting for future additions. Again, like with the tanks, it's not about working towards an ultimate getup, but choosing from the offered options what works best for you. The thermometer and HUD are specialized chips you don't need all the time and with the map being static there'll come a time the compass loses its usefulness completely.

    Cyclops.) There's a Chelonian Hull Reinforcement Module in the game's code that is supposed to let the Cyclops reach 3300 meter. When and if it will be implemented is currently unknown, although I am confused it isn't implemented already. The game world only goes to 1700 meter and just those 200 meter the Cyclops can't reach are weird. Unless it's to avoid making people think the world is deeper than 1700 meter. Anyway, the Cyclops will get some more work done in February when Silent Running is set to be implemented. I'm hoping some QoL updates will get swept along. More upgrade consoles is probs not going to happen for what I've said above about the helmet and for what also goes for the other vehicles: you have to make choices. You can choose something different at any time, but there's no ultimate final form.
  • NachoboyNachoboy Join Date: 2016-12-30 Member: 225727Members
    There is no need for more oxygen. Late game you should already have upgraded tanks and re breather (radiation helmet is useless) giving you an entire minute underwater per tank. If you can't get O2 that late in the game after almost 4 minutes (if you like carrying that many tanks, i don't) then you're not playing the game correctly. You should, at that point, have vehicles docked nearby. I almost never need to carry more than the O2 tank on my back specifically because it slows you down quite a bit and the vehicles are too much of a staple to leave at home. The only time i'll carry another tank is if im exploring a wreck, even in that case, i'll just being the seaglide for huge movement speed.

    The issue Borderlans: Pre Sequel had with O2 is it didn't feel like the O2 supply was scary to run out. You lose health until you recover the O2 then you're magically fine and back to the health you had before. If you increase the O2 capacity, subanutica will feel... too easy. A HUGE part of the game is managing O2 and judging if you can spend the extra 10 seconds underwater or start heading up. Maybe in the future they'll add another type of tank that holds 90 and slows you down a tad more, but for now the current numbers work as is and work VERY well. If you can't manage your O2, build more tanks. If you feel like you're too slow, ditch some items and a tank for a seaglide and keep a vehicle nearby. If you're still having issues, then stop deep sea diving and use a vehicle! (you know, since they're designed for deep sea exploration while your body is not).
    Sorry for the ramble ^_^
  • BeckysFootSlaveBeckysFootSlave Germany Join Date: 2016-12-27 Member: 225560Members
    @nachoboy that wasn't a ramble that is a useful post for me that will help me alot!
  • smellslikebleachsmellslikebleach Join Date: 2016-12-22 Member: 225337Members
    Except for the oxygen tank suggestion I like the Idea of have more specific slots for special equipment. A kind of watch would be cool to deal with the signals, future map function, warning or fuel information. Tools in use should be in an extra slot at the paper doll interface. Other tools in the inventory.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    As long as we have to craft stuff to expand our inventory.
    So like lemme craft the diving watch
    Lemme craft the Double and Triple air tanks.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Nachoboy wrote: »
    (radiation helmet is useless)

    Supposedly you'll need it to handle Uranium.
  • time4nothingtime4nothing Canada Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227127Members
    I would like to throw in my 2 cents about the tanks...

    Having 1 inventory slot for tanks doesn't make sense to me. If you can use tanks in your inventory, then why have slots at all? To save space in your inventory, right? So why not save more space with more tank slots?

    I think they should choose, more tank slots and not being able to use tanks not in a slot, or just doing away with the slot and using tanks in inventory. One or the other, not a wierd combination of both...

    Just my thoughts.
  • BeckysFootSlaveBeckysFootSlave Germany Join Date: 2016-12-27 Member: 225560Members
    I would like to throw in my 2 cents about the tanks...

    Having 1 inventory slot for tanks doesn't make sense to me. If you can use tanks in your inventory, then why have slots at all? To save space in your inventory, right? So why not save more space with more tank slots?

    I think they should choose, more tank slots and not being able to use tanks not in a slot, or just doing away with the slot and using tanks in inventory. One or the other, not a wierd combination of both...

    Just my thoughts.

    Well, I didn't say that they shouldn't use inventory space or like you said one inventory slot, because it doesn't make sense (you mentioned it)

    In case of the tanks: they should still be 4x4 (no changes), so one is on the diver-doll and both others in inventory using each 4x4, but if you move it to the "tank slot" they stack and the icon is the double tank!
    If you also do it with the third it will even be stacked to change the icon to a triple tank and in that example get 8x8 slots free!
    But I have to say your idea is also incredible to make three slots at the divers back where you can just put one tank maybe up to three!
  • time4nothingtime4nothing Canada Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227127Members
    One slot with a 2 or 3 tank icon would only work if all tanks are the same type. With multiple slots you would be able to mix the tank types. It would also limit the max amount of air you can get as it does when inventory slots are used, if you could only get air from the tank slots.
  • BeckysFootSlaveBeckysFootSlave Germany Join Date: 2016-12-27 Member: 225560Members
    Yeah I like your suggestion with the tank-slots, because it would decrease inventory slot using!

    Wow, 2 highpressure tanks and a plasteel on top :smiley:
    Really nice, really nice!

    And one slot (just one) shouldn't "waste" the Inv and that is the knife that really should be mounted on the lower leg!
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
  • BeckysFootSlaveBeckysFootSlave Germany Join Date: 2016-12-27 Member: 225560Members
    Crazy images, but I think 3 slots are enough!
    If you take more than 3 then they take place in the inventory!
  • time4nothingtime4nothing Canada Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227127Members
    Perhaps a craftable harness to allow the multiple tanks would be good...
  • yungmewyungmew United States, California Join Date: 2016-12-24 Member: 225432Members
    The O2 Tank slot is a factor on how fast you move without a seaglide. Having a normal O2 tank slows you alot already, and you want to carry more and slow down even more?
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    yungmew wrote: »
    The O2 Tank slot is a factor on how fast you move without a seaglide. Having a normal O2 tank slows you alot already, and you want to carry more and slow down even more?

    You can already do this and it does indeed slow you down (hence lightweight plasteel tanks in the item modification station), the issue is the inventory space.You can stack up 7 tanks but then you can barely carry your tools + like 5 items or whatever and you swim really really slow. Good for thoroughly exploring big wrecks in one go, though.
  • FrustratedFrustrated Join Date: 2016-11-04 Member: 223643Members
    erm, I carry a 3 hi-capacity and a light-weight one for 255 O2 as standard :D And the seaglide.
    I only notice a difference if I swap the light one for another hi-cap.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Frustrated wrote: »
    erm, I carry a 3 hi-capacity and a light-weight one for 255 O2 as standard :D And the seaglide.
    I only notice a difference if I swap the light one for another hi-cap.

    Probably because you use the SeaGlide, my guess anyways.
  • margifishmargifish North Carolina Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216796Members
    I'm okay with tanks and other equipment taking up space in the inventory. But what REALLY bugs me is that things like a titanium ingot takes up only 1 space in the inventory, but a piece of fruit or a plant sample takes up at least 4 >_<
  • NewAgeRevolutionNewAgeRevolution California Join Date: 2017-02-06 Member: 227658Members
    1st: you spelled inventory wrong
    2nd: is that the transfuser? how'd you get that?
    3rd: why not have 5 slots for things you could equip in your hands? this would be super useful for taking around things like the propulsion & repulsion cannon, the stasis rifle (all of which take up 4 slots) and ESPECIALLY the sea glide, which takes up a mighty and impractical 9 slots! then you can eliminate the leg slots
    4th: the ? box should be used for putting in co-ordinates such as the ones you get from the communication relay to the islands and the life pods. could also be useful if the developers put in more of these such co-ordinates that could lead to precursor bases and stuff
    5th: there should be more upgrades for the diving tank, rather than the ability to stack up to 3 tanks
    6th: stackables are a great idea, with some items (like titanium) being stackable and other items (like titanium ingots) not being stackable. although if they were to do that they might have to take out items that would take up more than 1-maybe 4 slots altogether and make them unstackable, ala Minecraft
    7th: there should be "backpack" upgrades and equipment that could expand/modify your inventory
    8th: great post and a great idea!
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